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Will of Joseph Canter

Connie Knipp

I Joseph E. Canter of Washington County, Virginia being of sound mind and memory do hereby make and declare this to be my last and only Will.

I hereby give and bequeath unto Francis Jackson the sum of twenty five dollars unto Nannie White the sum of twenty five dollars unto my sister Mary Canter the sum of twenty five dollars unto my brother James H. Canter the sum of five dollars. The above bequests to be paid from the proceeds that may be derived from the sale of a small tract of land adjoining the land of Albert Pippin Isaac Canter and others. I hereby give and bequeath unto my wife Mary Elizabeth Canter the residue that may remain after the above bequests are paid and all my personal property.

I hereby appoint my wife Mary E. Canter Executor of my Estate without bond.

Joseph E x Canter

Witness: S.W. Roberts
Witness: S. J. Rock

Virginia: In the clerk’s office of the Circuit Court for Washington County on the ?? day of May, 1919, before the Clerk of said Court.

A writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Joseph E. Canter, deceased was this day produced before the clerk of the said Court, in his office and said writing and signature thereto was proven by the oath of S.W. Roberts one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and the due attestation of S.J. Rock the other subscribing witness ?? was proven by the oath of said S.W. Roberts. It is therefore ordered that the said writing be and the same is recorded as and for the true last will and testament of the said Joseph E. Canter, deceased.

(signed) S. A. Summers

Deputy Clerk


Joseph Canter Born May 1858 age 42, VVV married 2 yrs., wife Elizabeth born Jan. 1865 age 35. 0 children born 0 living, Sarah Stewart, mother-in-law born Dec. 1843 age 56 married 36 yrs. 10 children born, 7 living, Leander Stewart, brother-in-law born March 1877 age 23, single. Mary E. Canter, Executrix, Mary E. Canter Executrix of Joseph E. Canter, dec’d of in account with said estate.

Joseph E. Canter, deceased, 1919

Virginia, Washington County, to wit:

I, John W. Neal Commissioner of Accounts of the Circuit Court for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do certify that after posting of notice I proceeded to ?? settlement of the account of Mary E. Canter, Extrix of Joseph E. Canter, deceased and finding foregoing to be a correct statement of same. The account is closed.

Given under my hand this the 20th day of August 1919.

John W. Neal, Commissioner of Accounts.

At a Circuit Court continued and held for Washington County at the Court House thereof, on Friday the 16th day of April, 1920.

The Honorable Preston W. Campbell, Judge, Presiding,

The following settlements of accounts of Mary E. Canter, Extr’s of Joseph E. Canter, having been filed in the Clerk’s Office for more than one month and to which there are no exceptions, were examined by the Court, found to be correct, and they are accordingly confirmed ordered to be recorded.

Teste: (Signed) P.J. Davenport (?)
