U.S. Warships of the Spanish American War
United States Ships
Taken from Beck, Henry Houghton’s Cuba’s Fight for Freedom and the War with Spain, published by Globe Bible Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1898.
The following is a complete list of the effective ships of the United States Navy, at the outbreak of the war, including some of those purchased at that time:
North Atlantic Squadron.
Rear-Admiral William T. Sampson Commanding.
Cruiser New-York (flagship), Captain French E. Chadwick. Steel armored cruiser, 8,480 tons; I 7.400 horse-power; 21 knots speed. Armament- -Six 8-inch breech-loading rifles, twelve 4 -inch rapid-flre guns, eight 6-pounder, four 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and four Gatling guns.
Iowa, Captain Robley D. Evans. Steel seagoing battleship, 11,296 tons: 11,000 horse-power; 16 knots speed. Armament-Four 12-inch breech- loading rifles, eight 8-inch breech loading rifles, six 4-inch rapid-fire guns, twenty 6-pounder and six 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and four Gatling guns.
Indiana, Captain Henry C. Taylor. Steel coast-line battleship, 10,288 tons; 9,000 horse-power; 15 knots speed. Armament–Four 13-inch breech-loading rifles, eight 8-inch breech-loading rifles, four 6-inch rapid-fire guns, twenty 6-pounder and six 1-pounder rapid-fire and four Gatlings.
Puritan, Captain Purnell F. Harrington. Iron, low-freeboard coast-defence monitor; 6,000 tons; 3,700 horse-power; 12 knots speed. Armament-Four 12-inch breech-loading rifles, six 4-inch rapid-fire guns, four 3-pounder rapid-fire guns, four 37mm. Hotchkiss revolving cannon and four Gatlings.
Terror, Captain Nicholl Ludlow. Iron, low-freeboard coast-defence monitor, 3,990 tons; 3,000 horse-power; 10 knots speed. Armament-Four 10-inch breech-loading rifles, two 6-pounder and two 3-pounder rapid-fire guns, two 37mm Hotchkiss revolving cannon and four Gatlings.
Cincinnati, Captain Colby M. Chester. Protected cruiser, 3,183 tons; 10,000 horse-power; 19 knots speed. Armament-Ten 5-inch and one 6-inch rapid-fire guns, eight 6-pounder and four 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and two Gatlings.
Detroit, Commander John H. Dayton. Cruiser, 2,000 tons; 5,200 horse-power; 18 knots speed. Armament-Eight-inch and two 6-inch rapid-fire guns, six 6-pounder and two11-pounder rapid-fire guns and two Gatlings.
Montgomery, Commander George A. Converse. Description identical with that of the Detroit.
Marblehead, Commander Bowman H. McCalla. Description same as Detroit.
Dolphin, Commander Henry W. Lyon. Dispatch-boat, 1,485 tons; 2,240 horse-power; 15 knots speed. Armament-Two 4-inch and two 6-pounder rapid-fire guns, two 37mm. Hotchkiss revolving cannon and two Gatlings.
Wilmington, Commander Chapman C. Todd. Sheathed cruiser, 1,392 tons; 1,600 horse-power; 13 knots speed. Armament-Eight 4-inch, six 6-pounder and two 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and two Gatlings.
Helena, Commander William T. Swinburne. Cruiser, 1,392 tons; 1,600 horse-power; 13 knots speed. Armament-Same as Wilmington.
Nashville, Commander Washburn Maynard. Cruiser, 1,371 tons; 1,790 horse-power; 14 knots speed. Armament-Eight 4-inch, four 6-pounder and two 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and two Gatlings.
Castine, Commander Robert M. Berry. Gunboat, 1,177 tons, 2,186 horse-power; 16 knots speed. Armament–Eight 4-inch, four 6-pounder and two 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and two Gatlings.
Machias, Commander John F. Merry. Description same as Castine.
Vicksburg, Commander A. B. H. Lillie. Gunboat, 1,000 tons; 850 horse-power; 12 knots speed. Armament-Six 4-inch, four 6-pounder, two 1-pounder and one 3-pounder rapid-fire guns.
Newport, Commander Benjamin F. Tilley. Description same as Vicksburg.
Vesuvius, Lieutenant-Commander John E. Pillsbury. Dynamite cruiser, 930 tons; 3,794 horse-power; 22 knots speed. Armament-Three 15-inch dynamite guns and three 3-pounder rapid-fire guns.
Fern, Lieutenant-Commander William F. Cowles. Dispatch-boat, formerly in service between navy yards as transport steamer, 840 tons. Armament-Two 3-pounder and two 1-pounder rapid-fire guns.
Cushing, Lieutenant Albert Gleaves. Torpedo-boat, 165 tons; I ,720 horse-power; 22 knots speed. Armament-Three torpedo tubes and two 3-pounder rapid-fire guns.
Ericsson, Lieutenant-Commander Nathaniel R. Usher. Torpedo-boat, 120 tons; 1,800 horse-power; 24 knots speed. Armament-Three torpedo tubes and four 1-pounder rapid-fire guns.
Rodgers, Lieutenant Joseph L. Jayne. Torpedo-boat, 142 tons; 2,000 horse-power; 27 knots speed. Armament-Three torpedo tubes and four 1-pounder rapid-fire guns.
Winslow–Lieutenant John L. Bernadou. Description same as Rodgers.
Foote, Lieutenant William L. Rodgers. Description same as Rodgers.
Porter, Lieutenant John C. Fremont. Torpedo-boat, 185 tons; 3,500 horse-power; 27 knots speed. Armament–Three torpedo tubes and three 1-pounder rapid-fire guns.
Dupont, Lieutenant Spencer S. Wood (flag-ship of torpedo floti1la). Description same as Porter.
Flying Squadron
Commodore Winfield Scott Schley, Commanding.
Brooklyn, Captain Francis A. Cook (flag-ship). Steel armored cruiser, 11,296 tons; 1,000 horse-power; 16 knots speed. Armament-Four 12-inch breech-loading rifles, eight 8-inch and six 4-inch breech-loading rifles, twenty 6-pounder and six 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and four Gatlings.
Massachusetts, Captain Francis J. Higginson. Steel coast-line battleship, 10,288 tons; 9,000 horse-power; 15 knots speed. Armament -Four 13-inch breech-loading rifles, eight 8-inch breech-loading rifles, four 6-inch breech-loading rifles, twenty 6-pounder and six 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and four Gatlings.
Columbia, Captain James H. Sands. Protected cruiser, 7,350 tons; 21,000 horse power; 21 knots speed. Armament-One 8-inch breech-loading rifle, two 6-inch and eight 4-inch rapid-fire guns, twelve 6-pounder, four 1-pounder and four Gatlings.
Minneapolis, Captain Theodore F. JewelI. Description same as Columbia.
Texas, Captain John W. Phillip. Steel armored battleship, 6,300 tons; 8,000 horse-power; 17 knots speed. Armament-Two 12-inch breech-loading rifles, six 6-inch breech-loading rifles, twelve 6-pounder, two 3-pounder, four 37mm Hotchkiss revolving cannon and two Gatlings.
Katahdin, Commander G. F. F. Wilde. Steel harbor-defence ram, 2,183 tons; 4,800 horse-power, 15 knots speed. Deck armament-Four 6-pounder rapid-fire guns.
Pacific Station.
Rear-Admiral Joseph N. Miller, Commanding.
Oregon, Captain Charles E. Clark. Steel coast-line battleship, 10,288 tons, 9,000 horse-power; 15 knots speed. Armament-Four 13-inch breech-loading rifles, eight 8-inch and four 6-inch breech-loading rifles, twenty 6-pounder and six 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and four Gatlings.
Monterey, captain not assigned. Steel, low-freeboard coast-defence monitor, 4,000 tons; 5,000 horse-power; 13 knots speed. Armament–Two13-inch and two 10-inch breech-loading rifles, six 6-pounder and four 1-pounder and two Gatlings.
Monadnock, Captain William H. Whiting. Iron low-freeboard coast-defence monitor, 3,900 tons, 3,000 horse-power; 14 knots speed. Armament-Four 10-inch breech-loading rifles, two 4-inch rapid fire guns, two 6-pounder and two 3-pounder and two 37mm. Hotchkiss revolving cannon.
Bennington, Commander Henry E. Nichols. Cruiser, 1,750 tons; 3,500 horse-power; 17 knots speed. Armament-Six 6-inch breech loading rifles, two 6-pounder, two 3-pounder and one 1-pounder rapid-fire guns, two 37mm. Hotchkiss cannon and two Gatlings.
Marietta, Captain Frederick M. Symonds. Gunboat, 1,200 tons; 850 horse-power; 12 knots speed. Armament–Six 4-inch, four 6-pounder, two 1-pounder and one 3-pounder and two Gatlings.
Alert, Commander E. H. C. Leutze. Gunboat, 1,020 tons; 365 horse-power; 10 knots speed. Armament, four guns.
Asiatic Station.
Commodore George Dewey, Commanding.
Olympia, Captain Charles V. Gridley. Protected cruiser, 5,500 tons; 13,500 horse-power; 20 knots speed. Armament-Four 8-inch breech-loading rifles, ten 5-inch rapid-fire guns, fourteen 6-pounder, six i-pounder and four Gatlings.
Baltimore, Captain Nehemiah M. Dyer. Protected cruiser, 4,600 tons; 10,000 horse-power; 19 knots speed. Armament-Four 8-inch and six 6-inch breech-loading rifles, four 6-pounder, two 3-pounder and two1-pounder guns, four 37mm. Hotchkiss cannon and two Gatlings.
Raleigh, Commander Joseph B. Coghian. Protected cruiser, 3,183 tons; 10,000 horse-power; 19 knots speed. Armament–One 6-inch and ten 5-inch rapid-fire guns, eight 6-pounder, four 1- pounder and two Gatlings.
Boston, Commander Benjamin P. Lamberton. Protected cruiser, 3,189 tons; 4,030 horse-power; 15 knots speed. Armament-Two 8-inch and six 6-inch breech-loading rifles, two 6-pounder, two 3-pounder and two 1-pounder rapid-fire guns, four Hotchkiss cannon and two Gatlings.
Concord, Commander Asa Walker. Gun-boat, 1,700 tons; 3,405 horse-power; 16 knots speed. Armament-Six 6-inch breech-loading rifles, two 6-pounder, two 3-pounder, one 1- pounder rapid-fire guns, two 37mm. Hotchkiss cannon and two Gatlings.
Petrel, Commander Edward P. Wood. Gunboat, 890 tons; 1,513 horse-power; 11 knots speed. Armament–Four 6-inch breech-loading rifles, two 3-pounder, one 1-pounder rapid-fire guns, two 37mm. Hotchkiss cannon and two Gatlings.
Monocacy, Commander Oscar W. Farenholt. Wooden corvette, 1,370 tons; 850 horse-power; 11 knots speed. Armament-Two 60-pounder breech-loading rifles, four 8-inch smooth-bore guns, two small guns, eight Hotchkiss cannon and one Gatling.
San Francisco, Captain Richard P. Leary. Protected cruiser, 4,083 tons; 10,400 horse-power; 20 knots speed. Armament–Twelve 6-inch breech loading rifles, four 6-pounder, four 3-pounder, two 1-pounder rapid-fire guns, three 37mm. Hotchkiss cannon and four Gatlings.
Bancroft, Commander J. V. B. Bleecker. Cadet-training ship, 832 tons; 1,213 horse-power; 14 knots speed. Armament–Four 4-inch, two 6-pounder, two 3-pounder, one 1-pounder rapid-fire guns, one 37mm Hotchkiss cannon and one Gatling.
New Orleans, Captain W. M. Folger. Cruiser, steel-sheathed, 3,600 tons; 7,500 horse-power; 20 knots speed. Armament-Six 6-inch, four 4.7-inch, ten 6-pounder, four 1-pounder rapid fire guns and four machine guns. Built in 1896 at Elswick, England. (Formerly Brazilian cruiser Amazonas.)
Gwin, Lieutenant Clarence S. Williams. Torpedo-boat.
Talbot, Lieutenant William R. Shoemaker. Torpedo-boat.
Special Service.
Wheeling, Lieutenant-Commander Uriel Sebree. Cruiser, steel sheathed, 1,200 tons, 850 horse- power, 12 knots speed. Armament-Six 4-inch, four 6-pounder, one 3-pounder and two 1-pound rapid-fire guns, one 37mm Hotchkiss cannon and 1 Gatling.
Miantonomoh, Captain Mortimer L. Johnson. Iron, low-freeboard, coast-defense monitor, 4,000 tons, 1,426 horse-power, 10 knots speed. Armament-Four 10-inch breech~loading rifles, two 6-pounder, two 3-pounder and one 1-pounder rapid-fire guns.
Pensacola, Captain Henry Glass. Wooden frigate, 3,000 tons, 68o horse-power, 9 knots speed.
Catskill, Lieutenant M. F. Hall. Low-free-board, single turret monitor, 1,875 tons, 340 horse- power, 5 knots speed. Armament-Two 15-inch smooth-bore guns.
Montauk, Commander Edward T. Strong. Description same as Catskill.
Passaic, Lieutenant Francis H. Sherman. Description same as Catskill.
Jason, Lieutenant F. H. Fickbohm. Description similar to Catskill.
Lehigh, Lieutenant Robert G. Peck. Description same as Jason.
Nahant, Lieutenant Clayton S. Richman. Description similar to Catskill.
Canonicus, commander not appointed. Description same as Nahant.
Mahopac, Commander not appointed. Description similar to Catskill.
Manhattan, commander not appointed. Description same as Tahopac.
Nantucket, commander not appointed. Description similar to Catskill.
Training Ships
Constellation, Commander John McGowan. Ship, 1,186 tons; sail power. Armament–Eight 8-inch smooth-bore guns, two 20-pounder breech-loading rifles, two smaller guns and four 37 mm. Hotchkiss cannon.
Alliance, Commander Albert Ross. Bark, 1,500 tons; 550 horse-power; 9 knots speed. Armament-Four 4-inch, two 6-pounder, two 3-pounder, one 1-pounder rapid-fire guns and one Gatling.
Adams, Commander William C. Gibson. Bark. Description similar to Alliance.
Mohican, Commander George M. Book. Bark, 1,900 tons; 613 horse-power; 10 knots speed. Armament–Eight 9-inch smooth-bore guns, one 8-inch muzzle-loading rifle, one 6o-pounder, one 20-pounder, one 3-inch breech-loading rifle, two 37mm Hotchkiss cannon and one Gatling.
Auxiliary Fleet.
Yankee, Commander Willard H. Brownson. Cruiser; 4,659 tons; 15 knots speed. Armament-Four 5-inch breech4oading rifles, smaller guns not decided on.
Dixie, Commander Charles H. Description same as Yankee.
Prairie, Commander Charles J. Train. Description same as Yankee.
Yosemite, Commander William H. Emory. Description same as Yankee.
St. Paul, Captain Charles D. Sigsbee. Cruiser, 11,629 tons; 21 knots speed. Armament not decided on.
St. Louis, Captain Caspar F. Goodrich. Description same as St. Paul.
Panther, Commander George C. Reiter. Cruiser, 2,843 tons; 16 knots speed. Armament not decided on.
Badger, Captain Albert S. Snow.
Resolute, Commander Joseph C. Eaton.
Beside these there were many revenue cutters fitted up for service as dispatch boats and torpedo gunboats, a number of swift yachts for like service, tugs, colliers, etc.
These photographs were obtained from Our County At War; The Heroic Deeds of Admiral Dewey and Battles in the Philippines and Cuba’s Fight for Freedom and the War With Spain. These books were published in 1898-9, and the copyrights have therefore expired, and are in the public domain.
Photographs are presented below of ships of the Spanish American War era, however, nothing regarding the specifications on these vessels has been found.
The U.S.S. Atlanta; and The U.S.S. Chicago
Selected Photos of Naval Ships from the Inter-War Period (1919-1940)
The U.S.S. Altair Image 1
The U.S.S. Altair Image 2
Petty Officer Casimir Shulz and group of Naval Officers
