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Minutes of Stony Fork Baptist Association

Watauga County, N.C.

November the 9th, 1860 and days following.


The Churches at Buffalo Cove, Cool Spring, Elk, Stony Fork, and Yellow Hill, formerly belonging to different Associations, met by their respective delegates in conference at the Stony Fork Church, November 9th, 1860.

The meeting was arranged by appointing Elder Larkin Hodges, Moderator, and Bro. Elijah Trivett, Clerk.

On motion, invitation was given to visiting brethern: when brn. J. Barnes and W. F. Fairchilds accepted the invitation, took seats with us and aided in council.

On motion, authorized the Moderator to make all temporary appointments, during this session.

On motion, appointed Elder F. P. Carlton and brn. Jesse Brown and James Watson with the Moderator and Clerk, a Committee to arrange the business of the meeting, ready for to-morrow.

Adjourned to 10 o’clock tomorrow. Prayer by Elder F. P. Carlton.

Saturday, November 10th, 1860

Met according to adjournment. After prayer by the Moderator, proceeded to business.

  1. Called on the Committee of Arrangement for report; who reported satisfactorily and was discharged.
  2. On motion, appointed brn. L. Pipes, J. Pipes and Calvin Carlton, a Committee of Finance, who reported they had received from the churches $5.75; from br. J. Barnes 25 cents, total $6.00.
  3. On motion, appointed Brn. Jesse Pipes, J. Brown, J. Watson and Calvin Carlton, a Committee on devotional exercise, who reported for tomorrow:
    1. L. Pipes;
    2. L. Hodges;
    3. F. P. Carlton;
    4. John Barnes.
  4. Appointed Union Meetings, as follows: One with the Cool Spring Church, to commence on Friday before the first Saturday in August next; Elders L. Hodges, L. Pipes and br. John Barnes, with their pastor to attend. One with the Buffalo Cove church, to commence on Friday before the 3rd Saturday in August next; Elders F. P. Carlton, L. Hodges, L. Pipes, and bro. John Barnes to attend.
  5. Appointed the Clerk to superintend the printing of the Minutes, and have two hundred copies of the proceedings of this meeting struck and distributed according to contribution.
  6. Appointed our next Association to be held with the Stony Fork church, Watauga County, N.C., 2 miles East of Deep Gap of the Blue Ridge, to commence on Friday before the 4th Lord’s Day in August, 1861. Appointed Elder L. Pipes to deliver the introductory sermon; L. Hodges his alternate.
  7. Took up the Constitution, as follows.
  8. Rules of Decorum
  9. Abstract of Principles.
  10. Resolved, That the thanks of this Association be tendered to the brethern and friends of this vicinity, for their hospitality manifested towards us during this Association.
  11. On motion, adjourned to time and place appointed.–

Prayer by Elder L. Pipes.

Elijah Trivitt, Clerk

Abstract of Principles

  1. We believe in one only true and living God, and that there are three persons in the God head, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and that these three are one.
  2. We believe that the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice.
  3. We believe in the impotency of man to recover himself from the fallen state which he is in, by his own ability.
  4. We believe that salvation is only by grace through faither in our Lord Jesus Christ.
  5. We believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances instituted by Jesus Christ, and should be practiced by all true believers.
  6. We believe that the only true mode of baptism is by immersion, and that true believers are the only subjects.
  7. We believe in the final perseverance of the saints in grace to glory.
  8. We believe in the resurrection of the dead and general judgment.
  9. We believe that the happiness of the righteous, and the punishment of the unrighteous, will both be eternal.