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St. Clair’s Bottom Primitive Baptist Church Covenant

The St. Clair’s Bottom Primitive Baptist Church, established according to most reliable sources in 1791, established this church covenant.

A Covenant

We, whose names are here subscribed, voluntarily agree to join together in a Gospel Church relation and fellowship, hoping our Lord through the riches of his grave has enabled us to give ourselves to Him and to one another as in 2 Cor 8:5 as a Church of Christ, do agree to adopt to ourselves a Covenant as in Joshua 24:25, 2 Kings 23:2, 3; 2nd Chroni 15:12; Nehe 9:38; Jer. 50:5, etc.

We believe it to be the duty and necessary for the peace and comfort and well being of us as a Church and as such do jointly agree to subscribe the following articles:

  1. We agree to adopt to ourselves a confession of Faith;
  2. Discipline
  3. Rules of Decorum
  4. We agree to meet as a Church once en each month and oftener if need by and duly to fill our places respectively in the House of God unless providentially prevented not forsaking the assembling of our sleves together in Hebr. 10:24, 25.
  5. We agree to not forsake or part from one another without regular dismissal.
  6. We promise by Divine assistance in the Spirit of meekness and love to watch over each other and to exhort one another to admonish and reprove one another and if need be to provoke to love and good words, laying aside foolish talk and jesting and all such conversations and conduct that is contrary to Godliness as in Ecles. 5:4 and elsewhere, to bear with each other infirmities with tenderness not discovering them to any out of or in the Church but by gospel order, endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace, Eph. 4:3
  7. We agree not to take on ourselves any dignity or office either ecclesiastic, civil, or military till called on or approbated by the Church.
  8. We agree to contribute according to our several abilities to defray the necessary expenses of the Church.
  9. We covenant to walk in all the ordinance of the Gospel and to attend to every duty both public and private as to the word of the Lord directs sofar as God may be please to enable us and to submit ourselves to the government and discipline of this Church as a part of Christ’s mystical body.

Done and signed by order of the Church,

Eld. A. Rouse, Mod.
J. R. Dinkins, Clerk