AJPorter.jpg278 viewsThis photo is labeled A. J. Porter, and I believe this is Andrew Porter, b. 1870, son of David H. Porter and Nancy Rosenbaum. Courtey of Amy Bazar.
brownlow.jpg219 viewsNative of Wythe County, Virginia, Parson Brownlow made his mark on history as firely abolitionist Methodist minister in Knoxville, Tennessee; and reconstruction governor of Tennessee.
CopenhaverReunion.jpg346 viewsThis picture was labeled Copenhaver Reunion. I don’t know all the people here or what year this was taken. I have been able to identify my great great grandparents, Harvey King and Amanda Copenhaver. Amanda Copenhaver died in 1938, and she was ill for a number of years before that, so I believe this picture is from the 1910’s or 1920’s. Courtesy of Amy Bazar abazar2151@charter.net
davidreedPorter.jpg244 viewsDavid Reed Porter (born 1878, died 1925). Son of David Hounshell Porter and Nancy Rosenbaum. He served in the Spanish American War. Courtesy of Amy Bazar abazar2151@charter.net
EphraimCopenhaver.jpg256 viewsEphraim Copenhaver, born 1823, died 1898, married to Regina Phillippi. He was the son of John Copenhaver and Rebecca Kegley. Courtesy of Amy Bazar abazar2151@charter.net
Epraim&ReginaCopenhaver.jpg264 viewsEphraim and Regina Copenhaver. They were married in 1845. Courtesy of Amy Bazar abazar2151@charter.net
gayPorter2.jpg261 viewsGay King Porter (born 1878, died 1965), daughter of Harvey W. King and Amanda Copenhaver. Courtesy of Amy Bazar abazar2151@charter.net
grahamjohnt.jpg250 viewsPhysician, and delegate to the Virginia House of Delegates from Wythe County, VA. Son of Thompson Sayers Graham on May 18, 1864 in Draper Valley, Pulaski County, VA. Photo ca. 1922.
grubbws.jpg308 viewsThis circa 1910 photo is backmarked Wytheville, Va. Further identification would be appreciated.
harveyKing&wife.jpg348 viewsArticle in the newspaper for Harvey King and his wife Amanda Copenhaver’s 70th Wedding Anniversary. Harvey King was born in 1845, and died in 1944. He was the last surviving confederate soldier in Wythe County, and was the son of John King and Polly Vaught. Amanda Copenhaver was born in 1849, and died in 1938. She was the daughter of Ephraim Copenhaver and Regina Phillipi. Courtesy of Amy Bazar abazar2151@charter.net
heuserhm.jpg232 viewsBorn Feb. 28, 1867, in Wytheville, Virginia, son of Guido A. Heuser. Attorney at Wytheville. Photo from 1929.
johnsonrp.jpg261 viewsWytheville manufacturer, R. P. Johnson is shown in this 1922 photograph. His company, styled Foote & Johnson made wagons, carts and other heavy farm machinery. He was born November 22, 1854, and was the son of john L. Johnson and grandson of Paulser Johnson.