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New River Notes Photo Gallery

A Collection of historic and current photos mostly covering the upper New River area of southwestern Virginia and northwestern North Carolina.

Mary Etta, Fulton and Orville Reeves.jpg
Mary Etta, Marshall Fulton, and Orville William Reeves circa 1955, Nathans Creek.  Courtesy of Carole Eastridge Waters.

Mary Etta, Fulton and Orville Reeves.jpg

Mary Etta, Marshall Fulton, and Orville William Reeves circa 1955, Nathans Creek. Courtesy of Carole Eastridge Waters.

Jackson_s_Ferry_&_Shot_Tower.jpg darnellsyl.jpg delpannie.jpg RichardsonTobaccofield.jpg Mary Etta, Fulton and Orville Reeves.jpg nwcrew.jpg blevinsdorisrose2.jpg balljohnelbert.jpg bspen.jpg
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