Mountain Union Baptist Association — 1890
Minutes of the Twenty-fourth Annual Session
Composed of the Delegates from the Regular Baptist Churches in Our Union
Convened with Pleasant Grove Church
Alleghany County, N.C.
October 10th and 11th, 1890
Ezekiel Blevins, Moderator
Isaac W. Landreth, Clerk
Pleasant Grove Church, Friday, Oct. 10, 1890.
- The Introductory Sermon was delivered by Eld. A Powers, Heb iv, 9: –‘ ‘Rest -to the ,people of God”
- After 15 minutes intermission the delegates assembled in the church, came to order with singing and prayer, by Elder W. J. Combs.
- On motion, Eld. David Eller was called to the chair.
- Then called for Associational Letters, when twenty-three were handed in and were read by the Clerk.
- On motion, called on Eld. W. J. Combs and Bro. J. S. Holbrook to act as tellers; who reported Elder E. Blevins, Moderator and I. W. Landreth Clerk.
- Appointed Elds. J. J. Caudill and W. M. Brooks to preach today.
- On motion, called for correspondents, when Elders A. J. Waggoner, C. Blevins, W. J. Combs, J. J. Caudill and Bros. J. N. Myers, Z. S. Myers, J. S. Holbrook, N. Waddill, W. F. Gregory, T. C. Myers, L. V. Myers, Eli Sebastian, from the Primitive; and Eld. Isaac Miller from the Stony Fork Association, accepted seats with us.
- Invited Transients of our Faith and Order — Bro. C. G. Fowlkes accepted a seat.
- Authorized the Moderator to make all temporary appointments during this session.
- Appointed on the Ministry: Bros. R. Blevins, E. E. Wyatt, and M. F. Church, with the delegates of this church, who report for to-morrow: 1st, A. McKnight; 2nd David Eller, 3d, Jacob Eller.
- Appointed on Finance: Bros. W. R. Brown, W. R. Heath, and B. Sturgill
- Committee of Arrangements: Elders A. Powers, M. Church, J. Eller, and Bros. R. Bauguess, Jas. Gillespie, and J. D. Sturgill, with the Moderator, Clerk and corresponding brethren to sit with them.
- Appointed Bros D. Eller and Jesse Bare to write corresponding letters to the Primitive and Stony Fork Associations.
- Committee on Obituaries: Elders R. C. Parsons, I. W. Landrerth, and J. J. L. Church.
- Committee on Resolutions: Elders M. Church, R. C. Parsons, and J. D. Sturgill.
- On motion, adjourned until to-morrow morning 9 o’clock. Prayer by Elder A. J. Waggoner. Benediction by the Moderator.
Services opened; the Moderator read 125th Psalm; then prayer by Elder C. Blevins.
- Called the Roll of Delegates and marked absentees.
- Clerk read the Constitution and Rules of Decorum.
- On motion, the Committee of Arrangements made their report, which was received and they discharged.
- On motion, invited transients, when Elders W. F. Byrd and C. F. Fields accepted seats.
- On motion, we refer the request of the Elkin brethern, viz: “We ask a friendly Christian correspondence with your body,” to the churches for 12 months’ consideration to answer on our letters at next Association.
- The corresponding brethern report: Elders I. W. Landreth, E. Blevins, and Bro. J. D. Sturgill visited the Primitive and were kindly received.
- The brethern who wrote corresponding letters handed them in, which were received and they discharged.
On motion, the ministers made their report, viz:
- Appointed our next Association to convene with Three Top Church, Ashe County, N.C., on Friday before the 2d Lord’s Day in October, 1891–Elder Jesse Bare to preach the Introductory; M. Church, alternate.
- On motion, the committee on obituaries made their report, which was adopted, and they discharged.
The committee on Resolutions report, viz:
Resolved, 1st that we recommend the Churches to be careful in their ordinations; 2nd, That we use our efforts to prevent the using of ardent spirits as a beverage; 3rd, That the deacons, and laity are advised to look carefully to the support of their pastors and poor of their respective churches; 4th, That we encourage Sabbath Schools; 5th, That our ministers make an accurate report of their labor and what they receive.
- The committee of Finance report: “Received from the churches $22.60, in the hands of Treasurer, 40 cents, Total, $22.70. Report Received.
- A resolution submitted by Bro. J. D. Sturgill for the special benefit of the clerk, viz: Bro. I. W. Landreth has faithfully served the Association 18 years, as clerk, Resolved That this body take up a collection, the proceeds to be used in purchasing him a suit of clothes as a token of the respect and esteem we have for our old brother.
- Appointed as correspondents to the Primitive, viz: Elders I. W. Landreth, A. McKnight, E. Blevins, Jesse Bare, J. W. Kegley, and Bros. S. Edwards, J. Burchitt, R. Blevins, and H. R. Waggoner, to the Stony Fork, Elders D. Eller, A. Hurly, I. W. Landreth, J. Bare, E. Blevins, and Bro. R. Thompson.
- On motion, we recommend the Trap Hill Baptist Institute, conducted by Elder J. H. Yarboro, and ask this association to patronize it.
- On motion, authorized the clerk to have 700 copies of these minutes printed and distribute as usuaul, allowing him $7 for his services.
- Elder R. C. Parsons introduced the following, viz: “Resolved, That we all unite our prayers in behalf of a general union in the Baptist fmaily.” Adopted.
- On motion, appointed as a committee, Bros. S. Edwards, R. Blevins and R. Thompson to select ministers to labor for a general union, who report Elders R. C. Parsons, A. McKnight, D. Eller, E. Blevins, all of whom were approved by the Association.
- Resolved, That we now return our heart-felt thanks to the brethern, sisters and people in general for their kind hospitality.
- On motion, we now adjourn to time and place appointed. Prayer by Elder W. J. Combs, benediction by the Moderator.
Elder Ezekiel Blevins, Moderator
Isaac W. Landreth, Clerk
Services opened by singing and prayer by Elder A. J. Waggoner. 1st Sermon by Elder A. Powers, from 2d Peter ii 9, 2nd Elder W. J. Combs, Malichi III, 18, 3rd Elder C. Blevins, Matt xxv 6. This session closed with a general understanding that we use all Christian efforts to unite the Baptist family of this our mountain region, and promote the cause of our Heavenly Master. Hoping all who live to meet twelve months hence will meet in love and union; so let us work and pray God’s blessing on one and all. God grant that we may have a great ingathering in our churches this year. Thanks for the contribution, $9.35 for suit of clothes–Clerk.
Elder P. Roberts died April 26,1890, aged about 90 years. He professed religion at an early age. He married Miss Lehana Sexton, 6 children were born unto them, 2 dying in infancy. He was a deacon and ordained to the ministry being a member of Silas Creek Church. He was a man of mild temper, and did great honor to his profession using hospitality to all around him. He retained his mind to the last and bore his sufferings with great patience. His funeral was preached by Elders R. Jones and J. F. Fletcher, at his burial. We have lost a good man in his death.
Eli Church was born March 8, 1841, died July 7, 1890. He professed religion October, 1866 and was ordained deacon in Double Springs church, Feb. 1, Saturday, 1874. He was confined to his bed 13 months before his death, appeared strong in the Christian faith. Elder E. Blevins preached his funeral.
Edmund Parsons died March 25, 1890 in his 85th year. He was one of the founders of the Association and deacon in Mt. Carmel church, and able defender of Baptist principles. He selected Elders R. C. Church, J. J. L. Church and I. W. Landreth to preach his funeral in the future, from the text John x 27,28, 29. His dear wife, Charlotte, died February 18, 1890.
W. N. Howard was born March 11, 1805, died May 21, 1890; was a deacon in the church about 33 yrs. His wife Nancy was born Dec. 22, 1811; died Sept. 9, 1882.
Sally Richardson was about 84 years old and died July 25, 1890. She was in the constitution of Mt. Carmel church, and was a faithful member and gave strong testimony of her acceptance with God. Eld. I. W. Landreth preached her funeral at death.
Rachel Landreth was born in Surry Co. N.C., Nov 26, 18l0 and died June 1, 1890, aged 79 years 6 month and 6 days. She was the mother of nine children–six now living. She joined Little River church 3d Saturday in September 1832, and was baptized by Elder Calvin Jones. She adorned her profession she had made. Those who knew her could say of a truth she loved the Lord. Her husband died, leaving her a lonely widow with her children. She counseled them in the way of all truth. All of them now belong to the church, following the good example of a dear mother. Her last moments to all around her were bright and glorious. She selected minister to preach her funeral and gave full instruction about her burial and quietly passed away. Her children carried out her request and God will bless them, meet her in Heaven.–L. Brooks.