Minutes of the 107th Annual Session of the Mountain District Primitive Baptist Association
This session of the Association convened with the
Church at Jordan, Grayson Co., Va.,
22, 23, 24, Sept. 1905.
The Introductory sermon was preached by Elder C. C. Davis, correspondent from Senter Association, .from Mat. 4:8. After A short intermission the messengers assembled in the house and were celled te order by singing, prayer by Elder T. H, Kilby.
- Received letters from all of our churches, and messengers seated.
- Organized by appointing Elder W. R. Graft, Moderator, and J. O. Brewer, Clerk.
- Called for correspondents and received, from Roaring River Elder R. C. Martin–with minutes, and Brethren A. A. Johnson and M. F, Joines; from New River Elder D. S. Webb; from Senter, Elders T. H. Kilby and C. C. Davis with minutes; from Zion, Brother Fielden Rector; from Washington, Elder M. B. Martin with minutes and letter; Silver Creek, Elder T. H. Kilby with minutes; from Bear Creek, Incian Creek and Fisher’s River minutes; froui Pig River, Mayo, Kehukee, Smith’s River, Abott’s Creek and White Oak, nothing.
- Called for transients and received from E. W. Lundy from Zion and E. O. Osborn from Senter.
- Authorized the Moderator to make all temporary appointments during this session, and he appointed Wilborn Carr, John Busic and J. M. Diekey with the messengers of this church to appoint ministers to the stand during this session, who reported for Saturday, 1st Elder R. C. Martin, 2nd Elder C. C. Davis, 3rd Elder T. H. Kilby.
- Appointed a committee of Finance consisting of A. J. Galyean, H. M. Crouse and D. J. Busick.
- Appointed correspondents as follows: To Washington-Elders M, B. Martin and P. K. Roberts; To Roaring River-Elders M. B. Martin, W. R. Craft, J. M. Williams and H. C. Nichols, and Brethren T. R. Caudill, L. W. Caudill and T. A. Fender. To Senter-Elder W. R, Craft and Brethren J. M. Roberts, Wilborn Carr and T. A. Fender; To New River-Elder M. B. Martin and Brethren I. C. Reynolds and J. M. Roberts; To Indian Creek-Elders W. R. Craft and J. M.. Williams; To Silver Creek-Elders W. R. Craft, H. C Nichols and J. R. Sanders; To Zion-Elders F. M. Hackler S. A. Greer, Brethren L. W. Caudill and J R. Grouse; To our other corresponding Association we send minutes.
- Appointed a committee of Arrangements viz: M. B. Martin, J. M. Williams, S. A. Greer, J. M. Dickey and P. K. Roberts with Moderator and clerk, correspondents and transients invited to sit with them.
- Adjourned until 9 o’clock tomorrow morning, prayer by Elder D. S. Webb.
Saturday Morning, Sept. 23,.1905.
The Association met pursuant to adjournment, prayer by Elder F. M. Hackler.
- Called the roll of messengers and marked absentees.
- Called for the report of. the committee on Arrangements, which was received and. committee discharged.
- Omitted the reading of the constitution and rules of Decorum.
- Finance committee reported, received from the churches $23.70.
Paid for printing minutes — $12.00
Paid clerk for his services — 3.00
Gave to correspondents — $8.70
[Total] –$23.70 - Called on correspondents to sister associations who reported and were discharged.
- The committee on the Ministry reported for Sunday 1st. Elder M. B. Martin, 2nd Elder D. S. Webb, 3rd Elder T.H. Kilby.
- Agreed to print an obituary of Brother A. P. Murry in these minutes, and that Brothers J. M. Dickey, John Busick and J. M. Roberts prepare the same.
- Ordered that our constitution, rules of Decorum and Articles of Faith be printed in these minutes.
- As an advisory council, we suggest that the churches consider the matter of amending the 8th item in our Articles of Faith, so as to read, “We believe the Saints are preserved in Grace and never fall away.” and that the churches report in their letters to our next association.
- Appointed a Union meeting at Zion the 2nd Saturday and Sunday in August 1906. Elders Craft, Hackler and Martin to attend. One at Barton X Roads the 2nd Saturday and Sunday in August 1906. Elders Craft and Sanders to attend. One at Mitchell’s River the 4th Saturday and Sunday in July 1906, Elders D. S. Webb and T. H. Kilby to attend. One at Antioch the 4th Saturday and Sunday in August, Elders Hackler, Greer and Martin to attend.
- Appointed our next Association to be held with the church at Cross Roads, Grayson County, Va., seven miles west of Galax to commence on Friday before the 4th Sunday in Sept. 1906, and church to say who shall preach the Introductory sermon.
- Appointed the clerk-treasurer and ordered him to have 1000 copies of these minutes printed and distributed as usual.
- Resolved that we return thanks to God, and our brethern sisters and friends for their kindness to us during this meeting.
- Resolved that we now adjourn to the time and place for our next meeting.
W. R. Craft, Moderator.
J. O. Brewer, Clerk
The stand was occupied on Sunday as follows: 1st Elder M. B. Martin, text: “Preach the word” 2nd Timothy 4:2;’ and Elder D. S. Webb, text: “And wither I go you know, and the way you know” John 14:4 3rd Elder T. H. Kilby, text: “For the love of Christ constraineth us” 2nd Corinthians 5:14–Clerk
Ordained Ministers and Addresses
Ordained Ministers | Post Offices |
W. R. Craft | Sparta, N.C. |
M. B. Martin | Whitehead, N.C. |
P. K. Roberts | Summerfield, Va. |
F. M. Hackler | Shamrock, Va. |
S. A. Greer | Major, Va. |
S. A. Welsh | Major, Va. |
J. R. Saunders | Laura, N.C. |
J. M. Williams | Laura, N.C. |
H. C. Nichols | Edwards X Roads, N.C. |
J. O. Brewer, Clerk | Baywood, Va. |
Of the Mountain District Primitive Baptist Association.
- The Association shall be composed of members chosen by the different churches in our union, and duly sent to represent them in the Association, who shall be members whom they judge best qualified for that purpose, and producing letters from their respective churches, certifying their appointment, shall be entitled to a seat.
- In the letters from the different churches there shall be expressed their number in full fellowship, those baptized, received by letter, dismissed, excommunicated and dead since the last Association.
- The members thus chosen and convened shall have no power to Lord it over God’s heritage, not shall they have any eclesiastical power over the churches, nor shall they infringe any of the internal rights of any church in the union.
- The association when convened shall be governed by a proper decorum.
- The Association shall have a moderator and clerk who shall be chosen by the sufferage of the members present.
- Any churches may be admitted into this union who shall by letter and delegates,and upon examination, if found orthodox and orderly, shall be received by the Ameciatica. and manifested by the moderator giving the delegates the right hand of fellowship.
- Every church in the union shall be entitled to representation in the Association.
- Every querry presented by any member of the Association shall be at once read, and before it be debated the moderator shall put it to a vote, and if there be a majority for its being debated, it shall be taken into consideration and be deliberatred, but if there be a majority against it, it shall be withdrawn.
- Every motion made and secended shall come under the consideration of the Association, except It be withdrawn by the member who made it.
- The Assolation shall endeavor to furnish the churches with the minutes of the Association, the best method for effecting that purpose shall left the discretion of the future Association.
- We think it absolutely necessary that we have an Associational fund for defraying the expenses of the same, for the raising and supporting of which we think it the duty of each church in the union to contribute voluntarily such sums as they shall think proper, and send by the hands of their delegates to the Association, and these monies thus contributed by the churches and received by the Association shall be deposited in the hands of a treasurer by the Association who shall be accountable to the Association for all monies by him received and paid out according to the direction of the Association.
- There shall be an Associational book kept, wherein the proceedings of every association shall be regularly recorded by a secretary appointed by the association, who may receive a compensation yearly for his troubles.
- The minutes of the association shall be read and corrected, if need be, and signed by the moderator and clerk before the association rises.
- Amendments to this plan or form of goverment may be made at any time by a majority of the union, when they may deem it necessary.
- The Association shall have power:
- To provide for the general union of the churches.
- To endeavor to preserve invioably a chain of communion among the churches
- To give the churches all necessary advice in matters of difficulty.
- To inquire into the cause why the churches fail to represent themselves at any time in the Association.
- To appropriate the means contributed by the churches for an associational fund to any pupose they may think proper.
- The association shall have power to withdraw from any church in this union which shall violate the rules of this decorum or deviate from the orthodox principles of religion.
- To admit any of the distant brethern in the ministry who may be present, to assist in the transaction of business during their sitting.
- The association shall have power to adjourn themselves to any future time or place they may think most convenient to the churches in the union.
Rules of Decorum.
- The Association shall be opened and closed by prayer.
- A Moderator and clerk shall be chosen by the suffrages of the members present.
- Only one person shall speak ala time, who shall arise from his seat and address the Moderator, when he is about to make his speech.
- The person thus speaking shall not be interrupted in his speech by none except the Moderator until he is done speaking.
- He shall strictly adhere to the subject, and in nowise reflect on the person who spoke before, so as to make remarks on his slips failures, or imperfections, but shall fairly state the matter as nearly as he can so as to convey his light or ideas.
- No person shall abruptly break off, or absent himself from Association without liberty obtained from it.
- No person shall rise and speak more than three times on one subject without liberty from the Association.
- No member of the Association shall have liberty of laughing during the sitting of the same, nor whispering in the time of public speech.
- No member of the Association shall address another by any other appellation than that of brother.
- The Moderator shall not interrupt any member in or prohibit him from speaking till he dives his light on the subject, except he break the rules of decorum.
- The names of the several members of the Association shall be enrolled by the Clerk and called over as often as the Association requires.
- The Moderator shall be entitled to the same privilege of speech as another member provided the chair be filled, but he shall not vote unless the Association be equally divided.
- Any member who willingly and knowingly break any of these rules shall be reproved by the Association as they shall think proper.
- We believe in one only true and living God, and that there are three persons in the Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
- We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the words of God and the only rule of faith and practice.
- We believe in the doctrine of eternal and particular election.
- We believe in the doctrine ef original sin.
- We believe in man’s incompetency to recover himself from the fallen state he is in by nature, by his own free will and ability.
- We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God only by the, imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.
- We believe that God’s-elect are called, converted, regenerated, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
- We believe the saints shall persevere in grace and never fall finally way.
- We believe that baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances of Jesus Christ, and that true believers- are the subjects of these ordinances; and we believe the true mode of baptism is by immersion.
- We believe in the resurrection of the dead, and a general judgment.
- We believe the joys of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal.
- We believe that no minister has the right to administer the ordinances only such as are regularly called and come under the imposition of hands by the Presbytery.