Virginia Constitutional Convention Directory 1901
Anderson, George Kimbrough, Clifton Forge, Alleghany County, Democrat. Represents Alleghany, Bath and Highland counties. Born in Louisa County, Va., March 6, 1860. Educated at the public schools and Harmony Academy of Louisa County, Va. Lawyer. Commonwealth’s attorney of Louisa County, 1887. Elected judge of Alleghany and Craig Counties, 1895. Now judge of said counties and Bath county.
Anderson, William A., Lexington, Va., Represents Rockbridge County and Buena Vista. Democrat. Born in Botetourt County in 1842. Educated at Washington and Lee, B. L. Of University of Virginia. Lawyer. Member of Senate of Virginia, 1869-73. House of Delegates, 1883-89. Commissioner of Paris Exposition in 1878. President of the Virginia Bar Association, 1900.
Ayers, Rufus A., Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Democrat. Represents Buchanan, Dickenson and Wise counties. Born in Bedford County, Va., May 20, 1849. Educated at Bristol, Va., Lawyer and banker. Commonwealth’s attorney for Scott County 1875-79. Attorney-General of Virginia 1886-90.
Barbour, John Strode. Culpeper, Culpeper county, Va., Democrat. Represents Culpeper County. Born in Culpeper county, August 10, 1866. Educated at public and private schools. Bachelor of Laws of the University of Virginia. Lawyer.
Barham, Joseph L., Newsom’s, Va. Democrat Represents Southampton Coounty. Born in Southampton County, September 21, 1846. Educated at the Virginia Military Institute. Merchant and farmer. Reassessor of lands in 1870. Magistrate. Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff in 1887. Now supervisor. Served in the Confederate amry from February 1863 to close of war.
Barnes, Manly Howell, Boulevard, New Kent County. Democrat. Represents New Kent, Charles City, James City, York, and Warwick counties, and Williamsburg, and Newport News. Born in James City county July 25, 1854. Educated at Baltimore City College, B. A., of St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md. Studied law at the University of Virginia. Lawyer and farmer. Member of the Virginia Senate from 1893 to 1899. Commonwealth’s attorney New Kent county since July 1, 1883.
Barnes, Thomas H., Elwood, Nansemond county. Democrat. Represents Nansemond county. Born in Nansemond county in 1833. Educated at local academy and University of Virginia, M.D., of the Medical College of Virginia. Formerly a practicing physician, now a farmer. Supervisor 1870. Chairman Democratic County Committee eight years. Member of the House of Delegates 1873 to 1894, inclusive. On Visitoral Boards of William and Mary College and Medical College of Virginia.
Blair, Robert William, Wytheville, Va., Represents Wythe County. Republican. Born at Wytheville, Va., January 22, 1873. Educated at the University of Virginia. Lawyer. Chairman of the Republican Committee of Wythe County.
Boaz, William H., Covesville, Va. Represents Albemarle county and the city of Charlottesville. Democrat. Born in Albemarle county July 21, 1852. M. A., B. L., of the University of Virginia. Farmer. Members of the House of Delegates since 1889.
Bolen, D. W., Hillsville, Va. Represents Carroll County. Democrat.
Bouldin, Wood, Houston, Halifax County. Democrat. Represents Halifax County. Born at Charlotte C.H., Va., September 28, 1838. Educated in Charlotte County and at the University of Virginia. Lawyer and farmer. Formerly member of the State Democratic Committee, and a member of the National Democratic Convention, 1884. Mason.
Braxton, Allen Caperton. Staunton. Democrat. Represents Augusta County and city of Staunton. Born at Union, Monroe County, W.Va., Feburary 6, 1862. Educated at Pampatike Academy, King William County, Va. Lawyer. City attorney and Commonwealth’s attorney for city of Staunton 1886 to 1890. Member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias.
Bristow, Joseph A., Saluda, Va. Represents Essex and Middlesex counties. Republican. Bron Middlesex county September 17, 1838. Educated at Oaken Ham and Centreville Academies. Farmer, Presidential elector 1892. Republican nominee for Congress from First District in 1898. Inventor of the deep water oyster tongs.
Brooke, David Tucker, Norfolk, Va., Represents Norfolk city. Democrat. Born at Richmond. Educated in private schools and the University of Virginia. Lawyer, Judge of the Corporation Court of Norfolk City, 1884-95.
Brown, John Thompson. Brierfield. Bedford County. Represents Bedford County. Democrat. Born February 19, 1861, in Hanover County, Va. Educated at "McCabe’s" and the University of Virginia. Farmer. Member of the General Assembly of Virginia 1891-92. Member Board of Visitors Virginia Polytechnic Insitute.
Cameron, William Evelyn. Petersburg. Democrat. Represents Petersburg. Born in Petersburg November 29, 1842. Educated at Petersburg Military Academy, Hillsboro, N.C., and Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., Lawyer. Mayor of Petersburg 1876 to 1882. Governor of Virginia 1882 to 1886.
Campbell, Clarence J., Amherst, Democrat. Represents Amherst County. Born in Amherst, Va., May 31, 1863. Educated at Virginia Military Institute. Lexington, Va., Member of the Virginia Legislature from 1891 and 1898. Lawyer. Judge of Amherst county since 1898. Member of staff of Governor Tyler, with rank of Colonel.
Campbell, Preston W., Abingdon, Va., Represents Washington County and Bristol City. Democrat. Born at Abingdon, Va., January 24, 1874. Educated at Abingdon Male Academy and University of Virginia. Lawyer.
Carter, Hill. Ashland, Hanover County. Democrat. Represents Hanover County, Va. Born in Caroline County, Va., April 12, 1846. Lawyer. B. L. Of Washington and Lee University. Attorney for the Commonwealth. Hanover county, 1876. Presidential elector, 1880.
Chapman, Hunter B., Woodstock, Shenandoah county. Democrat. Represents Shenandoah County. Born in Winchester, Va., March 24, 1866. Educated at Winchester, Va., Railroad Agent, farmer and merchant.
Cobb, William L., Penola, Carolina county. Democrat. Represents Caroline county. Born September 5, 1850. Educated at the common schools of his county. Farmer and lumber dealer.
Crismond, H. F., Fredericksburg, Va. Democrat. Represents city of Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County. Born in Spotsylvania County, Va., June 15, 1849. Educated in private schools of the county. Merchant. Member of the General Assembly 1885-87. Member of the Democratic State Central Committee.
Daniel, John Warwick. Lynchburg. Represents Campbell County. Democrat. Born in Lynchburg, Va. Lawyer. Educated at Lynchburg College. Dr. Harrison’s Academy and University of Virginia. LL.D. of Washington and Lee University and University of Michigan. Member of the Virginia House of Delegatres 1865-70; Senate 1874-71. Member of the United States House of Representatives 1885-87, and of the United States Senate since 1887. Elector at large or Tilden in 1876. Delegate at large to the National Democratic Conventions of 1880, 1888, 1892, 1896 and 1900. Mason, thirty-third degree.
Davis, B. A., Rocky Mount, Va., Represents Franklin County. Republican.
Dunaway, Wayland Fuller, Brookvale, Lancaster County. Democrat. Represents Lancaster and Richmond Counties. Born in Lancaster County, Va., December 26, 1841. Educated at the academies of Northumberland and Lancaster Counties, and at Columbian University, Washington, D.C., and University of Virginia. Minister of the Gospel, Captain in Confederate army. Admitted to the bar in 1867. Entered the ministry in 1872. D. D. Confered by Richmond College, 1894.
Earman, George N., Penn-Land, Rockingham County. Represents Rockingham County. Republican. Born in Rockingham County, Va., January 12, 1852. Farmer, Educated in Rockingham County and University of Virginia. Commissioner of Revenue since 1887.
Eggleston, David Q. Smithville, Va., Represents Charlotte County. Democrat. Born n Charlotte County, Va., June 10, 1857. Educated at Hampden-Sidney College and University of Virginia. Lawyer, State Senator since 1897, and member of the Democratic State Central Committee. Mason.
Epes, Branch J., Dinwiddie, Va. Represents Dinwiddie County. Democrat. Born in Nottoway County. Educated at Hampden-Sidney College and University of Virginia. Lawyer and farmer. Captain of artillery in Confederate army. Commonwealth’s attorney for Dinwiddie County since 1886.
Fairfax, Henry, Aldie, Represents Loudoun County. Democrat. Born in Alexandria, Va., May 4, 1850. Educated at Virginia Military Instititute. Farmer formerly civil engineer. State Senator form Fauquier and Loudoun counties since 1890.
Fletcher, Albert. Warrenton, Va. Represents Loudoun and Fauquier Counties. Democrat. Born near Warrenton, Va., Merchant. Educated at the public schools. Served in Confederate army.
Flood, H. D., West Appomattox, Va., Represents Campbell and Appomattox Counties. Democrat. Lawyer, Formerly, State Sentator and Commonwealth’s attorney of Appomattox. Now a member of Congress.
Garnett, G. Taylor, Mathews, Mathews county. Represents Mathews and Gloucester counties. Democrat. Born in Essex county. Lawyer. Educated by private tutors and at the Virginia Military Institute. Superintendent of schools and Commonwealth’s attorney for Mathews county for twelve years. County judge of Mathews and Middlesex since 1885.
Gillespie, Albert P., Tazewell, Va. Represents Tazewell County. Republican, but elected without opposition. Born in Tazewell County April 3, 1855. B. A. Of Emory and Henry College. Formerly attorney for Commonwealth of Tazewell County. Lawyer.
Gilmore, James William, Gilmore’s Mills. Rockbridge county. Represents Rockbridge County. Democrat, Born Democrat 7, 1851, in Rockbridge County. Educated at Virginia Military Institute. Farmer.
Glass, Carter. Lynchburg, Va. Represents Lynchburg. Democrat. Born in Lynchburg, Va., January 4, 1858. Editor. Educated in private and public schools. Member of the State Senate and Board of Visitors University of Virginia. Mason.
Goode, John. Bedford City, Bedford County. Born in Bedford county on the 27th of May 1829. Lawyer. Educated at New London Academy and the University of Virginia. College degrees M. A. And LL. D. Was elected in 1857 to represent the county of Bedford in the legislature. In 1861 was elected to represent the people of Bedford in the Secession Convention. In the winter of 1861-62 while serving as a solider in the field, was elected to the Confederate Congress, and re- elected May 1863. In 1874 was elected from the Norfolk district to the United States House of Representatives, and re-elected in 1876-78. During the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth Congresses acted as chairman of the Committee on Education and Labor. Was Presidential Elector in 1852, 1856, and 1884, and in the year last named presided at the meeting of the electors. Was president of the State Democratic Convention in 1872, and again in 1887. Was a memebr of the National Democratic Committee from 1868 to 1876. Served as a member of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia. Wiliam and Mary College and Virginia Polytechnic Institute. In 1885 was appointed Solicitor General of the United States, and in 1892 was appointed a member of the International Commission to adjust claims between the United States and Chili, While a member of the United States Bar Association. Served one term as President of the Virginia State House of Representatives he sometimes presided in the Committee of the Whole, and on one occasion was appointed Speaker pro tem of that body.
Gordon, Bennett Taylor. Lovingston, Nelson County. Represents Nelson County. Democrat. Born in Nelson County, February 6, 1855. Lawyer. Educated at University of Virginia. Commonwealth’s attorney of Nelson County since 1891.
Gordon, James Waddell, Richmond, Va., Represents city of Richmond, Va. Democrat. Born in Richmond, Va., January 8, 1869. Lawyer. Educated in public schools. B. L. Of Richmond College. Chairman Democratic party in Richmond 1900-1901. Knights of Pythias.
Gordon, R. Lindsay. Louisa, Va., Represents Louisa. Democrat. Born in January 21, 1855, in Albemarle County. Lawyer. Commonwealth’s attorney Louisa County since 1891.
Green, Berryman, Danville, Va. Represents city of Danville and county of Pittsylvania. Democrat. Born Danville, Va., March 31, 1836. Lawyer, B. A. University of North Carolina. Attorney for Commonwealth, Danville, 1866-71. Judge of Fourth Judicial Circuit, Virginia from 1879 to 1881.
Gregory, Roger, Lester Manor, Va. Represents King William and Hanover Counties. Democrat. Born at Moore’s, King William, Va. Dean of Law Faculty of Richmond College. LL.D. same institution. Formerly Judge County Court of King William (1870). Member of Va. House of delegates 1880-82. Served in Confederate Army.
Gwyn, T. L., Represents Grayson County. Democrat.
Hamilton, Alexander. Petersburg, Va., Represents city of Petersburg. Democrat. Lawyer. Board of Visitors of the Virginia Military Institute.
Hancock, Beverly Agustus, Manchester, Va. Represents city of Manchester, Chesterfield, and Powhatan counties. Democrat. Born in Chesterfield county, Va., September 18, 1847. Lawyer. Educated mainly at home. Commonwealth’s attorney Chesterfield 1877-86. Delegate to National Democratic Convention 1884. Judge of Second Judicial Circuit of Virginia since 1886. Superintendent of schools of Chesterfield, 1870-77, and of Manchester 1874-82. Memebr of Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, and Heptasophs.
Hardy, L. A., Represents Lunenburg County. Democrat.
Harrison, Thomas W., Winchester, Frederick County. Represents Frederick County and the city of Winchester. Born at Leesburg, Va., August 6, 1856. M. A. And B. L. Of the University of Virginia. Member Senate of Virginia in 1887 and 1895. Judge of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit since May, 1895. Member Knights of Pythias.
Hatton, Goodrich. Portsmouth, Va. Born in Norfolk County on May 8, 1862. Lawyer. Educated at the Norfolk Academy. B. L. Of the Univeristy of Virginia. Represents Portsmouth City.
Hooker, James Murry, Stuart, Patrick County. Presents Patrick County. Born in Patrick County, October 29, 1873. Democrat. Lawyer. Educated at the College of William and Mary. B. L. Of Washington and Lee University. Commonwealth’s attorney for Patrick County since 1897. Member of the State Democratic Committee.
Hubbard, E. W., Curdsville, Va. Represents Buckingham and Cumberland counties. Democrat. Lawyer. Member House of Delegates. Commonwealth’s attorney of Buckingham county.
Hunton, Eppa, Jr., Warrenton, Va. Represents Fauquier County. Born April 14, 1855 in Prince William County. Lawyer. Educated at Bellview Academy, B. L. Of University of Virignia. Democrat. Member of the Legislature 1893-94.
Ingram, John Henry, Manchester, Va. Represents Chesterfield, Powhatan and the city of Manchester. Democrat. Born in Culpeper, March 17, 1862. Educated at "McGuire’s." B. L. Of Richmond College and University of Virginia. Lawyer. Judge of the Corporation Court of Manchester since 1887.
Claggett, Bennett Jones. Bruington, King and Queen County. Represents King and Queen County. Democrat. Born in King and Queen County on the 29th of April, 1857. Lawyer. Educated at Richmond College and University of Virginia. Commonwealth’s attorney of King and Queen County since 1887.
Jones, George Washington. Chestnut Level, Pittsylvania. Represents Pittsylvania county and the city of Danville. Democrat. Born at Chatham, Va., June 1, 1832. Farmer. Educated principally in the old field schools of Pittsylvania County. Served as lieutenant in the Confederate Army.
Keezel, George B., Keezeltown, Va. Represents Rockingham County. Democrat. Born July 20, 1854, in Rockingham County. Educated in county schools and Collegiate Institute of Baltimore. Farmer. Member of the Virginia State Senate during session 1883-84 and 1885-86. Elected again in 1895, and has been a member of that body since.
Kendall, Gilmer S., Eastville, Va. Represents Northampton and Accomac counties. Democrat. Judge County Court.
Lawson, John W., Smithfield, Isle of Wight county, which county he repsents. Democrat. Born James City, September 13, 1837. Educated at the College of William and Mary, University of Virginia, and the University of New York. Physician. Served six terms in the Virginia House of Delegates, one term in the Virginia State Senate. Member Fifty Second Congress.
Lincoln, Alanson Tilman, Marion, Va., Represents Smyth and Bland Counties. Republican. Born at Broadford, Va., October 23, 1858. Educated in public schools of Marion. Manufacturer. Chairman of the Marion School Board since 1895. Member of town coucil of Marion.
Lindsay, James H., Charlottesville, Va. Represents Albemarle County and city of Charlottesville. Democrat. Born in Fauquier County, Va., December 29, 1862. Editor. Educated by this father, Prof. S. C. Lindsay. Formerly city treasurer and postmaster of Kernersville, N.C. Knight Templar and Mason.
Lovell, E. H., Locustdale, Va. Represents Greene and Madison Counties. Democrat.
Marshall, James W., New Castle, Craig County. Represents Roanoke City and Craig and Roanoke counties. Democrat. Born Augusta County March 31, 1844. Educated in old field schools and Roanoke College. Lawyer. Commonwealth’s Attorny for Craig for ten years. House of Delegates for one term. State Senate for two terms. Member of Fifty-third Congress, and presidential elector-at-large.
McIlwaine, Richard. Hampden-Sidney, Va. Represents Prince Edward County. Democrat. Born in Petersburg, Va., May 20, 1834. Educated at Hampden-Sidney College. University of Virginia, University of Tennessee, Seminary and Free Church College of Edenborough. Presiden Hampden-Sidney College. Degrees, A. B., A. M., D. D., LL.D. Chaplain in the Confederate army. Formerly pastor of several prominent churches. Mason.
Meredith, Charles V., Richmond, Va., Represents city of Richmond. Democrat. Born in Richmond, Va., Educated in private schools and Richmond College. Lawyer. City Attorney of Richmond 1885-98.
Miller, Charles E., Mount Airy, Va. Represents Danville and county of Pittsylvania. Democrat. Born in Halifax County, Va., December 1844. Farmer and miller. Educated at Lexington, Va.
Moncure, Thomas Jefferson. Falmouth, Va. Represents Stafford and King George Counties. Democrat. Born in Caroline County, Va. November 12, 1832. Educated at Virginia Miltitary Institute. Civil engineer and farmer. Major in the Confederate army.
Moore, Robert Walton, Fairfax Va., Represents Fairfax County. Democrat. Born February 26, 1859. Educated at Episcopal High School and University of Virginia. Lawyer. Formerly State Senator; also presidential elector, 1893. Member of the Board of Visitors of College of William and Mary and University of Virginia.
Moore, Thomas Lee. Christiansburg, Va. Represents Montgomery county and Radford city. Republican. Born February 10, 1865. Lawyer. Commonwealth’s attorney for Montgomery county 1895-99.
Mundy, James. Buchanan, Va. Represents Botetourt county. Republican. Banker.
Newton, Virginius, Richmond, Va., Represents City of Richmond. Democrat. Born in Norfolk, Va., October 27, 1844. President of the First National Bank of Richmond. President of the Union Bank of Richmond. First vice-president of the South-Alantic Life Insurance Company. Second vice-president of the William R. Trigg ship company. B. L. Of University of Virginia. Served in the Confederate army.
O’Flaherty, Daniel Cullers. Front Royal, Va., Represents Warren and Clarke counties. Democrat. Born at Seven Fountains, Va., July 20, 1862. Educated at Lebanon, O. B.L. of Washington and Lee University. Lawyer. Formerly Mayor of Front Royal. Mason.
Orr, J. W., Represents Lee County. Democrat. Formerly county judge.
Parks, R. S., Luray, Va. Represents Page and Rappahannock counties. Democrat. Born in Rappahannock county on June 4, 1839. Educated in the common schools. Lawyer. Commonwealth’s attorney of Page County since 1885. Member House of Delegates since 1895.
Pedigo, Abram L., Preston, Va. Represents Henry County. Republican. Born in Patrick County, July 22, 1839. Educated in schools of Patrick, Henry, and Carroll Counties. Farmer. Represented Henry County in the Legislature 1887-89. Mayor of Lexing, Ohio 1863-65.
Pettit, William Beverely. Palmyra. Fluvanna County. Represents Fluvanna and Goochland counties. Democrat. Born in Fluvanna county October 10, 1825. Educated in the old field schools and Selma Academy. Lawyer and Farmer. Commonwealth’s attorney of Fluvanna county for many years. President of the Virginia State Bar Association, 1898.
Phillips, Nathan. Floyd, Va. Represents Floyd and Franklin counties. Republican.
Pollard, John Garland, Richmond, Va., Represents city of Richmond. Democrat. Born in King and Queen County, Va., August 4, 1871. Lawyer. Educated at the public schools, Richmond College and Columbian University. Degree B. L. From Columbian University. Member of I.O.O.F. and Beta Theta Pi Fraternity.
Portlock, William Nathaniel, Norfolk, Va. Represents Norfolk County. Democrat. Born in Norfolk County in 1854. Educated at Bethel Academy and the University of Virginia. Lawyer. Formerly clerk of the Circuit Court of Norfolk County and also treasurer of the county. Judge of the County Court of Norfolk county since 1892. Member of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity.
Quarles, Julian Minor, Staunton, Va. Represents city of Staunton and Augusta County. Democrat. Born in Caroline county September, 1848. Educated at Pine Hill and Aspen Academies and University of Virginia. Lawyer. Formerly county judge of Augusta county. Member of Fifty-sixth Congress.
Richmond, James B., Gate City, Va. Represents Scott County. Democrat. Born February 27, 1842. Educated in common schools. Lawyer. Member of Virginia House of Delegates 1874-75. Member of Forty-sixth United States Congress. County Judge of Scott. Colonel in Confederate army.
Rives, Timothy. Rives, Prince George County, Va. Represents Prince George and Surry counties. Democrat. Born in Prince George County, Va., November 2, 1854. Educated at private school and Virginia Polytechnic Institute. B. L. Of Richmond College. Lawyer. Formerly superintendent of Public schools of Surry County. Judge of Surry and Prince George counties since 1884.
Robertson, William Gordon. Roanoke, Va., Represents Roanoke and Craig Counties and city of Roanoke. Democrat. Born in Charlottesville, Va., Feburary 12, 1856. B. L. And A. B. University of Virginia. Lawyer. Formerly Judge of Hustings Court of Roanoke City.
Smith, Francis Lee. Alexandria, Va. Represents Alexandria county and city. Democrat. Born in Alexandria, Va., October 6, 1845. Educated at Virginia Military Institute. Lawyer. Formerly city attorney and member of the Board of Aldermen of Alexandria. State Senator 1879-83. Member of Board of Visitors Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va. Officer in the Confederate Army. Mason.
Stebbins, Joseph, South Boston, Va. Represents Halifax County. Democrat. Born in Petersburg, Va., June 14, 1850. Educated in the private schools of Halifax County and Tighe’s Classical School of Richmond, Va., Merchant. President of Bank of South Boston.
Stuart, Henry Carter. Elk Garden, Va., Represents Russell County. Democrat. Born Wytheville, Va., January 18, 1855. Educated at Emory and Henry College, (A. B.) And University of Virginia. Farmer and Business man. Formerly member of State Democratic Executive Committee.
Summers, John C., Bristol, Va. Represents Washington County and Bristol City. Independent.
Tarry, George Patrick, Tarry’s Mill, Va., Represents Mecklenburg County. Democrat. Born in Mecklenburg County May 12, 1841. Educated at the University of North Carolina and Unviersity of Virginia. Planter. Served in Confederate Army.
Thom, Alfred Pembroke. Norfolk, Va. Represents city of Norfolk. Democrat. Born in Northampton County, Va., December 15, 1854. Educated at Richmond College and University of Virginia. Lawyer.
Thornton, James Bankhead Taylor. Manassas, Va. Represents Prince William County. Democrat. Born at Brentsville, Va. October 26, 1856. Educated at William and Mary College and University of Virginia. Lawyer. Formerly superintendent of schools. Commonwealth’s attorney since 1891.
Turnbull, Robert. Lawrenceville, Va., Represents Brunswick county. Democrat. Born at Lawrenceville, Va., January 11, 1850. B. L. University of Virginia. Lawyer. Clerk of Brunswick county for eight years. State Senator, from 1895 to 1899.
Vincent, G. L., Emporia, Va. Represents Greensville and Sussex Counties. Democrat. Born September 3, 1867 in Maryland. Educated in public schools of Maryland. Lumber merchant.
Waddill, Samuel P., Henrico County, Va. Represents Henrico County. Democrat. Born in Charles City County, Va., December 15, 1852. Educated in private schools. Clerk of Henrico County Court.
Walker, Cyrus Harding. Heathsville, Va. Represents Northumberland and Westmoreland Counties. Democrat. Born in Northumberland County January 27, 1859. Educated at home in private schools, and University of Virginia. Lawyer. Professor in Davis Military School, North Carolina, 1882-93. Member of House of Delegates 1891-98, and State Senator since 1898. Member of the Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
Walter, A. C., Represents Orange County. Republican.
Watson, Walter Allen. Nottoway County, Va. Represents Amelia and Nottoway Counties. Democrat. Born in Nottoway County, Va. November 25, 1867. Lawyer, Educated in the public schools, Dr. Wharey’s Academy. Hampden-Sidney College, and University of Virginia. State Senator 1891-95. Now Commonwealth’s attorney for Nottoway county.
Wescott, N. B., Accomac Courthouse. Represents Accomac County. Democrat. Lawyer.
Willis, J. M., Hampton, Va., Represents Elizabeth City and Accomac counties. Democrat. Superintendent of schools. Hampton.
Wise, George Douglas, Richmond, Va. Represents Richmond City. Democrat. Born in Accomac County 1835. Lawyer. Educated in Washington City, Indiana University and William and Mary College. Commonwealth’s attorney for Richmond 1870-80. Served seven terms in Congress 1880-94. Lieutenant in the Confederate army. Member Lee and Pickett Camps, Confederate Veterans, Mason.
Withers, Eugene, Danville, Va. Represents Pittsylvania county and city of Danville. Democrat. Born in Caswell County, N.C., January 22, 1867. Educated at University of Virginia. Ph.B., of University of North Carolina. Lawyer. Member of State Legislature 1893=94, of State Senate 1895-98. Presidential elector 1900. Mason. Odd-Fellow, and Elk.
Woodhouse, Jonathan. Nimmo. Princess Anne County, Va. Represents Princess Anne County. Democrat. Born in Princess Anne County, Va. January 26, 1850. Merchant and manufacturer of lumber. Educated at Norfolk, Va. Postmaster of Nimmo. President of Princess Anne Telephone Company. Member of Knights of Pythias.
Wysor, J. C., Newbern, Va. Represents Pulaski and Giles County. Democrat. Lawyer.
Yancey, W. T., Woodville. Represents Rappahannock County. Democrat. Born May 3, 1857 in Rappahannock County. Educated by private teachers at home. Farmer. County chairman of the Democratic party. Was chairman of Electoral Board for fifteen years.