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Grayson County, Virginia Personal Property Tax List — 1813

Transcribed by Jeffrey C. Weaver, June, 1998

Note: I had a great deal of trouble reading the G’s

I John A. Griggs have examined the foregoing list of taxable property… and find the same to be generally stated. Given under my hand this 31 day of May, 1813.

John A. Grigg, Com. of Revenue

I certify that Robert Nuckolls produced a receipt from the Clerk of Grayson Court for sixteen dollars seventy five cents, therefore license is granted him to keep Ordinary one year from the first day of May.

Also Trigg & Ruder, viz, Produced the sheriff’s receipt for the sum of nineteen dollars sixteen two thirds cents therefore license is granted them to keep a retail store from the 29th June till the first day of May next.

John A. Grigg, Com.