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New River Valley Obituary Collection

The obituaries listed in this section are from various sources including those listed below. Most of these were published in newspapers in the southwest Virginia and northwest North Carolina area during the 1999 to 2001 time period. Some appear to be old obituaries but the specific sources for these older obituaries are not known.

  1. 1895 Fisher’s River Primitive Baptist Association
  2. 1898-1901 Minutes of the Little River Regular Baptist Association
  3. 1904 Minutes of the Little River Regular Baptist Association
  4. 1905 Fisher’s River Primitive Baptist Association
  5. 1910 Ashe Baptist Association Minutes Obituaries
  6. 1920-1934 Minutes of the Blue Ridge Baptist Association
  7. 1930 Minutes of the Mountain Union Baptist Association
  8. 1946-1963 Minutes of the Senter District Primitive Baptist Association
  9. 1947-1951 Minutes of the Reorganized Little River Regular Baptist Association
  10. 1958 Smyth County News, Marion, VA
  11. 1976-1981 Christian Unity Separate Baptist Association Obituaries
  12. 1999-2001 Newspapers, including other sources and various dates

In some cases the dates of births or deaths were not included in the obituaries. When full dates are not known they are not included in the table.

In the 1958 obituaries the Smyth County News rarely gave date of death, but stated that the individual died “last Tuesday,” “Friday,” etc. Unless otherwise annotated, these dates herein represent the transcriber’s best estimate of death date, and should be used as a guideline only.