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Civil War Soldiers from Ashe and Alleghany County, North Carolina


The following compilation of Civil War Soldiers from Ashe and Alleghany County, North Carolina is presented to make your research easier. If you would like to have copies of the original records, please obtain NATF Form 80 from the National Archives, in Washington, DC, complete it and return it, along with the proper fee. I do not have copies of these records. I am however, eager to learn as much about any and all of these men as possible. If you can supply additional biographical information, it would be appreciated. The information I would like on each person is their exact birth date, and place, occupation, place (community) of residence, date and place of death.

— Jeff Weaver.

Abbreviations Used
1st Lt. First Lieutenant d/o daughter of Ord. Ordnance
2nd Lt. Second Lieutenant D. Died POW Captured/Prisoner of War
DFR Dropped from the Roll Prom. Promoted Art. Artillery
disch Discharged Pvt. Private Enl. Enlisted
PWR Post War Roster or Record AWOL Absent without leave Regt. Regiment
B. Born HH Household Number Res. Resident of
Battn. Battalion Hosp Hospitalized rlsd released
Bro. Brother Inf. Infantry s/o son of
C.S. Confederate States KIA Killed in Action Sgt. Sergeant
Capt. Captain Lt. Col. Lieutenant Colonel U.S. United States
Cav. Cavalry Maj. Major USA United States Army (or of America), note context.
Cem. Cemetery Md. (1) Married first V.S. gunshot wound
Co. Company or County Md. (2) Married second, etc. VSL Virginia State Line
Corp. corporal Md. Married WIA Wounded in Action
CSA Confederate States Army NFR No further record


A note on how this work was compiled. The 1860 Ashe and Alleghany County, North Carolina Census records were gleaned for all men between the age of 12 and 45 (Born between 1815 and 1848) as being the most likely candidates to have served in the military during this period of upheaval. Additional men were listed who were discovered, in their military papers, to have lived in either county. Some others were added, if their surname and their unit of service indicated they might be residents of either of the two counties.

It has not been possible to scour every military record for the period to find records for everyone. There are some men listed in the following compilation which no doubt served, but for whom I have not yet discovered a military record. If you are aware of such service, please make me aware of it.