Civil War Soldiers from Ashe and Alleghany County, North Carolina
The following compilation of Civil War Soldiers from Ashe and Alleghany County, North Carolina is presented to make your research easier. If you would like to have copies of the original records, please obtain NATF Form 80 from the National Archives, in Washington, DC, complete it and return it, along with the proper fee. I do not have copies of these records. I am however, eager to learn as much about any and all of these men as possible. If you can supply additional biographical information, it would be appreciated. The information I would like on each person is their exact birth date, and place, occupation, place (community) of residence, date and place of death.
— Jeff Weaver.
1st Lt. | First Lieutenant | d/o | daughter of | Ord. | Ordnance |
2nd Lt. | Second Lieutenant | D. | Died | POW | Captured/Prisoner of War |
DFR | Dropped from the Roll | Prom. | Promoted | Art. | Artillery |
disch | Discharged | Pvt. | Private | Enl. | Enlisted |
PWR | Post War Roster or Record | AWOL | Absent without leave | Regt. | Regiment |
B. | Born | HH | Household Number | Res. | Resident of |
Battn. | Battalion | Hosp | Hospitalized | rlsd | released |
Bro. | Brother | Inf. | Infantry | s/o | son of |
C.S. | Confederate States | KIA | Killed in Action | Sgt. | Sergeant |
Capt. | Captain | Lt. Col. | Lieutenant Colonel | U.S. | United States |
Cav. | Cavalry | Maj. | Major | USA | United States Army (or of America), note context. |
Cem. | Cemetery | Md. (1) | Married first | V.S. | gunshot wound |
Co. | Company or County | Md. (2) | Married second, etc. | VSL | Virginia State Line |
Corp. | corporal | Md. | Married | WIA | Wounded in Action |
CSA | Confederate States Army | NFR | No further record |
A note on how this work was compiled. The 1860 Ashe and Alleghany County, North Carolina Census records were gleaned for all men between the age of 12 and 45 (Born between 1815 and 1848) as being the most likely candidates to have served in the military during this period of upheaval. Additional men were listed who were discovered, in their military papers, to have lived in either county. Some others were added, if their surname and their unit of service indicated they might be residents of either of the two counties.
It has not been possible to scour every military record for the period to find records for everyone. There are some men listed in the following compilation which no doubt served, but for whom I have not yet discovered a military record. If you are aware of such service, please make me aware of it.
……., REBUEN: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
(illegible): Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
(illegible): H. Bingham’s Co. Attended 2nd undated muster.
ABSHER, ABRAM, 41, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ABSHER, JOHN L.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 42. Discharged on 12/8/62, overage.
ABSHER, WILLIAM H.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 26. Pres. thru 2/16/63, when he deserted. Apprehended, Court-martialed for desertion on 4/9/64, executed on 4/18/64.
ADAMS, ABRAHAM: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62. WIA 8/62 per pension application. Discharged on 11/5/62 for phthsis pulomalis. Later served in the 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis. Age 35. Native of Ashe Co. B. 1836 D. 4/17/1928, Ashe Cem. V05.
ADAMS, CHARLES: 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1062. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. at Gordonsville, VA on 5/1/62, age 20. WIA in left arm and taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, arm amputated. Hospitalized at Fort Monroe. Paroled on 7/10/62, discharged. Res. of Ashe Co. Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
ADAMS, JOHN, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#842.
AKERS, JEFF, 45, B., VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#995.
AKERS, MICHAEL, 14, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#995.
ALEXANDER, ALFRED B., 30, School Teacher, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#126, 1st Sgt.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 33, as 1st Sgt., reduced to private on 7/6/61. Promoted to Sgt. by 7/31/62. Reported MIA 5/31/62, absent sick on 9/30/62. AWOL 10/62, returned to duty, deserted on 3/30/64, released on oath on 4/20/64.
ALEXANDER, WILLIAM J.: 3rd Lt./Capt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on ?. Previously served in Co. H, 37th NC. Promoted to 1st Lt. and transferred to this company on 6/18/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, sent to Fort Delaware, transferred to Johnson’s Island, OH on 7/18/63. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD on 2/14/64, then back to Fort Delaware on 6/23/64 and then to Hilton Head, SC on 8/20/64. Confined at Fort Pulaski, GA on 10/20/64, member of the Immortal 600. Transferred back to Fort Delaware on 3/12/65. Paroled on 5/30/65.
ALLEN, BENJAMIN, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#329. Co. K 21st VA Cav., Enl. 6/26/63. Listed AWOL on 8/31/63 roll. Transferred to Co. C2. Taken POW at Moorefield, WV 8/7/64, age 24 in 8/64, 5’10”, dark hair, farmer from Ashe Co., NC. Held at Camp Chase until he died of typhoid fever, 9/15/64, buried in grave #242. Age 20, 1860 Ashe County Census.
ALLEN, ISAIAH, 33, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#306.
ALLEN, JAMES, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#329. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. He later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville 7/18/63. Later served in Co. D, 13th Tenn. Cav. Federal. Living at Stoney Creek, Carter Co., Tenn. in 1901.
ANDERS, LEANDER: 96th NC Militia. Examined on 10/22/64, suffering from chronic nephritis. Age 38.
ANDERSON, AMBROSE, 13, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#721.
ANDERSON, AMOS, 17, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#721. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 19. Died in Charlottesville, VA hospital on 12/8/62 of pneumonia.
ANDERSON, BARNETT, 26, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ANDERSON, CALVIN, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1032.
ANDERSON, ENOCH, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#124, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Liberty Mills, VA on 12/12/63. AWOL from 12/27/63 thru 8/31/64. Dropped from the rolls, underage, not properly Enl. Age 22, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ANDERSON, FIELDEN H.: 22, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#807. 2nd Lt., Helton Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 4/23/62. Later served in Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on ?. Absent sick on 9/61, then NFR. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 2/5/64. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
ANDERSON, FLOYD R., 26, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#809. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co. as Sgt., age 28. Reduced to ranks on 2/12/63. WIA in hand at Gettysburg on 7/3/63. Listed as absent with wounds until declared AWOL on 10/10/63. Returned to duty on 12/15/63. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, where he was held until paroled on 6/23/65. Res. of Ashe Co. Buried in Ashe Cem. B26.
ANDERSON, HARVEY, 15, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#721. 50th VA Inf.?
ANDERSON, JOSEPH A.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 23. Taken POW near New Market, VA on 10/13/62, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, VA on 11/10/62. Pres. until he deserted on 1/18/64.
ANDERSON, ORVAL: 2nd Lt., Chestnut Hill Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62.
ANDERSON, R., 18, B. VA, Clerk, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#715.
ANDERSON, RILEY, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1174. Co. E, 13th TN Cav., served from 9/24/63 to 9/5/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Piney Creek.
ANDERSON, STEPHEN, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#980.
ANDERSON, THOMAS, 40, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#721.
ANDERSON, WILLIAM J.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. on ?. Paroled at Greensboro, NC on 5/14/65.
ANDREWS, (ANDERS) ROBERT: 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#25. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 1/1/1833. Age 34, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 4/2/1911, buried in the Elk Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
ANDREWS, BURRUS, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#705. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA at taken POW at Kinston, NC. B. 1843. D. 1931, buried in the James Andrews Cem., Alleghany Co.
ANDREWS, CALVIN, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#538.
ANDREWS, CALVIN, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#406. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 20. Died in Richmond Hospital on 8/17/62 of typhoid fever.
ANDREWS, HENRY, 32, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#690.
ANDREWS, JACKSON, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#700. Age 34, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ANDREWS, JAMES M.: 22, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#522. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Died at Morris Island, SC on 8/28/63.
ANDREWS, JOHN, 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ANDREWS, JOHN, 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#654. Age 55, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ANDREWS, LEANDER, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#24. Age 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ANDREWS, MARK, 19, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#654.
ANDREWS, MEREDITH T.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 29. Died at Hamilton, NC on 4/3-4/62 of disease.
ANDREWS, OFFEY, 32, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#584. Age 44, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ANDREWS, THOMAS J., 17, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#690. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. KIA at Gaines Mill, VA on 6/27/62.
ANDREWS, WILES, 28, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#583.
ARNOLD, DANIEL: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of East Tennessee and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. Pres. thru 12/64.
ARNOLD, JACOB: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of East Tennessee and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. KIA at Brandy Station, VA on 8/1/63.
ARNOLD, JAMES, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#886. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek. Died of disease. PWR only.
ARNOLD, JAMES P.: 37, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#408. Co. K, 5th TN. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Age at Enl. was 48/8/11, 6′, dark comp., light hair, blue eyes, farmer, native of Ashe Co. B. 10/22/1820 D. 5/7/1889. Buried in Ashe Cem. J03.
ARNOLD, JOHN, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#885.
ARNOLD, JOHN D.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of East Tennessee and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. Pres. thru 12/64.
ARVENS, J. J.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA on 4/9/65.
ASBURY, LORENZO DOW: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
ASHLEY, BENJAMIN, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#430. Co. A, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 4/15/64, Taken POW at Saltville, VA 12/22/64. Probably resident of Ashe Co.
ASHLEY, CALVIN, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#481.
ASHLEY, CARY, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#636. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 12/1/63. Deserted 3/15/64. Co. A, 26th NC Inf. Enl. 2/12/64 in Iredell Co., NC. WIA in leg according to family tradition. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H., VA 5/12/64. Sent to Point Lookout transferred to Elmira, NY 7/27/64, held until taking the oath 6/12/65. B. 5/19/45 D. 8/31/1914 of brain hemmoraghe. Res. Ashe Co. Buried in the Ashley Cem., Teaberry, Ashe Co., NC. Bro. of William.
ASHLEY, CREED FULTON, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#643. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 8/20/64. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 6/10/1844 D. 12/23/1916, buried in Ashe Cem. J63.
ASHLEY, DAVID, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#632.
ASHLEY, JAMES P.: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#640. Sgt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62, age 24, in Ashe Co., Promoted to Sgt. 2/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. 4/9/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
ASHLEY, JAMES: 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#647. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., age 30. Pres. until deserted 6/28/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
ASHLEY, JOHN S.: Capt., Stagg’s Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62.
ASHLEY, JOSEPH, B. 1839 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#636. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 22. Prom. to Sgt. 7/23/63. CSA reported that he was taken POW at Gettysburg 7/3/63, however no Federal record of incarceration. KIA at Gettysburg. Administratively reduced to Pvt. 1/1/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
ASHLEY, LARKIN, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#483.
ASHLEY, TIVIS, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#643. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 8/27/61, age 19. Transferred to Co. A, 26th NC on 5/1/62. Pres. until WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg 7/1-5/63. Hosp. at Gettysburg, sent to David’s Island, NY Harbor 7/24/63. Paroled at David’s Island 10/22/63, sent to City Point for exchange 10/28/63, Failed to rejoin regiment. May have died prior to 3/1/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
ASHLEY, WILLIAM M.: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#786. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 2/12/64 in Ashe Co., NC. Taken POW 4/2/65 near Petersburg, VA. Sent to Point Lookout, MD, held until released on oath 6/23/65. B. 1/3/1837 D. 12/17/1919, Res. Ashe Co., NC.
ASHLEY, WILLIAM: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#636. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 12/1/63. Deserted 3/15/64. Age 18, 1860 Ashe County Census.
ASHLEY, WILLIAM: 2nd Lt., Stagg’s Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Later Captain, Ashe Co. Home Guard. B. 9/1/1796 D. 3/14/1877, buried in Ashe Cem. J27.
ATKINS, D. R., 35, Physician B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ATWOOD, FRANKLIN, 28, farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#9. Age 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ATWOOD, HENDERSON (HENRY), 26, Mechanic, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#472, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Yadkin Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 27. WIA on ?, absent with wounds until 8/6/62, when status was changed to AWOL. Returned to duty on 3/3/63. WIA in right hand at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63. Returned to duty on 11-12/63. Pres. thru 10/64.
ATWOOD, JAMES D.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 4/1/64. Pres. thru 10/64.
ATWOOD, JESSE: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 1/14/64. Age 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Buried in the Antioch Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Alleghany Co.
ATWOOD, JOHN, 31, Mechanic, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#41.
AUBERRY, WILLIAM: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. 8/2/62 in Independence. WIA on 6/17/64.
AUSTIN, ANDREW, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#92.
AUSTIN, EDWIN, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#914. 1st Sgt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 32. Died at Richmond, VA on 7/62 of disease.
AYERS, JOHN, 49, Farmer, B. VA., 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BADGER, WILLIAM H., 31, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#134. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general rhuematism. Age 37.
BAILEY, JOHN: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Res. of Ashe Co. Deserted at Kinston, NC on 9/5/64, took the oath at Knoxville, Tennessee on 3/28/65.
BAILEY, WILLIAM D.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Res. of Granville Co., Enl. at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh on 10/3/64. Taken POW near Fort Stedman, VA on 3/25/65, confined at Point Lookout, MD, until released on oath on 6/21/65.
BAISLEY, ASH: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Admitted to Howard’s Grove Hospital, Richmond, VA from Castle Thunder prison hospital, Richmond. Died there on 1/27/63.
BAKER, A.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
BAKER, ALEXANDER, 16, B. VA, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#633.
*BAKER, AMBROSE: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/10/62, age 16, in Ashe Co., NC as a substitute. Deserted 7/20/63. Res. Grayson Co., VA.
BAKER, DELILAH, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1263.
BAKER, ELI, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1083. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 9/24/64 at Wilkesboro, Wiles Co., NC. Deserted on 2/27/65. Age at Enl. was 48, 5’6″, fair comp., black hair and eyes, farmer, native of Ashe Co.
BAKER, FRANK: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from scorfula. Age 21.
BAKER, GEORGE: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. Deserted on 8/8/62.
BAKER, GEORGE: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 4/23/61, age 22. Taken POW at Jefferson, PA on 7/3/63, sent to Fort Delaware, where held until he died 9/6/63 of typhoid fever. Buried in the Finn’s Point NJ National Cem.
BAKER, HANSON: Co. C, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic dyspepsia. Age 48.
BAKER, HARRISON H.: 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1355. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
BAKER, HIRAM: 2nd Lt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Res. of Ashe Co. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 5/16/62, age 21. Resigned on 10/4/61, reenl. as a private on 2/24/62. Pres. thru 12/64. Furloughed for 30 days from Richmond Hospital on 3/11/65.
BAKER, J. S.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. Probably a res. of Ashe Co., NC.
BAKER, JAMES, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1072.
BAKER, JAMES, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#473.
BAKER, JAMES F., 21, B. VA, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#633.
BAKER, JAMES M.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 16. WIA in both thighs at Second Manassas on 8/29/62. Returned to duty by 2/28/63. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-5/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until he Enl. in Co. E, 1st U.S. Volunteer Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., occupation farmer.
BAKER, JOHN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1230.
BAKER, JOHN, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#283.
BAKER, LEANDER, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1230. 4th Sgt., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 19. Appointed Sgt. by 5/8/63. Taken POW at Wilson’s Gap, Tennessee on 6/22/63, apparently escaped or exchanged, he was Pres. on 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
BAKER, MARSHAL, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#473. Sgt., Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 8/10/63. Brought horse to camp 8/15/63. On detail for fresh horses on 10/31/64. Absent sick 12/31/64. B. 5/28/1844 in Ashe Co. D. 3/19/1936 in Ashe Co., buried there.
BAKER, SHADRACH: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1088. Co. A, 26th NC Inf. Enl. 5/17/61, age 23 in Ashe Co. NC, age 23. Pres. until transferred to Co. A, 9th NC State Troops 7/31/61. Pres. thru 12/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BAKER, STERLING YOUNG: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Transferred from Co. E, 22nd NC Inf.on 7/1/62, transferred back to Co. E on 8/1/62.
BAKER, WILLIAM HORTON: Co. F, Thomas NC Legion of Highlanders and Cherokee Indians. B. 4/16/1840 in Ashe County, NC. D. 11/5/1920, Cove, Arkansas. Joined the Piney Creek Primitive Baptist Church in 1856, moved to Cherokee Co., NC in 1858. Moved to Bledsoe County, Tennessee postwar. Son of Adam J. and Margery Baker.
BALDWIN, J. D., 42, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1364.
BALDWIN, JOHN M., 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#150, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 28. AWOL in 3/62, returned to duty by 5/31/62, when he was WIA at Seven Pines, VA. Absent with wounds thru 9/62, reported AWOL in 10/62. Age 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BALDWIN, JOSEPH, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1290. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 at Camp French, Petersburg, VA, age 33. WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-5/63, sent to various hospitals where left leg was amputated due to wounds. Paroled at Baltimore, MD 11/12/63, transferred to City Point, VA for exchange 11/17/63. Retired before 10/31/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BALDWIN, WILLIAM MARSHALL: Captain, F&S, Baldwin’s Squadron VA Cav. Originally served as a chaplain for General Humphrey Marshall’s Command. Organized VA Cav. Squadron which bore his name. Resigned from service on 7/14/63. Postwar Res. of Baldwin Community, Ashe Co., NC. B. 1826 D. 1898, buried in Ashe Cem. S26.
BALL, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. B. 8/12/1843 in Iredell Co., NC. Age 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1128. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/64 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until taken POW at Amelia C.H. 4/3/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until taking the oath 6/23/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Member of the Big Helton Primitive Baptist Church. D. 1/6/1926. Buried the Perry Cem. in Helton Twp., Ashe Co., NC.
BALL, EDMOND, 25, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BALL, JOHN H.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Yadkin Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/18/61, age 22. Pres. thru 12/64.
BALL, SANFORD C.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/64 in Ashe Co. Pres. thru 6/64, then NFR. B. 3/1842 D. 1/9/1918, buried in the Union Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Whitehead, Alleghany Co., NC.
BALLARD, ALEXANDER M.: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Died on 5/11/62.
BALLARD, FRANKLIN: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC.
BALLARD, R. F.: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Taken POW on 9/30/64. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BALLOU, HUGH S.: 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1069. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Deserted, took the oath of allegiance at provost marshall’s office in East Tennessee on 2/6/64.
BALLOU, HUGH: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 30. AWOL 12/31/62 thru 5/13/63. KIA Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Res. Ashe Co.
BALLOU, JAMES 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1069.
BALLOU, JOHN, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#866.
BALLOU, LEE: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/1/63, in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. WIA at Gettysburg 7/1-3/63. Absent with wounds thru 6/30/64, NFR. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BALLOU, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1076. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Also shown in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from diabetes and rheumatism of the back. Age 47. B. 2/3/1817 D. 1/8/1897, buried in Ashe Co., NC in cemetery K07.
BALLOU, URIAH, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1076. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from lesion from diptheria. Age 19.
BARE, ABSALOM: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#225. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 3/11/64 at Liberty Mills, VA. MIA at Wilderness on 5/6/64. Later served in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from a knee joint injury. Age 42.
BARE, ALFRED: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Pres. until injured in railway accident at Weldon, NC on 5/1/63, died of injuries. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BARE, CLEVELAND: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh on 10/1/63. Pres. or sick thru 10/64.
BARE, ELI: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh on 10/1/63. Died in camp near Orange C.H., VA on 1/15/65.
BARE, ELIAS: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. B. 1/5/1828 D. 11/3/1908, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q06.
BARE, FARROW: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#225. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 20. Absent sick thru 2/28/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/4-5/63, sent to Fort Delaware on 7/7/63. Sent to Point Lookout on 10/15-18/63. Paroled on 2/18/65, exchanged on 2/21/65 at Boulware’s Wharf. Res. of Ashe Co.
BARE, FELIX, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#907. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Probably the same individual who later served in Co. H, 1st NC Cav., enl. on 9/29/64 at Raleigh, NC. Pres. thru 12/31/64. B. 5/6/1841 D. 10/9/1925, buried in Ashe Co., Cem. Q08.
BARE, GEORGE, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#225. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 11/1/63 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. thru 6/30/64, then NFR. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BARE, HAMILTON, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#225. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 18. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/1/63, Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where he was held until paroled on oath on 623/65. Res. of Ashe Co. B. 1841 D. 9/8/1916, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P25.
BARE, HAMILTON: Corp., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. at Orange C.H., VA on 11/17/63. Promoted to Corp. on 5/1/64. Taken POW at the North Anna River on 5/24/64, sent to Point Lookout, where held until exchanged at Boulware’s Wharf, James River, VA on 3/16/65, returned to duty. Taken POW at Fort Stedman, VA on 3/25/65, sent back to Point Lookout, where held until released on oath on 6/23/65. B. 4/19/1839 D. 11/5/1920, Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P17.
BARE, HENRY, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#750. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh on 12/25/63. Pres. until 5/23/64, when reported AWOL. Absent under arrest by 10/31/64.
BARE, JACOB, Jr.: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#748. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. AWOL on 5/1/62, returned to duty on 4/17/63. Deserted on 8/27/63, returned to duty on 11/15/63, then Pres. thru 10/64. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P17.
BARE, JACOB, Sr.: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#228. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. Pres. thru 4/62. WIA in some rerecorded battle, AWOL on 9/1/62, returned to duty by 3/6/63. Deserted on 8/1/63, returned to duty by 10/24/63. Absent, WIA 5-6/64, returned to duty in 9-10/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
BARE, JAMES, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#900. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/15/63 at Hanover Junction, VA. WIA left hip at Gettysburg, rtnd to duty, taken POW at Bristoe Station, VA 10/14/63. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, then transferred to Point Lookout, MD, released on Enl. in the U.S. Army 1/24/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BARE, JESSE, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#228.
BARE, JOHN, Jr.: 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#908. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 21. AWOL 5-12/62, returned to duty. WIA in right thigh and taken POW at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63, sent to Old Capitol, exchanged at City Point, VA on 6/12/63. AWOL on 10/18/63, returned to duty by 4/30/64. AWOL 7-8/64, returned to duty by 10/31/64. Taken POW in a Richmond hospital on 4/3/65, sent to Newport News, where held until released on the oath on 6/30/65.
BARE, JOHN, Sr.: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#931. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 27. AWOL 5-12/62, returned to duty. WIA in right thigh and taken POW at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63. Died in hospital in Petersburg, VA on 7/13/63 of gangrene and sloughing.
BARE, JOSEPH A.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. 12/5/63. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 1/15/64, age 25, in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until taken POW at Globe Tavern, VA 8/22/64. Sent to Old Capitol Prison where held until taking the oath on 9/19/64. B. 12/ /34 D. 7/16/1921, Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BARE, LEANDER, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#225. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. KIA Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63.
BARE, RUDOLPH: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#228. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 23. Pres. until 12/31/63, when reported under arrest in guardhouse. Rtnd to duty 3/1/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA 4/9/64. B. 10/29/37 D. 3/30/1919. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BARE, WELBORN, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#98.
BARE, WILEY: 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#740. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 27. Pres. thru 4/62. WIA on unknown date. Deserted on 8/8/62, returned to duty on 11/7/63. Court-martialed, sentenced to be executed on 1/9/64. Execution stayed for “partial derangement.” He escaped and entered Federal lines on 2/4/64, with wrist sprained and feet frozen, confined at Old Capitol Prison on 2/8/64, released on 3/22/64 on oath. Pension application claims he was WIA at Orange C.H. on 1/1/63. B. 9/24/1829 D. 9/12/1915, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q12.
BARKER, A. J.: Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 5/1/64 in Ashe Co. In hospital at Greensboro, NC 1/6-9/65 and at Goldsboro 2/15/65 with measles.
BARKER, ABRAHAM, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#766. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. at Camp Lee on 2/12/62, age 17. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor on 6/4/62. Paroled, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 8/5/62. WIA at Second Manassas on 8/29/62. Pres. for duty on 2/28/63. Died in 3/63 of disease, day and place not reported.
BARKER, ABRAHAM: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
BARKER, ALEXANDER, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#766. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from epilepsy. Age 19.
BARKER, ALFORD, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1111.
BARKER, ALFORD, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1094.
BARKER, AMBROSE, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#244. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 34. WIA in right shoulder at Gettysburg 7/1/63. Rtnd to duty 9/22/63, WIA again in hosp. at Petersburg with gunshot wound in right leg 6/3/64. Retired to Invalid Corps 12/1/64 due to disability. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BARKER, CALVIN, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1098. 3rd Corp.: Co. L, 58th NC, Enl. on 7/20/62 in Ashe Co. Died at Clinton, Tenn. on 4/11/63.
BARKER, EDWARD ROBERT: 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1108. 2nd Lt.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. 5/23/61 age 28, as a corporal. WIA at Willis Church, VA on 6/29/62. Elected 3rd Lt. on 10/5/64, commissioned 2nd Lt. on 12/5/64. Pres. thru 1/65. B. 1834 D. 7/1912, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K30.
BARKER, EDWARD: 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1111. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 20. Pres. until MWIA in face and left thigh at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Died in Federal Hosp. at Gettysburg 8/13/63.
BARKER, ELI C.: Co. L, 58th NC Enl. 7/20/62 in Ashe Co. Sick on 2/10/63. WIA at Chickamagua, Ga. on 9/20/63, furloughed on 9/29/63. Pres. on 12/31/63, then NFR. Res. Ashe Co. Age 28, 1860 ACC.
BARKER, JACKSON, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1111. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Died at Kinston, NC of disease 5/8/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BARKER, JAMES MONROE: Co. L, 58th NC, Enl. on 7/20/62 in Ashe Co. Discharged on 4/6/63, age 21, 5’7″, fair comp., blue eyes, light hair.
BARKER, JOHN, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#766.
BARKER, JONAS, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1112.
BARKER, LEVI, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1111.
BARKER, MONROE: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from deafness. Age 25.
BARKER, MONTGOMERY, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#795. Co. L, 58th NC, Enl. 7/20/62 in Ashe Co. Pres. until WIA 9/20/63 at Chickamauga, Ga. Furloughed on 9/27/63, did not return to duty. In 5th Div. Gen. Hosp., Camp Winder, VA on 10/2/63. Res. Ashe Co. Age 22, 1860 ACC.
BARKER, POINDEXTER, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1094.
BARKER, THOMAS C., 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1249. Co. L, 58th NC, Enl. 7/20/62 in Ashe Co. Deserted on 5/26/63 at Clinton, Tenn., returned to duty, Pres. thru 8/31/64. Taken POW at Stockbridge, GA on 9/3/64, sent to Camp Douglas, Ill. Claimed to have been loyal, was conscripted, and deserted to avail himself of the amnesty proclamation. Held until released on oath on 6/17/65. Res. Ashe Co., fair comp., light hair, blue eyes, 6′. Age 23, 1860 ACC.
BARKER, WILLIAM POINDEXTER: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. 7/20/62 in Ashe Co. Pres. all musters thru 8/31/64. Res. Ashe Co. B. 1844, D. 5/6/1932 in Ashe Co. B. 1844 D. 5/6/1932. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. C02.
BARLOW, ABRAHAM, 28, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1204. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 26. WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1- 4/63, hospitalized at David’s Island, NY Harbor, exchanged at City Point, VA on 9/8/63. Absent with wounds thru 2/1/64, when status reported as AWOL. Deserted to enemy on 10/11/64, took oath and was released on 10/12/64.
BARLOW, JOHN: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Ashe Co. on 12/24/63. Pres. thru 11/64. Taken POW at Goldsboro, NC on 3/23/65, took the oath and was sent to New Bern, NC on 3/26/65.
BARLOW, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Co. I, 13th TN Cav., Enlisted on 1/15/64, age 20. Discharged on 6/19/65. Resident of Wheeler, Ashe Co., NC in 1901. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, res. of North Fork Township.
BARR, HAMILTON: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#228. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 7/25/63. Pres. at 8/31/63, provided his own horse.
BAUGUESS, SOLOMON, Co. H, 3rd NC Mounted Inf. Served from 8/6/64 to 8/8/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Laurel Township.
BAUGUS, THOMAS, 43, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BAYOLE, J. L.: Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. PWR Only.
BEAM, W. G.: Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. PWR only.
BEAMAN, WILLIAM P.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 3/5/62. Pres. until AWOL on 8/30/64.
BEAMER, ADAM JEFFERSON: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville. B. 1844 D. 1911.
BEAMON, MARION: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1004. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. in another unit on 8/15/62. Joined this unit by 8/31/63. Hospitalized in Richmond for WIA in hand on 7/20/63. AWOL by 12/31/63, returned to duty by 2/29/64. Absent, WIA on 6/30/64 muster roll. AWOL by 8/8/64, deserted by 11/30/64.
BEAMON, WILBORN, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1004. 23, Domestic Servant, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BEAN, R. F., 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#20.
BEASLEY, WILLIAM: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville as Sgt.
BEAVER, JAMES: Co. C, 8th VA Cav., Enl. on ?. Taken POW in Putnam Co., WV on 10/30/62, age 53, sent to Camp Chase. Exchanged on 12/2/62. Family not in Grayson Co.
BENFIELD, CHARLES A.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 3/17/64. Taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23-4/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, held there until paroled at Varina, VA on 9/22/64. Died at hospital in Richmond, VA on 9/23/64 of chronic diarrhea.
BENGE, JAMES, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#256. Co. B, 55th NC Inf., Enl. on 4/5/62 in Wilkes Co., NC. AWOL in 6/62. Listed as a prisoner on 11/10/63, probably held by CSA authorities. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. T02.
BENGE, WILLIS, 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#256, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
BENHAM, CALVIN C.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Yadkin Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 6/8/61. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, confined at Point Lookout, MD until exchanged at Coxes Wharf, VA on 2/20-21/65.
BENTLEY, NATHAN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only.
BEVERLY, JOHN F.: Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on 7/16/61 at Abingdon. Discharged at Chattanooga for chronic pneumonia affecting right lung on 3/14/62, then age 25, light comp., grey eyes, light hair, occupation farmer. On 1902 pension list.
BILLINGS, BENJAMIN, 23, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#321. Age 33, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BILLINGS, DANIEL, 39, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#404.
BILLINGS, ELI H., 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#577, 2nd Lt., Glade Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 12/26/61. Later served in Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Taken POW in 1864.
BILLINGS, FRANKLIN, 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#33.
BILLINGS, GRANVILLE, 25, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#136.
BILLINGS, GRANVILLE, 29, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#405, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 28. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD on 7/14/63, sent to Point Lookout, exchanged at City Point, VA on 3/6/64. AWOL by 6/1/64, returned to duty 9/13/64. Deserted on 3/8/65, took the oath at Washington on 3/10/65, released. B. 1841 D. 1931, buried in the Antioch Primitive Baptist Church, Stratford, Alleghany Co., NC.
BILLINGS, JAMES H., 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#405. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. B. ca. 1840, 6′, light hair, farmer, res. of Wilkes Co., NC.
BILLINGS, WILBORNE, 23, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#580.
BILLINGS, WILLIAM, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#348.
BINGHAM, JEPTHA K.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 25. Promoted to Corp. on 3/1/62, promoted to sergeant by 5/1/62, reduced to ranks on 5/27/62. KIA at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62.
BINGHAM, THOMAS, Co. ?, 13th TN Cav. Resident of Amantha, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
BINKLEY, EMANUEL: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47/0/25, 5’9″, light comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, native of Alleghany Co.
BLACK, ALEXANDER, 26, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#2206, Lt., Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. B. 3/28/1828 Age 43, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 4/18/1905, buried in the Mount Zion Methodist Church Cem., Piney Creek, Alleghany Co., NC.
BLACK, ANDREW: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 17. Died of disease on 8/11/62, no place reported. Res. of Ashe Co.
BLACK, DANIEL, Age 22, Clerk, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#8. Co. B, 1st Tenneessee Cavalry, served from 4/10/62 to 4/10/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Stagg’s Creek Township.
BLACK, DAVID, 33, Clerk, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#206. 2nd Lt., Gap Civil Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/14/62.
BLACK, GEORGE: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#266. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 26. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor on 6/4/62. Paroled, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 8/5/62. AWOL 8-10/62. WIA in knee at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Returned to duty by 1/1/63. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned on 1/18/64. Shot by sentence of court-martial on 4/14/64.
BLACK, GEORGE: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
BLACK, JACOB, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#221. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 40.
BLACK, JESSE: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
BLACK, JOHN J., 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#201, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 45/7/6, 5’10”, light comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, native of Ashe Co. B. 12/5/1822 Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 4/2/1871, buried in the Mount Zion Methodist Church Cem., Piney Creek, Alleghany Co., NC.
BLACK, JOHN J.: 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#136. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 35. Pres. thru 4/64. Absent, WIA on 6/30/64 muster, returned to duty by 8/25/64 when WIA in left leg at Ream’s Station, VA. Leg amputated.
BLACK, JOHN M.: 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#211. 2nd Lt., Piney Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 10/26/61. Later served as 1st Sgt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., as a private. WIA in the face at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Returned to duty by 10/31/63. Promoted to Sgt. on 12/14/63. Taken POW at Deep Bottom, VA on 7/4/64 sent to Point Lookout on 7/15/64. Exchanged at Venus Point, Savannah River, GA on 11/15/64, returned to duty by 2/1/65, when promoted to 1st Sgt. Surrendered at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. Res. of Ashe Co. B. 4/24/1833 D. 4/6/1907, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B04.
BLACK, JOSEPH, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#927. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 23. Died about 4/16/62, no cause or place noted. Born in Ashe Co.
BLACK, LAWRENCE K.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Gaston Co., Enl. at Camp Vance on 10/25/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, held at Point Lookout, MD on 6/23/65 on taking the oath.
BLACK, MICHAEL: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 at Camp French, Petersburg, VA, age 30. Pres. until WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg 7/1/63. Hosp. at Gettysburg, sent to David’s Island, NY. Paroled and sent to City Point for exchange 9/27/63. AWOL after 3/1/64, NFR. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BLACK, NOAH, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#925. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48/1/28, 5’10”, light comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, native of Ashe Co. Also served in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from paralysis agitans. Age 48.
BLACKBURN, EDMOND. G.: 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#83. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/25/61, age 21. Pres. until he died, reported on 10/31/63 muster roll.
BLACKBURN, EDWARD: 2nd Lt., Pine Swamp Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62.
BLACKBURN, GEORGE F., Co. H, 3rd NC Mounted Inf., served from 1/25/65 to 8/8/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Pine Swamp Town- ship.
BLACKBURN, GEORGE W.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 17. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/1/63. WIA at Ream’s Station on 8/25/64. Returned to duty by 10/31/64. On light duty as a teamster during 11/64-2/65, as a result of disability from wounds. Paroled at Farmville, VA on 4/11-21/65.
BLACKBURN, JACOB, 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BLACKBURN, JAMES THOMAS: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh, NC on 1/23/64. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/21/64, sent to Point Lookout and then to Elmira, NY, arriving there on 7/25/64. Died there on 9/13/64 of chronic diarrhea.
BLACKBURN, JEREMIAH M., 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1119. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Lenoir Co., age 24. WIA near Richmond, summer 1862. AWOL 8/1/62 thru 2/28/63. WIA, hospitalized at Richmond with wounded leg on 4/6/63. Shot off his own fingers and detailed as a nurse at Richmond on 6/1/63. AWOL, rejoined company by 2/29/64. Court-martialed, shot on 4/14/64. Res. of Ashe Co.
BLACKBURN, JOEL: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 33. Taken POW at Wilson’s Gap, TN on 6/22/63, apparently escaped or exchanged, he was Pres. on 8/3/63 per records of 5th Battn. Records of 65th NC Cav. indicate he deserted at Big Creek Gap, TN on 7/24/63.
BLACKBURN, JOSEPH, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#617.
BLACKBURN, MORGAN: 1st Lt., Pine Swamp Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Voluunteered for regular service.
BLACKBURN, SOLOMON, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#712.
BLACKBURN, SOLOMON, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#68.
BLACKBURN, THOMAS, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#74. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. 12/5/63.
BLACKBURN, WILLIAM, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#68. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/25/61, age 22. Discharged at Camp Mars, NC on 5/18/62 for organic heart disease. Died in Hospital at Wilson, NC on 9/27/62 of anasrca.
BLANKENSHIP, ALEX, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#72.
BLANKENSHIP, ROSS: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Named reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64.
BLANTON, JOHN: Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. Paroled at Cumberland Gap on 5/9/65, Res. of Wise Co.
BLEDSOE, JESSE, 32, Sheriff, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#543.
BLEVINS, A. F., 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#322.
BLEVINS, ALBERT, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1264. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Pres. until WIA in leg at Gettysburg 7/1/63. Rtnd to duty before 1/1/64. Pres. thru 2/28/65. B. 3/21/1844 D. 4/16/1913, buried in the Pleasant Home Baptist Church Cem., Grassy Creek, Ashe Co., NC.
BLEVINS, ALFRED C.: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1100. 1st Lt., Helton Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Volunteered for regular service. Later served as Sgt. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 29, as a pvt. Promoted to Sgt. by 11/1/62, reduced to ranks before on 8/31/63 for disobeying orders. WIA in right thigh at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1-3/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. WIA in left hand at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64, returned to duty by 8/31/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
BLEVINS, ALVIS: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 9/15/61, age 26. Deserted on 7/6/62. Returned to duty by 10/31/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until released on taking the oath on 6/23/65. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BLEVINS, ARMSTRONG, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1153.
BLEVINS, BARTON, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1253.
BLEVINS, CALLOWAY: 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#322. Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 5/1/64 in Ashe Co. Pres. for duty on 2/28/65 with measles.
BLEVINS, CALVIN, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#705.
BLEVINS, CALVIN J.: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1264. Pvt./3rd Lt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 28. Elected 3LT 4/21/62. Resigned due to health and family condition on 7/19/62. Reenl. as Pvt. 7/10/64. Pres. until WIA at Petersburg, VA 2/5/65, leg amputated. Res. Ashe Co. B. 3/25/45 D. 1/13/1914.
BLEVINS, DAVID, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#704.
BLEVINS, DOUGLAS: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 10/21/1844 D. 4/2/1918, he is buried in the Testerman Cem., Silas Creek, Ashe Co., NC.
BLEVINS, E. A., 25, B. VA., 1860 Ashe County Census HH#806.
BLEVINS, E. BARTLETT: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until taken POW at Bristoe Station, VA 10/14/63. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, transferred to Point Lookout, MD 10/27/63. Paroled and transferred for exchange at Boulware’s Wharf, James River, VA 3/3/65.
BLEVINS, E.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis pulmoanlis. Age 37.
BLEVINS, EDWARD, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1158.
BLEVINS, EDWARD: 2nd Sgt., Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
BLEVINS, ELI, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1153.
BLEVINS, ELI, 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#703.
BLEVINS, ELI A.: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1130. Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 28. Promoted to Sgt. by 8/31/63. MWIA in arm, side, and right lung at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64. Died of wounds at a Richmond, VA hospital on 6/6/64.
BLEVINS, ELI: Co. B, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. ?, deserted 7/16/64, Taken POW at Louisa, KY, took oath at Chattanooga 7/14/64, sent North of the Ohio. Res. Washington Co., light comp., brown hair, blue eyes, 5’10”, volunteered for Southern Service. B. 3/15/1832, Ashe Co., NC, D. ca. 1901/4, prob. in Washington Co., VA.
BLEVINS, ELIJAH. B. 8/5/1827 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1071. 2nd Lt., Jefferson Dist., 97th NC Militia. Volunteered for regular service. Later serrved in Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. at Berryville, VA on 11/1/62, age 23. Died at Guinea Station, VA on 12/31/62 of disease.
BLEVINS, ELISHA, Co. B, 1st TN Light Artillery, served from 12/12/64 to 6/20/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Cranberry Township.
BLEVINS, EPHRAIM: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., NC or Smyth Co., VA, Enl. in Iredell Co., NC on 8/15/62, age 18. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, held at Fort Delaware, until released on oath on 6/19/65.
BLEVINS, FAVIUS: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 27. Pres. until discharged, elected Lieutenant in another unit.
BLEVINS, FELIX, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1264. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 17. Pres. until WIA in right foot at Gettysburg. Taken POW and right foot amputated. Sent to David’s Island, NY, 7/24/63, held until exchanged 9/23/63. Absent with wounds until retired 2/3/65 for disability. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BLEVINS, FRANCIS MARION: B. 11/1845 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#725. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 19. WIA in foot at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-3/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-5/63, sent to Fort Delaware, moved to Point Lookout, MD by 10/18/63. Exchanged at Boulware’s Wharf, VA on 2/20/65. Lived in Ashe Co., NC until at least 1907, moved to Smyth Co., VA. Buried in the Azen Cem., Konnarock, Smyth Co., VA.
BLEVINS, G. W.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
BLEVINS, GEORGE, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1250.
BLEVINS, GEORGE DOUGLAS: Co. A, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. 5/13/63 at Saltville. Deserted 9/18/63, rtnd 1/23/64, due CSA $63.36 for ordnance, then NFR. B. Ashe Co., NC 10/21/1844 D. Ashe Co., NC. 4/2/1918, buried in the Blevins-Testerman Cem., Silas Creek, Ashe Co., NC. He also served in Co. L, 58th NC Inf.
BLEVINS, GRANVILL, 51, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BLEVINS, GRANVILLE H., 12, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#433. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 21. Died at Winchester, VA on 11/17-20/62 of disease.
BLEVINS, HARISON: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1155. Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
BLEVINS, HARRISON, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1153. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. in 1861. WIA at Chancellorsville 5/1-4/63. Taken POW in Ashe County on 4/27/64. Took the oath at Louisa, KY on 4/30/64. Res. of Ashe County, fair comp., dark hair, blue eyes, 5’8″, professed loyalty, claimed to have been a conscript. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F11.
BLEVINS, HORTON, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1264. Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 22. Taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, paroled 3/25/62, rtnd to duty prior to 8/14/62. WIA in forehead at Gettysburg 7/1/63. Rtnd to duty 11/63. Prom. to Corp. 3-6/64. In hosp. 1-6/64, then NFR.
BLEVINS, HUGH. B. 10/9/1834 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1061. Corp., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 30. Promoted to Corp. on 11/1/62. Shoulder bruised at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, returned to duty by 1/1/63. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63.
BLEVINS, ISHAM (ISOM): 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#703. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA on 5/4/64.
BLEVINS, ISHAM: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 31. KIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63.
BLEVINS, JACKSON, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1225.
BLEVINS, JACOB. B. 9/5/1825 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1064. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic rhemuatism. Age 37.
BLEVINS, JAMES, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#585.
BLEVINS, JAMES: 20, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#689. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. KIA at Fort Harrison on 9/30/64.
BLEVINS, JESSE F. LYNCH: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#725. McRae’s NC Cavalry Battn. 1898 Grayson Co. CSA Vets Roster. No CSR File. B. 2/17/1846 D. 4/18/1934, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B12.
BLEVINS, JOHN, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1058. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
BLEVINS, JOSIAH, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#324, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany or Wilkes Co., Enl. in Wake Co. on 5/27/61, age 30. Pres. until he deserted sometime about 10/62. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BLEVINS, L. POINDEXTER: 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#715. 1st Lt./Capt., Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. ? B. 5/2/1836 D. 2/2/1922, buried in the Baptist Chapel Regular Baptist Church Cem., Helton, Ashe Co., NC.
BLEVINS, LEVI, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#811. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/15/63 at Camp French, Petersburg, VA, age 28. Check film.
BLEVINS, MEREDITH, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1053. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 19. Died on 4/16/63 of disease.
BLEVINS, RALPH, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany or Wilkes Co., Enl. in Wake Co. on 5/27/61, age 25. Reported WIA in 7/62. AWOL 9-10/62, returned to duty and deserted on 1/17/63. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 4/2/63. AWOL on 6/30/63, then NFR. Co. B, 1st TN Light Artillery, served 12/12/64 to 7/20/65, per 1890 Union Veterans Census of Alleghany County, NC. Resident of Sparta.
BLEVINS, RILEY, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#584.
BLEVINS, RILEY, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#652. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma. Age 44.
BLEVINS, ROBERT. B. 9/18/1831 on Helton Creek, Ashe Co., NC. Age 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1060. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 32. AWOL on 9/1/63, returned to duty by 2/29/64. Taken POW at Wilderness or Spotsylvania C.H., VA between 5/6-12/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD. Moved to Elmira, NY where he was held until he took the oath on 6/16/65. B. 12/18/1831 D. 2/15/1909, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K13. Brother of Jacob, Elijah and Hugh Blevins, also CSA soldiers.
BLEVINS, SOLOMON, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#725.
BLEVINS, STEPHEN: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 27. Pres. until KIA at Gettysburg 7/1/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BLEVINS, SYLVESTER, 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#325. 96th NC Miliitia. Examined on 10/22/64, sufferreing from general debility. Age 42. Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BLEVINS, THOMAS J., 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#689.
BLEVINS, TOBIAS: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. thru 12/31/62, then NFR. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from necrosis of the right tibia. Age 34.
BLEVINS, WELBORN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1159.
BLEVINS, WELLS, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#585. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 19. Promoted to Corp. by 8/31/63 and to Sgt. by 2/1/64. One of two men in his company not killed, wounded or captured at Chancellorsville. Reduced to ranks on 8/10/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, held at Point Lookout, MD until released on 6/23/65 when he took the oath. B. 1837 D. 1900, buried in the Healing Springs Baptist Church Cem., Ashe Co. Cousin of Robert, Hugh, and Jacob Blevins.
BLEVINS, WESLEY, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1157.
BLEVINS, WESLEY: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1059. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 20. WIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1-3/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. AWOL from 2/10/65. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G01.
BLEVINS, WILBORN, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#705. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from deformity of the left arm and “left eye out.” Age 39.
BLEVINS, WILLIAM: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1077. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 26. Pres. until he deserted on 8/26/63, taken POW same day at Kelly’s Ford, VA, sent to the Old Capitol Prison, Washington, DC. Released on oath on 9/28/63 and sent to Philadelphia, PA.
BLEVINS, WILLIAM: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1289. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 at Camp Branch. Pres. until WIA 10/14/63 at Bristoe Station, VA. Rtnd to duty, pres. until paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA 4/9/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BOBBITT, WILLIAM: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 9/1/63.
BOGGS, J.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 21.
BOGGS, PETER FOWLER: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/20/61, age 21. WIA in left leg at Gettysburg 7/3/63, leg amputated. Retired to Invalid Corps on 11/25/64. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. A08.
BOGGS, THOMAS: 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#659, Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. in Burke Co. on 12/5/63.
BOLIN, HAMILTON, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#549.
BOLIN, JAMES, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1314.
BOLIN, JAMES: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/1/63. Pres. until he died of disease at Orange C.H., VA on 2/4/64.
BOONE, HENDERSON, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1229.
BOONE, JOHN, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1228.
BOONE, WILLIAM, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1229.
BOREN, CLARK T., 29, B. VA, Miller, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#501, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 25. Died at Winchester, VA on 11/15/62 of disease.
BOREN, JAMES, 32, B. VA, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#501.
BOSTLEY, HICKMAN, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#447.
BOTTOM, HIRAM: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. Taken POW at Waynesboro on 3/2/65, sent to Fort Delaware on 3/12/65, no record of death or release.
BOTTOMLY, WILLIAM, 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BOWER, ELI, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1944. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. Died at home of disease 5/62. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BOWER, GEORGE WASHINGTON, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#194. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 15. Pres. thru 8/1/63, then NFR. B. 7/8/45 D. 2/17/1903. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P02. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BOWERS, ELI, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1052.
BOWERS, PETER N., Bugler, Co. A, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, discharged on 5/27/65.
BOWERS, THOMAS, Co. G, 13th TN Cavalry. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Stagg’s Creek Township.
BOWIE, JOHN ROUTH: Captain, Unit ?, LA Inf. B. 4/14/1839 D. 9/23/1878, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. U03.
BOWLAN, HAMILTON: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 21. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
BOWLING, WILLIAM: 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#549. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
BOYD, ISAAC P., Unit ?. Widow, Eliza, mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township.
BOYED, E., 29, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1261.
BOYER, ALEXANDER: 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#304. Co. C, 8th VA Cav., Enl. on 10/1/63 in Tazewell Co. WIA on 9/19/63. Age 25, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BOYER, JAMES, 44, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#304. Age 55, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BRACKINS, ADAM, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#495, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC.
BRACKINS, FRANKLIN, 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#386.
BRACKINS, JOSHUA, 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#495.
BRACKINS, SAMUEL, 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#386, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/29/65.
BRACKINS, SPENCER H.: 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#704, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes in 6/64. WIA at some point prior to hospitalization at Petersburg, VA on 6/23/64, absent with wounds thru 9/7/64, when status was changed to AWOL, then NFR.
BRACKINS, WILLIAM, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#386.
BREWER, SILER: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Age at Enl. was 46/7/9, 6′, dark comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Wilkes County.
BRINEGAR, ALFRED.: 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#282. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 4/15/63, age 23. Deserted.
BRINEGAR, CALVIN, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#736.
BRINEGAR, E. L.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on ?. Paroled at Salisbury, NC in 1865.
BRINEGAR, JOHN WILLIAM: Age 27, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#297. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Wilkes Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 8/10/61. Transferred to Co. D 33rd NC Inf. on 10/4/61.
BRINEGAR, LEROY, 22, Domestic Servant, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BROOK, ALFRED, 30, Teacher, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#593.
BROOKS, A. J., 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#320.
BROOKS, DAVID M., Co. F, 13th TN Cavalry. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Piney Creek.
BROOKS, GEORGE W., 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#784. Capt., Piney Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62.
BROOKS, HARDIN, 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BROOKS, JOHN, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1291. Unit ?. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, deserted, received no discharge. Resident of Piney Creek township. Age 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BROOKS, LARKIN C., Co. H, 10th TN Cavalry served 11/8/63 to 8/1/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Piney Creek.
BROOKS, ROBERT, 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BROOKS, SOLOMON: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of East Tennessee and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. Pres. thru 12/64. Confederate Pensioneer in Grayson Co.
BROOKS, St. LEGER, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1291.
BROOKS, WILLIAM, 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BROOKSHIRE, B. F.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
BROWN, ALFRED: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#416. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 2/27/63 per Capt. Oliver. Enl. in Co., K, 21st Va. Cav. on 3/31/63. Taken POW at Smithfield, VA on 9/16/64. Held at Point Lookout, MD and admitted to prison hospital for smallpox 1/9/65, escaped from hospital on 3/22/65, but recaptured. Took the oath 4/6/65. B. ca. 1839 in Ashe Co., NC. Brother of Benjamin and Larkin Brown.
BROWN, B. L. (S.), 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#317.
BROWN, BENJAMIN B.: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#414. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. on 12/31/62 but Dstd on 2/27/63. Enl. in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav. on 3/31/63, provided his own horse. Pres. on 8/31/63, AWOL on 8/31/64 and 10/31/64. Pres. at 12/31/64. MWIA at Farmville, VA on 4/7/65, gunshot wound to chest, died at hospital at Farmville on 5/12/65, buried in hospital cemetery.
BROWN, BENJAMIN S.: Age 31, 1860 Ashe County Census. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/5/63. Pres. 8/31/63. Admitted to hosp. at Farmville, VA on 10/28/64 for chronic diarrhea. Returned to duty 11/17/64. B. 10/27/1841 D. 8/24/1925, buried in Ashe Co., NC.
BROWN, CALVIN, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#316.
BROWN, DAVID, 14, B. VA, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#98.
BROWN, ELI, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#192, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 21. WIA in right arm at Gaine’s Mills, VA on 6/27/62. Absent with wounds until retired to Invalid Corps on 11/17/64.
BROWN, ELI: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville. Died in Harrisonburg, Va. hosp. on 7/7/64, cause not noted.
BROWN, FRANKLIN, 32, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BROWN, GEORGE H.: 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#414. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
BROWN, GRAY J.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 8/13/64. Pres. thru at least 11/17/64.
BROWN, HUGH, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1129.
BROWN, ISAAC, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#459.
BROWN, ISAAC M.: Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/19/63. Pres. on 8/31/63, then NFR. Age 27, 1860 Ashe County Census.
BROWN, JACKSON, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1087. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 32. Died at Camp Gregg, Fredericksburg, VA on 4/9-13/63 of fever.
BROWN, JOHN J., 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#318. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 6/24/1825 D. 1/20/1893, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. L52.
BROWN, JOHN: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#4. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/7/62. WIA Second Manassas 8/28/62. Pres. thru 12/64.
BROWN, JOHN: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#569. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 25. Died in camp near Richmond, VA on 6/9/62.
BROWN, JOSEPH, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#594.
BROWN, LARKIN, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#414. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. on 12/31/62 but Dstd on 2/27/63. Enl. in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav. on 3/31/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville on 7/18/63. B. ca. 1840 in Ashe Co., NC. Brother of Benjamin Brown.
BROWN, MARTIN, 1st Lt.: Co. F, 5th NC Sr. Res. B. 5/23/1820 in Ashe Co., NC. D. 12/21/1910 in Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K06.
BROWN, MATHIAS: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 21. Pres. thru 9/24/63, when AWOL, returned by 2/29/64. Taken POW at North Anna River on 5/24/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until exchanged at Cox’s Wharf, James River, VA on 10/11/64. Nominated to the Badge of Distinction for gallantry at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/64. Buried in the Obids Community Cem., Ashe Co. Cem.
BROWN, MATISON: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 7/1/61 at Independence. Discharged for epileptic spasms o 8/14/61.
BROWN, MOSES: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
BROWN, RICHARD: Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. on ?. Taken POW at Spottsylvania C.H. on 5/10/64, sent to Elmira, NY. Claimed he wanted to take the oath and go to his uncle’s in Missouri.
BROWN, WESLEY W.: Corp., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 28, as a private. Pres. thru 4/62, WIA in unrecorded battle, status changed to AWOL on 8/10/62, returned to duty by 2/29/64. Promoted to Corp. on 5/1/64. WIA in left hand near Wilderness on 5/5/64, absent with wounds thru 10/64.
BROWN, WILLIAM P.: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#367. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. on 12/31/62 but Dstd on 2/27/63. Later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., bounty due. Enl. on 12/22/63. Pres. 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. May have transferred to 36th VA Inf.
BROWN, WILLIAM: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chocexia and disabled foot. Age 28.
BROWNING, WILLIAM P.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. on ?. Paroled at Greensboro, NC on 5/12/65.
BRYAN, FRANCIS: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Age at Enl. was 49/7/7, 6′, light comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany County. Age 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BRYAN, SHADRACK, 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#655. 53, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BRYANT, ABRAHAM M., 43, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#615. Age 53, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BRYANT, GEORGE, 17, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#998.
BRYANT, GEORGE H., 19, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#714. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 8/27/61, age 19. MWIA at Second Manassas on 8/29/62, exact place and date of death unrecorded. Native of Grayson Co., Res. of Ashe Co.
BRYANT, JAMES S., Co. ?, 13th TN Cavalry. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township.
BRYANT, JOHN, 16, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#655.
BRYANT, JOHN, 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#617.
BRYANT, REUBIN, 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
BRYANT, THOMAS, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#655.
BUCHANAN, WILLIAM, 16, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1349. Co. C, 13th TN Cav. U.S.
BUMGARDNER, SIMEON, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#174.
BUMGARDNER, ELI, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#174.
BUMGARDNER, GEORGE W.: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#502. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
BUMGARNER, A. L. D.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only.
BUMGARNER, JOHN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#112.
BUNKER, CHRISTOPHER W.: Co. D, 4th VSL. This Co. became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville. 5’8″, brown eyes, black hair.
BURCHAM, W. E.: Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. PWR only.
BURCHETT, BRYSON, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#547.
BURCHETT, HARRRISON, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#547.
BURCHETT, JOHN: Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 7/20/63, deserted the same day. Probably from Alleghany Co.
BURCHETT, MARTIN, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#547.
BURGESS, ALFORD, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#932.
BURGESS, ANDREW: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 22. Pres. or accounted for until discharged on 4/10/64, but was sick much of the time. Res. of Ashe Co.
BURGESS, CALTON, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#747.
BURGESS, CALTON: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 9/17/64 at Camp Vance. Died at Richmond on 10/31/64 of chronic dysentery. Probably Res. of Ashe Co.
BURGESS, GEORGE, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1325.
BURGESS, HUGH, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#99.
BURGESS, HUGH L., Blacksmith: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/31/61, age 30. Promoted to blacksmith in 4/64. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 6/5/1831 D. 9/21/1898, buried in the Obids Community Cem., Ashe Co. Cem.
BURGESS, JAMES, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1325.
BURGESS, JAMES: Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 18. Deserted on 6/21/63, returned to duty by 12/31/63. KIA at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64.
BURGESS, SANDERS, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#932.
BURGESS, SANDERS: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 49, 5’9″, dark comp., gray hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe County.
BURGESS, THOMAS: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61, in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Pres. until WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-5/63. Hosp. at Gettysburg, then transferred to David’s Island, NY. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD where he Enl. in U.S. Army 1/26/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
BURK, H. C.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
BURK, WILLIAM E.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 34. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern 3/14/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, transferred to Aiken’s Landing, JAMES River for exchange 8/5/62. Discharged as being over age upon return to unit. Res. Randolph Co., NC.
BURKE, CHARLES, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#846.
BURKE, CHARLES H.: Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 24. Promoted to Sgt. on 10/1/62, reduced to ranks by 8/31/63. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63. Deserted on 6/21/63. On roll of POWs received at Louisville. Taken POW in Ashe Co., NC, released on oath on 4/30/64, “conscripted, professed loyalty, not doubted.” Res. of Ashe Co., 5’9″, fair comp., dark hair, blue eyes. POW records under 37th VA Inf.
BURKE, W. E., 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#846.
BURKETT, ALEXANDER, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#169.
BURKETT, CHRISTIAN A.: 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1207. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 23. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 9/3/1839 D. 2/11/1913, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N10.
BURKETT, CHRISTIAN B.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Pres. until taken POW at Falling Waters, MD 7/14/63. Sent to Elmira, NY where held until paroled 3/10/65, transferred to Boulware’s Wharf for exchange 3/15/65. B. 9/3/39 D. 2/11/1913. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P02.
BURKETT, CHRISTIAN: 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#272. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/20/61, age 30. Taken POW at Williamsport, MD on 10/27-29/62. Paroled by 2/28/63, on way to rejoin regiment. Pres. thru 12/64.
BURKETT, DANIEL: 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#239. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 45/8/8, 5’9″, dark comp., eyes, and hair, farmer, born in Ashe County. B. 11/26/1818 D. 7/17/1919, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P09.
BURKETT, DAVID, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#164. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis pulmonalis. Age 44.
BURKETT, GEORGE W.: Sgt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 8/1/62. Promoted to Sgt. by 10/31/64. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 7/3/1837 D. 2/12/1896, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N10.
BURKETT, HENRY H.: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#169. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 7/1/63. Pres. until taken POW at Stony Creek, VA on 12/1/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, held there until released on the oath on 5/15/65.
BURKETT, JACOB, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#265.
BURKETT, JOHN W., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#254. 2nd Lt.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Res. of Ashe Co. Enl. on 5/20/61, age 25, as a sergeant. Taken POW near Monocacy Creek, MD on 10/12/62, exchanged on 11/10/62. Promoted to 2nd Lt. on 5/1/63. KIA at Brandy Station, VA 8/2/63.
BURKETT, JOHN: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#264. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/21/61, age 22. Died of unspecified cause on 6/1/62.
BURLISON, ALEXANDER L.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 9/25/62 in Ashe Co. MWIA in back, right knee, right arm and taken POW at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Sent to Washington, D.C., where he died on 1/10/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
BURNY, YANCY: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Stokes, on 1/27/65. Deserted in 2/65. Paroled at Greensboro, NC on 5/13/65.
BURR, A. H.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Federal parole records indicate that he was captured and paroled at Athens, GA on 5/8/65.
BURRESS, WILL H.: Co. D, 4th VSL. He later Enl. in Co. K, 37th Battn. Va. Cav. in Tazewell Co. on 5/5/63.
BYRD, WILLIAM A.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Alamance Co., NC on 3/1/64. Pres. thru 11/64. Paroled at Greensboro, NC on 5/12/65.
C….., HARVEY: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
CALDWELL, JOHN M., 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#175, 3rd Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Smyth Co., VA, Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 25. Promoted to Sgt. by 3/1/62, reduced to ranks by 5/1/62. Dstd on 5/2/62. Sgt., Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63. Returned to Co. K, 37th NC Inf. by 2/29/64. WIA at Spotsylvania C.H., leg amputated, sent to Old Capitol Prison and to Elmira, NY, Exch. at Boulware’s Wharf on the James River on 2/20/65. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Living at Cherokee, Lawrence Co., Ky. in 8/1913.
CALDWELL, JOSEPH, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#573.
CALDWELL, MORRIS C.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. Promoted to Sgt. by 4/30/62. Deserted in 6/62, reduced to ranks. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I, 21st VA Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63 at Wytheville. Pres. on 6/30/63. Returned to duty by 10/31/63, absent WIA on 10/31/64 muster roll.
CALDWELL, SAMUEL D., 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#195. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CALDWELL, WILLIAM, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#190, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 20. AWOL 7-12/62 and 7/63-10/64. Deserted on 4/1/65, took oath at Washington, DC on 4/6/65.
CALHOUN, BARNABAS B.: B. 1837 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#487. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 7/18/63, provided his own horse. Pres. on 8/31/63. Claimed as a deserter from 37th NC Inf. as of 10/31/64. D. 1930 in Ashe Co., NC. Some of his kinsmen served in Union organizations from Tennessee.
CALHOUN, BARNABAS: B. ca. 1816. Co. L, 58th NC Inf.
CALHOUN, FELIX A.: B. ca. 1835 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#479. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 30. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD on 7/14/63 Hospitalized at Frederick and Baltimore, MD with diarrhea. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 8/24/63. Died at home on 10/6/63, no cause listed.
CALHOUN, JAMES PORTER. B. 10/10/1832 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#480. Avoided service in CSA by deliberately dislocating his knee. D. 8/7/1918. Buried in the Big Springs Mountain Cem., Apple Grove, Ashe Co., NC.
CALHOUN, JAMES. B. 1835 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#486. Nephew of James Porter Calhoun. Moved to Carter Co., TN ca. 1900. Buried in the Heaton Cem., Roan Mountain, Carter Co., TN.
CALHOUN, JOHN W.: B. 1827 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#595. Moved to Mitchell Co., NC in the 1870s.
CALHOUN, JOSEPH: B. 1836 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#485. Moved to Carter Co., TN ca. 1900. D. 1914. Buried in the Heaton Cem., Roan Mountain, Carter Co., TN.
CALL, JAMES M.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn. Enl. in Burke Co. on 11/20/63. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
CALL, WILLIAM B.: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#5. 1st Lt., Old Fields Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Volunteered for regular service. Later served in Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native of Wilkes Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. 7/8/62, on 7/8/62, age 34. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 11/24/1825 D. 2/28/1916, buried in Ashe Co., Cem. S05.
CALLOWAY, A., 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CALLOWAY, AQUILLA F.: Saddler, Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 2/27/62. Appointed Saddler by 4/30/64. Transferred to Co. A, 26th NC Inf. on 7/19/64. Pres. until taken POW 10/27/64 near Petersburg, VA, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where held until transferred to Cox’s Wharves for exchange 2/14/65. Died at Richmond, VA of phthisis Pulmonalis on 2/16/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
CALLOWAY, ELI, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#167. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 17. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 8/5/62, returned to duty by 11/1/62. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 7/10/63, provided his own horse. NFR. Returned to the 37th NC Inf. Taken POW at Fussell’s Mill on 8/16-7/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD. Exchanged at Boulware’s Wharf, VA on 3/16/65. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
CALLOWAY, HIRAM, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#865. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until WIA right shoulder at Gettysburg 7/1-3/63. Rtnd to duty by 2/29/64. Taken POW at Appomattox River, VA 4/3/65, sent to Hart’s Island, NY Harbor, held until 6/20/65, when released on taking the oath. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
CALLOWAY, ISAAC F.: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/24/61 at Independence. NFR.
CALLOWAY, JACKSON, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#434.
CALLOWAY, JACOB A.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 3/9/1843 D. 11/19/1928, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P06.
CALLOWAY, JAMES, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#536.
CALLOWAY, JAMES, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#506.
CALLOWAY, JAMES N.: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1313. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Pres. until discharged 1/62 for disability. Recovered and later served in Co. L, 58th NC. B. ca. 1844 in Ashe Co., NC. D. after 1930 in Ashe Co. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P06.
CALLOWAY, MARSHALL B.: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#511. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 8/19/1827 D. 2/3/1906, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. M23.
CALLOWAY, MILES, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#536.
CALLOWAY, QUILTON, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#164.
CALLOWAY, S.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
CALLOWAY, THOMAS, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#167. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma. Age 44.
CALLOWAY, THOMAS S., 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#277.
CALLOWAY, TURNER, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#536.
CALLOWAY, WILLIAM, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#167.
CALLOWAY, WILLIAM, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#505.
CALLOWAY, Z.? C.: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
CAMERON, WILLIAM: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Davidson Co., Enl. at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh, NC on 10/2/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until 6/26/65, when released on taking the oath.
CAMPBELL, C. H. K.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Enl. in camp on 5/22/64. Pres. thru 12/64.
CAMPBELL, H. H., 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#545. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until WIA and taken POW 7/1/63 at Gettysburg, PA. Hosp. until transferred to David’s Island, NY harbor 7/24/62. Paroled and exchanged at City Point, VA 9/16/63. Returned to duty. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 26. MWIA in right leg at Spotsylvania C.H., VA on 5/12/64. Died in hospital at Richmond on 7/17/64 of wounds and disease or Died of wounds at Lynchburg, VA 6/5/64. Res. of Ashe Co.
CAMPBELL, HENRY, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#143.
CAMPBELL, HUGH: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn. Enl. in Burke Co. on 11/20/63. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Later served in Co. H, 1st NC Cav. Assigned on 9/29/64. Pres. thru 12/31/64.
CAMPBELL, MELVIN, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#131.
CAMPBELL, WILLIAM A.: 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#147. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 31. Appointed Corp. 2/1/63, but reduced back to private by 6/30/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 5/2/1831 D. 9/29/1901, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S03.
CAMPBELL, WILLIAM F.: 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#615. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 33. Pres. thru 4/30/64. CSA records indicate he was taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, not confirmed by Federal records.
CANADAY, THEODORE, 32, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#97. Age 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CANADY, RUFFIN: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
CANADY, THOMPSON, 31, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#626.
CANBY, W. A.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Taken POW in hospital at Richmond on 4/3/65. Died in hospital at Richmond of consumption on 4/27/65.
CANERDA, N.: Co. D, 4th VSL. This Co. became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville.
CANTER, THOMAS, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#11.
CANTER, WILLIAM, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#359.
CANTWELL, JAMES, 30, Farrmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#697.
CAPEHART, FRANK (FRANCIS) M.: 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#39. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 12/28/61 in Wake Co. Taken POW near Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, transferred to Elmira, NY on 8/10/64. Released on oath on 6/30/65. Born in Pickens District, SC, Res. of Ashe Co. when he Enl.
CARMAN, WILLIAM J.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/25/61, age 25, as Sgt. Reduced to private due to being unable for service and no prospect for recovery per 12/62 muster roll. Detailed as a clerk at Camp Lee, VA in 12/63, retired to Invalid Corps on 2/14/65, ordered to report to commandant of Camp Lee on 2/18/65 for light duty.
CARPENTER, COLUMBUS: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Wilkes Co., NC.
CARPENTER, JAMES W.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 22. Deserted on 5/19/63, went to the enemy. Took oath at Louisville, KY on 3/30/64. Res. of Ashe Co., NC or Washington Co., VA.
CARPENTER, PHILLIP: B. 8/27/1823 in Wake Co., NC. Served in Co. E, 3rd NC Mtd, Inf. as color guard. Enlisted on 10/21/1864 at Knoxville, TN. Discharged on 8/8/1865. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Piney Creek. D. 4/13/1918, buried in the Carpenter Cem., Lansing, NC.
CARPENTER, WESLEY, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#478.
CARRICO, FIELDING H.: 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#453. Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 5/27/61 at Independence. Taken POW at Winchester on 9/19/64, sent to Point Lookout, via Harper’s Ferry. Exchanged on 2/10/65. In Chimborazo Hospital 2/16/65, with chronic diarrhea. Age 26, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CARRICO, FLOYD: Co. C, 37th VA Inf. Enl. on 5/10/61 at Lebanon. Pres. as 3rd Corp. 8/61. Reenl as private at Camp Mason on 2/18/62. Pres. thru 1262. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63, sent to Camp Winder Hospital, Richmond, VA on 5/9/63. Returned to duty on 7/3/63, readmitted to hospital on 7/9/63, returned to duty on 7/30/63. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, sent to Fort Delaware on 5/20/64. Released on oath 6/17/65, 5’2″, sallow comp., dark hair, grey eyes.
CARRICO, JOHN A., 44, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#453.
CARRICO, JOSHUA, 54, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CARRICO, MARTIN, 37, B. VA, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#679. Age 52, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CARRIER, CALVIN C.: 2nd Lt., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf., Resided in Sullivan Co., TN, Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 5/27/61, age 26. Elected 2nd Lt. on 5/5/62. WIA in shoulder at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62. Dishonorably dismissed from company on or about 9/23/62, for unreported reasons. Later served in Co. H, Inf. Regiment, Thomas’ North Carolina Legion.
CARSON, A. J., 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#461. 96th NC Militia. Examined on 10/22/64, suffering from varicose veins of leg. Age 30.
CARSON, ANDREW, 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#613. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CARSON, ANDREW B., 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. 1st Lt., Glade Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 12/26/61.
CARSON, J. H., 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#126.
CARSON, JAMES, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#952.
CARSON, JOHN, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1361.
CARSON, ROBERT, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#951.
CARSON, SMITH M.: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#953. 1st Lt., Cranberry Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62.
CARSON, THOMAS J., 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#128, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. at Camp Vance 11/12/63, age 45. Taken POW at Hatcher’s Run, VA on 4/1/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where held until being released on the oath on 6/26/65. Age 46, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CARTER, ALLEN, 24, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#723.
CARTER, CALVIN: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
CARTER, CLARENCE M.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. Injured in railroad accident on Petersburg-Weldon Railroad on 5/1-9/62. Taken POW, sent to hospital at Frederick, MD. Paroled on 9/23/62. Returned to duty on 1/17/63. WIA in right foot at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63. Either AWOL or absent due to wounds until the end of the war. Born in Grayson Co., Res. of Ashe when he Enl.
CARTER, COLUMBUS R., 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#875. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 20. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Paroled at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 7/12/62. Died in hospital at Richmond on 10/1/62 of chronic diarrhea. Born in Surry Co., Res. of Ashe Co.
CARTER, CORNELIUS, 18, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#864.
CARTER, ELIJAH ALLEN, 2nd Lt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co. Res. of Ashe Co., age 25 at enlistment. Promoted to 1st Sgt. on 10/1/62. WIA at Chancellorsville 5/1-4/63. Returned to duty by 9/1/63. Appointed Jr. 2nd Lt. on 9/20/63. MWIA at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64. Died on 5/13/64.
CARTER, IRA N., 21, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#864. Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC. Promoted to Corp. on 6/25/61. Pres. thru 12/31/61, then NFR.
CARTER, ISAAC M.: 21, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#864. Sgt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 22. Promoted to Sgt. 4/17/62, Pres. until WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-5/63. Left leg amputated at Gettysburg Hosp., transferred to Chester, PA 7/21/63, transferred to City Point, VA 9/23/63 for exchange. Reduced to Pvt. Retired by 10/31/64 by reason of disability. Prewar Res. Grayson Co., VA. Died and is buried in Ashe Co., NC. Leader of the Mountain Union Regular Baptist Association postwar.
CARTER, JOEL, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#875.
CARTER, JOHN W.: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. D. 2/4/63.
CARTER, JOHNSON, 14, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#864.
CARTER, WESLEY, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#400.
CASS, WILLIAM F.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Wilkes Co., Enl. on 4/11/64 at Camp Vance. Taken POW near Fort Stedman, VA on 3/25/65, confined at Point Lookout, MD, released on 6/24/65 on taking the oath. Pension records indicate he was WIA at Petersburg, VA on 1/15/65.
CASTNAGEN, DAVID: 2nd Lt., Laurel Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Volunteered for regular service.
CAUDILL, A. J., Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Wake Co. on 6/27/61, age 24. KIA at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62.
CAUDILL, BENJAMIN C., Col., F&S, 13th KY Mounted Rifles. Age 40, Farmer, B. KY, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, CALVIN C.: Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Resident of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 22. Promoted to Corp. on 2/1/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-5/63, sent to Fort Delaware, and moved to Point Lookout, MD on 10/18/63. Reduced to ranks while a POW on 2/1/64. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 5/8/64. Promoted to Sgt. on 6/6/64, returned to duty by 8/31/64. Taken POW again on 4/2/65, near Petersburg, VA, held at Point Lookout, MD until 6/4/65 when released on oath. Age 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Grayson Co. VA Confederate pensioneer.
CAUDILL, COLUMBUS, 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#326.
CAUDILL, DANIEL C.: 14, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#80. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 26. Reported on duty as a nurse much of the war. Taken POW at hospital in Richmond on 4/3/65, still there on 5/28/65.
CAUDILL, DANIEL M., 16, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#385. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. D. 4/11/63 at Charlottesville, VA.
CAUDILL, DAVID, 24, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#81. Age 36, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, DAVID, 24, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#80.
CAUDILL, DAVID, 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, DOCK C.: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA at Petersburg on 7/30/64. B. 6/30/1823 D. 11/12/1888.
CAUDILL, HARDIN, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#80. Age 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, HARRISON, 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, HENRY, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#326.
CAUDILL, HUGH, 43, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#319. 4th Corp., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 35. Discharged at Camp Gregg, VA for disability. Severely WIA in some unrecorded battle.
CAUDILL, J., 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#707.
CAUDILL, J. A.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Hospitalized at Richmond on 7/3/62, for being WIA in leg. Place WIA not recorded, returned to duty 9/10/62. Died of Wounds at Fort Monroe, unknown date, when WIA or taken POW are also unknown.
CAUDILL, J. C.: Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 4/2/63. AWOL on 6/30/63, then NFR. Probably from Alleghany Co.
CAUDILL, J. H.: Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 4/2/63. AWOL on 6/30/63, then NFR. Probably from Alleghany Co.
CAUDILL, J. M. D.: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC.
CAUDILL, J. R.: 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#320. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/13/65.
CAUDILL, JACK, 23, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#247.
CAUDILL, JAMES, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#59.
CAUDILL, JAMES, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#320. Age 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, JAMES: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65., 51, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, JEREMIAH C., 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#299, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 20. WIA in 7/62, returned to duty. WIA again, hospitalized at Petersburg, VA on 6/25/64, returned to duty on 12/16/64.
CAUDILL, JESSE, 22, farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#35. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, JOHN A., 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#320, Corp.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 18. Promoted to Corp. on 7/31/62, absent WIA in 10/62, returned to duty. WIA in left hand at Wilderness in 5/64, returned to duty by 10/31/64. Deserted on 2/23/65, took oath at Washington, DC on 2/27/65.
CAUDILL, JOSIAH, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#80. Age 27, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, MARK, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#80, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Detailed in 1864.
CAUDILL, MARK: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Gregg, VA on 1/1/63. Hospitalized at Richmond, VA for pneumonia on 5/8/63, transferred to Lynchburg, VA on 5/15/63, then NFR.
CAUDILL, MARTIN: 12, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#299. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 9/12/63. Taken POW on 5/23/64 per CSA, however, no Federal record of the event.
CAUDILL, MOSES, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#333.
CAUDILL, RUFFIN, Unit ?, mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans census, but no unit given. Resident of Sparta.
CAUDILL, SAMUEL D.: 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#385. 2nd Lt., Union Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/14/62. Volunteered for regular service.
CAUDILL, SHADRACH G.: Capt., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co., where he Enl. 5/27/61, age 18, as a pvt. Taken POW near Richmond, VA on 6/28/62, sent to Fort Delaware, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA 8/5/62. Elected 2nd Lt. on 4/27/63. Promoted to Capt. on 8/19/64. Pres. thru 10/64.
CAUDILL, WILLIAM, 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CAUDILL, WILLIAM G.: 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#326, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. on 5/27/61 in Alleghany Co. Died in Grayson Co. on 11/3/61 of disease. B. 2/28/40. Buried in the John A. Caudill Cem., Whitehead, Alleghany Co., NC.
CAUDILL, WILLIAM J., 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#320, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Wake Co. 5/27/61, age 20. Court- martialed on or about 12/26/63 for unrecorded reasons. Returned to duty. Taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23-4/64, sent to Point Lookout, where held until Enl. in Co. K, 1st U.S. Volunteer Inf. May have been WIA at some unknown point.
CAUDILL, WILLIAM R.: 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#59, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 37. WIA in left leg at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1-3/63. Returned to duty by 12/31/63. Taken POW near Wilderness or Spotsylvania C.H., VA between 5/6-12/64. Sent to Point Lookout, MD, held there until transf. to Varina, VA for exchange on 9/22/64. AWOL on 2/28/65 muster. Age 42, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CHAMBERS, ANSON, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1110.
CHAMBERS, MARION, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1109.
CHAMBERS, SOLOMON, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1109.
CHANDLER, ELI, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#759. 2nd Lt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. at age 30. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 8/10/61. Pres. until resigned on 5/6/62, reason not reported. B. 7/28/1825 D. 6/14/1896, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G01.
CHANDLER, ELIJAH, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#62, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 38. Deserted from hospital at Kinston, NC by 10/31/62. Returned to duty by 4/3063. WIA in hand at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63, third finger amputated. Absent with wounds thru 12/2/63, when status changed to AWOL. Discharged on 2/29/64 for disability from wounds received at Chancellorsville.
CHEEK, ABNER, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#693, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Died of wounds on 7/3/64 at Petersburg.
CHEEK, FRANK R.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 20. Deserted 8/3/63. Took the oath at Knoxville, Tennessee on 3/29/65. Age 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CHEEK, JAMES, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#691.
CHEEK, MEREDITH: 2nd Lt., Crab Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 12/26/61. Later served in Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA at Petersburg on 7/30/64. B. 5/10/184_ D. 8/17/1924, buried in Meredith Cheek Cem., Alleghany Co., NC. Age 52, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CHEEK, MORGAN, 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#314, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 22. Died in hospital at Richmond on 11/10/62 of gastritis.
CHEEK, RICHARD, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#694. Age 36, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CHEEK, RICHARD, 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#692. Age 54, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CHEEK, WILLIAM BRYAN: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 11/24/1833. Age 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 4/24/1932, buried in Liberty Baptist Church Cem., Whitehead, Alleghany Co., NC.
CHEEK, WILLIAM: 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#314, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Taken POW at Petersburg 7/62. B. 4/14/1844. Age 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 12/19/1873 buried in the William Cheek Cem., Alleghany Co.
CHILDERS, CALVIN: Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co., age 18. Discharged in 2/63 after providing a substitute. ReEnl. in 11/63. Promoted to Corp. on 12/14/63. KIA at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
CHILDERS, JAMES FRANKLIN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. at Camp Gregg on 2/24/63, age 49, as a substitute. Pres. thru 10/63, then NFR. Probably left service when Calvin rejoined the unit. Age 25, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CHILDERS, JOHN: 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1287. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 3/11/64 at Liberty Mills, VA. Pres. until he surrendered at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. B. 11/10/1845 D. 1/10/1933, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B19.
CHILDERS, WILLIAM, 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CHOATE, ISOM, 14, B. VA, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#656.
CHOATE, JOHN W.: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#568. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 30. Died in Hospital in Richmond, VA of typhoid fever on 9/11/62.
CHOATE, SOWELL J.: 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#599, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 22. MWIA at Gettysburg, PA, dying on 7/2/63.
CHOATE, WILLIAM T., 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#589, Captain, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Commissioned Capt. on 1/3/63. MWIA at Cold Harbor, VA. Age 28, farmer, property valued at $6550, 1860 Alleghany Co., NC Census, married, 4 children.
CHURCH, ELI, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#967.
CHURCH, ELI: Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on ?. Found guilty of desertion and sentenced to be shot. Court ruled illegal and returned to duty 4/30/64. Age 19, 1860 Ashe County Census. Buried in Ashe, but no dates on grave stone.
CHURCH, HENRY, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#65.
CHURCH, JACKSON: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe county, age 30. Deserted 7/62, returned to duty by 4/30/64, court-martialed for desertion. Probably executed. Res. of Ashe Co.
CHURCH, JOHN, 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#967.
CHURCH, JOHN M.: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#17. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Ashe Co., NC on 9/30/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 12/10/1838 D. 1/5/1865, buried in the Ashe Co. Cem. W02.
CHURCH, LEWIS, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#66.
CHURCH, MARTIN, 21, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#73, Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on ?. Found guilty of desertion and sentenced to be shot. Court martial ruled illegal and returned to duty 4/30/64. Cousin to Eli Church. Age 31, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CHURCH, R.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
CHURCH, THOMAS, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#17.
CHURCH, W. L.: Co. E2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/20/63. Pres. on 8/31/63, deserted at Bristol, VA on 10/5/64. Taken POW and took the oath at Knoxville, TN on 10/10/64, 5’7″, dark hair, grey eyes, from Ashe Co., NC. B. 12/27/1838 in Ashe Co., D. 2/18/1911 in Ashe Co., buried there.
CHURCH, WILLIAM F., 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#17. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 20. Pres. thru 11/64.
CLARK, ALLEN, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1170.
CLARK, ARMSTRONG: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#250. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/1/63 in Ashe Co., NC, age 30. Pres. until WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg. Sent to David’s Island, NY where held until transferred to City Point, VA for exchange 9/16/63. Reported absent on parole until 6/30/64, when status was changed to AWOL. B. 8/7/33 D. 9/12/1906. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. E11.
CLARK, JESSE, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1120.
CLARY, CALVIN, 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CLARY, DAVID, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#271. Age 35, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CLARY, JOHN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. at Brandy Station, VA on 10/23/63, age 26. Pres. until he deserted on 2/8/64.
CLARY, THOMAS: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Davie Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 22. Pres. thru 4/62, WIA in unrecorded battle, status changed to AWOL on 11/1/62. Returned to duty by 4/30/63. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63. Returned to duty by 12/31/63. Pres. until taken POW near Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, confined at Hart’s Island, NY until released on oath on 6/17/65. B. 6/12/1835 Age 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 1/29/1926, buried in the Union Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Whitehead, Alleghany Co., NC.
CLARY, WILLIAM: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Iredell Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where Enl. on 8/10/61, age 28. Pres. until AWOL on 2/16/63. Returned to duty on 11/7/63, Pres. until he deserted on 2/8/64. WIA in some unknown battle.
CLAY, J. R., 25, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1335.
COCKERHAM, JOSEPH, 30, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#310.
COCKERHAM, SPENCER, 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#668. Age 26, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
COLDIRON, AMBROSE P.: 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#195. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma and disease of the head. Age 40.
COLDIRON, B. C.: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
COLDIRON, BENJAMIN C., 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#97. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61, age 18. MWIA at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, shot through the eye and brain. Died 6/6-11/62, place not recorded. Res. of Ashe Co.
COLDIRON, JESSE B.: 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#97. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
COLE, DAVID, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#385.
COLE, F. D.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
COLE, GEORGE, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1156.
COLE, JAMES, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#380.
COLE, JOSEPH, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#384. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
COLE, LORENZO DOW: 17, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#382. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
COLE, WILBURN: 28, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#383. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 4/30/1831 D. 1/22/1917, buried in Alleghany Co.
COLLINS, GEORGE W.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Previously served in Co. H, transferred into the company between 9/61 and 6/62, transferred back to Co. H on 7/1/62.
COLLINS, JOHN, 18, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#2009.
COLLINS, JOHN W.: 24, B. VA, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#501. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. 3/15/62, age 20. Taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23-4/64, sent to Point Lookout, where held until exchanged at Varina, VA on 9/22/64, then NFR.
COLLINS, LEVI C.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Born in Yadkin Co., resided in Alleghany Co. where he Enl. 3/15/62, age 17. WIA in the hand near the Wilderness, VA in 5/64. Taken POW near Cold Harbor, VA on 6/13/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until 6/27/64 when he Enl. in Co. F, 1st U.S. Volunteers.
COLVARD, J. W.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 4/23/63, age 27. Pres. thru 12/64.
COLVARD, JESSE A.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 2/20/62, age 23. Taken POW at Gettysburg on 7/3/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD where he was held until he died on 9/12/64, buried there.
COLVARD, JESSE B.: B. 3/15/1829 in Ashe Co., NC. 1st Corp., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/28/61, age 32. Reduced to private on 9/17/62. Pres. thru 12/64. WIA at Chamberlain Run, VA on 3/31/65, taken POW in hospital at Petersburg, VA on 4/3/65. Released from military prison at Camp Hamilton, VA on unrecorded date.
COLVARD, PEYTON M.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 4/23/63, age 18. Pres. thru 12/64.
COLVARD, RUFUS W.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/24/61, age 28. Pres. thru 12/64. Taken POW at Aberdeen Church, VA 4/3/65, sent to Point Lookout, where he was held until released on taking the oath on 6/24/65.
COLVARD, THOMAS FARROW: B. 10/12/1835 at Reddies River, Wilkes Co., NC. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/23/61, age 25. WIA and taken POW at Barbee’s Cross Roads, VA on 11/5/62, exchanged by 12/31/62. Taken POW at Upperville, VA on 6/21/63, sent to Point Lookout, exchanged at City Point on 6/30/63. WIA, right thigh, sent to hospital at Petersburg, VA on 10/28/64, returned to duty. Pres. thru 12/64. D. 10/28/1921, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G01. Photo of him in uniform, p. 101, Ashe Co. Heritage, Vol. II.
COLVARD, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#206. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Pitt ? Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 2/24/62, age 23. WIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63. Pres. thru 12/64.
COLVARD, WILLIAM N., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1380.
COLVARD, WILLIAM R.: b. 12/20/1822 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#104.
COLVARD, WILLIE T.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/1/62, age 23. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 12/23/1838 D. 7/12/1918, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. U10.
COMBS, ALFRED: Captain, Unit. ?. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N31.
COMBS, ISAAC, 35, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#467.
COMBS, JACKSON: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. 5/27/61, age 21. Deserted 3/1/62.
COMBS, JOHN: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. 5/27/61, age 24. Deserted 3/1/62.
COMBS, MEREDITH: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
COOK, JEFFERSON, 50, Carpenter, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
COOKE, HARRISON G.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 3/11/64 at Liberty Mills, VA. Taken POW at Fussell’s Mills on 8/1664, sent to Point Lookout. Exchanged at Venus Point, Savannah River, GA on 11/15/64. Absent with leave thru 2/65.
COOKE, JOHN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf. PWR only.
COOPER, ALBERT S., Co. F, 3rd NC Mounted Inf., served from 7/7/64 to 8/8/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Pine Swamp Township.
COOPER, AUGUSTUS, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#64. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from loss of right eye. Age 26.
COOPER, JAMES, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#63.
COOPER, THOMAS, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#64.
CORNETT, DAVID E., 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#338. Co. G, 13th TN Cavalry. Served from 9/24/63 to 9/5/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township. Enlisted at age 18. Resident of Wheeler, Ashe Co. in 1901.
CORNETT, GEORGE, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#345.
CORNETT, ISAAC F., Corporal, Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 1/15/64, age 24.
CORNETT, JACKSON, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#338.
CORNETT, JOHN, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#338.
CORNETT, THOMAS, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#345.
CORNETT, WESLEY, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#338. Co. G, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/24/63 to ?. widow, Mary, mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township.
CORNETT, WILLIAM: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
COUNCIL, JOHN H.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 25. Died at Camp Church, Powell’s Valley, TN on 10/18/62.
COUNCIL, WILLIAM BOWER: Capt. Co. B, 65th NC Cav Previously served in Hampton’s SC Legion. Appointed Captain on 4/1/64. Pres. thru 10/64.
COWAN, WILLIAM, 25, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
COX, ANDREW R.: Age 24, 1860 Alleghany County Census. Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 12/31/62 in Red Sulphur Springs. Taken POW at Piedmont 6/5/64, sent to Camp Morton. Exchanged on 2/28/65.
COX, ARAS BISHOP: 43, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1334. Captain, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on . Born in Floyd Co., VA 1/25/1816. Methodist minister, physician, moved to Missouri post war. Wrote small book in 1902 entitled, Footrpints on the Sands of Time. D. 1908 in Missouri.
COX, CICERO M.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62. Hospitalized in Richmond, VA on 6/13/63 for unrecorded reasons, transferred to another hospital on 6/14/63, then NFR.
COX, CLOYD, 38, farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#23, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Farmer, Res. of Alleghany Co. B. 10/ /1820 D. 3/24/1902, buried in the Shiloh Methodist Church Cem., Sparta, Alleghany Co., NC.
COX, DAVID NAPOLEON: 37, B. VA, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#437. Co. C, 8th VA Cav., Enl. on 11/1/63 at Taylorsville, Johnson Co., TN. Listed on PWR Co. C, 45th VA Inf. B. ca. 1825 D. 1865, PWR only.
COX, DAVID: B. 6/11/1837 in Ashe Co., NC. 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1312. Sgt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 25. Promoted to Sgt. on 4/8/63. KIA at Chancellorsville on 5/3/64.
COX, DAVID: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 5/29/61 in Wytheville. Sick 7/12/61. AWOL on 3/27/64. Taken POW at Piedmont on 6/5/64, sent to Camp Morton. Exchanged on 2/26/65. Promoted to Sgt. Living in 1884.
COX, ELBIN, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#347.
COX, ENOCH, 20, Laborerr, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#102.
COX, FELIX, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#177.
COX, HIRAM: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1312. 2nd Lt./Private/Sgt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. at age 22. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 8/10/61. Defeated for reelection and dropped from the roll. On 1/9/63, reenl. as a private. Promoted to Sgt. on 4/8/63. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63.
COX, ISOM, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1312. Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
COX, JAMES, 35, Teacher, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
COX, JOHN, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#924.
COX, JOHN R., 39, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#436. 2nd Lt.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 2/13/65. Age at Enl. was 45/2/24, 5’9″, dark comp., blue eyes, farmer, native of Alleghany Co. Elected 2nd Lt. on 12/19/64. Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
COX, JOHN: 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1306. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 23. Died at Goldsboro, NC on 4/4/62 of disease.
COX, JOHN: 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#176. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR.
COX, JOSHUA, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#662.
COX, JOSHUA, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1070.
COX, JOSHUA: 2nd Lt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on Age 26, farmer, 1860 Alleghany Co., NC Census, born in Grayson Co., VA.
COX, JOSHUA: 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1305. Co. F/B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/22/64 at Statesville, Iredell Co., NC. Deserted on 1/19/65. Age at Enl. was 47/1/8, 5’6″, fair comp., light hair, black eyes, born in Ashe Co., farmer. B. 12/25/1818 D. 9/10/1906, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G01.
COX, LEANDER: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
COX, LEANDER: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. WIA in right thigh at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, taken POW, sent to Portsmouth Grove, Rhode Island. Died on 7/8/62 of typhoid fever. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
COX, LEVI, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#266, Sgt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 35, as a private. Promoted to Sgt. by 8/31/63. Taken POW at Brandy Station on 8/1/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD, arriving there on 8/23/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 3/20/64. AWOL from 4/22- 9/17/64. Taken POW at Fort Stedman, VA on 3/25/65, confined at Point Lookout until released on taking the oath on 6/24/65. Age 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
COX, LLOYD, 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
COX, MARTIN C.: Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 21. Promoted to Corp. by 8/1/63 and to Sgt. on 12/22/63. Absent WIA on 8/31/64 muster, returned to duty by 2/28/65, reduced to ranks. Hospitalized at Richmond, VA on 4/2/65, WIA. Taken POW in hospital on 4/3/65, sent to Newport News, VA where held until 6/30/65, when released on oath.
COX, NATHAN W., 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#377. Co. G, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/24/63 to 9/5/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township. Enlisted at age 20. Resident of Wheeler, Ashe Co. in 1901.
COX, PEYTON, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#179. 3rd Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61, age 24 as a corp. Reduced to ranks by 10/31/62. Deserted on 10/1/62, returned to duty by 6/30/63. Deserted to the enemy while on picket on 7/10/64, sent to Fort Monroe, took oath on 7/21/64 and released.
COX, SOLOMON V.: 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#972. Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 22, as Sgt. Reduced to ranks by 2/28/63. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty by 9/1/63. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, moved to Elmira, NY on 8/15/64. Exchanged at James River, VA on 3/8/65, hospitalized at Richmond, VA on 3/8/65, furloughed for 30 days on 3/13/65 for debilitas. B. 9/18/1840 D. 11/2/1913, buried in Ashe Co. NC.
COX, WILLIAM, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1070.
COX, WILLIAM, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1305.
COX, WILLIAM G.: 1st Sgt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Discharged in 9/62. 35, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
COX, WILLIAM, Jr.: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#176. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 20. Died in Richmond on 7/16/62 of disease. Res. of Ashe Co.
COX, WILLIAM: 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#177. 3rd Sgt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 37 as Sgt. Reduced to ranks by 4/30/62. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Monroe, VA, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 8/5/62. Died at Petersburg on 8/6/62, cause not reported. Res. of Ashe Co.
COX, WILLIAM: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
CRABB, THOMAS, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#89.
CRAVEN, GEORGE, 19, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#187, Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 8/27/61, age 19. MWIA in right knee and taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62. Leg amputated, died on 6/12 or 23/62. Born in Randolph Co., NC, Res. of Ashe Co., when he Enl.
CRAVEN, HENRY, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#187.
CRAVEN, HENRY: 36, Blacksmith, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#187. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age 50, Carpenter, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CRAVEN, JOSHUA, 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CRISP, R. ASBURY: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 4/18/64. WIA in left hand at Ream’s Station, VA on 8/25/64. Retired to Invalid Corps on 1/25/65.
CROUSE, ALLEN, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#622.
CROUSE, BENJAMIN, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#343, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on . CROUSE, CHARLES, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#610.
CROUSE, CHARLES M., 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#542, Corp., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 22, as a pvt. Promoted to Corp. before 8/31/61. WIA at Seven Pines, VA about 5/30/62. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD on 7/14/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD, held there until paroled on 3/6/64. AWOL 6/1-8/31/64. Deserted on 2/23/65. Released on oath on 2/27/65 at Washington, DC. B. 1/10/1840 D. 6/5/1920, buried in the Charlie Crouse Family Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
CROUSE, DANIEL, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#526.
CROUSE, HAMPTON, 45, Domestic Servant, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CROUSE, HAYWOOD, 22, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#621, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC.
CROUSE, HENDERSON, 22, farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#36, 3rd Corp., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 6/15/1835. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 7/8/1913, buried in the Henderson Crouse Cem., Alleg- hany Co., NC.
CROUSE, HENRY McDANIEL: 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#557, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 8/23/62. B. 8/2/1844 D. 6/27/1926, buried in the Henry Crouse Cem., Alleghany Co.
CROUSE, HORTIE: Co. C, 21st NC Inf. Buried in Alleghany Co., NC (285).
CROUSE, J. M.: Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 5/1/64 in Alleghany Co. In Hosp. #2 at Wilson, NC on 12/15/64 with measles.
CROUSE, JACOB C.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Later served in Co. G, 1st NC Cav., asssigned on 9/29/64. Pres. thru 12/31/64. Age 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CROUSE, JAMES A.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 20. MWIA and taken POW at Seven Pines on 5/31/62. Died of wounds at Fort Monroe, VA on 6/24/62.
CROUSE, JOHN, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#494, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61 age 18. Died at Dumfries, VA on 10/17/61 of unknown reasons.
CROUSE, JOHN, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#620. Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CROUSE, JOHN A., 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CROUSE, MARTIN, 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#560.
CROUSE, REEVES, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#499. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. D. 7/11/64 in Richmond, VA.
CROUSE, SOLOMON, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#526. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where Enl. on 3/15/62, age 18. Taken POW in 1862, held at Fort Monroe until exchanged on 9/7/62 at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA. AWOL from 10/62, then NFR. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. AWOL on 6/30/63, NFR. Age 16, farm laborer, 1860 Alleghany Co., NC Census.
CROUSE, WILLIAM, 26, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CROUSE, WILLIAM, 44, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#601. Age 52, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
CRUMPLER, JAMES J.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Iredell Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/25/61, age 18. Died at Manassas, VA on 3/8/62.
CRUMPLER, THOMAS N., 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1380. Captain/Major: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Appointed Captain in Co. A on 5/16/61, age 26. Promoted to Major and transferred to field and staff on 3/1/62. Died on 7/11/62 of MWIA received 6/27-29/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
CRYSEL, C.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis. Age 36.
CUMBY, WILLIAM A.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/62, age 36. WIA at some point, hospitalized at Richmond, on 6/5/64. Taken POW at Richmond hospital on 4/3/65. Died in Richmond on 4/27/65.
CURTICE, SAMUEL: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/27/63 in Burke Co. On furlough on 12/5/63.
DALTON, HENRY, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#434.
DALTON, JOSHUA, 30, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#614.
DALTON, MONROE, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#435.
DANCY, NEIL, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#180.
DANCY, NOAH: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. at camp on 8/14/64. Pres. thru 12/64.
DANCY, OBADIAH D.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/4/62. Pres. thru 12/64.
DARNELL, WADE H.: Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 11/11/64, bounty due. Pres. thru 12/31/64. B. 1851 in NC, Died 1931 in Ashe Co. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B40.
DAVEY, NEAL: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from hemorrhoids. Age 43.
DAVIDSON, RADFORD, 30, B., VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#460.
DAVIDSON, WILLIAM LEE: 2nd Lt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Previously served as Capt. Co. A, 4th NC Inf. Appointed 2nd Lt. of this company on 9/14/63, declined the appointment.
DAVIS, ASBERRY, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1208.
DAVIS, AUGUSTUS C.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 9/1/63. Taken POW at Wilderness, VA on 5/6/64, sent to Point Lookout where he died on 6/20/64 of unreported causes.
DAVIS, CALVIN C., 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#676. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. B. 12/14/1842 D. 2/20/1916. Buried in the Davis Family Cem., Little Windfall, Ashe Co., NC.
DAVIS, JAMES: Age 40, 1860 Ashe County Census. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 27. Pres. until deserted at Drewey’s Bluff, VA 7/10/62. Corp., Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., was Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63, then NFR. Father of William J. Davis. Res. Grayson Co., VA.
DAVIS, JOHN W.: 35, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#823. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Previously served in Co. G, 18th NC Inf. Transferred to this company by 10/31/64. Taken POW while in a Richmond, VA hospital on 4/3/65. Took the oath on 8/28/65, then age 45. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. D04.
DAVIS, JOHN: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 10/1/64, Pres. until reported AWOL on 1/17/65. B. 3/24/1846 D. 5/8/1927, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. A27.
DAVIS, NATHAN, 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#449. Co. G, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. 4/9/63 at Saltville. Pres. thru 2/29/64, On furlough and became sick, was at Montgomery Springs Hosp., VA from 6/16-8/31/64, then NFR. Age 43, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DAVIS, SAMUEL, 40 B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#684. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. in Burke Co. on 11/25/63. On furlough on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
DAVIS, WILLIAM J.: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#676. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 21. WIA at Second Manassas on 8/29-30/62. AWOL on 11/1/62. Corp. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63, then NFR. Returned to Co. A, 37th NC Inf. by 3/1/64. WIA in right leg at Spottsylvania C.H. Disabled, detailed as a teamster as a result. Absent sick 1-2/65. Paroled at Farmville, VA on 4/11-21/65. Age 20, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census.
DAVIS, WILLIAM: 18, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#684. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co., age 22. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-4/63, sent to Fort McHenry, MD. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD on 10/15-8/63. Joined Co. B, 1st U.S. Volunteer Inf. on 2/2/64. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
DAY, ALFRED, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#465.
DAY, THOMAS, 32, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#166. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 38.
DEAN, GEORGE W.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/3/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA on 4/9/65.
DeBOARD, BENJAMIN, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1002. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 34. Discharged on 10/22/62 for a hernia. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from a fermoral hernia. Age 35. B. 2/6/1823 D. 3/24/1897, buried in the DeBoard Family Cem., Grassy Creek, Ashe Co., NC.
DeBOARD, BENJAMIN F.: B. 2/6/1823 in Ashe Co., NC. 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1025. Co. D, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic nephritis. Age 41. D. 3/24/1897 on Helton Creek, Ashe Co., NC. Buried in the DeBoard Family Cem., Helton Creek, Ashe Co., NC.
DeBOARD, D. H.: Co. D, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic bronchitis. Age 37.
DeBOARD, ELIJAH: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 4/10/62, age 22. Died of disease in 8/62, place not recorded. Res. of Ashe Co.
DeBOARD, JACOB, 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#163.
DeBOARD, LEVI H., 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#880. Co. B, 37th NC Inf.
DeBOARD, THOMAS, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#849.
DeBOARD, WILLIAM, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1262. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. of 12/5/63.
DELP, CLARK, 30, B. VA, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#95.
DENNY, CALVIN: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1223. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 at Camp French, Petersburg, VA. WIA 6/10/64. Pres. until taken POW on the Southside Railroad in VA on 4/2/65, sent to Hart’s Island, NY Harbor until released on oath 6/17/65. Res. Ashe Co., VA. B. 5/6/1831 D. 2/21/1919, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J14.
DENNY, CORNELIUS HUTCHINSON: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#535. 2nd Lt., Stagg’s Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Later served in Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 2/12/64 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. thru 10/1/64, when reported AWOL. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
DENNY, E., 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#534.
DENNY, JAMES H.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 7/4/1833 D. 6/18/1897, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F01.
DENNY, SOLOMON, 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#804.
DENNY, URIAH: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1063. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 35. Pres. until WIA in right leg and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-3/63. Hosp. at Gettysburg. Paroled 3-6/64. NFR. Res. Yadkin Co., NC.
DENNY, WALTER P.: 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#551. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 at Camp French, Petersburg, VA, age 30. Pres. until WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg 7/1-5/63. Sent to David’s Island, NY, transferred to Fort Wood, Bedloe’s Island, NY harbor. Transferred to Fort Monroe, VA 1/5/64, then to Hosp. Point Lookout, MD, transferred to City Point, VA 3/6/64 for exchange. Rtnd to duty pres. until reported AWOL 10/31/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
DEWEY, E. W.: Co. D, 4th VSL. This Co. became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville.
DICKENS, ALBERT: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. 8/2/62 in Independence. Preset on undated roll.
DICKENS, DANIEL: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. 8/2/62 in Independence. Absent on horse detail on undated roll.
DICKENS, EPHRAIM: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. on 8/2/62 in Independence. Pres. on undated muster roll. Age 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DICKENS, WILLIAM, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#451. Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. 8/2/62 in Independence. Absent on horse detail on undated roll. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DICKERSON, ALPHONSO: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Yadkin Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/24/61, deserted before serving. Later conscripted and served in Co. G, 2nd Battn. NC Inf.
DILLARD, H.: Co. D, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from curvature of the spine. Age 31.
DILLARD, JESSE, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#912. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from convulsions. Age 27.
DILLARD, STARLING, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#483.
DILLARD, THOMAS, Jr., 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#483, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC.
DILLARD, WESLEY, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#912. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 24. Pres. thru 6/30/63, then NFR. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
DILLARD, WILLIAM M.: 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#483. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on .
DILLON, JAMES A.: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. PWR only.
DISHMAN, WASHINGTON: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 8/1/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
DIXON, ALEXANDER, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#219. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/6/61, age 20. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 5/23/1841 D. 4/20/1921, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G01.
DIXON, ALEXANDER: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis pulmonalis. Age 35. Living in Ashe Co., NC in 1870s.
DIXON, ALFRED, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#582. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 46/4/3, 5’9″, light comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, native of Alleghany County.
DIXON, ANDREW, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#582.
DIXON, ANDREW: 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#218. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
DIXON, CHARLES H., Co. C, 13th TN Cav., Enlisted on 2/1/65, age 18. Discharged on 9/1/65. Resident of Grassy Creek, NC in 1901. B. ca. 1847.
DIXON, DOUGLAS, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#582.
DIXON, DOUGLAS, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#222. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma. Age 43.
DIXON, FRANKLIN, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#289.
DIXON, J. D.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
DIXON, JAMES, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1206.
DIXON, JAMES D.: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#219. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/3/61, age 21. Taken POW at Kelly’s Mill, VA on 9/13/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD. Transferred to Elmira, NY on 8/16/64, where he was held until he died of chronic diarrhea on 3/28/65. Buried in the Woodlawn National Cem.
DIXON, JAMES M.: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#578. Sgt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. on 6/6/61, age 22, as a corporal. Promoted to Sgt. on 11/1/63. Discharged on 9/24/64, elected to civil office.
DIXON, JAMES MARSHALL: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 9/1/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Pres. until died at Petersburg, VA Hosp. 12/8/62 of phthisis pulmonalis. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
DIXON, JAMES W.: 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#100. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC.
DIXON, JAMES: 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#289. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48/6/3, 6′, dark hair and comp., blue eyes, born in Ashe County.
DIXON, JESSE, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#223.
DIXON, JOHN, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#582.
DIXON, JOHN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#222.
DIXON, JOHN, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#660.
DIXON, JOHN A.: 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1076. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/25/61, age 18. Pres. thru 12/64.
DIXON, JOHN F.: 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1206. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. Deserted, took the oath at Washington, DC on 3/10/65, sent to Cincinnati, Ohio.
DIXON, NOAH C., 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#219. Corp., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 19. Pres. until transferred to Co. A, 9th NC Cav. on 6/6/63. Pres. thru 12/31/64.
DIXON, WILEY, 26, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DIXON, WILLIAM H., 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#289. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/8/61, age 24. Died of disease on 5/10/62.
DIXON, ZACHARIAH, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#99. Age 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DOBBINS, CURREN: Detailed to make horseshoes for CSA Government at Collins’ Mill on Little River.
DODUR, FELIX: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
DOLINGER, JOHN, 44, Farmer, 200, 291, 1870 Grayson County Census.
DOLINGER, ROBERT: 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1176. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 2/13/65. B. 1825 D. 11/28/1897, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B38.
DOLLARS, W. H.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 7/4/1839 D. 7/28/1907, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N22.
DONALL, WILLIAM: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general debility. Age 40.
DONNIVAN, DAVID, 46, Farm Laborer, 1870 Grayson County Census.
DORITY, WILLIAM, 24, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DOUGHERTY, JOHN, 3rd Lt.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 1/13/65. Age at Enl. was 48/9/10, 5’8″, dark comp., gray hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany County.
DOUGHERTY, MICHAEL, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#440.
DOUGHTERTY, ALEXANDER, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#433.
DOUGHTERTY, ISAAC, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#433.
DOUGHTERTY, JOHN H., Co. E, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 23. Resident of Parker, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
DOUGHTON, FLEMING S.: 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#603. Sgt./Pvt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 35. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY. Transferred to Aiken’s Landing, JAMES River for exchange 8/5/62, rtnd to duty 1/1/63. Pres. until taken POW at Falling Waters, MD 7/14/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until transferred to Elmira, NY 8/16/64. Paroled at Boulware’s Wharf, VA 2/15/65, exchanged. Res. Alleghany Co., NC. Age 34, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DOUGHTON, JESSE, 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#603.
DOUGHTON, JONATHAN HORTON: Age 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#281. Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Wake Co. on 5/27/61, age 29. WIA in hand, thumb amputated, at Second Manassas, VA 8/28-30/62. Discharged, date unknown. Later served in the Alleghany Co. Homeguard. B. 2/12/1832 D. 10/29/1905, buried in Alleghany Co., NC Cem. Z16.
DOUGHTON, JOSEPH, 27, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Age 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DOUGHTON, JOSEPH B., 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#603. Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 20. Prom. to Corp. 2/63. Pres. until taken POW at Falling Waters, MD 7/14/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until transferred to Aiken’s Landing, VA 3/3/65 for exchange.
DOUGLAS, DANIEL H., 36, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#569, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 37. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 6/22/64. Held at Point Lookout, MD where he died on 8/24/64 of disease.
DOUGLAS, GEORGE Y., 16, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#657, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Surry Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 9/15/61, age 18. Taken POW at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62, held at Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, where he died on 7/29/62 of unreported reasons.
DOUGLAS, JAMES, 32, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#569. Age 40, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DOUGLAS, JOHN (JOHNSON) O.: 38, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#569. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Surry Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 40. Died in hospital at Mount Jackson, VA on 11/30/62 of chronic diarrhea.
DOUGLAS, THOMAS, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#570. Age 43, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DOWELL, JAMES, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1064.
DRAUGHN, AQUILLA M.: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 5/29/61 in Wytheville. Sick 7/12/61, again 11/61. Reenl. 4/20/62, then NFR. Later served in Co. D, 50th VA Inf. Enl. on ?. Taken POW at Mine Run, VA on 12/3/63, sent to Point Lookout on 2/3/64. Exchanged on 3/10/64. On clothing receipt dated 9/64 and 12/11/64. B. 8/15/1841 D. 7/25/1925, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F21.
DUKE, WILLIAM R.: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#144. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 24. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 7/18/1833 D. 7/28/1915, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N13.
DULA, GRANVILLE: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR.
DUNCAN, ALLEN, 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
DUNCAN, AMBROSE, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#828.
DUNCAN, FRANK, 41, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#442.
DUNCAN, GEORGE W., 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#824. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co. where he enlisted on 9/15/61, age 21. Promoted to Corp. on 2/1/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, held at Fort Delaware, moved to Point Lookout, MD 10/18/63. Exchanged by 4/30/64. Taken POW at New Market, VA on 8/16/64, sent to Old Capitol Prison, transferred to Elmira, NY on 10/24/64. Released on taking the oath on 5/29/65, on taking the oath.
DUNCAN, H. ALLEN: 16, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#442, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 10/20/62. B. 6/1/1844. Age 16, farm laborer, 1860 Alleghany Co., Co., NC Census. D.2/14/1916, buried in the Laurel Glen Regular Baptist Church Cem., Alleghany Co.
DUNCAN, JACKSON, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#824. 50th VA Inf. Moorehead’s Co. LDT.?? Grayson Co., VA Confederate pensioneer.
DUNCAN, JEHU, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#828.
DUNCAN, JESSE, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#828. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co., on 9/15/61, age 18. WIA at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, returned to duty by 1/1/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, sent to Fort Delaware, released on oath on 9/5/63, Enl. in Co. D, 3rd MD Cav. (Federal).
DUNCAN, THOMAS MONRO: B. 3/26/1840 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#792. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from necrosis of the tibia. Age 24. Missionary Baptist Minister postwar. D. 1904.
DUNCAN, WASHINGTON D., 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#442, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 10/20/62. Taken POW on 10/3/64.
DUNN, CALVIN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1142.
DURHAM, WILLIAM, 48, Works at Shoes, NC, 1870 Grayson County Census.
DUVALL, ABEDNEGO, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1220.
DUVALL, AMBROSE B., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1219. Pvt./1st Lt./Capt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 27. Prom. to Sgt. 7/26/61, elected 1st Lt. 4/21/62, prom. to Capt. 7/3/63. WIA in left hand at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Hosp. at Richmond 12/63, WIA again. Rtnd to duty 8/64. Taken POW 4/1/65 at Petersburg, sent to Old Capitol Prison, then to Johnson’s Island, OH, where held until released on oath 6/18/65. Res. Ashe Co. Moved to KY postwar.
DUVALL, JAMES M., 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#638. Pvt./1st Sgt./3rd Lt.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 21. Prom. to 1st Sgt. 4/17/62. Elected 3rd Lt. 7/3/63. WIA at Bristoe Station 10/14/63. Rtnd to duty 2/64. MWIA 8/21/64 at Globe Tavern, VA. Died 8/22/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
DUVALL, JAMES: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 23. Pres. thru 3/26/65. Detailed as wagoner most of the war. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Moved to KY postwar.
DUVALL, JESSE, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#996.
DUVALL, JOHN M.: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#589. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Pres. until died of disease at Goldsboro, NC 6/24/62.
DUVALL, JOSEPH E.: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#645. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
DUVALL, MADISON, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#987.
DUVALL, MARSHALL, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#787.
DUVALL, MASTIN, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#589. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Pres. until WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg 7/1/63. Sent to DAVID’s Island, NY. Transferred to City Point for exchange 10/28/63. Pres. until paroled at Appomattox C.H. 4/9/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Buried there. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J17.
DUVALL, OWEN: 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#724. 1st Lt., Jefferson Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commission date not noted.
DUVALL, SAMUEL O.: 1st Lt., Helton Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 9/9/62. Later served in 1st Sgt.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
DUVALL, THOMAS, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#589.
DUVALL, WILLIAM, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#724.
EADES, ALFRED: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 4/1/64. Taken POW at Hanover Junction, VA on 5/23/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD held there until exchanged at Varina, VA on 9/22/64, furloughed for 60 days on 10/4/64.
EADES, WILLIAM FRANKLIN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 9/1/63. Taken POW at Hanover Junction, VA on 5/23/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD held there until exchanged at Boulware’s Wharf, JAMES River, VA on 3/16/65. Age 53, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EASTRIDGE, ANDREW, B. 5/226/1849. Corporal, Co. E, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/63 to 9/5/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township. Enlisted on 9/24/1863, age 18. Resident of Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901. D. 10/7/1929. Brothers were in CSA Army.
EASTRIDGE, BARRABAS: B. 1840 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#596. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. D. 1920.
EASTRIDGE, DAVID, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#450. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/28/64 in Ashe Co., NC. MWIA, died in hosp. at Staunton, VA 5/31/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
EASTRIDGE, HARRISON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#461.
EASTRIDGE, HENRY, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#442.
EASTRIDGE, JAMES, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#455.
EASTRIDGE, JOEL, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#462. Co. G, 4th TN Inf. U.S. B. 3/30/1837 D. ?. Buried in Cem. Johnson Co., TN.
EASTRIDGE, JOHN, Age 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#449. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on ?. Corp., Co. C, 13th TN Cav., served from 9/6/64 to 9/6/65. B. ca. 1830. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township.
EASTRIDGE, JOHN, B. ca. 1823 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#455. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 35, occupation carpenter. WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/3-5/63, sent to Fort Delaware, transferred to Point Lookout, MD 1/25/64 when he Enl. Co. C, 1st U.S. Volunteer Inf. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Laurel Township.
EASTRIDGE, LANCE: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/28/64 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. thru 6/30/64, then NFR.
EASTRIDGE, WILLIAM S., 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#455. Co. E, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 10/1/64 to 9/5/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Enlisted at age 18. Resident of Solitude, Laurel Township, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
EDMONDSON, ABRAHAM: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 22. Pres. until transferred to Co. C, this regt. 4/17/62. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. A04.
EDWARDS, ABRAM, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#564.
EDWARDS, ALLEN, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#388. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 2/25/1833 D. 5/31/1908. Buried in the Chestnut Grove Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
EDWARDS, ASWELL: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
EDWARDS, BERRY (BERRYSON) H.: 27, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#408., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Age 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, BERRY H. (F.): 29, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#563, 1st Sgt., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 29, as a corp. Promoted to Sgt. prior to 5/31/62. Taken POW at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62, sent to Fort Delaware, where held until exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 8/5/62. WIA in left shoulder at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, returned to duty. Promoted to 1st Sgt. before 10/31/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/3/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until released on oath on 6/11/65. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, BERRY H., Jr.: 17, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#232, Sgt., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 18. Promoted to Sgt. in 6/62. Absent WIA in 10/62, when and where not reported. Hospitalized in Richmond, VA on 6/16/64, for WIA. Furloughed on 8/30/64, returned to duty by 10/31/64. Deserted to enemy on unrecorded date, took oath at Washington, DC on 3/10/65. B. 4/29/1843. Age 27, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 6/26/1911.
EDWARDS, CLISBY, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#533. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Age at Enl. was 49/1/3, 5’9″, light comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, native of Ashe Co. B. 6/10/1815 Died 3/5/65, buried in Ashe Cem. S03.
EDWARDS, CREED: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 12/31/1837. Age 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 6/28/1916. Buried in the Glade Creek Church Cem., Alleghany Co.
EDWARDS, D. L.: Co. D, 37th VA Inf. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. Res. of Alleghany Co., NC.
EDWARDS, DAVID C., 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#574, 1st Lt., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 30, as 1st Sgt. Elected 2nd Lt. on 5/15/62. Taken POW at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62, sent to Fort Delaware, exchanged. WIA in 9/62, no place noted. Promoted to 1st Lt. on 10/20/62. WIA in hip and wrist at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62. Resigned on 6/9/63. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, DAVID J., 42, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, DAVID J.: 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#696, Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. in Burke Co. on 12/5/63. Age 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, DAVID: 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#136, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 4/8/1827 D. 6/21/1911, buried in the Glade Creek Church Cem., Alleghany Co.
EDWARDS, FRANKLIN, 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#213. Age 23, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, GEORGE WASHINGTON, 29, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#638, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Died 7/30/1863 at Charleston, SC.
EDWARDS, GRANVILLE, 24, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#573, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 10/20/62. MWIA at Second Cold Harbor.
EDWARDS, HANSFORD: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
EDWARDS, HAYWOOD, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#532. Age 47, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, HAYWOOD, 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, HIRAM S., 21, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#136, Sgt./Corp., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61 age 22, as a Sgt. WIA at Gaines Mills, VA on 6/27/62, reduced to pvt by 8/1/62. AWOL in 10/62, returned to duty. Taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64, sent to Point Lookout where he was held until exchanged at Cox’s Wharf, James River, VA on 2/14-5/65, returned to duty, promoted to corp. MWIA, hospitalized at Farmville, VA on 4/2/65 for wounds, died 4/14/65.
EDWARDS, HIRAM: 4th Sgt., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Native of Alleghany Co., Res. of Surry Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 5/27/61, age 28, as a Sgt. WIA at Second Manassas on 8/28- 30/62. Reduced to ranks by 8/31/64. Pres. thru 2/22/65. Age 32, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, ISAAC, 39, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#696, Co. F, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/22/64 at Statesville, NC. Age at Enl. was 46/4/17, 5’6″, dark comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, native of Alleghany Co. Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, ISOM, 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#572. Age 44, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, JAMES, 31, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#141.
EDWARDS, JAMES, 50, Farm Laborer, NC, 1870 Grayson County Census.
EDWARDS, JOHN, 32, Idiotic, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#562.
EDWARDS, MELVIN, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#213.
EDWARDS, MESHACK, 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, MORGAN, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#564. Age 31, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, RICAHRD, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#696.
EDWARDS, RICHARD, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#561. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, S. OSBORNE: 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#213. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age 51, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, SAMUEL, 27, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#540, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/62. Discharged on 5/19/62 for “chronic affection of the chest which must have been of long standing and s a great source of suffering. He is also affected with chronic rheumatism together with an affection of the hip joint which very much disables him. In addition to all this he is dwarfish and very imperfectly formed.” Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, SENTER: 32, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#699. 1st Lt., Gap Civil Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/14/62., 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, SMITH, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#533.
EDWARDS, STARLING, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#535. Age 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, STEPHEN, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#562.
EDWARDS, THOMAS, 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#232. Age 51, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, THOMAS J.: 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#637. Capt., Gap Civil Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/14/62. 3rd Sgt./2nd Lt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on. Age 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, VINCENT: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Also served in Co. C, 63rd VA Inf., where he enl. on 9/1/63 at Gap Civil, NC. Pres. there thru at least 8/31/64. Age 36, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Buried in the Vincent Edwards Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
EDWARDS, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON: 23, Constable, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#564. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 3/3/62. Pres. thru 12/64. Age 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EDWARDS, WILLIAM S.: 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#533. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. PWR only, NFR.
EDWARDS, WILLIAM: Corp., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/28/61, age 23. Appointed corp. in 11/61. Discharged for disability on 12/24/61.
ELDRETH, FOY, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#683.
ELDRETH, JOHN, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1214.
ELDRETH, JOHN, 40, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#248.
ELDRETH, L.: Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 5/1/64 in Ashe Co. In hospital #4 at Wilmington on 1/1/65 with measles.
ELDRETH, ZACHARIAH, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#700.
ELDRIDGE, (ELDRETH) DAVID: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook. Age 43, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census.
ELDRIDGE, DAVID: 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#683. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 3/1/62 in Ashe Co., age 40. Taken POW at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, hospitalized on 7/1/62 with pneumonia and diarrhea following measles. Died there on 7/9/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
ELDRIDGE, ISAAC: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook. Also served in the 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from disabled left hand. Age 38.
ELDRIDGE, JACOB: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#683. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co. Taken POW at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged on 8/5/62. Absent sick 11-12/62. Roll of honor indicates he died of disease as a POW on 12/13/63, however, no Federal record of the event. Res. of Ashe Co.
ELDRIDGE, JOHN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co. KIA at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
ELLER, ASWELL P., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#613. Sgt./1st Sgt., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, as 1st Sgt., aged 28. Reduce to Sgt. by 2/28/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Deserted 9/12/63 at Dalton, GA, reduced to private, returned to duty on 9/30/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
ELLER, CALVIN, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#223.
ELLER, CALVIN, JR.: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#765. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 1844 D. 1924, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P30.
ELLER, DAVID, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#516.
ELLER, DAVID W.: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#305. 2nd Lt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Res. of Ashe Co. Enl. on 5/23/61, age 25, as a private. Elected 3rd Lt. on 423/62. Promoted to 2nd Lt. in 2/63. Promoted to 1st Lt. on 10/17/63. Resigned as 2nd Lt. on 11/20/64, accepted 12/5/64.
ELLER, DAVID: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#648. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 10/25/63, bounty due. Pres. on 10/31/64, AWOL 12/31/64. Age 24 or 33, 1860 Ashe County Census. B. 3/4/1840 D. 11/4/1897, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. C34.
ELLER, GEORGE, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#592.
ELLER, HANSFORD, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#612. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 21. Deserted at Knoxville, TN on 7/23/63. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 8/9/63. On leave on 8/31/63, then NFR. Returned to duty with the 65th NC on 9/30/63, appointed Corp. on 2/9/64. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 4/25/1841 D. 12/12/1912, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J26.
ELLER, HARRISON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1089. 1st Lt., Jefferson Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Volunteered for regular service.
ELLER, JACOB, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#601. Co. D, 13th TN Cav. U.S. ELLER, JAMES P.: Co. F, 4th VA, Enl. on 3/20/62. Died of typhoid fever 7/11/63 at Chimborazo Hospital at Richmond, VA.
ELLER, JESSE, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1089. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. at Urbana, MD on 9/10/62. Pres. thru 12/64.
ELLER, JOHN H., 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#648. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 2/27/62. Pres. thru 12/64.
ELLER, JOHN: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from non compis mentis. Age 44.
ELLER, LUKE, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#600.
ELLER, LUKE, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#612.
ELLER, PETER, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#765. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from fistula in ano. Age 43.
ELLER, WILLIAM, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#648.
ELLER, WILLIAM: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#767. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
ELLIOTT, CRAWFORD, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#694.
ELLIOTT, HARRISON, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#694. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. B. 5/25/1847 D. ?. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. E25.
ELLIOTT, J.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
ELLIOTT, LEVI: 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#262. Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 9/1/64 in Ashe Co. In hospital #4 at Wilmington, NC on 1/1/65 with measles. Res. of Jefferson, Ashe Co., NC.
ELLIOTT, MONFORT, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#262.
ELLIOTT, ROBERT: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Orange C.H., VA on 10/3/64. Transferred to Co. B, 9th NC Cav. on 3/2/65.
ELLIOTT, RUFUS: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
ELLIOTT, STEPHEN: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on B. 6/27/1830 D. 6/6/1908, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. E25.
ELLIOTT, W. JACKSON: Corp., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Previously served as a corp. in Co. H, 22nd NC Inf. Transferred into Co. F between 9/61-6/62. WIA in foot at Frayser’s Farm, VA on 6/30/62. Transferred back to Co. H, 7/1/62.
ELLIOTT, WILBORN, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#696. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic abcess of breast. Age 36.
ELLIOTT, WILLIAM: 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#262. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
ELLIS, JOHN H., Co. M, 2nd California Cavlary, served in 1864 and 1865. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Peak Creek.
ELLIS, NATHAN: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 22. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63.
ELROD, WILLIAM: Corp., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Enl. on ?. Taken POW at Plymouth, NC on 12/9/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where held until released on taking the oath on 6/26/65.
ESTEP, BERRY, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#29. Age 49, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ESTEP, HAYWOOD, 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#29, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA at Drewry’s Bluff, VA in 1864.
ESTEP, JACOB W., 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#29, Corp., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 20, as corp. Reduced to ranks prior to 8/1/62. AWOL in 10/62, returned to duty, and reported AWOL again from 9/7/64, then NFR.
ESTEP, WILLIAM, 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#29.
EVANS, ABRAHAM: 34, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#641. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 41. KIA at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62.
EVANS, ABRAM, 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#76. Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EVANS, CHARLES, 27, Grocery Merchant 5000, 1870 Grayson County Census.
EVANS, DAVID, 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#82. . Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
EVANS, DAVID K., 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#161. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61. MWIA at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62. Died in Richmond, VA on 6/23/62.
EVANS, JAMES A., 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#161.
EVANS, JOHN, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#204.
EVANS, JOHN E., 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#177.
EVANS, JOHN WEAVER: 22, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#426, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 24. AWOL from 7/62-2/63. Listed as a deserter on 5/63. Returned to duty by 12/12/63. Died in hospital at Richmond, VA on 4/13/64 of hydrothorax and general dropsy.
EVANS, L. J., 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#346.
EVANS, WILLIAM, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#641. Age 22, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
FAIRCLOTH, JOHN W.: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#637. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
FAIRCLOTH, MITCHELL MARTIN, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#637. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
FARMER, AHART, 54, Farm Laborer, 135, 1870 Grayson County Census.
FARMER, ANDREW, 39, Farmer, 1870 Grayson County Census.
FARMER, CALVIN, B. 1836 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#464.
FARMER, DAVID, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#417.
FARMER, ISAAC, 16, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1150. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. on ?. Taken POW at Spottsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64. Sent to Point Lookout, where held until he joined the U.S.Army on 6/20/64.
FARMER, JOSEPH, 14, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1148.
FARMER, WILLIAM, 36, VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#166.
FARRINGTON, GEORGE, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#226. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from deformity of the left hand. Age 25.
FARRINGTON, HENRY, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#226.
FARRINGTON, HUGH, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1292. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 at Camp French, Petersburg, VA. Pres. until taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/3-5/63, sent to Fort Delaware, transferred to Point Lookout, MD 1/25/64 when he Enl. Co. C, 1st U.S. Volunteer Inf. Res. Ashe Co., NC. B. 1/7/1836. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Peak Creek. D. 3/2/1922, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q50.
FARRINGTON, JAMES: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
FARRINGTON, MATHIAS: 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#226. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell age 23. WIA in right foot at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Returned to duty by 11/15/63. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, where he was held until 6/27/65, when released on oath. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
FARRINGTON, MUMFORD: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G01.
FAW, AMOS, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#123. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 20. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. Deserted, took the oath at Washington, DC on 3/10/65, transported to Cincinnati, OH.
FAW, BENJAMIN F., 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#108. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 22. Pres. thru 11/64.
FAW, ELIJAH C.: 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#112. 2nd Corp., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 29. Taken POW at Wilson’s Gap, Tennessee on 6/22/63, exchanged or escaped, Pres. on 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 2//14/1830 D. 12/12/1898, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. U03.
FAW, ELIJAH F.: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#905. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. AWOL from 9/18/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
FAW, JACOB: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#548. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 27. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 4/14/1833 D. 7/8/1912, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. U03.
FAW, JONATHAN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#123. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 18. Taken POW at Wilson’s Gap, TN on 6/22/63, exchanged or escaped, Pres. on 8/3/63. Taken POW near Philadelphia, TN on 10/20/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH held there until transferred to Rock Island, IL on 1/14/64, died there 3/3/64 of variola.
FAW, REUBEN, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#635.
FENDER, ALLEN, 45, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#466, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age 54, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
FENDER, CENTER: 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#512. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. 3/15/62, age 20. MWIA in the back at Gaines Mills, VA on 6/27/62, hospitalized at Richmond, where he died on 7/16/62.
FENDER, DAVID, 22, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#514, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Capt. A. B. Cox said he was “an honored soldier.” Age 27, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
FENDER, JOHN ALLEN, 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#513, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 19. Taken POW at unknown time and place, confined at Fort Monroe, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, VA on 9/21/62. AWOL thru 10/62, returned to duty. Paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA on 4/9/65.
FENDER, JOHN: 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#466, 5th Sgt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on . Brother of David. A. B. Cox wrote, that he was “an honored soldier in the Confederate Army and filled a commissary office with patience, skilled and hones care that honored his head and heart.” B. 6/17/1840 D. 4/8/1925, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G01.
FENDER, LEVI, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#513.
FENDER, SOLOMON: 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#466. 4th Corp., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 1/5/1841. Age 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 7/2/1902, buried in the Levi Willey Cem., Alleghany Co.
FENDER, SOLOMON: 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#129, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 3/20/34. Age 36, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 4/14/1894, buried in the J. A. V. Evans Cem., Alleghany Co.
FENDER, WILLIAM, 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#466. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/62, age 18. MWIA, in left leg, at Shepherdstown, VA on 9/20/62, left leg amputated. Died in Alleghany Co. on 12/10/62 of wounds.
FETTER, WILLIAM M.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany or Orange county, and Enl. at age 21. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 8/1/62. WIA in thigh at Second Manassas, returned to duty by 2/28/63. Promoted to 1st Lt. on 2/12/63 and to Captain on 3/20/63. Court-martialed in summer 1863 for disobedience of orders and AWOL. Resigned on 10/31/63. May have later served in Co. I, 18th NC Inf.
FIELDS, ANDREW, 54, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
FIELDS, JOHN CALHOUN, 18, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#140, Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until WIA at Falling Waters, MD 7/14/63, taken POW sent to Old Capitol Prison, transferred to Point Lookout, MD 8/8/63, where he died of chronic dysentery 10/18/63. Res. Alleghany Co., NC.
FIELDS, WILLIAM C., 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#140. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Later served in Co. G, 1st NC Cav., assigned to this company in Wake Co. on 9/29/64,. Pres. thru 12/31/64. Deseted at Bellfield Station on 1/21/65, took oath, and sent to Louisville, KY on 4/20/65. Age 24, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
FINLEY, GEORGE, 18, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1169. Grayson Co., VA Confederate pensioneer.
FINLEY, J. A., 25, B., VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1168.
FINLEY, WILLIAM, 30, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1169.
FINNEY, OBEDIAH B., Tailor, 30, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#2, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/62, age 29. WIA in left thigh at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty on 6/10/63. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD on 7/14/63. Confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, DC, transferred to Point Lookout, MD on 8/8/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 3/6/64. Court-martialed in 7-8/64 for unreported reasons, returned to duty. Taken POW at Hatcher’s Run, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Hart’s Island, NY where he was held until released on oath on 6/18/65. Age 42, Tailor, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
FINNEY, PRESTON, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#464.
FISHER, GEORGE R., 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#90, Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/3-5/63, sent to Fort Delaware, transf. to Point Lookout, MD, 10/18/63, transferred to Boulware’s Wharf for exchange 2/18/65. Res. Wilkes Co., NC.
FISHER, JOHN P., 26, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#46. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell age 27. MWIA in head at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62, died on 9/18/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
FISHER, SOLOMON C.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 4/1/63. Pres. until taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD on 6/8/64, then age 24, transferred to Elmira, NY on 7/8/64, died there on 10/17/64 of chronic diarrhea.
FLIPENS, ISAAC, 22, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
FLIPPEN, J. A.: Co. D, 4th VSL. This unit became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville.
FOGLESONG, CHARLES: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. PWR only.
FORESTER, JOHN SLOAN, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#798. 1st Lt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Res. of Ashe Co., where Enl. on 6/4/61, age 25, as a sergeant. Appointed as 2nd Lt. on 10/4/61. Promoted to 1st Lt. on 3/1/62, resigned on 5/12/62.
FOSTER, EDWARD F.: 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1367. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 30, occupation physician. Pres. until discharged for chronic rheumatism and general debility. B. Wilkes Co., NC. in 1827 D. 1910, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P06.
FOSTER, GEORGE W.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Resided and Enl. in Alamance Co. on 3/1/64. Pres. 11/64. Paroled at Greensboro, NC on 5/11/65.
FOSTER, JOEL E.: 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1374. Co. A/F&S, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in ?. Also served as Major in the Ashe Co. (97th) NC Militia. Commissioned on 4/12/62. Elected member of secession convention prior to activation. Res. Ashe Co., NC. B. 2/20/1829 D. 9/16/1907, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P06.
FOSTER, N. A.: Captain, Co., F, 52nd NC Inf.
FOUTS, JOHN E., 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#149. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav. only, Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 24. Died at Big Springs, Tennessee on 10/9/62.
FOUTS, JOSEPH S., 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#149. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 21. Pres. thru 10/64.
FOUTS, SQUIRE, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#46.
FOWLER, J. N.: Co. C, 45th VA, PWR only.
FOWLER, JAMES A., 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#216. 1st Corp., Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 1/29/1840 D. 9/1/1910, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K01.
FOWLER, S. M.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
FOWLER, SANDERS, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#216.
FOWLER, STEPHEN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#215.
FOWLER, WILLIAM H.: 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#216. Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 10/1/64 in Ashe Co. Pres. for duty on 2/28/65.
FOWLKES, CHARLES G., 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#178. Age 48, Farmer & Doctor, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
FOWLKES, COLUMBUS T., 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#178.
FOWLKES, LANE SAMUEL: 18, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#138, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on . B. 1842 in Carroll Co., VA. D. 7/9/64, tradition holds that he was KIA.
FOWLKES, W. A. J., 45, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#138.
FOX, DENNIS A.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Previously served in Co. L, 22nd NC Inf. Transferred to Co. F prior to 8/31/61. WIA at taken POW at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62, sent to Fort Delaware. Transferred back to Co. L on 7/1/62 administratively, still a POW.
FOX, HENRY: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 2/27/64. WIA in head at Wilderness in 5/64. WIA in left leg at Petersburg, VA on 6/29/64, leg amputated. Absent thru 10/64. May have also served in Co. K, 58th NC Inf.
FOX, MATHIAS: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. PWR only.
FOX, NOAH: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Caldwell Co. and Enl. at Camp Vance on 2/27/64. Taken POW at Hatcher’s Run, VA on 4/1/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD, until released on oath on 6/26/65. May have also served in Co. K, 58th NC Inf.
FRANCIS, ELI, 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#769. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma. Age 48.
FRANCIS, FREELAND, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#769.
FRANCIS, HENRY, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#590. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma. Age 44.
FRANCIS, ROBERT, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#769. Co. B, 37th NC Inf.
FREEMAN, RILEY: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Paroled at Charlotte, NC on 5/20/65.
FREEZELAND, HENRY: 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#165. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma. Age 42.
FRY, JOHN H.: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 5/1/63 in Patrick Co.
FRY, STEPHEN, 40, B. VA, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#43.
GABY, CHRISTIAN, 30, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1358.
GAMBILL, BURGESS, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#891.
GAMBILL, J. M., 45, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#227.
GAMBILL, JAMES M., 17, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#585. 2nd Lt., Gap Civil Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/14/62. 1st Corp., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 20. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 10/64. Age 27, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
GAMBILL, JESSE A., 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#566. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 11/10/63. Pres. thru 12/64. In hospital at Danville on 4/4/65, had been WIA in right hip, furloughed for 40 days. Paroled at Salisbury, NC on 5/2/65.
GAMBILL, JOHN FRANK, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#566. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC age 18. Pres. until he died at Goldsboro, NC. B. 3/17/43 D. 3/27/62, body returned to Ashe Co., NC for burial. B. 3/17/1843 buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G25.
GAMBILL, JOHN: 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#698, 1st Lt., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co. where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 25, as Sgt. Elected 1st Lt. on 9/11/61. Absent, WIA 10/62. Defeated for reelection on 11/25/62. Age 34, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
GAMBILL, ROBERT, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1034.
GAMBILL, ROBERT C., 25, Deputy Sheriff, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#698, Sgt., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 27. Promoted to Corp. on 8/26/61. AWOL in 7/62. WIA in left knee at Second Manassas on 8/28-30/62. Returned to duty. Promoted to Sgt. before 8/64. Taken POW at Appomattox River 4/3/65, sent to Hart’s Island, released on oath on 6/20/65. WIA twice more in unrecorded battles. Age 35, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
GAMBILL, WILLIAM, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#891.
GAMBILL, WILLIAM J.: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1033. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/8/61, age 34. Discharged on 2/6/62 due to fracture of bones of forearm. B. 10/10/1826 D. 2/16/1890, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G16.
GAMBILL, WILLIAM T.: 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#585. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Rutherford Co., NC on 1/1/64. Pres. thru 11/64. Age 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
GARBER, HENRY, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1331.
GARBER, JOSEPH, 39, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#744.
GARNETT, SAMUEL MONROE: Co. C, 8th VA Cav., PWR only. B. 1833 D. 1912.
GARVEY, AARON L., 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#124. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 20. MWIA in leg at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Died of effects in Richmond on 6/19/63.
GARVEY, JAMES H., 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#124. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 19. Taken POW at Big Hill, KY on 7/30/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Transferred to Fort Delaware on 2/29/64, held there until released on taking the oath on 6/19/65.
GARVEY, JOHN, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1235.
GARVEY, JOHN J.: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#124. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/10/61, age 22. WIA at Jack’s Shop on 9/22/63, absent thru 8/64, returned, detailed to commissary duty, Pres. thru 12/64. B. 12/20/1838 D. 4/20/1921, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G14.
GARVEY, THOMAS J.: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#124. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. Discharged before 3/1/62, no reason given. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 6/5/64. Pres. thru 10/64. Res. of Ashe Co.
GARVEY, THOMAS: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. in camp on 11/1/63. Deserted on 1/18/64.
GAULTNEY, FRANKLIN GREEN: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#716. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. WIA in left knee on 5/28/64 at Jericho Mills, near Petersburg, VA. B. 1834 D. 7/2/1864. Buried at Petersburg, VA.
GAULTNEY, JOHN: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 12/1/63 in Ashe Co,. NC. Pres. until MWIA, not place or date given. Died in hosp. at Gordonsville, VA 5/29/64 of wounds.
GAULTNEY, WILLIAM: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 12/1/63 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg, VA 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until released on oath 6/6/65.
GENTLE, JOHN A.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 9/1/63. Pres. until taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64. Exchanged at Boulware’s Wharf on 3/16/65.
GENTRY, ANDREW C., 19, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#18. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. MWIA at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62. Place and date of death not recorded. Born in Johnson Co., Tennessee and Res. of Ashe Co.
GENTRY, ANDREW, Jr.: 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#47. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 30. KIA at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
GENTRY, ANDREW: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#58. Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook. D. 1862.
GENTRY, BENJAMIN J., B. 8/18/1834 in Ashe Co., NC per family. Age 24, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#59. D. 6/23/1919 in Johnson Co., TN.
GENTRY, CLEVELAND, 23, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
GENTRY, DAVID REID, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#605. Age 24, Merchant, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
GENTRY, GRANVILLE A., 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#619.
GENTRY, J.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from non compis mentis. Age 21.
GENTRY, JAMES, Co. A, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 11/8/63 into 1865. Mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans Census. Res. of Glade Creek Township.
GENTRY, JAMES M.: Age 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1380. Col., 97th NC Militia, Commissioned on 4/12/62. Resigned in 3/63. Res. of Jefferson.
GENTRY, JESSE, B. 1842. Age 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#59. D. 1863 in the Civil War.
GENTRY, JOSEPH, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#214.
GENTRY, LEVI C., 25, B. VA, Medical Student, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#605, Pvt./Corp./3rd Lt./2nd Lt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co. Elected 3rd Lt. on 7/30/62, promoted to 2nd Lt. 7/3/63. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD 7/14/63, sent to Johnson’s Island where held until released on oath 6/11/65, then age 31. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Postwar doctor in Ashe Co. B. 3/8/1834 D. 4/14/1900, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P06.
GENTRY, LEVI R.: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#214. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 18. MWIA in back and shoulder at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63, died in Richmond of wounds on 5/20/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
GENTRY, M., 19, B. VA, Clerk, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#715.
GENTRY, NICHOLAS: 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#563. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 30. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transferred to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Pres. until KIA Bristoe Station, VA 10/14/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
GENTRY, RICHARD CLEVELAND: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn. Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/63, then NFR. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 11/10/63. Pres. thru 12/64.
GENTRY, ROBERT L.: B. 1840. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 30. Died in Winchester, VA hosp. of typhoid pneumonia on 12/4/62.
GENTRY, WILLIAM H., 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1354. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis pulmonalis. Age 37.
GENTRY, WILLIAM PETER: B. 9/11/1836. Age 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#505. D. 5/28/1916.
GIBSON, REESE T.: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 5/29/61 in Wytheville. Sick 10/61. On leave 12/61. Promoted to Corp. by 6/64. Taken POW at Piedmont 6/5/64, sent to Camp Morton, exchanged on 2/26/65.
GILBERT, CALVIN, 23, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1154.
GILHAM, GEORGE 21, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#407, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Characterized by A. B. Cox as “an honored soldier in the Confederate army.” Member of the Methodist Church.
GILHAM, THOMAS, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#101.
GILHAM, WESLEY, 34, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
GILLEY, ALFRED: Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/10/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. Claimed as a deserter from the 37th NC Inf. by 10/31/64. From Ashe Co.
GILLEY, GEORGE H., 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#639. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 25. Pres. thru 10/64.
GILLEY, ISHAM, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#682.
GILLEY, RILEY, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#682.
GILLIAM, JOHN: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#101. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/28/61 age 26. Died of a gunshot wound at Raleigh, NC on 9/20/64.
GILLY, JOHN: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#670. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from luxation of shoulder. Age 31.
GLEN, W. D., 27, Merchant, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#269.
GOINS, ALEX, 20, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#189.
GOINS, FELIX, 21, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#246, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 22. Died at Ashland Station, VA on 5/10/62 of disease.
GOINS, HENRY, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#947.
GOINS, SILAS, 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#316, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA and detailed.
GOINS, THOMPSON, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#947. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
GOINS, WILLIAM, 30, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#421.
GOOD, ISAAC: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
GOOD, JORDAN: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
GOODMAN, CALVIN P., 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#126. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. at Manassas, VA on 3/1/62, age 32. Detailed to light duty in hospitals at Richmond on 12/4/63. Discharged at Richmond on 9/24/64 for “prolapus ani.”. Photo, p. 137, Ashe Co. Heritage Book #2.
GOODMAN, CALVIN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 8/27/61. Deserted by 2/28/62. .
GOODMAN, HARRISON, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#121.
GOODMAN, HARVEY, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#125. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 29. Died of disease on 12/16/61.
GOODMAN, ISAAC, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#115. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 29. Pres. thru 10/64. Issued clothing on 11/13/64. B. 11/25/1844 D. 5/23/1898, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S22.
GOODMAN, JACOB, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#153. Capt., Old Fields Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 9/20/62.
GOODMAN, JAMES, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#152. 2nd Lt., Old Fields Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62.
GOODMAN, JAMES JORDAN, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#115. 1st Lt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., where he was a 25 year old farmer. Appointed 1st Lt. at enlistment. Resigned on 4/14/62, no reason noted. Later served in Co. D, 5th NC Cav. Battn. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 27. Pres. thru 10/64.
GOODMAN, JOHN A., 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#125. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/21/61, age 21. Taken POW in MD on 10/15/62, exchanged by 12/31/62. In Richmond, VA hospital for WIA in right leg in 1/64. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 10/19/1839 D. 1/19/1927, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P12.
GOODMAN, JOHN: 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#115. 3rd Sgt., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 30. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 6/18/1832 D. 7/4/1907, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S22.
GOODMAN, PETER CALVIN, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#115. 2nd Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 20. Reduced to private by 3/1/62. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Deserted on 5/19/63. Native Res. of Ashe Co. B. 8/25/1842 D. 2/3/1914, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S22.
GOODMAN, RICHARD G., 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#125. 2nd Lt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., where he was a 19 year old native farmer. Appointed 2nd Lt. at enlistment. Resigned on 1/1/62, no reason noted. Later served in Co. A, 1st NC Cav. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. at Robert’s Chapel, VA on 8/1/62. Pres. until he deserted on 1/18/64.
GOODMAN, WILLIAM HARRISON: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#125. 1st Lt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 4/17/62 age 25, Res. of Ashe Co. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 4/17/62, promoted to 1st Lt. on 7/18/62. WIA in shoulder at Ox Hill on 9/1/62. Resigned for disability due to wounds on 2/2/63, accepted on 3/9/63. B. 5/19/1835 D. 1/8/1881, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S28.
GOSS, COLUMBUS, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#331.
GOSS, ESTEL, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#331. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis pulmonalis. Age 23.
GOSS, ISHAM, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#771. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 23. Pres. until he transferred to Co. A, 9th NC Cav. on 6/6/63. Pres. thru 12/31/64.
GOSS, JAMES: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
GOSS, JESSE, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#771. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/20/61, age 22. MWIA at Brandy Station, VA, died of wounds on 8/1/63.
GOSS, JOHN D., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#771. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 30, as Sgt. Died at Big Creek Gap, Tennessee on 11/6/62. B. 11/7/1834, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. E01.
GOSS, MARION, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#331. Sergeant, Co. D, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/24/63 to 9/5/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township. Resident of Creston, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
GOSS, MELVILLE, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#331.
GOSS, WILLIAM J., 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#771. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 12/28/61 in Wake Co., age 16. WIA at Second Manassas on 8/29-30/62. Taken POW at Warrenton, VA 10-11/62. Paroled at Warrenton on 11/12/62, returned to duty by 1/1/63. Nominated for badge of distinction for gallantry at Chancellorsville. Promoted to Corp. on 5/31/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63 or at Falling Waters, MD on 7/14/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD. Released on 2/2/64 when he Enl. in Co. I, 1st U.S. Volunteer Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
GRAHAM, DAVID, 33, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1340.
GRAHAM, GILES, 42, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#530. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from varicose veins of the leg. Age 48.
GRAHAM, W. A.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Enl. in camp on 11/5/64. Pres. thru 12/64.
GRAHAM, WASHINGTON: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 10/2/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
GRAYBEAL, ALFRED, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#303. 2nd Lt., Laurel Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Volunteered for regular service.
GRAYBEAL, CALVIN MONROE: 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#163. 5th Sgt., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 20. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Promoted to sergeant on 2/9/64. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 11/10/1840 D. 10/4/1922, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N04.
GRAYBEAL, CALVIN: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#625. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. Age 19, farm laborer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census. Brother of David H. Graybeal. B. 4/14/1844 D. 3/18/1930 buried in Ashe Co., NC.
GRAYBEAL, CALVIN: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#162. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, age 33. Taken POW at Big Hill, KY on 7/30/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Transferred to Fort Delaware on 2/29/64, released on oath on 6/19/65. B. 3/14/1829 D. 3/9/1902, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F22.
GRAYBEAL, CICERO, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#300.
GRAYBEAL, DAVID H.: 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#300. Capt., Laurel Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Rutherford Co. on 1/1/64. Pres. thru 10/64.
GRAYBEAL, DAVID R.: B. 1847. Age 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#163. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. Also shown as enlisting on 10/1/64 in Co. E, 13th Tenn. Cav. (Federal), Age 18. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Stagg’s Creek Township. Living at Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901. D. 1941 in Ashe Co., NC.
GRAYBEAL, DAVID: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#37. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 8/1/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
GRAYBEAL, ELI, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#625.
GRAYBEAL, ELI, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#163.
GRAYBEAL, ELI, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#631. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
GRAYBEAL, ELIHU H., 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#471. Co. E, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 10/1/64, age 18. Resident of Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township.
GRAYBEAL, HENDERSON, Co. E, 13th TN Cav. Resident of Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
GRAYBEAL, JACOB, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#241. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic nephritis. Age 44.
GRAYBEAL, JOHN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#302.
GRAYBEAL, JOHN C.: 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#586. 1st Lt., Laurel Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Later served in Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 10/21/63. Pres. thru 12/31/64. B. 1831 in Ashe Co., Died there on 1928.
GRAYBEAL, JOHN, Jr.: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#410. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 34. Pres. until deserted 6/28/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC. B. 1837 D. 1928. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. M25.
GRAYBEAL, JOSEPH, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#625.
GRAYBEAL, JOSEPH, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1183. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from an old injury to knee joint from an accident. Age 44.
GRAYBEAL, PETER, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#37. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 22, as Corp. Reduced to pvt by 6/30/63. Taken POW at Irvine, KY 7/31/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH. Transferred to Fort Delaware on 2/29/64. Released on oath 6/19/65.
GRAYBEAL, REUBEN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#432. Co. E, 13th TN Cav. U.S.
GRAYBEAL, SIMEON: 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1188. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from lamness from injury to foot and leg. Age 42.
GRAYBEAL, SIMON: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#11183. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 20. Pres. thru 11/64.
GRAYBEAL, WILLIAM, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#441. Co. E, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/25/63 to 9/5/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Laurel Township. Enlisted on 9/24/63 age 24. Resident of Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
GRAYBEAL, WILLIAM: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#163. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 18. Pres. thru 2/64, then NFR. B. 11/11/1839 D. 2/26/1912. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. H12.
GRAYSON, BENJAMIN CARROLL: B. 3/21/1838 in Ashe Co., NC. Co. G, 4th TN Inf., U.S.A. D. 1/31/1894 in Johnson Co., TN. Brother of James W.
GRAYSON, JAMES W., B. 5/1833 in Ashe Co., NC. Lt. Col., F&S, 4th TN Infantry,/Major F&S 13th TN Cav. Served from 10/62 into 65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Laurel Township.
GREEN, ISAAC, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1054.
GREEN, JESSE W.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 10/5/64 at Camp Holmes. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, where held until released on oath on 6/27/65. Res. of Ashe Co. or Johnston Co., NC.
GREEN, JESSE: 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1054. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from anchylosis of right knee. Age 42.
GREEN, RICHARD G.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Born in Yadkin Co., school teacher. Enl. in Campbell Co., TN on 7/25/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Taken POW near Jacksboro, TN on 8/27/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH. Transferred to Rock Island, IL on 1/22/64. Joined Co. I, 3rd U.S. Volunteers on 10/31/64.
GREENWELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON: 21, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#214, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 22. Died in Richmond, VA Hospital on 5/10/62 of disease.
GREENWELL, JAMES J., 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#214, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 25. Died at Fredericksburg, VA, cause unknown, on 9/18/61.
GREENWELL, JOHN, 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#214.
GREER, ALEXANDER, Jr.: B. 5/29/1837 in Ashe Co., NC. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 25. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Deserted by 10/31/64, dropped from the roll. D. 6/23/1919 in Johnson Co., TN. Brother of James in the same unit, brother David served in the 13th TN Cav., U.S. Army.
GREER, ANDREW, B. 1835 27, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#666. Co. I, 13th TN Cav., U.S. Died 3/30/1864 in Nashville, TN of measles. Md. Catherine Lawrence.
GREER, ANDREW, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#668. Co. I, 13th TN Cav. U.S. Md. Sarah Wilson.
GREER, ANDREW: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#333. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/16/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville on 7/18/63.
GREER, BENJAMIN, 13, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#665. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 5/1/64. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 4/19/1844 D. 6/18/1928, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. E44.
GREER, CATLET AQUILLA: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#844. 2nd Lt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on ?. Previously served in Co. A, 22nd NC Inf. Appointed 2nd Lt., transferred to this company on 2/17/65. Taken POW at Hatcher’s Run, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Old Capitol Prison in Washington, D.C. Transferred to Johnson’s Island, OH on 4/9/65. Released on 6/18/65, on taking the oath of allegiance. B. 3/21/1844 D. 2/17/1886, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. C08.
GREER, DAVID, B. 3/13/1841 in Johnson Co., TN. 18, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#665. Co. B, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 1862 to 1865. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Horse Creek Township. Not found on roster of this unit. D. 12/9/1881 in Ashe Co., NC.
GREER, EDWIN DUDLEY: B. 1/14/49 in Ashe Co., NC. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., WIA at Chancellorsville. D. 3/6/84. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. C03. (Grassy Creek), NC.
GREER, HAMILTON M.: 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#519. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/12/63 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until KIA at Wilderness, VA 5/5/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
GREER, HENRY FRANKLIN: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#26.
GREER, ISAAC S., 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1081. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
GREER, JACOB, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1081. Corp., Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/10/63. Died of wounds on 2/12/64, date and place MWIA unrecorded.
GREER, JAMES, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#665. 4th Corp., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 23. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Promoted to Corp. on 2/9/64. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 10/29/1839 In Ashe Co., NC. D. 4/1/1925, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. E45.
GREER, JAMES: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#344. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/14/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. AWOL from 8/31/64 thru 12/31/64.
GREER, JEFFERSON: Co. M, 58th NC Inf., enl. on 9/26/1862 in Watauga Co., NC. Deserted. b. 1828/9. D. before 1873.
GREER, JESSE, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1231. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
GREER, JOEL F., 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1298. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/10/63. On detached service on 8/31/63. Pres. on 6/7/64 when he received new shoes. Literate. Co. F, 13th TN Cavalry. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Laurel Township. Not found on the roster of this unit.
GREER, JOHN, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#844. Co. I, 13th TN Cav.
GREER, JOHN FREELAND: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#332. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 17. NFR. Probably the same who served in Co. D, 50th VA Inf. PWR only. B. 4/26/45 D. 7/3/72. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. C03.
GREER, JONATHAN F., 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#344. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Detached to care for horses on 3/3/63. Later served as Sgt.: Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. He was B. ca. 1842, 5’8″, sandy hair, blue eyes, school teacher, res. of Johnson Co., Tenn. Age 19, 1860 Ashe Co., NC, Census.
GREER, LARKIN E.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Watkin’s Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 6/27/61, age 20. Arrested for misdemeanor and confined in jail at Floyd C.H., VA” in 4/63. Remained absent in jail thru 4/64, then NFR.
GREER, LEWIS, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1299. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
GREER, MOSES, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#151. D. 1862-65, Big Creek Gap, Campbell Co., TN while in Confederate Army. 58th NC Inf.
GREER, NOAH, B. 1840. 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#332. 4th TN Mounted Inf. D. 1913. Buried in Watauga Co. in Old Greer Cem.
GREER, SOLOMON, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#240. D. 1862-65, Big Creek Gap, Campbell Co., TN while in Confederate Army. 58th NC Inf.
GREER, THOMAS, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#332. Co. B, 4th TN Infantry, served from 11/25/62 to 8/2/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Old Fields Township.
GREER, THOMAS, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#344. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 2/27/63. He Enl. in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav. on 3/31/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. In service of ordnance department on 12/13/64.
GREER, WASHINGTON, B. 1847. 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#332. Disappears after 1860.
GREER, WILLIAM ANDREW: Co. H, 23rd NC Inf., Enl. on 9/1/62 in Iredell Co. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1/63, sent to Fort Delaware and then transf. to Point Lookout, MD on 10/18/63. Held there until enlisted in Co. B, 1st U.S. Volunteer Inf.> B. 4/5/1833 in Johnson Co., TN. D. 10/15/1897, buried in Ashe Cem. E45.
GREER, WILLIAM H., Co. B, 1st U.S. Volunteer Infantry. Served from 6/25/64 to 12/27/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Res. of Horse Creek Township.
GREGOR, JORDAN, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#542.
GREGORY, FRANKLIN: 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#587. Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 43.
GRIFFIN, JOHN: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Enl. ?. Admitted to Howard’s Grove Hospital, Richmond on 6/27/62 with a gunshot wound of arm, place WIA not recorded. Furloughed for 30 days from 7/7/62, then NFR. B. 3/6/1824 D. 6/7/1896, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. C16.
GRIFFIN, LEVI G., 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1276. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, VA, age 19. Deserted on 5/19/62, returned to duty by 9/1/63. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg, on 4/2/65. Sent to Point Lookout where held until released on oath on 6/6/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
GRIFFIN, WILLIAM, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1276.
GRIFFIN, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1276. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 3/1/63 in Ashe Co., age 18. KIA at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63.
GRIFFITH, HARVEY, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#174, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 36. Died in a Richmond, VA hospital on 6/16-9/62 of pneumonia.
GRIFFITH, HILLIN, 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#173.
GRIFFITH, SHADRACH, 31, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#172.
GRIGSBY, BENJAMIN P.: Capt., Co. G, 24th VA Inf., Enl. on 6/26/61 at Lynchburg. Absent sick on 9/25- 12/24/61 with fever. Elected 1st Lt. 5/10/62, promoted to Capt. by summer 1864. In Charleston Hospital on 11/17/61-12/24/61; in Wilmington, NC hospital with syphilis on 3/10/64, returned to duty on 3/14/64. Paroled on 6/23/65 at Charleston, WV., 5’11”, fair comp., blue eyes, light hair. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J30.
GRIMES, R. B.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. Probably Reuben Grimes of Ashe Co., NC. He later served in Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and he Enl. on 6/1/63 at Mt. Jackson.
GRIMSLEY, DRURY, 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#185, Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 9/1/61 in Wake Co., NC. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern, 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transferred to Aiken’s Landing, 8/5/62 for exchange. Transferred to Co. I, 61st NC 11/10/62. Brother of George and James, sons of Lowrey.
GRIMSLEY, GEORGE, 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#185, 2nd Lt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Commissioned on 9/9/64.
GRIMSLEY, GEORGE, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#855.
GRIMSLEY, HIRAM, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1021. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 20. Pres. until died at Raleigh 9/7/61 of disease. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
GRIMSLEY, JAMES K., 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#185, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 2/1/64. WIA at 2nd Cold Harbor.
GRIMSLEY, JAMES M.: 1st Lt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Resided in Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 29. Promoted to 1st Sgt. before 11/1/62. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63. Elected 3rd Lt. on 9/15/63. Prom. to 1st Lt. on 11/11/63. WIA in face at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64, returned to duty by 8/31/64. Deserted to enemy at Petersburg, VA on 2/21/65. Took the oath at Knoxville, TN on 4/3/65. “At Spotsylvania C.H., VA on 5/12/64, Lt. Grimsley ‘with a small squad of men had the honor of capturing the colors of the 17th Michigan and about thirty prisoners. A very brave man.”.
GRIMSLEY, LOWREY: 1st Lt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. at age 50. Elected 1st Lt. on 9/15/61. Defeated for reelection at regimental reorganization on 4/16/62. Later served as 2nd Lt. of Co. I, 61st NC Inf. Age 49, primitive baptist minister, 1860 Alleghany Co., NC Census, married, 8 children, one grandchild.
GRIMSLEY, LOWRY: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until taken WIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-3/63, rtnd to duty by 12/31/63, WIA in left thigh, no time or place given, in Hosp. at Richmond, rtnd to duty by 12/31/64. Pres. thru 2/28/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
GRIMSLEY, NELSON, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1020. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Also shown in Co. A, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from an old cut of thigh. Age 48.
GRIMSLEY, THOMAS A., 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1021. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 2/1/64. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/27/64 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until 4/9/65 when paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Nephew of Lowrey and 1st cousin of rest of Grimsleys in this regt. Lived on the west bank of the South Fork of New River. Moved to Buchanan Co., VA postwar. Primitive Baptist minister.
GRODNETT, CORPAS, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#279.
GRODNETT, JOHN, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#279.
GROGAN, HENRY: B. 1842. D. 1886. Co. I, 13th TN Cav.
GROGAN, ISAIAH: B. 1836. Served in the 13th TN Cav., U.S. Army.
GROGAN, JORDAN, B. 1845. Family says he served on both sides during the war. Record found for Co. G, 4th TN Infantry, served from 5/15/63 to 8/24/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township. B. 11/15/1845 D. 4/6/1931, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. M26.
GROGAN, ELIJAH, B. 1835. Age 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1343. Served in the 13th TN Cav. U.S. Army. D. 1914. Lived in Watuagua Co., postwar.
GROGAN, HENRY, 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1346. Co. I, 13th TN Cav. U.S.
GRUBB, AMOS, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#543.
GRUBB, GEORGE W.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 27. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Detailed as a blacksmith from 9/64-2/64. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 11/19/1828 D. 4/3/1902, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S03.
GRUBB, JOHN: 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#164. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 30. Taken POW at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 7/12/62. AWOL from 11/62-2/63, returned to duty before 7/1-5/63, when taken POW at Gettysburg, PA. Hospitalized at David’s Island, NY Harbor on 7/17/63. Ex- changed at City Point, VA on 9/18/63, returned to duty by 8/31/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until released on 6/27/65 when he took the oath.
GRUBB, JOHN: 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#69. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47/2/24, 5’8″, dark comp., gray hair, blue eyes, blacksmith, native of Ashe Co. Also shown in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from a double hernia. Age 47.
GRUBB, JOSEPH: 4th Sgt., Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/28/61 at Fox Creek. Promoted to 4th Sgt. by 11/1/62.
GUFFEY, JOHN E.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 10/6/63. AWOL from 9/7/64, then NFR.
GUFFEY, THOMAS L.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of McDowell Co., WV, Enl. at Camp Vance on 10/6/63. Taken POW at the South Side Railroad, near Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, confined at Hart’s Island, NY Harbor, until released on oath on 6/20/65.
GURLEY, NELSON: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/24/61. WIA at Williamsport, MD 7/8/63. Pres. thru 12/64.
GWALTNEY, FRANCIS G.: Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 26. MWIA in left knee at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64. Hospitalized in Richmond, VA where he died of wounds on 7/2/64.
HAGA, DAVID, 39, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#732.
HALE, BURRIS: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 4/1/64 in Smyth Co. Taken POW at Piedmont 6/5/64, sent to Camp Morton. Exchanged on 2/26/65. In Richmond Hospital on 3/10/65.
HALE, DAVID L.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Guilford Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 6/8/61, age 25. Detailed as regimental teamster in 1/62, then detailed to Co. Shops in NC. On 9/27/63 he was detailed to Fayetteville Arsenal, NC, absent there thru 12/64.
HALE, JAMES: Unit ?. Died in Confederate Army. Stamper’s List., Age 16, 1860 Grayson County Census HH#845.
HALE, WILLIAM: 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#207, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
HALL, C. P.: 2nd Sgt., Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Pres. on 2/28/65.
HALL, DANIEL: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 9/15/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
HALL, LEE: Unit ?. POW at Spotsylvania C.H. Sent to Elmira, NY where he died.
HALL, WILLIAM C.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 45/2/10, 5’7″, dark comp. and hair, gray eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co.
HALL, WILLIAM: 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 9/15/64. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 7/22/42 D. 7/6./1900, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B44.
HALSEY, ALEXANDER LEMUEL: Capt., Co. B, 4th VSL. Commissioned Capt. of Cav. on 6/15/62. On August’s 1/27/63 list of VSL Officers. Later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville.
HALSEY, ANDREW, 18, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#108.
HALSEY, CASWELL: 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#142. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age 52, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HALSEY, FRANKLIN, 31, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#109.
HALSEY, FRANKLIN B.: 21, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#108. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 6/6/61, age 22. AWOL from 7/27/63-2/14/64. In Petersburg, VA 10/28/64 with wound in left hand. Transferred to Raleigh, NC on 11/11/64, then NFR. Age 31, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HALSEY, GRANVILLE: 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#106. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native of Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 17. MWIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63, died in a Richmond, VA hospital on 8/14/63.
HALSEY, HAMILTON: 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#416, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Pres. on 2/28/65. Age 50, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HALSEY, IRA M.: 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#106. Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native of Ashe Co., res. of Alle- ghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. WIA at Cedar Mountain, VA on 8/9/62, returned to duty before 11/1/62. Promoted to Corp. on 2/1/64 and to Sgt. before 2/28/65. Deserted to enemy on 2/25/65, took oath in Washington, DC on 3/1/65. Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HALSEY, JAMES P.: Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 7/15/63. MWIA and taken POW at Morristown, TN on 11/6/63. Died on 12/10/63.
HALSEY, JOHN, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#142. 3rd Corp.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 21. Promoted to Corp. by 10/31/62. WIA in shoulder at some point, in hospital in Richmond on 7/2/62, returned to duty by 11/1/62. WIA in arm at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, reduced to ranks by 8/31/63, absent thru 10/19/64, when retired to Invalid Corps.
HALSEY, JOSIAH, 45, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#108.
HALSEY, L. H.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Age at Enl. was 45/6/16, dark comp., gray hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co.
HALSEY, MARSHAL, 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HALSEY, R. G., 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#416.
HALSEY, WILLIAM, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#109.
HALSEY, WILLIAM, 22, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#143. Age 32, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HALSEY, WILLIAM B., 32, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#414. 1st Lt., Piney Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 10/26/61. Age 37, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HAM, ABRAHAM, 36, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1217. 1st Lt., Horse Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Later served in Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. E33.
HAM, ALFRED, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#653. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HAM, ATWOOD: Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from non compis mentis. Age 20. Discharged.
HAM, ELI, 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1185. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47/3/11, 5’10”, dark comp. and hair, brown eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co. Also shown in Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general debility. Age 47.
HAM, ENOCH, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1185.
HAM, FLOYD: Co. B, 4th VA Reserve Inf., Enl. on 4/16/64 at Independence. Pres. on 8/31/64.
HAM, FRANCIS, 30, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#640.
HAM, GIDEON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1185.
HAM, ISAAC, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#654.
HAM, ISAAC, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1190. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, VA, age 40. WIA in leg at Second Manassas on 8/29/62. Returned to duty by 2/28/63. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Deserted on 5/23/63, returned to duty on 11/8/63. WIA at Richmond, date not recorded. Pres. until he deserted to the enemy on 3/3/65. Confined at Washington, released on 3/7/65 on taking the oath. Res. of Ashe Co. B. 1820 D. 1908, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F33.
HAM, J.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from convulsions. Age 43.
HAM, JACKSON, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1199. Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, VA, age 22. Pres. until reported MIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
HAM, JACOB, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1009. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 3/7/62, age 35. WIA at Brandy Station, VA on 6/9/63. Retired to Invalid Corps on 2/14/65. B. 1/25/1827 D. 7/27/1922, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B07.
HAM, JAMES: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from curvature of spine. Age 18.
HAM, JOHN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1009.
HAM, JOHN, Jr., 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#671. Capt., Horse Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62.
HAM, JOSHUA, 30, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1216. Enl. in Co. A, 2nd NC Cav. on 9/27/64 for the war. Pres. thru 9/30/64.
HAM, JOSHUA, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#657. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR.
HAM, LARKIN, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#401. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
HAM, LEVI: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, age 43. Pres. until 2/27/65 except for AWOL from 8/1-9/1/63. WIA near Richmond in 1864. Also served in Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 7/10/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. Probably from Ashe Co. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
HAM, MALACHI, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#655.
HAM, MASSEY, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#657.
HAM, THOMAS, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#655.
HAM, WILIIAM H., 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#30.
HAM, WILLIAM, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1199.
HAMBY, JOSEPH: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Listed on company document dated 12/19/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA on 4/9/65.
HAMILTON, GEORGE, Co. E, 13th TN Cavalry. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Old Fields Township.
HAMILTON, WILLIAM HORTON, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#161. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 11/10/63. Pres. thru 12/64. Taken POW at Five Forks, VA on 4/1/65. Sent to Point Lookout, MD where he was held until 6/27/65 when released on taking the oath. He previously served as a sergeant in McRae’s NC Cav. Battn. B. 12/8/1845 D. 4/25/1908. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N02.
HAMPTON, ALEXANDER, Farmer, 45, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#5. Age 55, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HAND, E. J.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Taken POW at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62, sent to Fort Delaware. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 8/5/62. AWOL in 9/62, then NFR.
HANDY, FRANCIS MARION: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#986. 2nd Corp., Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 8/22/1838 D. 4/6/1922, buried in the Waddell Family Cem., Helton, Ashe Co., NC.
HANDY, JOHN, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#988. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until died of measles 6/5/62 at Kinston, NC.
HANES, THOMAS: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HANKS, HUGH, 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Capt./Major, 96th NC Militia, commissioned Capt. of Glade Creek Dist. on 12/26/61. Commissioned Major on 3/22/62. Volunteered for regular service. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from irreducible hernia. Age 44.
HANKS, JOHN, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#805.
HARDIN, FRANKLIN: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#128. 3rd Sgt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/21/61. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 2/9/1839 D. 1/2/1919, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S14.
HARDIN, HENRY H, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#128. 1st Sgt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/25/61, age 36. Pres. until he was transferred to Co. D, 5th NC Cav. Battn. on 6/6/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63, then pres. in Co. B, 65th NC Cav. thru 11/64. B. 2/13/1843 D. 5/27/1921, buried in Ashe Co. Cem N03.
HARDIN, JOHN, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#160.
HARDIN, JOSEPH W., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#159. Capt., Old Fields Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 5/1/62. Volunteered for regular service. Captain, Co. D, 5th NC Battn. Cav. only. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, age 28. Resigned 5/30/63 due to ill health, accepted 7/10/63.
HARDIN, MARK, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#145. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 33, Pres. thru 11/64. B. 12/5/1828 D. 9/20/1885, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S04.
HARDIN, MARTIN: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/8/61, age 23. Pres. until he was transferred to Co. D, 5th NC Cav. Battn. on 6/6/63. Pres. thru 10/64. B. 7/13/1838 D. 8/6/1905, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P06.
HARDIN, WILLIAM B.: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#158. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from varicose veins. Age 20. Enl. on 11/1/64 at ?. Paroled at Statesville, NC on 5/20/65.
HARDIN, WILLIAM P.: 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#128. Capt./Lt. Col., Old Fields Dist./F&S, 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 4/12/62. Later served as 1st Lt., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 26. Pres. until taken POW at Big Hill, KY 7/30/63, confined at Louisville, KY. Died at Johnson’s Island, OH on 12/1/63 of dysentery.
HARLESS, A.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
HARLESS, GEORGE, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#232. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Pres. until WIA at Bristoe Station, VA 10/14/63. Rtnd to duty. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg, VA 4/2/65, sent to Fort Delaware, DE where held until released on oath 6/7-8/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
HARLESS, JAMES: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#102. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/17/63 in Burke Co. Pres. on 12/5/63.
HARLESS, SHADRACH: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#268. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until MWIA at Malvern Hill, VA 7/1/62. Date and place of death not recorded.
HARRELL, GEORGE: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HARRIS, D. CALVIN, 27, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#645. Age 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HARRIS, GEORGE: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Hospitalized in Richmond, VA on 3/27/65, he had been WIA. Paroled at Richmond, VA on 4/27/65.
HARRIS, GILMORE, 22, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HARRIS, HENDERSON, 44, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HARRIS, HUGH, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#238.
HARRIS, WILLIAM, 24, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#644.
HART, ELISHA, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1159.
HART, HENDERSON, 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1167. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
HART, JOSEPH, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1166.
HART, MADISON, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#861. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 27. Promoted to Corp. by 11/1/62. Deserted on 12/22/62, reduced to ranks. Returned to duty by 3/1/63. Deserted on “top of Blue Ridge” on 6/20/63.
HART, RILEY, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#152.
HART, RILEY, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1139.
HART, STEPHEN, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1167. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. B. ca. 1826 D. ca. 1906, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. A25.
HART, UMBERSON, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#227.
HART, WILLIAM, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#782. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/1/63. Pres. on 6/30/63. Lt., Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook. B. ca. 1839 in Grayson Co., Va.
HART, WILLIAM S.: 12, B. VA., 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1159. Co. B, 4th VA Reserve Inf., Enl. on 4/16/64 at Independence. Furlough, 8/31/64.
HARTZOG, CEPHAS E.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Born in Mecklenburg Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/8/62, age 19. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 5/30/1841 D. 7/27/1922, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J05.
HARTZOG, DANIEL S., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#650. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Born in Lincoln Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/8/62, age 28. Taken POW at Wilson’s Gap, TN on 6/22/63, exchanged. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 4/25/1833 D. 12/1/1906, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N04.
HARTZOG, DAVID: Capt., Pine Swamp Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 9/20/62.
HARTZOG, ELIJAH, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#52.
HARTZOG, ISHAM: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#52. 1st Sgt/1st Lt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., where he was a native Res., age 35. Elected 2nd Sgt. on 1/8/62, promoted to 1st Lt. on 4/17/62. KIA at Gaine’s Mill, VA on 6/27/62.
HARTZOG, JAMES C.: 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#515. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. On roll of Co. C, McRae’s Battn. NC Cavarlry where he was reported on a bounty roll dated 7/1/64. Age 34, farmer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census. B. 9/2/1826 D. 6/22/1901 in Ashe Co., NC.
HARTZOG, JOHN, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#52. Captain: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., where he resided, then age 43. Appointed Captain on enlistment. Resigned on 7/15/62 “health rapidly declining because of recent exposure & feeble constitution.” Reappointed Captain on 2/9/63, died at home of disease on 6/18/63. Noted to be a “good officer.” B. 2/27/1817 D. 6/8/1864, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. U03.
HARTZOG, JOHN F.: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#650. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Born in Lincoln Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/8/62, age 26. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 9/24/1835 D. 3/15/1905, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J07.
HARTZOG, JOSEPHUS, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#650.
HARTZOG, PAUL, 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#52.
HARTZOG, RICHARD, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#650. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from epilespy. Age 20.
HARTZOG, W. H.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HARTZOG, WILLIAM, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1051.
HARTZOG, WILLIAM: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 35.
HARTZOG, WINSTON, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#547.
HARVILLE, MOSES: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HASH, A.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
HASH, ANDREW J., Co. H, 24th Kentucky Infantry, widow Caroline mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township.
HASH, BRYANT, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#899.
HASH, GEORGE, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#850.
HASH, JAMES: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
HASH, JOHN S.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, paroled 3/25/62, rtnd to duty prior to 8/14/62. Pres. until WIA at Bristoe Station, VA 10/14/63. Retired to Invalid Corps by reason of disability 9/22/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
HASH, LAZARUS: 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#107, Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/28/61 at Fox Creek. Deserted at Cotton Hill, West VA on 11/25/61.
HASH, MARION, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#851.
HASH, MARSHAL: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#884. Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 8/1/62 at Independence.
HASH, ROBERT: 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#884. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 9/18/64, bounty due. On detached service as wagoner on 12/31/64. B. 1846 Ashe Co., NC D. 1906 in Burboun Co., KY.
HASH, WILLIAM B., 30, Mechanic, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#413.
HAWK, JACOB: 1st Lt., Old Fields Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 9/20/62.
HAWKINS, SAMUEL, 24, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#459.
HAWKS, ABRAHAM, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1282.
HAWKS, HENDERSON, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1282.
HAWKS, JOHN, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1015.
HAWKS, SHADRACK, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1015.
HAWKS, WILLIAM M.: 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#564. Co. D, 50th VA Inf. WIA in hand, taken POW.
HAWTHORN, ALEXANDER B., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#269. 2nd Sgt.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 24. Died at Goldsboro, NC on 4/13/62, cause not reported.
HAWTHORNE, ANDREW C., 16, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#168. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until WIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Rtnd to duty by 1/1/64. Taken POW at Wilderness, VA 5/5- 6/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, transferred to Elmira, NY 7/27/64, released 5/2/65 on taking the oath. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
HAWTHORNE, JOHN T., 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#131. Age 46, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HAYWOOD, TIER: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Alamance Co. on 3/1/64. Pres. thru 4/64.
HEATH, WILLIAM “Billy” R., B. 12/1/1832. Age 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1274. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 29. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63. Returned to duty by 10/31/63. WIA in left leg near Ream’s Station, VA on 8/25/64, absent with wounds thru 2/28/65. D. 11/12/1914 in Ashe Co., NC. Buried in the Dixon Cem., Silas Creek, Ashe Co., NC.
HEDRICK, P.: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on ?. Absent sick 11/62. Res. Wythe Co., VA.
HEFLER, DANIEL: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/1/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Deserted 9/6/63 at Loudon, TN.
HEIRS, JOHN, 32, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#645.
HEIRS, LIKEM, 40, B. VA, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#642.
HENDERSON, AMBROSE R.: Co. F, 4th VA Inf. Enl. on 7/2/61 at Bethel, VA. Died in service, drowned in New River near Narrows on 7/5/62. Born in Amherst Co., age 18, 6’1″, florid comp., hazel eyes, brown hair, occupation farmer.
HENDERSON, JOHN A.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 21. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, exchanged on 8/5/62. AWOL on 11/1/62, returned to duty by 5/1/63, when he was WIA at Chancellorsville. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/27/63. Pres. until he deserted to the enemy on 3/3/65, sent to Washington, DC, where he was released on oath on 3/7/65. Born in Grayson Co., Res. of Ashe Co. when he Enl.
HENDERSON, JOHN: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
HENDRICKS, HENRY H.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 40. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged on 8/5/62. MWIA at Ox Hill on 9/1/62. Died of wounds on 9/10/62. Born in Rowan Co., Res. of Ashe Co. when he Enl.
HENDRIN, L. (S) (J) A., 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#744.
HENDRIX, MIKEL, 21, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#43.
HENDRIX, W. N., 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HENLEY, ELISHA, 2nd Lt.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HENLEY, LEANDER, 1st Lt.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HENSLEY, JAMES O.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Grayson Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he enlisted on 9/15/61, age 19. WIA at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, returned to duty before 1/1/63. KIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63.
HENSLEY, O.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. at age 18 on 3/15/62. Died on 5/30/62 of disease, at unrecorded place.
HENSLEY, W.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. PWR.
HERRIN, L. JESSE A.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. Age 18, farm laborer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census. Age 28, Farmer, B. TN, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HERRINGTON, WILLIAM, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1186.
HICKS, JOHN: Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Enl. in Ashe Co. on 2/15/64, while carried as a deserter from another unit. Deserted on 3/1/65, rejoined his old unit.
HICKS, WILLIAM, 26, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#527.
HIGGINS, CALVIN, 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#663.
HIGGINS, CLARK, 32, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HIGGINS, DAVID, 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#664. Co. C, 63rd VA Inf. Enl. 11/30/62 at Narrows. Sick 7/63. Pres. in arrest 10/63. Deserted 7/2/64 near Marietta. Taken POW at Chattahoochee 7/3/64, sent to Camp Douglas 7/14/64. “Claims to have been loyal & deserted to avail himself of the amnesty proclamation.” Died 3/22/65, buried in grave 990 in block 3, Chicago City Cem.
HIGGINS, GOLMAN, 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#685. Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HIGGINS, GRANVILLE, 19, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#658, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on .
HIGGINS, H. CARTER: 26, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#674. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Died on 1/13/1863.
HIGGINS, ISAAC C., 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#678, Capt., Crab Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 12/26/61. Volunteered for regular service. Later served as 1st Lt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on.
HIGGINS, KIRBY, 46, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HIGGINS, PLEASANT CLARK: 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#674. 2nd Lt., Crab Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 12/26/61. Later served in Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Discharged on 4/ /1863. Age 21, farm laborer, 1860 Alleghany Co., NC Census. Brother of H. Carter Higgins.
HIGGINS, TALIAFARO S.: 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#682. 1st Lt., Crab Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 12/26/61.
HIGGINS, THOMAS, 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#525. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 12/5/63 in Burke Co. Age 44, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HIGGINS, WILLIAM, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#685.
HIGGINS, WILLIAM J., 29, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#452, Co. C, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. 4/10/63 at Saltville, then NFR. Age 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Buried in Linville Higgins Family Cem., Alleghany Co., NC, no dates on gravestone.
HILL, ALEXANDER, 19, laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#14, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62. Died at Winchester, VA on 10/31 or 11/30/62.
HILL, AUSTIN, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1133.
HILL, DAVID #1: 27, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#91. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC.
HILL, DAVID #2: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 8/5/62.
HILL, FELIX, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#215.
HILL, H., 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#215.
HILL, HIRAM, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#340. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HILL, HORTON, 19, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#216, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 19. Died in a Richmond Hospital 6/14-19/62 of disease.
HILL, JACOB, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#16.
HILL, JAMES, 45 B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#973.
HILL, JOHN A.: 21, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#216, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 22. Died at Richmond, VA of disease on 6/10/62.
HILL, MARTIN, 23, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#216.
HILL, MEREDITH: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HILL, MERIDITH: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62. Died at Winchester, VA on 11/19/62 of disease.
HILL, RICHARD F.: 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#393. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. at age 17 on 3/15/62. Died at Richmond on 5/10/62 of disease.
HILL, RUFUS, 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HINES, DAVID, 28, B. VA, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#242. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Born in Wythe Co., VA, Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/8/62, age 31. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Detailed as a teamster 9/63-6/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
HINES, JOHN HENRY, Sgt.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 22. Promoted to Corp. before 3/1/62, to Sgt. in 4/62. MWIA at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62, died in hospital in Richmond of wounds on 12/23/62. Born in Ashe or Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe when he Enl.
HINES, RICHARD, 52, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HODGES, ELBERT, Corp.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. TN, native of Ashe Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/29/61, age 30. WIA at Brandy Station on 8/1/63. Promoted to Corp. on 11/1/63. Pres. thru 12/64.
HODGES, RICHARD: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. on 11/1/64 in Carroll Co. Pres. on undated muster roll.
HODGES, SAMUEL: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. 4/1/64 at Saltville. Pres. on undated muster roll.
HODGES, THOMAS M.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of TN, native of Ashe Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/29/61, age 23. Died in hospital of typhoid fever at Manassas, VA on 3/5/62.
HODGES, WILLIAM: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/24/61 at Independence. Deserted on 5/10/62. Co. A, 10th TN Cavalry, served from 9/62 to 9/64. Resident of Sparta. Mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans Census.
HOLBROOK, DAVID, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#660. Age 49, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HOLCOMB, JAMES, 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HOLDAWAY, ANDREW JACKSON, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#456, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 18. Taken POW at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62, sent to Fort Delaware, where he was held until exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 8/3/62, died there on 8/4/62 of disease.
HOLDAWAY, DAVID C.: 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#298. Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/28/61 at Fox Creek. NFR.
HOLDAWAY, FRANK: 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#650. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Pres. for period 7-10/62. Died before 1/1/64, no date or cause noted.
HOLDAWAY, JAMES: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 11/4/63 at Camp Holmes. Taken POW at Spottsylvania C.H. or the Wilderness 5/6-12/64, sent to Point Lookout, where he died on 8/25/64.
HOLDAWAY, JOHN A., Co. A, 34th NC, Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/17/63. Hospitalized at Richmond, VA on 6/2/64, with a gunshot WIA of leg, place and date wounded not recorded. Died in hosp. in Richmond, VA on 7/6/64 of wounds and fever. (MWIA).
HOLDAWAY, JOHN: 34, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#328. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 34. KIA at Frayser’s Farm on 6/30/62.
HOLDAWAY, MARTIN: 23, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#298, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. May have also served in Co. C, 1st VSL.
HOLDAWAY, MARTIN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 24. Died at Raleigh on 2/20/62 of “syphilis and erysipelas.”.
HOLDAWAY, RUFUS M.: 29, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#93. Sgt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 29. Promoted to Musician (Fifer) on 3/1/62, reduced to private in 10/62. Promoted to Corp. on 11/1/64 and to Sgt. in 1/65. WIA at Gettysburg. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout held there until released on oath on 6/27/65. Born in Grayson Co., Res. of Ashe when he Enl. B. 2/8/1831 D. 12/22/1903, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. T02.
HOLDAWAY, THOMAS, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#237, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC.
HOLDAWAY, WILLIAM: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA.
HOLEMAN, THOMAS: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Watauga Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 6/8/61, age 23. Died in hospital at Richmond of continued fever on 7/15/63.
HOLLOWAY, DANIEL, 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HOLLOWAY, DANIEL, 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HOPKINS, GEORGE W.: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#71. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from rheumatism and dyspepsia. Age 34.
HOPPERS, DANIEL: 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#48, Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on ?. Charged with desertion before Court-martial on 2/17/64. Found guilty of being AWOL and sentenced to walk in a ring under guard for 8 hours per day. B. 7/24/24 in Ashe Co. Age 47, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. ca. 1899 in Alleghany Co. Buried on Doughton’s Mountain.
HOPPERS, DANIEL: 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#317, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47/3/0, 5’5″, dark comp., dark hair, blue eyes, farmer, native of Alleghany Co. Age 54, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HOPPERS, FRANKLIN J., 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#331, Capt., Union Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/14/62. Volunteered for regular service. Later served in Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 1/16/1833. Age 36, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 1/15/1918, buried in the John Hoppers Cem., Alleghany Co.
HOPPERS, JACOB J., 21, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#244, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days., Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Wake Co. on 5/27/61, age 21. MWIA in thigh at 2nd Battle of Manassas on 8/28-30/62. Died at Upperville, VA of wounds on 10/15/62.
HOPPERS, JOHN, 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#469, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/62, age 21. WIA, in hospital at Richmond, VA on 7/3/62. place wounded unrecorded. MWIA, died on 8/30/62, place not recorded.
HOPPERS, ROMULUS M. S.: 2nd Lt. Unit??, Previously served as Sgt. in Co. H. Appointed 2nd Lt. on in 9-10/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
HOPPERS, STEPHEN, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#245, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Resident of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 30. Pres. thru 3/13/63. Age 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
HORTON, HASTIN, Unit ?, widow, Sarah Lawrence on 1890 Union Veterans Census of Alleghany County, NC, resident of Piney Fork Township.
HORTON, JONATHAN F.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Watauga Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 6/8/61, age 25. Died of gastritis in hospital at Manassas, VA on 3/2/62.
HORTON, LEE C., Unit ?. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Peak Creek.
HORTON, NATHANIEL, Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Watauga Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 6/8/61, age 31. 2nd Lt., Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Appointed 2nd Lt. and transferred to this unit on 12/1/62. WIA in left shoulder and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-4/63. Hospitalized at Chester, PA, then moved to Point Lookout, MD by 10/4/63. Sent to Johnson’s Island, OH on 10/23/63 and back to Point Lookout, MD on 3/14/65. Exchanged at Cox’s Wharf, James River, VA on 3/22/65.
HORTON, NATHANIEL: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/14/63 in Burke Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
HOUCK (HOUDY), JOHN: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 35. Pres. until 5/15/62 when died at Kinston. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
HOUCK, ELI, B. 1843. Age 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#110.
HOUCK, ELI, B. 1832. Age 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#130.
HOUCK, GEORGE, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#22.
HOUCK, GEORGE, B. 1842. Age 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#110. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. Died of disease in 4/62, place and cause of death not recorded. Res. of Ashe Co.
HOUCK, HARVEY ALEXANDER, B. 1835. Age 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#270. Probably died in the Civil War.
HOUCK, J. F.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HOUCK, JACOB, B. 1823. Age 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#22. D. 1902.
HOUCK, JACOB B.: B. 1837. Age 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#130. Pvt./Sgt./1st Lt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 24. Prom. to Sgt. 7/30/61, appointed 2nd Lt. 4/21/62, prom. to 1st Lt. 7/3/63. WIA 7/1-3/63 at Gettysburg. Rtnd to duty prior to 10/14/63, when severely WIA in abdomen and right hip at Bristoe Station, rtnd to duty. WIA in Petersburg trenches in right thigh, sent to Richmond Hosp. Furloughed 1/23/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC. B. 9/8/22 D. 11/25/1902. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S03.
HOUCK, JESSE C.: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#130. Sgt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 22. Prom. to Sgt. 4/27/62. Pres. until died at Hosp. in Petersburg 7/23/62 of cerebral meningitis. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
HOUCK, JOHN W.: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#22. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 17. Pres. until WIA in leg at Gettysburg, PA 7/3/63. Rtnd to duty prior to 1/1/64. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg, VA 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until released on oath 6/13/65. B. 5/25/45 D. 6/7/31. Res. Ashe Co., NC., buried in Cem. R07.
HOUCK, JOSEPH F., B. 1825. Age 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#44.
HOUCK, LOWERY, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#203. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 19. AWOL in 6/62, returned to duty from sick furlough on 11/20/63. WIA at Jones’ Farm, VA on 9/30 or 10/1/64, returned to duty by 12/27/64. Taken POW near Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout where held until 6/27/65, released on oath. Res. of Ashe Co.
HOUCK, RICHARD, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#203.
HOUCK, SOLOMON, B. 1823. Age 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1317. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 38. AWOL 1-2/62. WIA in side at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. AWOL 8/1-11/20/63. WIA in left arm at Spottsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, reported AWOL from 8/1/64 through last muster 2/28/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
HOUCK, WASHINGTON L., B. 1845. Age 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#27. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 17. Pres. until WIA in arm and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Arm amputated, sent to David’s Island, NY harbor, 7/24/63. Paroled, transferred to City Point, VA for exchange 8/28/63. Retired to Invalid Corps. 11/11/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
HOUCK, WILLIAM A., 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#27. Lt. Colonel: Co. D/F&S, 34th NC Inf. Appointed Lt. Colonel on 10/25/61. Defeated for reelection on 4/17/62. Took the oath at Salisbury, NC on 6/7/65.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. 3rd Corp., Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/30/65. Age at Enl. was 47/6/10, 5’7″, dark comp., light hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. B. 12/22/1817 D. 2/17/1891, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. R07.
HOUSTON, JOHN W.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Born in Johnson Co. TN, Enl. in Ashe Co. 7/8/62, age 18. Detailed as hospital steward by 6/30/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. to Co. A, 65th NC Cav. on 10/20/64.
HOWARD, WALKER G.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Davis Co., Enl. at Camp Vance on 9/17/63. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where held until released on oath on 6/24/65.
HOWELL, A. J.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HOWELL, ALEXANDER, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#2.
HOWELL, AMOS, 3rd Lt.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 30. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Elected 3rd Lt. on 2/5/64. Pres. thru 10/64.
HOWELL, ANDREW: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 22. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Deserted August 12, 1863 at Concord, TN. B. 1841 D. 1923, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. R04.
HOWELL, BRYAN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#2.
HOWELL, CALVIN: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#620. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 23. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. Absent WIA on 8/31/64 muster, returned to duty by 10/31/64. Deserted on 2/26/65, released on oath at Washington, DC on 2/21/65.
HOWELL, CALVIN: 43, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#2. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/27/65. Age at Enl. was 48/9/10, 6’2″, dark comp., light hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
HOWELL, DAVID, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#4. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 28. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Detailed as a teamster from 2-6/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
HOWELL, GEORGE, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1248.
HOWELL, JACKSON, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#773. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on B. 1823 D. 2/18/1916, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K11.
HOWELL, JAMES: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Ashe Co. on 9/30/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
HOWELL, JEREMIAH W., 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1247. Lt. Colonel, Co. L/F&S, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F31.
HOWELL, JOHN T., 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#6.
HOWELL, MARSHAL, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#2.
HOWELL, POWELL, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1240.
HOWELL, SOLOMON, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1245. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HOWELL, WILLIAM, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#510.
HOWELL, WILLIAM: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#5. 2nd Lt., Old Fields Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 9/02/62. Later served in Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, age 19. Pres. thru 11/64. Discharged at Goldsboro, NC on 4/18/65. B. 5/16/1826 D. 10/8/1905, buried in Watauga Co.
HUDGEON, JOHN: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#525. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 24. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Taken POW at Philadelphia, TN on 10/21/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Transferred to Fort Delaware on 2/29/64, exchanged at Varina, VA on 9/22/64.
HUDLER, DAVID, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1006. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 23. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. Taken POW at Wilderness or Spotsylvania C.H. between 5/6-12/64. Sent to Point Lookout, MD and then to Elmira, NY where he was held until released on taking the oath on 6/23/65.
HUDLER, ISAAC, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1006. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 19.
HUDLER, JOHN W., 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1007. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 29. Deserted in 5/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. Deserted on 2/16/65 took oath at Washington, DC on 2/21/65, and was released. B. 3/26/32 D. 12/23/1921, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G08.
HUDLER, ROBERT, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1005. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 25. Died at home on 3/19/63 of unreported cause.
HUDLER, WILLIAM, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH984. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 32. Deserted on 5/13/63. Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/30/63 in Grayson Co. NFR. Returned to duty with Co. B, 37th VA Inf. by 4/30/64. Absent WIA on 8/31/64 muster roll, returned to duty on 9/10/64, detailed as a teamster, detailed thru 2/65 muster.
HUDSON, CORNELIUS, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#641.
HUDSON, JOHN A.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., PWR only.
HUDSON, JOSEPH: 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#243. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA at Drewey’s Bluff. Age 25, farmer, native of VA, married, 4 children, 1860 Alleghany Co., NC Census.
HUDSON, LEVI, 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#706.
HUFFMAN, JOEL, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#896. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 36. WIA at Second Manassas on 8/29/62, disabled for further service. Born in Stokes Co., Res. of Ashe Co. when he Enl.
HUGHES, HENRY T., 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1373. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until MWIA at Gettysburg 7/1/63. Date of death at Gettysburg Hosp. not recorded. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
HUGHES, JAMES WESLEY: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1373. Corp., Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 25. WIA in side at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, returned to duty before 3/1/63. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty by 9/1/63. Detailed as a shoemaker in 10/64, absent on detail thru 2/65 muster.
HUMPHRIES, JAMES B. V.: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 7/20/61 in Monroe Co. Sick 12/61. Received clothing 4th quarter 1864.
HUNGATE, ISRAEL, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#429.
HURLEY, ANDREW, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1278. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, age 30. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63, Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg on 4/2/65. Sent to Point Lookout, where held until released on taking the oath on 6/27/65. Res. of Ashe Co. B. 1827 D. 10/3/1911, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B20.
HURLEY, DAVID D.: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1104. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HURLEY, ELISHA: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#709. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on . B. 7/25/1844 D. 12/10/1925, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K13.
HURLEY, HARVEY: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HURLEY, JAMES F., 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1106. 3rd Corp.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HURLEY, JASPER, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1107. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HURLEY, LEANDER ANDREW, Age 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1104.
HURLEY, MARSHALL: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1270. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/15/63 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until KIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
HURLEY, NELSON, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#349.
HURLEY, SAMUEL: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
HURLEY, SOLOMON M.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. Deserted by 2/28/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
HURLEY, THOMAS, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1101. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
HURLEY, WILLIAM H.: 4th Sgt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 47. Reduced to ranks in 5/62. Taken POW and MWIA in right knee at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62. Died on 6/8/62 of wounds, place of death unrecorded. Born in Smyth Co., VA, Res. of Ashe when he Enl.
HURLEY, WILLIAM P.: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1270. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transferred to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Rtnd to duty prior to 11/1/62, Pres. until WIA in right arm at Wilderness 5/5/64. Absent with wounds thru 2/28/65.
HURLEY, WILLIAM: 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1242. Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
INGERSOLL, RICHARD, Co. C, 128th IN Infantry. Served from 12/19/63 to 4/10/66. Mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Piney Creek Township.
IRWIN, (IRWIN) ELIJAH: 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#395. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on .
IRWIN, JOHN: 45, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#395. Co. F, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/22/64 at Statesville, NC. Age at Enl. was 49/2/13, 5’8″, dark comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co. 55, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
IRWIN, THOMAS, 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#19. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/29/65. Age at Enl. was 42/3/11, 5’10”, dark comp. and hair, brown eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co. Age 52, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
IRWIN, WILLIAM: 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#20. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 45/6/6, 6′, dark comp. and hair, brown eyes, born in Alleghany Co. Age 52, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JACKS, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1374. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 2/27/62. Taken POW at Jack’s Shop, VA on 9/22/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD, transferred to Elmira, NY on 10/11/64. Died en route to be exchanged on 11/4/64 at Fort Monroe, VA.
JACOB, E.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
JAMES, JAMES YONT, 42, B. VA, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#431, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age 52, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JAMES, W. W., 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#431.
JARVIS, THOMAS, 23, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JEFFERSON, ADKINS, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1056. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
JENKINS, CALVIN, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#295. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 27. Died at Johnson’s Depot, TN on 12/2/62.
JENKINS, HENRY: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. at Rapidan, VA on 5/14/62 age 20. Reported AWOL 1-2/63, returned to duty by 9/1/63. Surrendered at Appomattox C.H. on 4/8/65.
JENKINS, LEWIS B., 50, Carpenter, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JENKINS, W. L.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. on ?. Paroled at Statesville, NC on 5/19/65.
JENNINGS, ELIJAH F.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 30. Deserted prior to 3/1/63.
JENNINGS, JOHN, 26, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#311.
JENNINGS, MARTIN, 31, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#701, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 10/15/62. . Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JENNINGS, WILLIAM, 34, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#709.
JESTER, R. F.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only.
JOHNESEE, RUFUS, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#278.
JOHNISEE, GEORGE: Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, VA age 19. Died in 8/62 of disease, place not reported. Res. of Ashe Co.
JOHNISEE, SAMUEL C.: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#243. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. Died in hospital in Richmond of typhoid fever on 8/6/62.
JOHNSON, ALEXANDER, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#50.
JOHNSON, ASHELY, 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JOHNSON, CAMLIN, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#956. Capt., Cranberry Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Died during the war.
JOHNSON, CAMPBELL, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#343.
JOHNSON, DANIEL: Corp., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. Promoted to Corp. before 2/28/63. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63.
JOHNSON, DRURY, 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JOHNSON, ELISHA, 36, B. MO, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#915. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 28. Discharged before 3/1/63 for disability.
JOHNSON, FELIX: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. 11/1/64 in Carroll Co. Pres. on undated muster roll.
JOHNSON, FRANCIS, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#482. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from injury to left foot from cut. Age 30.
JOHNSON, FRANKLIN, 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JOHNSON, HARTWELL B.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Rockingham Co., Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/4/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, held at Point Lookout, MD until released on the oath on 6/28/65.
JOHNSON, HENRY, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#957. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 46/2/0, 5’8″, dark comp., grey hair, brown eyes, blacksmith, born in Ashe Co.
JOHNSON, HIRAM, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#956. Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. Taken POW at Waynesboro, VA on 3/2/65, sent to Fort Delaware on 3/12/65, released on 6/7/65. Light comp. and hair, blue eyes, 5’6″, Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
JOHNSON, JAMES, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#477.
JOHNSON, JAMES, 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#423.
JOHNSON, JAMES B., 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#230. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic abcess of the left leg. Age 30.
JOHNSON, JOHN A., 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#272, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. Pres. thru 4/62, WIA in unrecorded battle, listed AWOL by 10/1/62 thru 10/16/63, when he returned to duty. Deserted on 2/8/64. B. 10/30/1842. Age 27, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 3/21/1929, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J27.
JOHNSON, JOHN: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#609. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 9/25/62 in Ashe Co., age 20. Died in hospital at Richmond on 1/12/63 of anemia. Res. of Ashe Co.
JOHNSON, JOSEPH, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#343.
JOHNSON, LEVI, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#477.
JOHNSON, MATTHEW, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#916.
JOHNSON, NOEL: Co. H, 1st NC Artillery. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P06.
JOHNSON, SAMUEL A., 16, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#272, Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. KIA at Gaine’s Mill, VA on 6/27/62. Native of Ashe Co.
JOHNSON, SANDERS, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#477.
JOHNSON, THOMAS ALBERT, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#50. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 23. Discharged at Culpeper C.H. on 12/24/62 for “sciatica, causing a partial loss of the use of his right leg.” 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from arthritic rheumatism. Age 26. B. 6/28/1838 D. 9/6/1915, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K13.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM H.: 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#302, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM H.: 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#50. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 20. Taken POW at Williamsport, MD on 10/27/62. Exchanged and returned to unit by 3/31/63. Deserted 1/18/64.
JOHNSTON, JAMES B.: 1st Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 26. Promoted to Corp. by 4/30/62. WIA at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, returned to duty by 11/1/62. Promoted to Sgt. on 2/1/63. WIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1-3/63. Promoted to 1st Sgt. in 9/63. KIA at Jones’ Farm, VA on 10/1/64.
JOHNSTON, WILLIAM H., Co. A, 147th Indiana Infantry. Served in 1865. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Pine Swamp Township.
JOINES, CALLOWAY, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#327, 2nd Lt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Resigned. Age 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JOINES, DANIEL, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#345.
JOINES, DANIEL, 31, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#473. Age 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JOINES, EZEKIEL, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#345, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 10/15/62. Age 46, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JOINES, F.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. PWR.
JOINES, JOHN W., farmer, 26, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#4. Lt. Col., 96th NC Militia, commissioned on 3/22/62. Volunteered for regular service.
JOINES, LINVILLE, 24, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#334, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 10/15/62.
JOINES, MAJOR, 38, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JOINES, WILLIAM H., 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#579, 2nd Lt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 10/17/1828. Age 42, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 1/25/1911. Buried in the Zion Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
JOLLEY, H.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
JONES, ABRAHAM, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1180. 2nd Lt., Piney Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 24. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 3/29/1840 D. 1910, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F11.
JONES, ALEXANDER, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#627.
JONES, ALEXANDER, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#467.
JONES, ALEXANDER, 35, B. KY, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#604.
JONES, ALLEN: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR. Age 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JONES, AMBROSE C., 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1125. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from a bad case of asthma. Age 42.
JONES, CALVIN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#467.
JONES, DANIEL, 44, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#218, 4th Sgt., Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age 54, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JONES, DANIEL T., 23, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JONES, DAVID H.: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#626. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
JONES, DRURY T., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#106. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 32. Died 12/14/62 near Big Creek Gap, TN.
JONES, FIELDING, 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#223.
JONES, GEORGE, 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#399. Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JONES, HARRISON, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1035.
JONES, HARRISON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#336.
JONES, ISAAC: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62. Deserted on 6/3/63.
JONES, ISAIAH, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#490.
JONES, ISHAM H.: 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#57, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 21. Taken POW at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 8/5/62, deserted the same day.
JONES, ISRAEL, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#125, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. MIA at Fort Harrison. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JONES, JAMES, 38, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1024.
JONES, JAMES C., 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#218, 5th Sgt.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 20, as sergeant. WIA in thigh at New Bern, NC on 3/14/62, reduced to ranks by 4/30/62. AWOL 11/62-2/63. Returned to duty, WIA at Chancellorsville, VA 5/1-4/63, returned to duty by 12/31/63. Promoted to Corp. by 2/1/64. WIA in right foot, in hosp. at Richmond, VA on 5/25/64. Absent with wounds or AWOL thru 10/31/64. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
JONES, JAMES H.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, age 22. Taken POW at Big Hill, KY on 7/30/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Transferred to Fort Delaware on 2/29/64, released on taking the oath on 6/8/65.
JONES, JAMES: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
JONES, JASON, 20, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1256. 2nd Lt., Helton Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Later served in Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
JONES, JESSE F., 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1277. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
JONES, JOHN, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#218.
JONES, JOHN, 40, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#467. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general debility. Age 44.
JONES, JOHN, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1016.
JONES, JOHN A.: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#484. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 9/6/64. Died in a Richmond Hospital on 11/5/64, cause not listed.
JONES, JOHN W.: 22, B. VA, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#111. 1st Lt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on .
JONES, LEANDER: 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#228. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62. Taken POW near Big Hill, KY 7/30/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH. Transf. to Fort Delaware on 2/29/64, where he died on 8/27/64 of chronic diarrhea.
JONES, LEANDER: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 21. Died near Big Creek Gap, TN on 11/15/62.
JONES, LEVI F.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native of Ashe Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. AWOL on 7-10/62, returned to duty by 2/28/63. Promoted to Corp. by 8/31/63. Deserted on 8/5/63.
JONES, LEWIS, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1259.
JONES, LINVILLE: 2nd Lt., Union Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/14/62.
JONES, NELSON, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1180. Co. G, 58th NC Inf. B. 12/12/1845 D. ?. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F11.
JONES, P.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from “breast disease.” Age 19.
JONES, RILEY A.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/28/64 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until reported AWOL 10/31/64. B. 11/30/45 D.4/2/24 in Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Cem. H13.
JONES, ROBERT, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1016.
JONES, ROBERT, 15, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#550. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
JONES, SAMUEL, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#489. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 30. Deserted at Camp Gregg, VA on 5/13/63.
JONES, SAMUEL, 38, B. KY, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#336.
JONES, SANDERS H., 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1269. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthama. Age 45.
JONES, SOLOMON, 45, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#228.
JONES, STEPHEN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1016.
JONES, THOMAS J., 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1318.
JONES, THOMAS M., 19, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#550. Co. B, 8th TN Cavalry, served from 4/18/63 to 6/23/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township.
JONES, WILLIAM, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1277.
JONES, WILLIAM D.: 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#189. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 26. Taken POW at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 7/12/62. AWOL 11-12/62, absent sick 1-2/63 and 7-10/63. Returned to duty by 12/31/63. Taken POW at Wilderness or Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/6-12/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD and moved to Elmira, NY on 8/8/64. Exchanged at Venus Point, Savannah River, GA on 11/15/64. AWOL 1-2/65.
JONES, WILLIAM R.: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1256. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. WIA in right thigh at New Bern on 3/14/62, disabled for field duty. Detailed for light duty in government shops at Richmond on 2/11/64, hospital guard, apparently Pres. thru 2/28/65. Also served in Co. C, 2nd VA Inf., Local Defense Troops. Native of Ashe Co.
JONES, WILLIAM R.: 2nd Corp.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 23. Promoted to Corp. by 3/1/62. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. VA on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, VA on 7/12/62. Died at home on 10/21/62.
JONES, WILSON, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#646. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 26. Died in hospital at Gordonsville on 6/13/63 of typhoid fever. Res. of Ashe Co.
JORDAN, GEORGE, 38, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#616, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 41. Discharged on 10/30/61, reason not recorded.
JUSTIN, J. W., 22, B. IL, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#556.
KEGLEY, WESLEY, 20, B. VA, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#418. Age 35, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
KELLEY, C. C.: Corp., Co. C2, 21st VA Cav., Enl. on 8/20/63. Brought horse to camp on 9/1/63. Promoted to Corp. on 4/1/64. WIA in left hand at Piedmont, VA on 6/5/64. Treated at Charlottesville Hosp. for wound, then furloughed. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P12.
KEMP, JOSHUA, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#263.
KEMP, ROBERT, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#263. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
KENDRICK (HENDRIX), HENRY: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
KENNEDY, THOMPSON, 41, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
KENNEY, M. L.: Co. E, 5th NC Inf. Enl. in 1864, served 8 months. WIA at Cloyd’s Mountain. Stamper’s List.
KERBY, IREDELL, 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
KERBY, JESSE, 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
KETCHEM, GEORGE: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#922. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/6/61 in Carteret Co., age 20. Died at Hosp. in Carolina City 10/30/61. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Body returned to Ashe Co., NC for burial.
KETCHEM, GEORGE: Age 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#941. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 2/3/65. Age at Enl. was 48/1/13, 5’9″, dark hair, eyes and comp., farmer, born in Ashe Co.
KETCHEM, JOHN W.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf. Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC age 20. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transferred to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Rtnd to duty prior to 9/1/62. Pres. thru 7/5/64, then NFR. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
KETCHUM, FOSTER, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#922.
KETCHUM, SIDNEY, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#922.
KEY, WILLIAM M.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, age 18. Absent WIA 7-10/62, WIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-3/63, Absent wounded and sick thru 12/15/63, when he returned to duty. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where he was held until released on oath on 6/28/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
KEYS, HENRY M., 47, Farmer, B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
KILBY, MILTON: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1234. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from an injury to his right arm. Age 33.
KILBY, WILLIAM, Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 1/15/64, age 20. Discharged 6/9/65.
KILLEN, WILEY: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 23. Died on 9/14/62 of camp fever.
KILLION, JOHN, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#470.
KILLION, MESHACK, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#471.
KILLION, WILLIAM, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#520.
KIMBERLY, JOHN T.: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. PWR only.
KINDALL, J. W.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
KING, JACOB, 28, B. IL, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1218.
KING, JAMES, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#470.
KING, RUFUS, Co. E, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 10/1/64, age 18. Resident of Ashe Co.
KIRBY, BRYSON, 34, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#683, Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. on 6/11/63 in Salem. Absent sick on undated roll. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
KIRBY, COUNSEL, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#683. Age 24, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
KIRBY, FLOYD, 26, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
KIRBY, IREDELL (ISRAEL): 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#683. Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. on 8/2/62 in Independence. AWOL on 6/25/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
KIRBY, JESSE: 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#683. Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. on 6/11/63 at Salem, VA. AWOL on 3/1/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. 37, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
KIRBY, JESSE: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/27/65.
KIRBY, JOEL F., 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#683.
KNIGHT, LEVI H.: Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL, Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. on 12/31/62. Later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63.
KNIGHT, WILLIAM W., 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#370. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on B. 3/1/1832 in Ireland D. 1/8/1913, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. L14.
KOONTZ, FELIX, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#921.
KOONTZ, GEORGE WASHINGTON: B. 1826 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#227. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 35. Severely WIA in chin, probably at Chancellorsville. In hospital at Richmond on 5/6/63, returned to duty by 5/28/63. Discharged for disability on 12/8/63. D. 1870.
KOONTZ, HAMILTON K., 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#274. Sgt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where Enl. on 8/10/61, age 18. Promoted to Corp. by 2/28/63. WIA in arm at Ox Hill, VA on 9/1/62. AWOL 10/11/62- 3/6/63. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty. WIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1-3/63, returned to duty before 9/1/63. Prom. to Sgt. on 12/15/63. Taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/24/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until exchanged at Cox’s Wharf, James River, VA on 2/14/65. B. 4/12/1843 D. 4/30/1926, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P17. Nephew of George Washington.
KOONTZ, JACOB, 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#274.
KOONTZ, JOHN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#274. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Orange C.H. on 2/20/64, age 19. Pres. until paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. B. 12/28/1845 D. 8/15/1932, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G01. Brother of Hamiliton K., nephew of George Washington Koontz.
L……, ROBERT: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
LACKEY, HENRY C.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Previously served in Co. H. Transferred to Co. F, by 6/30/62. Transferred back to Co. H on 7/1/62.
LAMBERT, AZWELL: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 12/5/63 in Burke Co.
LAMBERT, FRANKLIN: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 3/15/63. In Hosp. at Williamsburg, VA on 5/15/63, with wound, place WIA not recorded. Returned to duty, then hospitalized with unrecorded complaint on 5/5/64. AWOL by 9/7/64, then NFR.
LAMBERT, THEOPHLUS, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#224.
LANDRETH, DAVID, 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#440.
LANDRETH, EDWARD T.: Sgt.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 24. Promoted to Sgt. on 6/6/62. WIA in hip or back with a “Spent ball” at Gaines Mill, VA on 6/27/62, returned to duty on 7/9/62. Died at Winchester, VA on 10/10/62 of disease.
LANDRETH, ISAAC EDWIN: 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#391.
LANDRETH, ISAAC W., 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#49, Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 23. Pres. until taken POW at Gettysburg 7/3-5/63. Confined at Fort McHenry, MD, transferred to Fort Delaware 7/10/63, where held until released on oath 2/25/65 when taking the oath. Union Baptist minister postwar. Age 32, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LANDRETH, JAMES C., 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#49, Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 16. WIA at Cedar Mountain, VA on 8/9/62. Discharged on 9/25/62, for unrecorded reasons.
LANDRETH, JAMES C., 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#612. Teamster with Captain Richard Linville’s Company served from 10/63 to 3/30/64. Mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Piney Creek Township.
LANDRETH, JOHN W., 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#440, 4th Sgt.: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on .
LANDRETH, JOHN: Co. H, 64th VA Mounted Inf. Enl. on 8/18/62 in Wise Co., age 34. Taken POW 9/9/63 at Cumberland Gap. Sent to Camp Douglas 9/24/63 where he was held until 11/28/64 when he died of smallpox. B. ca. 1827 in Ashe Co., NC.
LANDRETH, MARTIN, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#440.
LANDRETH, SAMUEL, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#977. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 33. Taken POW at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, exchanged on 12/17/62, returned to duty. WIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, returned to duty by 9/1/63. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD then to Elmira, NY, held there until released on the oath on 6/27/65.
LANDRETH, STEPHEN, 45, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#49. Age 55, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LANDRETH, WAYNER, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#681.
LANDRUM, THOMAS W.: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/14/63 in Washington Co., VA.
LANE, JAMES N., Corp.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Pres. until WIA 7/1-3/63, absent with wounds until 10/1/64, when status was changed to AWOL. Reduced to Pvt. by 2/28/65. Res. Wilkes Co., NC. LANE, LEVI, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1372.
LANE, NEWTON, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1370.
LANE, ROBERT M., 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1372. Sgt.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 17. Promoted to Corp. before 3/1/62, reduced to ranks by 10/62. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, exchanged by 7/31/62. Returned to duty by 2/28/63. Promoted to Sgt. on 9/1/63. Pres. until reported absent sick on 5/24/64. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co. when he Enl. Age 26, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LATHAM, JACOB, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#292. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/13/61, age 25. Died 9/25/61 of disease.
LATHAM, JAMES, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#293. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. at Camp Church, TN on 10/1/62. Pres. thru 8/3/63. B. 11/10/1834 D. 3/3/1908, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J30.
LATHAM, JOHN, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#466. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/28/64 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until died at Lynchburg, VA 5/7/64 of febris typoides. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
LATHAM, LARKIN, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#608.
LATHAM, S.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from shortening of left leg. Age 36.
LATHAM, WILLIAM, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#458.
LAURANCE, A. J.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Dstd. on 1/30/65. Age at Enl. was 46/4/7, 5’9″, light comp., gray hair, blue eyes, B. Ashe Co. B. 3/6/1820 D. 7/6/1907, buried in Ashe Co., NC.
LAWRENCE, DAVID: Co. D, 69th NC Inf. B. 2/8/1845 D. 1/26/1916, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S01.
LAWRENCE, HENRY: Co. G, 1st NC Inf. B. 6/27/1841 D. 3/3/1920, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. M26.
LAWRENCE, JAMES G.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Enl. in camp on 5/10/64. Pres. thru 12/64. Age 23, Farm Laborer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LAWRENCE, LEE, 26, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LAXTON, MORRIS, 23, B., VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#820. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 9/15/61, age 18. Died at Richmond, VA between 8/5-15/62, cause not reported.
LAXTON, THOMAS JEFFERSON: Living in Wyoming Co., WV in 1860. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 2/27/62. Taken POW near Culpeper C.H., VA on 9/13/63. Exchanged at City Point on 3/15/64. Transferred to Co. A, 26th NC on 7/19/64. NFR. Joined Co. I, 7th WV Cav., U.S. Army on 2/28/1865. Moved back to Wyoming Co., WV postwar.
LEAKE, JAMES, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#297.
LEE, JONATHAN, 22, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1029. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 25. WIA in breast at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62. Returned to duty. Died at Guinea Station, VA between 5/15-20/63, cause not reported.
LEMONS, C. L.: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville as Corporal. Pres. on 10/31/64.
LEMONS, JOHN R.: 1st Lt., Co. D, 4th VSL. Commissioned 1st Lt. of Inf. on 9/26/62. On August’s list of VSL Officers prepared on 1/27/63. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville as Lt. In Winchester Hosp. on 7/26/64. Pres. on 10/31/64.
LEONARD, ELCANA: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 4/6/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
LEWIS, ALEX, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#390.
LEWIS, ALFRED, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#325.
LEWIS, ALFRED, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#623.
LEWIS, ANDREW JACKSON: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
LEWIS, CALVIN, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#413. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/21/63. AWOL from 7/18/63. B. 1826 in Ashe Co. D. 1901 in Ashe Co., buried in Ashe Co. Cem. L23.
LEWIS, CHARLES, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#319.
LEWIS, EMANUEL, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#390.
LEWIS, ENOCH, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#322.
LEWIS, GEORGE, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#146.
LEWIS, GIDEON, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#497. Co. A, 13th TN Cavalry. Enl. on 9/22/1863. Discharged on 10/28/63. B. ca. 1839 in Ashe Co., NC.
LEWIS, HENDERSON, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#415. Co. B, 8th TN Cavalry. Served from 4/18/63 to 9/13/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township.
LEWIS, ISAAC, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#322. Co. A, 13th TN Cav. U.S.
LEWIS, ISAAC, Jr., 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#325. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from loss of 3 fingers on right hand. Age 42.
LEWIS, JACKSON, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#412.
LEWIS, JACKSON, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1152. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
LEWIS, JACOB, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#415.
LEWIS, JACOB, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#322.
LEWIS, JAMES, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#419.
LEWIS, JOHN, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#475. 1st Lt., Stagg’s Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Later served in Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until deserted 6/28/63, took the oath at Chattanooga, TN 6/22/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
LEWIS, JOSEPH, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#674. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 7/10/63, bounty paid. Brought horse to camp on 8/4/63. Deserted 9/20/63.
LEWIS, JUSTIN, 22, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#458.
LEWIS, LEANDER, 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#458. Age 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LEWIS, LEANDER, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#415. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from scrofulous. Age 21.
LEWIS, MANUEL: Co. H, 52nd NC Inf., Enl. on 11/11/62 in Lincoln Co., NC. Deserted on 11/25/62. Res. of Ashe Co., NC per service record. Later served in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from a curvature of the spine. Age 42.
LEWIS, NATHAN, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#398.
LEWIS, ROBERT, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#415.
LEWIS, W. PRESTON: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#322. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. Age 16, farm laborer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census. B. 4/12/1844 in Ashe Co., D. 5/4/1908 in Ashe Co., NC.
LEWIS, WILLIAM, 23, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1152.
LEWIS, WILLIAM R., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#417. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62. D. at hosp. in Richmond, VA between 12/27/62-1/1/63, cause not reported.
LIGHT, MATTHIAS M.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/20/64 at Camp Holmes. Surrendered at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
LING, ISAAC: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
LINGERFELT, JOHN: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 4/6/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
LINGLE, MONROE: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Previously served in Co. A, 22nd NC Inf. Transferred into Co. F before 8/31/61, transferred back on 7/1/62.
LITTLE, GEORGE, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#209.
LITTLE, GEORGE W.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 22. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg, VA 10/27/64. Sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until transferred to Boulware’s Wharf, James River, VA for exchange 3/30/65. B. 1842 in Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P02.
LITTLE, HUGH R.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Wake Co. on 2/20/64. Pres. thru 10/64.
LITTLE, JAMES: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 4/5/64. Pres. thru 10/64. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J30.
LITTLE, JOHN, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#210. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 29. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 10/64. B. 6/2/183 D. 6/2/1922, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P02.
LITTLE, MATHIAS, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#207. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 25. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 10/64. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. A21.
LIVINGSTON, JOHN: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
LOGAN, JAMES H., 16, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#727. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. Died of disease 3/63, place not recorded. Born in Davie Co., Res. of Ashe Co. when he Enl.
LOGAN, JOSEPH, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#999.
LOGAN, MEREDITH: Co. ?, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on ?. Listed as POW, took the oath at Louisville, KY on 4/27 or 4/30/64. From Alleghany Co., NC.
LOGANS, J. M., 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1091.
LOGGINS, NAAMAN: Co. A, 26th NC Inf. Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Pres. until WIA right leg 7/1- 3/63, leg amputated in Federal Hosp. at Gettysburg. Sent to Baltimore, MD 7/22/63, transferred to City Point, VA exchanged 11/17/63, Absent until retired to Invalid Corps 4/15/64. B. 2/5/40 D. 10/19/1926. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Cem. G01.
LONG, A.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/30/65.
LONG, CALVIN W.: 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#275. Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LONG, E. C., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1307.
LONG, FELIX, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#277, 4th Corp., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. Promoted to Corp. by 4/30/62, reduced to ranks by 5/27/62 when he was KIA at Hanover C.H., VA.
LONG, FRANKLIN, 19, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#275, 4th Sgt./2nd Lt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 20, as sergeant. Elected 2nd Lt. on 4/18/62. KIA near Ox Hill, VA on 9/1/62.
LONG, HARDIN, 27, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#176.
LONG, HARRISON H., 20, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#268, Sgt.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 20, as Corp. Reduced to ranks prior to 3/1/62. Promoted to Sgt. before 2/28/63, reduced to ranks again by 4/30/63. Pres. or accounted for thru 10/64 (most of which was spent on duty as a hospital orderly). WIA in an unrecorded battle.
LONG, HIRAM W.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 31. Deserted on 6/27/62. Later Enl. in a unit in the Army of Tennessee by 4/30/63.
LONG, HIRAM W.: Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 24. Deserted 9/6/61.
LONG, ISAIAH: 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#858. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 26. WIA in left foot at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63. AWOL on 10/31/63 muster, Pres. on 12/31/63 muster. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD then to Elmira, NY where held until exchanged on the James River on 3/2/65.
LONG, J. W., 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#762.
LONG, JAMES W.: 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#279. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Pres. thru 6/30/64, then NFR. Res. Alleghany Co., NC.
LONG, JOHN R.: 43, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#277. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47/8/0, 6′, light comp., gray hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co. 53, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LONG, LEVI, 27, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LONG, LEVI, 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LONG, MATHEW, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#277. Age 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LONG, SOLOMON, 39, Physician, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#273.
LONG, W. A., 20, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LONG, WILBORN H.: 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#277. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. Died in 7/62, place and cause not reported. Also shown as 2nd Lt., Cranberry Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/10/62.
LOVELACE, ANDREW: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1161. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
LOVELACE, ARMSTEAD: 36, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#22. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/17/61, age 36. Died in VA on 9/27/61 of typhoid fever.
LOVELACE, JAMES, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#729.
LOVELACE, P. M., 42, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#729.
LOVING, THOMAS, 25, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LOWRANCE, ALEX, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#62.
LOWRANCE, ANDREW, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#10.
LOWRANCE, DAVID, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1345.
LOWRANCE, HENRY, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1345. Co. G, 1st NC Mounted Infantry, served from 4/63 to 7/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township.
LOWRANCE, WILLIAM, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1345.
LYALL, ASBERRY: Co. H, 23rd NC Inf., enl. on 8/1/62 in Iredell Co. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA. Sent to Fort Delaware where held until transf. to Point Lookout, MD. Died there on 12/26/63 of dysentery. Res. of Ashe Co. per enlistment documents.
LYALL, HAMILTON: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#184. Co. H, 23rd NC Inf., enl. on 8/1/62 for the war. Hospitalized on 10/3/62 in Danville, VA thru 1/8/63. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 8/15/63. Present on 8/31/63. Living in Dickenson Co., VA in 1903.
LYALL, JOHN A.: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1202. Co. H, 23rd NC Inf. Name appeaars on regimental records which indicate he deserted on his way to join the unit.
LYLES, ALFRED: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co. where Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. Pres. thru 4/62. WIA in unrecorded battle. AWOL 10/6/62, returned to duty by 12/31/63. Discharged for disability due to wounds on 1/12/64. Also served in the 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from a gunshot wound of the right hip. Noted “ought to be on retired list.” Discharged. Age 26.
LYLES, AMBROSE: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#514. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. AWOL 11/1/62 – 2/1/63, Pres. until he deserted to the Federals on 3/22/65, paroled at Washington, DC on 3/29/65. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
LYLES, WILBURN: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#918. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 8/15/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. AWOL on 8/31 and 10/31/64. Taken POW at Front Royal on 11/12/64. Held at Point Lookout, until released on the oath on 6/28/65. From Ashe Co., NC, 5’10”, brown hair, blue eyes. Buried in Ashe Co., no dates on grave stone, Cem. Q39.
LYLES, WILLIAM B., Co. D, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 40. Probably resident of Ashe Co.
LYLES, WILLIAM: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#908. Corp., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19, as a pvt. Taken POW near Richmond 6/28-30/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 7/12/62, returned to duty prior to 3/1/63. Promoted to Corp. on 5/1/64. WIA during 5-6/64, hospitalized at Petersburg, VA on 7/8/64, right arm amputated. Retired for disability on 2/22/65.
LYNCH, JESSE: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
LYNN, JOHN C., 36, Physician, B. Scotland, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
LYNN, WILLIAM, 38, Farmer, B. TN, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
M……., ROBERT: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
MABE, ALEXANDER, 29, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#241. Co. C, Enl. on 4/20/64 in Pulaski Co. Pres. on 8/31/64. Age 52, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. He is also shown on the 1860 Pulaski Co. Census as age 40, farmer.
MABE, JAMES, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1123.
MABE, JAMES A.: 21, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#238, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 2/25/36. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 2/6/1926. Buried in the Alexander Mabe Cem., Alleghany Co.
MABE, JOHN, 20, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#239
MABE, SOLOMON, 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MABE, WILLIAM, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#236
MAHALA, JESSE, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#327. Co. B, 2nd NC Cavalry, served from 7/9/63 to 7/4/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township.
MAHALA, WILLIAM, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#404. Co. I, 2nd West Virginia Cavalry, served from 7/9/63 to ?. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township.
MAINES, EZRA: 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#131, (also 1860 Grayson County Census HH#809) Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he enlisted at age 19 on 3/15/62. Absent sick by 10/31/62, then NFR.
MAINES, HIRAM D., 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#523 (also 1860 Grayson County Census HH#809) Sgt., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of VA, Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 5/27/61, age 24.
MAINES, JOHN, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#713, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co. where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 20. WIA at Seven Pines, VA on 5/27/62, returned to duty. KIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/2/63.
MAINES, LEMUEL, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#391.
MAINES, WILLIAM M., 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#438, Corp.: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 1835. Age 34, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 1902. Buried in the Crouse Cem., Alleghany Co.
MANAKER, WILLIAM, 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#455
MARLIN, JOSEPHUS: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Rowan Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. WIA and taken POW at Frayser’s Farm, VA on 6/30/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, sent to Fort Delaware by 7/9/62. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 7/12/62. Returned to duty by 11/1/62. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63, AWOL in 7-8/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. Taken POW at Spottsylvania C.H., VA on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD and then to Elmira, NY where he died 2/28/65 of pneumonia.
MARLOW, EDMOND: Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 21. KIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63. Born in Iredell Co., Res. of Ashe Co. when he Enl.
MARLOW, WILLIAM, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#33.
MASH, GEORGE: B. 1/17/1836 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#181., Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co. age 26. Died in hospital at Mount Jackson, VA of pneumonia on 11/29/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
MASH, HAMILTON, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#183.
MASH, HENRY, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#200.
MASH, JAMES, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#523., Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 35. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/20/63. Pres. thru 2/65. Res. Ashe Co. D. ca. 1894 in Ashe Co., NC.
MASH, JESSE, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#183.
MASH, JOHN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#202. Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 22. KIA at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
MASH, JORDAN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#200.
MARSHALL, JOHN G.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Alleghany Co., Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 9/15/61, age 18. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63.
MARSHALL, OLIVER, 25, Farm Laborer, B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MARSHALL, RALEIGH, 47, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MARTIN, ALEXANDER, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#364. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 1/15/63.
MARTIN, ALEXANDER: Unit ??. B. 1835 D. 12/1885, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. L64.
MARTIN, BARTLETT YANCEY, B. 1828 in Surry Co., NC. Age 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1307. 1st Lt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 33, as a Sgt. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 8/30/62. Promoted to 1st Lt. before 3/1/63. Pres. until WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1-5/63. Hospitalized at David’s Island on 7/17/63, transf. to Johnson’s Island on 9/18/63. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD on 3/14/65. Exchanged at Cox’s Wharf, James River, VA on 3/22/65. D. 1897 at Laurel Springs, Ashe Co., NC.
MARTIN, DAVID, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#363. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 2/27/63. Age 24, farmer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census.
MARTIN, ELIAS, 21, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#361. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 1/15/63.
MARTIN, JAMES, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#362.
MARTIN, JOHN, 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#934.
MARTIN, THOMAS: Co. D, 4th VSL. This Co. became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville. D. 10/13/64 at Camp Chase, OH, then 5’8″, grey eyes, black hair, buried in Camp Chase Cem., grave 308.
MARTIN, THOMAS: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. Ashe Co., Enl. Rapidan, VA on 5/14/62, age 27. AWOL 11/62-2/63, deserted on 6/20/63, returned to duty on 11/19/63. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent Point Lookout, MD where held until taking the oath on 6/29/65.
MARTIN, WILLIAM LEE: Sgt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Yadkin Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/25/61, age 31. Appointed Sgt. by 10/31/62. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/3/64, sent to Point Lookout, held there until paroled and exchanged at Coxes Landing, James River, VA on 2/15/65. Admitted to Richmond, VA hospital 2/19/65, furloughed for 40 days on 2/20/65.
MASH, THOMAS: Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. WIA in gluteal region and/or second vertebra at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62. Absent until discharged for disability on 4/10/63. Later Enl. in Co. H, 38th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
MASSEY, JOHN, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#928. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. Enl. on ?. Treated at hospital in Charlottesville for diarrhea 6/12-17/64. Paroled at Appamattox C.H., Va. on 4/9/65.
MASSEY, MORRIS: 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#282. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
MASSEY, WILLIAM: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#282. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 18. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. WIA in thorax and taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H., VA on 5/12/64. In a Federal Hospital on 5/21/64, then NFR, perhaps he died. (MWIA?).
MASSY, LEANDER, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#282. Applied for pension in Grayson Co., VA, disapproved, “thought not to be in service, not sufficient evidence.”
MATHERLY, THOMAS, 26, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1361. Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co. Died in hospital at Lynchburg on 4/3/63 of disease. Res. of Ashe Co.
MATHIAS, WILLIAM, 30, Domestic Servant, B. NY, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MAXWELL, A. M.: 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#301. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from scrofula of the chest. Age 38.
MAXWELL, CALVIN M., 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#301. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/1/64. Pres. thru 12/31/64. B. 5/28/1845 D. 7/11/1909 in Ashe Co., buried in Cem. L19.
MAXWELL, SIDNEY, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#312.
MAXWELL, T. H.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63.
MAXWELL, WILEY P., 32, farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#10. Captain of the Alleghany County Home Guard. KIA on Killian’s Branch, near Sparta, NC in late 1864.
MAXWELL, WILLIAM D., 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#53. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 26. Discharged for unknown reasons on 9/17/61. Later in Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 1/10/63. Age 35, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MAY, ABRAHAM, 21, B. AR, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#472. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on
MAY, GEORGE WASHINGTON, B. 1/101/1841 in Age Co., NC. Age 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1141. Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 22. Reduced to ranks by 8/31/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg on 7/3/53, sent to Fort Delaware. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River on 9/18/64. Absent on parole through 2/28/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
MAY, JEFFERSON, Co. G, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 39. Resident of Ashe Co., NC.
MAY, JOHN S., 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#735. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on Later served in the 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from St. Vitus dance. Age 20. B. 12/23/1844 D. 11/13/1871, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F31.
MAY, MARSHALL SAYNDERS: B. 8/25/1839 inAshe Co., NC. Age 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#733. Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 25. Promoted to Corp. on 5/31/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/5/63, sent to Fort Delaware, transf. to Point Lookout on 10/18/63. Reduced to private while POW by 2/29/64. Exchanged at Boulware’s Wharf, James River on 2/28/65. Res. of Ashe Co. D. 12/18/1920, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B19.
MAY, SILAS M.: B. 1842. Age 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#781. Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 18. MWIA in arm at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62, died in hospital on 12/20/62 at Lynchburg, VA. Res. of Ashe Co.
MAY, WASHINGTON, Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 1/15/64, age 40. Discharged on 5/3/65.
MAY, WILLIAM, 25, B. IN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#472. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 8/10/63. Pres. thru 12/31/64.
MAY, WILLIAM, B. 2/11/1845. Age 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#781.
McCANN, C. P., 27, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#643. Age, 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
McCANN, JOHN, 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
McCLINTOCK, T. L.: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville as Corp..
McCLURE, ANDREW M.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
McCLURE, JAMES: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 19.
McCOLLAM, WILLIAM, 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#304
McCONNELL, EDWIN: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/30/65. Age at Enl. was 46/2/12, 6′, light comp., dark hair, black eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
McCORMICK, ROBERT B.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. age 20. Taken POW at Hanover C.H., VA 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor until exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 8/5/62. AWOL 9/1/62 to 2/14/63, when he returned to duty. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 11/8/63, deserted again by 2/29/64. B. in Washington Co., VA, Res. of Ashe Co. when he Enl.
McCOY, HARRISON, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#469.
McCOY, HIRAM HORACE: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 46/5/4, 5’7´”, fair comp., light hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. Co. E, 13th TN Cav. (Federal) Enlisted on 10/1/64, age 43. B. ca. 1821, D. 1889, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. M02.
McCOY, WILLIAM H., Co. E, 13th TN Cavalry, served in 1864 to 1865. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township. Enlisted on 10/1/64, age 18. Resident of Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
McCURD, EDMOND, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1092.
McCURD, WILLIAM, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1092.
McEWEN, E. C. R.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of TN and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 3/17/1838 D. 8/6/1913, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. L21.
McEWEN, J. T. L.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of TN and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. D. at the hospital at Staunton, VA on 3/1/63 of disease.
McEWEN, JOHN C., Lieutenant, Co. A, 9th TN Cavalry, served from 7/13/63 to 9/10/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Jefferson.
McEWEN, T. M. R.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of TN and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD. Confined there 6/25/64, buried in Point Lookout Cem.
McGINNIS, NATHAN: Acting Captain, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Served as 2nd Lieutenant of Co. F. Acting Captain in 7-8/64.
McGRADY, HENDERSON, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#829.
McGRADY, JACOB, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1007. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 28. WIA in side at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, returned to duty by 6/30/63. MWIA in eye and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63. Died in hospital at Gettysburg, PA on 7/14/63 of wounds.
McGRADY, M. CALVIN: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. Age 42, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
McGUIRE, FELIX P.: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#119. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 8/1/64. Pres. thru 10/64. B. 3/26/1846 D. 11/18/1918, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. R20.
McGUIRE, GEORGE WASHINGTON, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#156. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on
McGUIRE, JAMES, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#14.
McGUIRE, RICHARD GREEN: 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#14. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 8/1/64. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 11/29/1846 D. 1/14/1923, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. R03.
McGUIRE, ROBERT, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#119. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from paralysis agitans. Age 48.
McGUIRE, SAMUEL: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
McGUIRE, THOMAS M., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#15. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 27. Pres. thru 11/64.
McGUIRE, WILLIAM D.: 2nd Lt., Co. F, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. A, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/1/63. Died on 4/10/63, no cause noted.
McGUIRE, WILLIAM W.: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#14. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 20. Died in 1/62 of disease. Native Res. of Ashe Co. B. 5/13/1842. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. R03.
McKNIGHT, JOHN M.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Detached service on 6/30/63, then NFR. B. 9/25/1845 in Alleghany Co., NC D. in Alleghany Co. on 3/25/1940.
McKNIGHT, SAMUEL: Co. C, 8th VA Cav., Enl. on 10/1/64 in the Shenandoah Valley. Applied for pension in July 1915, rejected, as he was then a resident of Alleghany Co., NC.
McLAIN, H. S.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on
McMILLAN, A. J.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from anchylosis left arm. Age 34.
McMILLAN, ALEXANDER B.: B. 3/9/1828. 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#558. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Age 44, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 12/30/1910, buried in the Senter Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Nathan’s Creek, Ashe Co., NC.
McMILLAN, ALEXANDER R.: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#575. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 27. Pres. thru 1/1/64, when exchanged from William O. Vannoy.
McMILLAN, ANDREW J.: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#583. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/3/61. Died 4/15/63.
McMILLAN, ANDREW N., 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#560. 1st Sgt./Capt. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 32. Elected Capt. 7/21/61. WIA 3/14/62 at New Bern, NC. Defeated for reelection 4/21/62. Later raised Capt. A. N. McMillan’s Independent Co. of NC Troops. Capt., Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn. No date of appointment, however, probably 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Res. Ashe Co. B. 12/1/29 D. 11/28/1901. Buried in the Senter Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Nathan’s Creek, Ashe Co., NC.
McMILLAN, BERRY, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#75. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
McMILLAN, FIELDS J.: 34, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#421. Col. 96th NC Militia, commissioned on 3/22/62. Major of the Alleghany County Militia (Home Guard) on 10/22/64. Age 44, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
McMILLAN, ISAAC, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#75.
McMILLAN, JAMES, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#898. Corp., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 7/24/61, age 25. Appointed Corp. 11/8/62. Taken POW at Jack’s Shop, VA on 9/22/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 5/8/64. Pres. thru 12/64. On detached served at Lynchburg, VA in 2/65, “in charge of the horses of his command.”
McMILLAN, JESSE B., 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#555. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Also shown in the 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from varicose veins. Age 38. Age 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
McMILLAN, JOHN, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#579. 2nd Lt., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 31. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Elected 2nd Lt. on 2/5/64. Pres. thru 10/64. Deserted 2/24/65, took oath at Washington, DC on 3/11/65, furnished transportation to Cincinnati, OH.
McMILLAN, WILLIAM, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#215. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 31. Pres. until deserted 7/31/63. Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. 12/1/63 in Washington Co. Status not status on final roll. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 6/6/64. Pres. thru 11/64. Paroled at Charlotte, NC on 5/18/65. B. 3/14/30 D. 3/3/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC, buried in the Senter Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Nathan’s Creek.
McNEELY, SAMUEL: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. WIA at Thomas’ Valley.
McNEIL, ALFRED, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#204.
McNEIL, ELI HENDERSON, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#276. Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/20/63, reduced to ranks by 10/31/63. Promoted to Corp. by 2/29/64. WIA in side at Gravel Hill, VA on 7/30/64. Reported AWOL on 9/2/64. Res. of Ashe Co.
McNEIL, JAMES, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#205.
McNEIL, JAMES A., B. 2/12/1842 in Wilkes Co., NC. Age 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#107. Sgt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61, age 18. Promoted to Sgt. by 4/30/62. WIA in hand, place unrecorded, hospitalized at Richmond on 7/1/62. Returned to duty, reduced to ranks by 11/2/62. Promoted to Sgt. again on 2/12/63. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/21/63, reduced to pvt. by 10/31/63. Promoted to Sgt. 3rd time on 1/1/64. Reported MIA at Gravel Hill, VA on 7/28/64. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co. when he Enl. Never returned home after the war.
McNEIL, PETER, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#170. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native of Wilkes Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. 7/8/62, age 34. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
McREEVES, GEORGE, 3rd Lt.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 25, as a private. Elected 3rd Lt. on 8/26/61. Defeated for reelection on 5/5/62, then NFR.
MEDLIN, THOMAS F.: Corp., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Macon Co. and Enl. in Buncombe Co. on 6/25/61, age 16. Appointed Corp. on 10/1/64. Pres. thru 12/64.
MENDENHALL, OBADIAH: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Grayson Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. WIA and taken POW 7/1-5/63, hospitalized at Chester, PA. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 8/20/63. Status changed to deserter on 2/15/64.
MENDENHALL, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON: 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#114. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 21. Pres. thru 12/64.
MERRIMAN, LEWIS, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1380. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 25. Died 12/28/61 of typhoid pneumonia.
MICHAEL, ALEX., 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#81.
MICHAEL, AMOS, 39, B. OH, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#57. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
MICHAEL, ASA, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#80.
MICHAEL, D.: 41, B. OH, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#80. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Also shown in the 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from deformity of the chest. Age 47.
MICHAEL, J. K.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, listed as small. Age 18.
MICHAEL, LORENZO, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#57.
MICHAEL, MELVIN P., 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#57. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. PWR Only.
MICKLE, WILLIAM N.: 2nd Lt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Previously served as a pvt in Co. I, 41st NC Cav. Transf. to this unit when appointed 2nd Lt. on 5/3/63. KIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63.
MIKEAL, FREDERICK, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#991. Corporal, Co. A, 3rd NC Mounted Infantry, served from 1/11/64 to 8/8/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Pine Swamp Township.
MILES, JESSE, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#113. Age 23, Domestic Servant, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MILES, JOHN, 17, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#113. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Surry Co., Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 19. Died at Winchester, VA on 11/15/62 of disease.
MILLER, ABRAHAM, 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#695.
MILLER, ALFRED, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#513. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 28. WIA in head at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, returned to duty by 3/1/63. Reported MIA at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63.
MILLER, AMBROSE, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#173. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 11/4/63 at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh. Died in hospital at Richmond on 1/30/64 of variola.
MILLER, ANDREW J.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/8/61, age 40. Taken POW at Williamsport, MD on 10/29/62, exchanged by 12/31/62. Pres. thru 12/64.
MILLER, BARTLETT, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#182. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 2/20/64 at Liberty Mills, VA. Pres. until he surrendered at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
MILLER, DAVID, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#742.
MILLER, DAVID, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#199.
MILLER, DAVID: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1211. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/25/61, age 21. Appointed Blacksmith 9/1/63, pvt. by 4/1/64. Pres. thru 12/64.
MILLER, E. A.: 1st. Lt., Co. D, _____ Resigned 9/1/64.
MILLER, ERVIN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#892.
MILLER, G. W.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic ulcer of leg and varix. Age 41.
MILLER, GEORGE E.: B. 1/16/1826. Age 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1348. 2nd Lt., Peak Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. in camp on 8/14/64. Pres. thru 12/64.
MILLER, GEORGE WASHINGTON: 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#182. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47, 6’2´”, dark comp., black hair and eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
MILLER, GEORGE: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Furloughed on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47/2/6, 6’1″, dark comp., black hair and eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. B. 1817 D. 1/18/1914, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P20.
MILLER, GEORGE WASHINGTON, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#254. B. 1/31/1818 D. 5/3/1865 Ashe Co. NC killed by bushwackers passing through
MILLER, HARRISON, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#672.
MILLER, HARRISON BAKER, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#254. Musician, Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Pres. until taken POW 7/5/65 on return from Gettysburg, PA. Sent to Fort Delaware, DE where held until transf. to Point Lookout, MD 10/18/63. Paroled 2/18/65, sent to Boulware’s Wharf for exchange 2/20/65. Res. Smyth Co., VA postwar, Primitive Baptist Minister. D. 2/8/1935, buried in the St. Clair’s Bottom Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Chilhowie, Smyth Co., VA.
MILLER, HENRY, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#892.
MILLER, HENRY: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#252. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/3/61, age 22. Taken POW at Waynesboro, PA on 7/6/63, sent to Fort Delaware, exchanged at City Point, Va on 8/1/63. Pres. thru 12/64. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. A08.
MILLER, HENRY: 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#286. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 12/1/63 in Burke Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. B. 11/20/1823 D. 11/6/1907, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J15.
MILLER, HIRAM, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#698.
MILLER, ISAAC, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1191.
MILLER, ISAAC, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#672.
MILLER, ISHAM: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 at Camp French, Petersburg, VA. Pres. until taken POW at Wilderness 5/5/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, transf. to Elmira, NY 8/3/64, died there of unreported cause 7/15/65. Res. Wilkes or Ashe Co., NC.
MILLER, J. B., 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1315.
MILLER, J. H.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 in Ashe Co., NC, Pres. until died in hosp. 3/14/63 of disease. Place of death not recorded. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
MILLER, J. P.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR
MILLER, J.: Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 40.
MILLER, JACKSON, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#892.
MILLER, JACOB, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#904.
MILLER, JACOB, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#197. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 25. Died on 3/1/63 of disease. Res. of Ashe Co.
MILLER, JAMES CALTON: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#946. Sgt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 18, as a pvt. WIA in left arm and taken POW at Ox Hill, VA on 9/1/62, sent to Old Capitol Prison. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 3/29/63. AWOL on 6/1/63, returned to duty on 10/31/63. Promoted to Sgt. on 5/1/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. B. 3/12/45 D. 8/11/1934, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q21.
MILLER, JAMES L.: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#288. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/31/61, age 19. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where he was held until exchanged at Coxes Wharf, James River, VA on 2/20/65.
MILLER, JASPER M., 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#254. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co., age 17. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/1/63. WIA in right hand, place not recorded, hospitalized at Richmond on 5/28/64, returned to duty by 8/31/64. Deserted to the enemy on 3/22/65, took the oath and released at Washington, DC on 3/29/65.
MILLER, JESSE, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#695.
MILLER, JESSE, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#910.
MILLER, JOHN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#688.
MILLER, JOHN, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#252.
MILLER, JOHN H.: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#288. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. WIA in hand at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62. Deserted after 2/1/63, Returned to duty by 8/1/63. AWOL on 2/6/64, returned to duty by 4/30/64. WIA near North Anna River, VA on 5/26/64, retired to Invalid Corps on 12/21/64. Native Res. of Ashe Co. B. 3/15/1841 D. 5/10/1927, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. U09.
MILLER, JOHN S.: B. 3/29/1835. 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#270, Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62. Promoted to Sgt. on 2/8/63. WIA in right arm at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63. Discharged for disability due to wounds on 12/28/63, then age 28. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 1/10/1929, buried in Alleghany Co. Cem. Z15.
MILLER, JOHN: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1211. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/3/61, age 25. Died 5/13/62 of disease.
MILLER, JONATHAN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#698.
MILLER, JONATHAN B., 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#287. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 32. WIA in left thigh at Shephardstown, WV on 9/20/62. Listed as AWOL on 11/1/62, returned to duty by 4/30/63. Pres. thru 2/64, dropped from the rolls for desertion on 4/10/64. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J16.
MILLER, JONATHAN: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#288. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 at Camp French, Petersburg, VA. Pres. until KIA 7/3/63 at Gettysburg, PA.
MILLER, JOSEPH, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#196. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 23. Pres. until died at New Bern of unknown cause 3/14/62, since unit was in combat that day, probable that he was KIA. Res. Ashe Co.
MILLER, LEWIS WILLIAMS: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 11/4/63 at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh. Pres. until surrendered at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
MILLER, LOWERY: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River on 8/5/62. WIA at 2nd Manassas on 8/29-30/62. Died in Richmond Hospital of variola on 12/12/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
MILLER, LOWRY: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
MILLER, M. H.: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
MILLER, MARION, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#794.
MILLER, MARION, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1192.
MILLER, MICHAEL D.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 51. AWOL on 4/23/62, returned to duty on 9/1/62, when he was taken POW at Ox Hill, VA. Confined at Old Capitol Prison exchanged at City Point, VA on 3/29/63. Discharged in 4/63 for being overage. B. 1/29/1810 D. 2/7/1897, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q21.
MILLER, RICHARD: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 23. D. on 12/4/61 of disease, place not recorded. B. in Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., when he Enl.
MILLER, SHADRACH: 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#178. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. age 20. KIA at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
MILLER, SHADRACH: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 in Ashe Co., age 25. Pres. until deserted 1/20/63, apprehended, court-martialed, sentenced to work at government works for 2 years. Died in Hosp. at Richmond 1/27/64 of “febris typhides with erysipelas.” Res. Ashe Co., NC.
MILLER, SILVESTER: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48/5/-, 5’11”, dark comp., dark hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
MILLER, SIMEON W.: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#892. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. in Berkeley Co. (West) VA on 10/8/62. KIA 11/5/62.
MILLER, SOLOMON: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from dyspepsia and general debility. Age 49.
MILLER, TROY, Bugler: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 21, as a musician. Discharged on 7/15/62 for disability due to the effects of typhoid fever. ReEnl. in this company as a private on 3/19/64. Pres. thru 10/64.
MILLER, WILLIAM, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#190.
MILLER, WILLIAM, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#693.
MILLER, WILLIAM, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#512.
MILLER, WILLIAM HARRISON: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co. Promoted to Sgt. on 2/12/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-5/63, sent to Fort Delaware, transf. to Point Lookout on 10/18/63. Reduced to ranks while a POW. Exchanged at Cox’s Wharf, James River, VA on 2/15/65, hosp. at Richmond on 2/19/65, furloughed for 40 days on 2/20/65. Res. of Ashe Co. B. 11/10/1832 D. 2/25/1935.
MILLER, WILLIAM P.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. AWOL on 11/20/61. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
MILLER, WILLIAM R.: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#892. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Alleghany Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 19. KIA at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62.
MILLER, WILLIAM: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1211. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 22. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, sent to Fort Delaware, held there until released on taking the oath on 6/19/65. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. A08.
MINK, G. R.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 22. Pres. until deserted 8/1/63, rtnd to duty about 3/17/64, pres. thru 6/30/64, then NFR. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
MINK, OWEN: Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl.
MITCHELL, FRANCIS MARION, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#233, 2nd Corp., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on . Capt. A. B. Cox said the he was “an honorable soldie in the Confederate army, where he lost a leg.” B. 5/19/1827. D. 7/18/1900, buried in the Shiloh Methodist Church Cem., Alleghany Co.
MITCHELL, FREELAND: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/1/63 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Pres. until WIA at Gettysburg 7/1/63, rtnd to duty before 1/1/64. Pres. until deserted to enemy 1/28/65. Released 1/30/65 on taking the oath.
MITCHELL, MARION, 42, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MITCHELL, W. T., 34, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#587
MITCHELL, WILLIAM L.: Captain/Lt. Colonel, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co. where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 27. Elected Captain on 5/15/62. Pres. in arrest in 9/62, for unreported reasons. Returned to duty on 10/62. Promoted to Lt. Colonel on 5/3/63, transf. to field and staff. Age 44, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MONEY, AUSTIN, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#598. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 6/10/63. Pres. on 6/30/63. Treated at Charlottesville hospital for diarrhea 6/7/64. Pres. thru 12/31/64.
MONEY, LEWIS, 37, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#64, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Surry Co., resident of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 44. Died in a hospital at Huguenot Springs, VA on 10/23/62 of disease.
MOODY, MARION, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#227.
MOON, WILLIAM H.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 11/8/63. Taken POW at Wilderness on 5/6/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD. Transf. to Elmira, NY on 8/10/64, died there of typhoid pneumonia on 11/29/64.
MOORE, ROBERT R.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Pension reference only.
MORGAN, WILLIAM B.: 1st Sgt., Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Pres. on 2/28/65.
MOXLEY, ADAM, 21, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#337. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MOXLEY, ALFRED, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#336. Age 23, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MOXLEY, JAMES, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#305
MOXLEY, JAMES, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#608, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA at Drewey’s Bluff. B. 4/12/1841. D. 2/27/1897. Buried in the William Moxley Cem., Sparta, Alleghany Co., NC.
MOXLEY, MARTIN, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#608
MOXLEY, NATHANIEL: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on B. 4/9/1834. Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 3/26/1921, buried in the Nathaniel Moxley Cem., Alleghany Co.
MOXLEY, NOAH, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#53
MOXLEY, NOAH, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#608, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 21. Discharged on 1/1/62, reason not recorded. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MOXLEY, THOMAS, 35, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#389, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on Buried in the Shiloh Methodist Church Cem., Sparta, Alleghany Co., NC.
MULICAN, ELI W., Rev., 1st Sergeant, Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 22. Resident of Bower, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
MULKEY, JAMES: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1014. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 29. WIA in thigh and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-4/63, hospitalized at David’s Island, NY Harbor. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 9/8/63. Returned to duty by 4/30/64, absent WIA 7-12/64. Deserted on 2/7/65, took oath at Louisville, KY on 2/20/65.
MULKEY, ROBERT, 28, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#147
MULLEN, PIERCE: 22, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#853. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek. Died in hospital.
MULLINS, JOSEPH, 13, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#852.
MULLIS, JAMES, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#280.
MULLIS, JAMES, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#644. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Also shown in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from an old injury to the leg. Age 46.
MULLIS, MADISON, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#280. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 22. KIA at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
MULLIS, MARTIN VAN BUREN, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1050. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. MWIA and taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, died of tetanus on 6/5-9/62, place not recorded. Wounded in testicles, rectum and left thigh. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
MULLIS, WELBORN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#280.
MULLIS, WILLIAM: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
MURRAY, GEORGE, 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MURRAY, ZACHARIAH: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on . Age 35, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
MUSGRAVE, GEORGE, 22, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#43
MUSSER, THOMAS J.: Co. F, 4th VA, Enl. on 2/26/62. Pres. thru at least 10/64.
MUSSEY, JOHN: Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. PWR Only.
MYERS, JESSE: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 11/8/63. MWIA at Wilderness on 5/5/64. Died of wounds at Staunton, VA on 6/24/64.
NEAL, A. F., 40, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#269. Co. H, 1st NC Cav., conscripted, and enrolled in Wake Co., NC on 4/30/64, assigned to this company on 9/21/64. Pres. thru 12/31/64. Taken POW at Petersburg Gen. Hosp. on 4/3/65, had been WIA in the right knee. Died on 4/25/65.
NEAL, B. F., 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1363.
NEAL, QUINCY FRANKLIN, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1376. Capt., Jefferson Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 4/1/62. Major, Ashe County Home Guard. B. 10/20/1824 D. 8/4/1893, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P06.
NEAL, R. H.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from organic disease of the heart. Age 47.
NEAVES, WILLIAM G.: Co. G, 9th NC State Troops, assigned on 9/29/64. Pres. thru 12/31/64. Also served in Co. C, McRae’s Battalion, NC Cav. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F12.
NEAVES, WILLIAM R., 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1244. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
NELSON, HARVEY, 30, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#369.
NELSON, JOHN H.: Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 12/31/62. Age 49, farm laborer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census.
NELSON, WILLIAM: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on
NETHERLY, LANDON, Co. L, 13th TN Cav. Resident of Wheeler, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
NEWLAND, KENNARD C., Co. G, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 21. Discharged on 6/24/65. Resident of Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
NEWTON, JOHN, 40, Farm Laborer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
NICHOLS, JAMES T., Co. G, 13th TN Cav. Resident of Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
NOBLET, WILLIAM: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
NORMAN, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only.
NORMAN, D.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at ?. Died in a Richmond, VA Hospital on 5/21/62 of typhoid fever.
NORMAN, ELIJAH, 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
NORMAN, MARTIN VAN BUREN: 26, Teacher, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#648, 2nd Lt., Glade Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 12/26/61. Volunteered for regular service. Served as 1st Lt.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Commissioned 1st Lt. of Inf. on 9/25/62. On August’s list of VSL Officers prepared on 1/27/63. He later served as 1st Lt. in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., CSA and suceeded to the captaincy of that unit upon the court-martial of William Jefferson Pasley. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. Promoted to Captain 7/15/64. Taken POW at Moorefield, WV on 8/7/64, sent to Camp Chase., Transf. to Point Lookout for exchange on 2/17/65, Res. of Alleghany Co., 5’7″, black hair. B. 5/26/1834. Age 36, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 6/8/1930, buried in the Woodruff Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Cherry Lane, Alleghany Co., NC. Res. of Alleghany Co., NC, 5’7″, black hair.
NORRIS, JOHN R., 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#70.
NORRIS, WILLIAM, 36, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
NORWOOD, THOMAS L.: 1st Lt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/17/62, age 17. Res. of Ashe Co. WIA at Ox Hill, VA on 9/1/62. Returned to duty by 2/28/63. Promoted to 2nd Lt. on 3/9/63, to 1st Lt. on 6/18/63. WIA in breast at Gettysburg on 7/1-3/63. “On July 10, 1863, while the regiment was at Hagerstown, Lt. Norwood, ‘came marching into camp disguised in the most ridiculous looking and fitting countryman’s suit of clothes imaginable, having secured it at Gettysburg in one of the houses around the hospital, and although suffering greatly from his wound, he managed by his wit and cunning to march through the Federal lines and into outs; he was then sent to the headquarters of General Lee and took a up of coffee with that distinguished personage.'” Returned to duty by 10/31/63. Surrendered at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
NULL, JOCOB, 18, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#121
NULL, NOAH, 41, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#121, Co. I, 51st Va. Inf. Enl. on 6/28/61 on Fox Creek. Given medical discharge on 7/24/62 for chronic rheumatism and a hernia, then age 48, fair comp., black eyes, brown hair, occupation farmer, native of North Carolina.
NULL, PETER, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#121, Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. thru 6/30/63. Co. I, 51st Va. Inf. PWR only.
NYE, GEORGE A. P.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 33. Pres. until WIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. B. 7/28/28 D. 12/4/78, Buried in Grassy Creek Twp, Ashe Co., NC, where he resided.
NYE, J. F., 38, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1047. 1st Corp.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/29/65.
OLIVER, GEORGE, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1333.
OLIVER, GEORGE, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#708. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from deformity of ankle joint. Age 43.
OLIVER, JAMES, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#426.
OLIVER, JOHN T., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#358.
OSBORNE, A., 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#94
OSBORNE, ALEXANDER, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#423. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from double hernia. Age 20.
OSBORNE, ALEXANDER, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#456.
OSBORNE, ALEXANDER: 33, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#389. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on B. 6/25/1827 D. 12/16/1862, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. L05.
OSBORNE, ALFRED, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#368.
OSBORNE, ALFRED WILSON: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#388. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. and later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/22/63. Pres. thru 8/31/63. Paid thru 3/31/63. He Dstd the 21st Va. Cav. and Enl. in Co. E, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/24/63 to 9/5/65. B. ca. 1843. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township. Resident of Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
OSBORNE, ANDREW, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#409. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. On leave 8/31/63. Absent sick on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64 muster rolls.
OSBORNE, ARIS, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#378. Co. G, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/24/63 to 9/5/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 20. Resident of Wheeler, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
OSBORNE, ARUS, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#33.
OSBORNE, BENJAMIN, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#447. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 8/10/63, brought horse in camp on 8/13/63. Died at Montgomery Springs Hospital 1/16/64, no cause given.
OSBORNE, C. A.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 9/1/61 in Wake Co., NC. Pres. until died of disease at Petersburg, VA of disease 2/20/62. Res. Alleghany Co., NC.
OSBORNE, CALEB, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#313. 1st Lt., North Fork Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commis- sioned on 3/19/62. Later served in Co. G, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 34. Res. of Ashe Co.
OSBORNE, CALVIN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#451. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from injury to left hip with shortening. Age 30.
OSBORNE, CALVIN: 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#255, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 27. AWOL on 8/6/62, returned to duty on 3/27/63. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD on 7/14/63, confined at Washington, DC, transf. to Point Lookout, MD on 8/9/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 3/20/64. AWOL on 4/22/64. WIA in some unrecorded battle. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
OSBORNE, DAVID, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#326. Co. G, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/24/63. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township. Enlisted at age 43.
OSBORNE, DAVID G., 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#456.
OSBORNE, DAVID: 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#761. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. B. 7/7/1824 D. 1/3/1909, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q46.
OSBORNE, ELI, 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#78. Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 10/1/63 at Camp Relief. On leave on 4/25/64. Age 42, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
OSBORNE, ENOCH, Jr.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 21. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/1/63. Taken POW at the Wilderness on 5/6/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, transf. to Elmira, NY on 8/8/64. Released on oath on 5/19/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
OSBORNE, ENOCH, Sr.: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#439. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 27. Died in hospital at Richmond on 11/7/62 of chronic diarrhea. Res. of Ashe Co.
OSBORNE, EPHRAIM, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#939. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 21. Deserted on 8/8/62.
OSBORNE, EPHRAIM: 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#438. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty under guard on 12/15/63, court-martialed and sentenced to five years imprisonment, returned to duty by 2/28/65, surrendered at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
OSBORNE, FOSTER, 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
OSBORNE, GEORGE: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#409. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/22/63. Discharged by order of Gen. Samuel Jones due to underage before 8/31/63. He also served Co. I, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 1/15/64 to 9/5/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, res. of North Fork Township. Enlisted at age 23. Resident of Wheeler, Ashe Co., NC in 1901. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. L04.
OSBORNE, GEORGE: 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#381. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. in camp on 8/14/64. Pres. thru 12/64.
OSBORNE, GRANVILLE HARRISON, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1135. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 20. Pres. until in hosp. at Richmond, VA 6/27/62 with gunshot wound. Place WIA not noted. Rtnd to duty 1/63, pres. until WIA left arm at Gettysburg, 7/1/63. Absent with wound until 11/63, when detailed to hosp. Rtnd to unit by 12/31/64. Pres. thru 2/28/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC. B. 8/8/1840 D. 1/13/1915, buried in Cem. T10.
OSBORNE, HENRY, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#488. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 10/21/63. Sick on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64.
OSBORNE, HIRAM, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#423. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. and later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. AWOL on 7/18/63, NFR.
OSBORNE, JACOB, 30, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#49 Age 49, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
OSBORNE, JASPER, 29, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#52, Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 30. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transf. to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Sick or AWOL thru 10/31/63, rtnd to duty, deserted 1/16/64, rtnd to duty, by 2/28/65, prom. to Sgt. Pres. until paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA 4/9/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
OSBORNE, JEREMIAH, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#424.
OSBORNE, JESSE, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#375.
OSBORNE, JESSE, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#593. Co. G, 1st NC Cav., conscripted in Wake Co. before 4/30/64, assigned to this company on 9/29/64. Pres. thru 12/31/64.
OSBORNE, JESSE H. (M.): 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1135. Sgt.: Co. F, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. A, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/1/63. Pres. thru 8/31/63. Probably left the 21st Va. Cav. and joined Co. C, McRae’s Battn. North Carolina Cav., enlisting in that unit on 11/10/63. Pres. thru at least 7/1/64. Age 14, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census.
OSBORNE, JOHN, 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#291
OSBORNE, JOHN, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#346.
OSBORNE, JOHN, Age 41, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
OSBORNE, JOHN S.: 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#463. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 22. Hospitalized at Gordonsville, VA on 9/17/62, reason not reported. Never rejoined the regiment.
OSBORNE, JONATHAN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 37. AWOL on 1-2/62 muster, Pres. on 3-4/62 muster. Deserted by 3/1/63.
OSBORNE, JONATHAN: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 22. Deserted on 11/28/62 “on the march from the valley of VA.” Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. and later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. AWOL from 7/18/63, then NFR. Probably from Ashe Co.
OSBORNE, LARKIN C.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of TN and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. Pres. thru 12/64.
OSBORNE, LEANDER: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Pres. until appoint 1st Lt. in unnamed Cav. unit. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
OSBORNE, MATHEW, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#94.
OSBORNE, MATHIAS C.: B. 11/24/1840 in Ashe Co., NC. Sgt., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 21. Promoted to Sgt. in 7/63. Hospitalized at Richmond, VA on 7/16/63 with gunshot wound in left arm, date and place WIA not recorded. Taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64, confined at Point Lookout, MD. Exchanged at Venus Point, Savannah River, GA on 11/15/64. Died after 1910.
OSBORNE, NOAH, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#411. Co. E, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/24/63 to 6/7/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Laurel Township. Enlisted at age 26. Resident of Solitude, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
OSBORNE, PHILIP, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#622.
OSBORNE, REEVES: 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#94. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 18. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. WIA in unrecorded battle. B. 12/25/42 D. 12/2/1926, buried in Ashe Cem. E39.
OSBORNE, RICHARD, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#389.
OSBORNE, RICHARD, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#378.
OSBORNE, THOMAS, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#593.
OSBORNE, THOMAS, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#326.
OSBORNE, WASHINGTON, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#326. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 27. Died in a Richmond hospital of typhoid fever on 8/15/62.
OSBORNE, WILEY, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#423. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. (service uncertain) and later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/21/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville 7/18/63.
OSBORNE, WILLIAM, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#386.
OSBORNE, WILLIAM, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#447.
OSBORNE, WILLIAM W., 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#593. Co. G, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/24/63 to 10/24/63. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 18. Probably resident of Ashe Co.
OSBORNE, WILLIAM: 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#257, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 24. Rejected because he only had one eye.
OSBORNE, WILSON: Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/16/63. Pres. on 8/31/63, then NFR. Probably from Ashe Co., NC or Johnson Co., TN.
OSBORNE, ZACHARIAH T., 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#257. Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Corp., Co. L, 45th VA, Enl. 9/3/61 at Big Sewell Mountain. Sick 11/61. Co. _, 23rd Battn. VA Inf. Enl. on 9/3/61 at Jeffersonville. He was prom. to Corp. on 6/63. Present until entered Richmond, VA hosp. on 5/64. He deserted on 6/22/64. Living in Smyth Co., VA in 1910, then age 66.
OSBORNE, ZACHARIAH: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1136. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transf. to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Pres. until paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA 4/9/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
OSBORNE, ZADOC, 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#2249, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. at Camp Gregg, VA on 3/29/63, age 34. Deserted before 9/1/63. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
OUTZMAN, JOHN, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#35.
OWENS, BENJAMIN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 21. Died on 11/14/61 of disease, place of death not recorded. Native of Ashe Co.
OWENS, ELIJAH, 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#231. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. WIA at Second Manassas on 8/29-30/62. AWOL by 11/2/62, returned to duty by 11/10/63, when he was reported MIA. Native Res. of Ashe Co. B. 5/19/1838 D. 5/7/1909, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. T34.
OWENS, GEORGE: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/24/61 at Independence. MWIA in throat. Died at Harrisonburg General Hospital on 5/22/64, place WIA not recorded.
OWENS, JOHN J.: 2nd Lt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. on 9/15/61, age 23. Promoted to Corp. by 3/1/62. Elected 2nd Lt. on 4/16/62. Dropped as Lt. on 8/12/62 “for cowardice at the battle of New Bern.” Reduce to private, continued to serve. WIA in arm at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, AWOl 7-8/63, returned to duty. Absent WIA on 5-10/64 muster. AWOL on 11/30/64, returned to duty by 2/28/65.
OWENS, WILLIAM FRANKLIN: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville. Shot and killed in NC before 1903.
OWENS, ZACHARIAH, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#95. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 33. MWIA in arm at Second Manassas on 8/29-30/63. Listed as a deserter by 10/31/62, returned to duty on 11/10/63. Died of wounds received at Manassas on 2/12/64, place not recorded.
OWERY, A. S.: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville as Sgt.
PALMER, WILLIAM: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Later served in the 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic nephritis. Age 47.
PALMER, WILLIAM: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 11/1/63 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until deserted 1/16/64.
PARCY, ELISHA, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#668
PARISH, PINKNEY: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 40. Hospitalized in a Richmond Hospital with a shell wound in the knee, place WIA not reported, returned to duty on 11/4/62. Discharged on 12/7/62, overage.
PARISH, PLEASANT: 12, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#203, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Surry Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. at age 18 on ?. Rejected for service on 11/20/61, reason not reported.
PARISH, ROBERT S.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/20/64 at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh. Taken POW at Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, held there until released on oath on 6/16/65. Res. of Cabarrus Co.
PARISH, WESLEY, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#72
PARISH, WILLIAM T.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 4/10/64. Pres. thru at least 12/23/64.
PARKER, J. W.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in 1/65. Discharged 7/9/65.
PARKER, JOHN A.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/11/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
PARKER, JONATHAN L.: B. 2/18/38 in Ashe Co., NC. 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#633. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL, later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/21/63. Enl. on 4/21/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville on 7/18/63. Later served as Corp., Co. E, 13th TN Cavalry, Enl. on 9/24/63, discharged on 5/24/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township. Res. Parker, Ashe Co., NC in 1901. D. 11/6/1915 in Ashe Co., NC.
PARKS, DeWITT C.: 2nd Lt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Res. of Wilkes or Iredell Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/21/61, age 30, as musician first bugler. Elected 2nd Lt. on 7/22/62, resigned 2/8/63 due to wounds received on 6/29/62. Resignation accepted on 2/21/63.
PARKS, JAMES H., 34, farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#6 Age 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PARKS, WILLIAM PRESTON: Bugler, Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was native to Iredell Co., a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/8/61, age 18. Pres. thru 12/64.
PARRISH, LINDAY, 25, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PARRISH, PINKEY, 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PARRISH, THOMAS, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1074.
PARRISH, WILLIAM, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1074.
PARSONS, _______: 2nd Lt., Pine Swamp Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62.
PARSONS, ALEXANDER D., 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#103, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 22. Promoted to 1st Sgt. by 4/30/62, reduced to ranks by 11/1/62 for AWOL. D. in hosp. at Richmond, VA on 1/30/63 of chronic diarrhea.
PARSONS, ALVIN D., 31, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#157, Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR.
PARSONS, CALLOWAY: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 5/27/61, age 21. Pres. thru 12/64.
PARSONS, CALVIN, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#775.
PARSONS, CHARLES M., 19, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#103
PARSONS, CRAIG S., 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#118, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Liberty Mills, VA on 12/12/63. Died in hospital at Lynchburg, VA on 4/28/64 of pneumonia.
PARSONS, FRANKLIN B., 23, Constable, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#103, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co. where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 24. Taken POW at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, sent to Old Capitol Prison. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 3/29/63. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, sent to Fort Delaware, hospitalized at Chester, PA on 8/10/63. Transf. to Point Lookout, MD on 10/2/63. Released on 1/29/64 when he Enl. in the U.S. Army.
PARSONS, GEORGE P., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#661. 1st Sgt: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. Promoted to Sgt. by 10/31/62. Promoted to 1st Sgt. on 9/20/63. Pres. until deserted on 2/6/65. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co. at enlistment.
PARSONS, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on B. 12/5/1835 D. 1/20/1905, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J12.
PARSONS, HAMILTON, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#537.
PARSONS, HENRY, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#537.
PARSONS, J. B., 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1019.
PARSONS, JAMES, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#614. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PARSONS, JAMES, 41, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#119
PARSONS, JOHN S.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 6/6/61 at unspecified location. Transf. to Co. A, 9th State Troops 7/31/61. Taken POW near Williamsport, MD 10/29/62, exchanged by 12/31/62, but never returned to duty, listed as a deserter. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PARSONS, JOHN: 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1286. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Discharged by civil authority on 12/8/64. Age at Enl. was 49/8/3, 5’5″, fair comp., light hair, blue eyes, born in Wilkes Co.
PARSONS, JOSEPH M., 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#122.
PARSONS, JUSTIN E., 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#103
PARSONS, KESTERSON: Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 1861. Age 25, At Home B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PARSONS, MARCUS D. L., 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#155, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 19. WIA in right thigh and taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, exchanged. AWOL 11-12/62. MWIA in thigh and elbow at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63. Died of wounds at Richmond, VA on 7/23/63. Nominated for the Badge of Distinction for gallantry at Chancellorsville.
PARSONS, MASTEN, 23, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PARSONS, MELVIN, 22, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PARSONS, ROBERT: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1099. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 23. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Taken POW near Philadelphia, TN on 10/20/63. Took the oath and released on 10/22/63.
PARSONS, ROBERT: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 4/2/63. Pres. 6/30/63. Taken POW at Moorefield, WV on 8/7/64, age 19, 5’6″, blue eyes, brown hair, farmer from Alleghany Co., NC. Transf. from Camp Chase to Point Lookout, MD for exchange on 3/18/65. Illiterate.
PARSONS, SOLOMON C., 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#145, Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co. and in Ashe Co. on 6/12/61, age 24. Taken POW near WILLIAMsport, MD 10/29/62, exchanged by 12/31/62. Pres. thru 12/64. Age 32, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PARSONS, W. H.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on
PARSONS, WILLIAM G., 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#143, Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co. and in Ashe Co. on 6/12/61, age 27. MWIA at Barbee’s Cross Roads, VA 11/5/62, died on 11/9/62.
PARSONS, WILLIAM M., 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#104, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native of Alleghany Co., Enl. on ?. Rejected for service on 11/20/61. Dropped from the rolls because he was underage and improperly Enl. ReEnl. in Co. K, 37th NC Inf. at Liberty Mills, VA on 12/12/63, age 16. AWOL 1- 8/64.
PARSONS, WILLIAM M.: 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1286. Sgt., Co. B, 4th VSL. Sgt., Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 4/2/63. Pres. 6/30/63. Taken POW at Moorefield, WV on 8/7/64, age 20, 5’4″, blue eyes, brown hair, farmer from Ashe Co., NC. Transf. from Camp Chase to Point Lookout, MD for exchange on 3/18/65. B. ca. 1844, 5’4″, dark hair, farmer, Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
PARSONS, WILLIAM R.: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#537. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Wilkes Co. and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. Died in the hospital at Staunton, VA on 5/2-10/63.
PASLEY, JOHN CALVIN, B. 1823. Age 49, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. ca. 1870.
PASLEY, JOHN H.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 9/1/61, age 35. Discharged on 5/25/63 when he Presented a false certificate of election as an officer. Carried as AWOL when discovered.
PASSMORE, COLUMBUS: 24, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#661 Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Died at Wilmington, NC on 5/27/1863.
PATE, SAMUEL M.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. at B Station on 5/21/61, age 30. Discharged on 12/1/62, for unrecorded reason.
PATRICK, CICERO, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1338.
PATRICK, DRURY, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#186.
PATRICK, GEORGE, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1338.
PATRICK, MARION, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1338.
PATRICK, SILAS, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1338.
PATRICK, WILLIAM: 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#187. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. age 48. Discharged by 11/1/62 for disability. Born in Rowan Co., Res. of Ashe Co. on enlistment.
PATRICK, WILLIAM: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 20. AWOL on 4/23/62. WIA at some point, AWOL again by 11/1/62, returned to duty on 4/17/63. WIA in right arm, hospitalized at Richmond on 7/11/63, place not recorded, returned to duty on 8/6/63. Deserted on 8/27/63.
PAYNE, W.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alexander Co., place and date of enlistment not recorded. Taken POW at Appomattox River, VA on 4/3/65, confined at Hart’s Island, NY Harbor, until released on oath 6/20/65.
PEARMAN, JAMES K.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR.
PECK, JOHN A.: 2nd Sgt., Co. B, 4th VA Reserve Inf., Enl. on 4/16/64 at Independence. AWOL 8/31/64.
PENDERGRASS, ALEXANDER, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1105. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 11/20/63 at Liberty Mills, VA. KIA at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64.
PENDERGRASS, JOSHUA: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 30. Pres. until WIA left hip at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. In Hosp. at Gettysburg, transf. to Baltimore 7/19/63, held there until transf. to City Point for exchange 8/20/63. Rtnd to duty 9/27/63, pres. until deserted 11/5/64, took the oath at City Point, VA 11/6/64. Res. Stagg’s Creek Twp. Ashe Co., NC.
PENNINGTON, ABLE: Co. F, Enl. 5/6/62 at Glade Springs, due $50 bounty. Sick at home 5/3/63. AWOL 9/21/63-2/10/64, again 6/25/64. Deserted 7/11/64 at Marietta. Took the oath at Chattanooga 7/14/64. Dark comp. & hair, blue eyes, 5’11”, Res. of Washington Co., had volunteered for CSA service. Released North of the Ohio. He also served in the Washington Co. Militia. He was B. 5/17/1837 in Ashe Co., NC. D. 9/18/1920, Washington Co., VA, buried in the Green Cove Cem., Washington Co., VA. He filed pension application 7/20/1907 in Washington Co., VA. Brother of Andrew J., Calloway, Eli, and Samuel.
PENNINGTON, ABRAHAM, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1265. Co. F, 63rd VA Inf., Res. Washington Co., PWR.
PENNINGTON, ANDREW: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#208. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 22. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 3/9/64, Pres. thru 2/28/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
PENNINGTON, ANDREW: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 29. AWOL on 4/23/62, returned to duty by 6/30/63. Deserted on 8/27/63.
PENNINGTON, CICERO, 12, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#812.
PENNINGTON, DOUGLAS: 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#814. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on
PENNINGTON, E.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic ulcerations of bowels. Age 46.
PENNINGTON, ELI: Co. F, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. 5/6/62 at Glade Springs, due $50 bounty. Deserted 7/3/64 at Marietta, GA. Took the oath 7/14/64 at Chattanooga, TN. Res. Washington: Co., VA, dark comp. & hair, hazel eyes, 5’11”, had volunteered for CSA service. Released North of the Ohio. B. 1840, Ashe Co., NC, died after 1906 in Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Cem. A08.
PENNINGTON, ELIJAH, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#457. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 40/1/13, 5’5″, light comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
PENNINGTON, ELISHA, 24, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1131 (HH#816). Captain Baker’s Grayson Co. Home Guard.
PENNINGTON, HARVEY, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#597. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis pulmonalis. Age 37.
PENNINGTON, JOSHUA, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1221.
PENNINGTON, LARKIN, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#453.
PENNINGTON, MONFORT, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#217.
PENNINGTON, NELSON: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/2/64 in Ashe Co. Pres. thru 8/31/64. AWOL by 10/31/64, rtnd to duty by 12/31/64. Pres. until deserted to enemy 2/5/65, confined at Washington, DC, until released on taking the oath 2/13/65.
PENNINGTON, SAMUEL: Co. F, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. 1/28/64 at Dalton, GA by Capt. Eller. Hosp. at Griffin, GA 5/25/64, then NFR. Res. Smyth Co. B. 9/7/1845 in Ashe Co., NC. D. 6/30/1932 and is buried in the Troutdale Cem., Troutdale: Grayson Co., VA. According to family tradition he Enl. prior to the battle of Chickamauga. Additionally this tradition indicates that he received a minor wound at some unknown battle in GA. Further, he supposedly could shoot the eye out of a squirrel at 100 yards and swam the Chattahoochee River with General S. D. Lee. He was married to Sarah Ann Huffman Lewis on 1/26/1867, widow of CSA veteran William Lewis.
PENNINGTON, STEPHEN K., 39, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#812. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 37.
PENNINGTON, THORNTON, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1266.
PENNINGTON, WILLIAM ANDERSON: 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#814. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/21/63. Taken POW at Chambersburg, PA on 8/1/64, sent to Fort Delaware. Died there on 9/7/64 of hemorrhage of bowels. Buried in the Finns Point National Cem., NJ.
PENNINGTON, WILLIAM B.: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#467. Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/28/61 at Fox Creek. Left sick at Meadow Bluff, WV on 9/30/61, then NFR.
PENNINGTON, WILLIAM: 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#717. Co. B, 4th VA Reserve Inf., Enl. on 4/16/64 at Independence. Pres. on 8/31/64.
PENNINGTON, WILLIAM: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general debility and was small. Age 23.
PENNINGTON, WILLIAM: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general infirmity and asthma. Age 46.
PENNINGTON, WILLIAM: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., age 21. Pres. until WIA in left leg at Gettysburg, 7/1/63, taken POW, confined at various Federal Hosps until confined at Baltimore, MD 9/25/63, transf. to City Point for exchange 9/27/63. Rtnd to duty by 2/29/64. Pres. until taken POW at Deep Bottom, VA 8/16/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, until released on Enl. in Co. C, 4th U.S. Vol. Inf. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
PEPERS, DANIEL, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1055.
PEPERS, DAVID, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1060.
PEPERS, REUBEN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1055.
PERKINS, A. S.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 45/10/8, 5’5″, dark comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co.
PERKINS, CHARLES LUTHER, B. 9/3/1846 on Buffalo Creek, Ashe Co., NC. Age 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#501.
PERKINS, DAVID: 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#138. Co. C, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general exostasis. Age 46.
PERKINS, H. HARRISON: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#191. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from fracture, malalignment of right leg. Age 23.
PERKINS, JAMES M.: Corp., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 21. KIA near Big Creek Gap, TN on 11/28/62. B. 10/15/1841 D. 11/28/1862, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B17.
PERKINS, JOHN, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#137.
PERKINS, LEWIS WILLIAM, B. 7/12/1824 in Ashe Co., NC. Age 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#135. D. 10/8/1912 in Ashe Co., NC. Buried in the Perkins Cem., Ashe Co., NC.
PERKINS, RILEY: 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#191. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Pres. until reported MIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/3/63, NFR.
PERKINS, TIMOTHY J.: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#191. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 22. Pres. until KIA at Malvern Hill, VA 7/1/62.
PERKINS, W. H.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from gunshot wound of hand. Age 18.
PERKINS, WILLIAM, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1128.
PERKINS, WILLIAM H.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 20. Pres. until discharged 7/20/62 when he provided a substitute. B. 7/28/41 D. 6/20/1916. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Cem. P06.
PERMANUS, W.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 46/5/15, 5’5″, dark comp., grey eyes, farmer, born in Grayson Co.
PERRY, BASIL, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#689. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 12/28/61 in Wake Co., age 18. WIA at Ox Hill, VA on 9/1/62. Furloughed for 90 days on 1/24/63. Died of disease, date and place of death not recorded. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
PERRY, CALVIN: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/30/62 in Ashe Co., NC. NFR. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
PERRY, DAVID, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#877.
PERRY, E.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/62, age 20. Died in a Richmond Hospital on 5/18/62 of rubeola or typhoid fever.
PERRY, HIRAM, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#876. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 4/10/62 in Lenoir Co., age 26. WIA at Frayser’s Farm on 6/30/62, MWIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63, died by 1/1/64 of wounds at home in Ashe Co.
PERRY, ISHAM: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47/2/4, 5’6″, dark comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co.
PERRY, JESSE, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#876.
PERRY, JONATHAN, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#247. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, age 22. MWIA at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, died in hospital in Richmond on 9/2/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
PERRY, LEVI, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#258. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
PERRY, M.: Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from some affection of head. Age 18.
PERRY, RICHARD: 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#658. Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from fistula in perinea. Age 36.
PERRY, STEPHEN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, VA, age 25. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/1/63, deserted again on 10/12/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
PERRY, WILLIAM: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1303. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 20. MWIA in knee, hospitalized in Richmond, VA on 6/29/62. Died in hospital on 7/16/62 of pyaemia.
PERRY, WILLIAM: 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1201. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 25. Died at Gordsonville, VA on 10/20/62, cause not listed.
PETTY, JOHN, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#52
PETTY, JOHN: 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#258, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Yadkin Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. Deserted on 7/30/62. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. at 6/30/63, the NFR. Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 12/1/63 at Camp Relief. Taken POW at Cloyd’s Farm, sent to Camp Chase. Age 20, farm laborer, 1860 Alleghany Co., NC Census. Native of Yadkin Co., NC. Age 32, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. in Alleghany Co. in 1935. Buried in the Prather’s Creek Regular Baptist Church Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
PHILLIPS, ELI: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of TN and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. WIA at Gettysburg 7/3/63, leg amputated, then NFR.
PHILLIPS, ELIHU EMORY: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 26. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 10/1/1832 D. 6/6/1920, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. T13.
PHILLIPS, GEORGE H., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#55. 1st Sgt.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. 7/8/62, aged 27. Taken POW at Wilson’s Gap, TN on 6/22/63, exchanged. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 10/64. B. 2/1/1834 D. 1/26/1920, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N10.
PHILLIPS, GEORGE H.: Capt., Pine Swamp Dist., 97th Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Volunteered for regular service.
PHILLIPS, HAMILTON, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#82.
PHILLIPS, HUGH, 21, Miller, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#120. Co. H, 3rd NC Mounted Infantry, served from 1/11/65 to 8/8/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Pine Swamp Township.
PHILLIPS, J. L.: Unit ?, Capt. B. 9/7/1835 D. 1/24/1865, Buried in Watauga Co. Cem. W02.
PHILLIPS, JACKSON: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only.
PHILLIPS, JOHN: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of TN and Enl. in Ashe Co. on 3/7/62. Died 7/2/62 of disease.
PHILLIPS, KIRBY, 30, At Home B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PHILLIPS, LEONARD, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#54.
PHILLIPS, NATHAN, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#79.
PHILLIPS, NATHAN, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#49.
PHILLIPS, PEYTON, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#85.
PHILLIPS, RANSOM, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1279. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 30. Discharged on 3/23/63 for dropsy of the abdomen and partial paralysis of the left arm. B. 7/10/1837 D. 8/12/1912, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. E24.
PHILLIPS, RANSOM: 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#120, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from partial paralysis of left arm. Age 25.
PHILLIPS, THOMAS P.: Acting Captain, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Served as 2nd Lt. of Co. I. Acting Captain in 5-6/64.
PHILLIPS, URIAH, 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PHILLIPS, WESLEY, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#13.
PHILLIPS, WILLIAM C.: Capt. Unit ?. B. 12/15/1840 in England D. 4/19/1923, buried in Ashe Cem. L04.
PHILLIPS, WILLIAM, Co. H, 3rd NC Mounted Infantry, served from 1/25/65 to 8/8/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Pine Swamp Town- ship.
PHILLIPS, WILLIAM P.: Col., Co. I/F&S, 32nd NC Inf., B. 8/7/1844 D. 3/27/1933, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. T02.
PHILLIPS, ZACHARIAH: 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#120, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Stokes Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. WIA in neck at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62, returned to duty by 2/28/63. WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1-5/63. Hospitalized at David’s Island, NY Harbor on 7/17/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 9/16/63. Pres. thru 2/28/65.
PHIPPS, AARON B., 26, Teacher, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#93. Age 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PHIPPS, ALEXANDER, 16, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#101. Age 25, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PHIPPS, BENJAMIN, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#867. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 23. Pres. until deserted 8/10/62. Sgt.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Sgt., Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63. On clothing receipt dated 8/64. B. 1839 in Ashe Co., NC. D. 1879
PHIPPS, COLUMBUS, 22, At Home B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PHIPPS, DAVID: 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#86. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 28. Deserted on 6/20/63, returned to duty on 11/8/63. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H., VA on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, transf. to Elmira, NY on 8/8/64, where he died on 9/3/64 of chronic diarrhea.
PHIPPS, ELI, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#839. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
PHIPPS, ELIJAH, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1046. Capt., Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Resigned on 12/10/64, accepted as he was “wholly incompetent”. Age at Enl. was 48/6/20, 5’8″, dark comp. and hair, blue eyes, born in Ashe Co. Farmer.
PHIPPS, ENOCH, 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#702, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62 age 30. AWOL 7-10/63. KIA at Reams’ Station, VA on 8/25/64.
PHIPPS, HARDIN, 43, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#567, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Transf. to Camp Stokes on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48/2/26, 5’6″, dark comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co.
PHIPPS, HORTON: 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#835. Co. F, 22nd NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. on ?. Taken POW at Appomattox River, VA on 4/3/65. Confined at Hart’s Island, NY Harbor, until released on oath on 6/14/65.
PHIPPS, J. C., 25, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PHIPPS, JAMES HARVEY, 40, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#728. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 45/4/26, 5’9´”, dark comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. B. 1819 D. 1884, buried in the Phipps Family Cem., Old Field Creek, Ashe Co., NC.
PHIPPS, JEHU: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Transf. to Camp Stokes by 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47/10/-, 6′, dark comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co.
PHIPPS, JOHN, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#101
PHIPPS, JOHN, 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PHIPPS, JOHN, 44, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#88
PHIPPS, JORDAN, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#850.
PHIPPS, JOSEPH, 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#571.
PHIPPS, JOSEPH P.: 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#290, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Corp., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Wake Co. on 5/27/61, age 21. Promoted to corp. on 12/20/62. Taken POW at Appomattox River, VA on 4/3/65, confined at Hart’s Island, where he died on 6/18/65 of chronic diarrhea. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PHIPPS, LARKIN, 24, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#86.
PHIPPS, MARION, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#290. Age 26, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PHIPPS, NATHANIEL, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#867. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 26. Pres. until taken WIA & taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transf. to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Rtnd to duty 8/14/62, pres. until AWOL by 2/28/63, rtnd to duty 5/13/63. WIA in right arm and left hand at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Taken by Amish Family in PA, they sheltered him, he worked the fields for them. Rtnd South post-war. B. 1835 D. 1915. Buried in the Phipps Family Cem., (New River Baptist Church Cem.), Weaver’s Ford, Ashe Co., NC.
PHIPPS, NOAH WEBSTER: B 2/16/1833 in Ashe Co., NC, Age 27, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#511. Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. 8/16/62 at Camp Williams. Sick at home 3/1/63. Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 12/16/1916, buried in a family cemetery, Piney Creek, Alleghany Co., NC.
PHIPPS, ROBERT, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#847. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
PHIPPS, SAMUEL, 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#290
PHIPPS, THOMAS M., 28, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#833. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 26. Deserted on 11/26/62, returned to duty by 2/28/63, deserted again on 5/13/63. Later in Co. C, 45th VA Inf. Enl. 12/21/63 at New River Bridge. Sick 3/1/64. Status not stated last roll. D. 10/16/1901. B. 9/16/1827 D. 10/16/1901, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. C23. Grayson Co. pension list.??
PHIPPS, WESLEY, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#850.
PHIPPS, WILLIAM C.: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#839. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63, then NFR. Apparently later served in Co. A, 2nd NC Cav., Enl. on 9/27/64 in Wake Co., NC. Pres. thru 9/30/64. Age 18, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census.
PHIPPS, WILLIAM J. W.: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1046. Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. 3/4/64 in Independence, age 18, 5’7¨”, dark hair, grey eyes. Received clothing 4th quarter 1864. Grayson Co. Pension List.? D. of scarlet fever between 1912 and 1932.
PHIPPS, WILLIAM: 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#835. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 46/0/1, 5’9″, light comp., white hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
PICKLE, ALEXANDER: 13, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#893. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 1861. Died of disease.
PIERCE, ANDREW JACKSON, 40, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1023. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48, 5’6″, fair comp., sandy hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Iredell Co. Also shown in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic rheumatism. Age 46. B. 12/9/1817 D. 11/9/1906, buried in Ashe Cem. C14.
PIERCE, JEFFERSON, 42, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#893.
PIERCE, RUFUS KINCANNON, 36, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#822. Co. C, 8th VA Cav., Reenl. on 4/27/62 at Crump’s Bottom, WV, probably originally Enl. on 7/27/61 in Grayson Co. Absent sick 7/62. Also shown as Capt., Chestnut Hill Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. B. 10/11/1832 D. 2/23/1898, buried in Ashe Co., NC. Photo of him in Ashe County North Carolina Heritage Book.
PIKE, ALLISON, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#942.
PIKE, JOHN, 30, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#273
PILES, ALFRED M.: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#909. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Alamance Co. on 3/1/64. Pres. thru 11/64. Paroled at Greensboro, NC on 5/17/65.
PILKENTON, M., 29, B. SC, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#89.
PINKNEY, PARISH, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#70
PLEASANTS, JAMES, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#621.
PLEASANTS, JOSEPH, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1376.
PLEASANTS, WILLIAM, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#133.
PLESS, SOLOMON: Corp., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 8/27/64, as a private. Promoted to Corp. before 10/31/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
PLUMMER, GEORGE W.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Pres. thru 12/64.
PLUMMER, J. C., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#810.
PLUMMER, J. M., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1027.
PLUMMER, JAMES, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1040. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis. Age 38.
PLUMMER, JESSE B., 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#966. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 33. Deserted on 12/22/62, returned by 2/28/63. Discharged on 11/28/63 by reason of amputation of left leg about three inches below knee joint caused by a large sloughing ulcer.
PLUMMER, JESSE REEVES: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1000. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 23. Pres. until transf. to Co. A, 9th NC State Troops 7/31/61. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Transf. from Co. A, 26th NC Inf. on 7/31/61. Enl. in Capt. A. N. McMillan’s Co. in Ashe Co. on 11/10/63, while on leave to obtain a mount, appointed 1st Lt. in that unit, which became Co. C, McRae’s North Carolina Cav. Battn., later back to Co. A, 9th NC Cav. and was Pres. thru 12/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
PLUMMER, JOHN C., 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1000. 2nd Lt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 28. Elected 2nd Lt. 5/17/61. Resigned 7/29/61 no reason given. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. at camp on 5/1/64. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 3/4/1832 D. 5/6/1894, buried in Ashe Cem. B44. Res. Ashe Co., NC, member Masonic Lodge.
PLUMMER, JOHN: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. in camp on 6/10/64. AWOL by 8/31/64.
PLUMMER, JULIAN C., 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1268. C., Corp.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 16. Promoted to Corp. by 2/28/63. WIA in right arm at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/64, returned to duty by 10/31/63. KIA at Gravel Hill, VA on 7/28/64.
PLUMMER, MITCHELL, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#857. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 22. Prom. to Sgt. 7/30/61, reduced to Pvt. 11/1/61. Pres. until MWIA 7/1/63. Died 7/16/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
PLUMMER, SAMUEL, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#576. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 9/1/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Pres. until discharged by reason of disability 8/10/62. B. 7/1/31 D. 5/26/1911. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Cem. G20.
PLUMMER, WESLEY: Co. B, 4th VSL. Later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
PLUMMER, WILLIAM, 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1268. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
POE, GEORGE, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#911. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 16. Died at Goldsboro, NC on 3/9/62 of disease.
POE, JAMES M., 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#911. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. AWOL on 3-4/62 muster roll, returned to duty. MWIA at some point in the war, died on 9/4/62.
POE, JOHN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#245.
POE, MATHIAS: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. WIA at some point. AWOL by 11/1/62, returned to duty by 11/15/63, deserted on 2/8/64.
POE, PARKER, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#926.
POE, TIMOTHY, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#237.
POE, WILLIAM: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#756. Sgt., Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR. B. 9/22/1845 D. 12/21/1920, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J45.
POLLARD, J. W. S., 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#441
POLLARD, JAMES, 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#441
POLLARD, JAMES, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#401
POLLARD, JOHN, 27, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#543, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 26. KIA at Mechanicsville on 6/26/62.
POLLARD, THOMAS, 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#441
POOL, HARRISON: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 3/31/62 at Independence. Detached as a shoemaker at Dublin on 12/12/62. Deserted by 11/29/63, taken into custody by Federal soldiers in Hawkins Co., TN on 12/19/63. Took oath at Louisville and sent north of the Ohio on 12/23/63.
POOL, JOHN, 29, B. VA, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#667
POOL, NATHAN, 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
POPE, ALEXANDER, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#499.
POPE, GEORGE W.: 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1114. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from anchylosis of ankle joint. Age 38.
POPE, JAMES L., 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#499. Co. H, 52nd NC Inf., Enl. on 11/11/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 30. Pres. or accounted for (mostly sick) until he deserted 12/63. Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
POPE, JOHN, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#448.
POPE, LEANDER J.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 12/5/63 in Burke Co.
POPE, THOMAS, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#393. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 2/27/63. Later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. Age 26, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census, farmer.
POPE, WILLIAM, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1353. 2nd Corp.: Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 1/16/63. Later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville on 7/18/63.
POPE, WILLIAM, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1296.
POREMAN, JAMES K., 15, B. VA, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#43
POREMAN, JOHN, 39, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#43
PORTER, ALLEN, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1254.
PORTER, HARVEY B.: 2nd Lt., Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/24/61 at Independence. Promoted to 2nd Sgt. by 10/31/62, elected 2nd Lt. on 3/30/63. KIA on 8/25/64, buried in the Stonewall Cem., Winchester, VA.
PORTER, JAMES A., 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#868. Pvt./3rd Lt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 34. Elected 3rd Lt. 7/30/61. Taken POW at New Bern 3/25/62, exchanged. Pres. until defeated for reelection 4/21/62. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
PORTER, JAMES H.: 30, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#714. Co. C, 8th VA Cav., Enl. on ?. Taken POW in Cabell Co. on 4/5/63, sent to Camp Chase. Died there on 10/20/63. Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
PORTER, JOHN A.: Lt.: Co. C, 45th VA, PWR.
PORTER, RILEY, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1255.
PORTER, ROBERT, 35, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#43
PORTER, THOMAS, 18, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#43
PORTER, WILLIAM: Lt., Unit. ?. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N23.
POTTER, JOHN: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/24/61, age 24. Pres. thru 12/64.
POTTER, LEVI, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#353. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Native of Ashe Co., where he enlisted on 9/14/61, age 15. Rejected for service, later served in Co. D, 58th NC.
POTTER, NOAH J., Co. E, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 22. May have been a resident of Ashe Co.
POWELL, GEORGE F. C., 24, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#209, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 24. WIA at Frayser’s Farmer, VA on 6/20/62. Returned to duty prior to 10/31/62. Deserted at Cumberland Gap, TN in 3/64, released on oath on 3/30/64 at Louis- ville.
POWERS, DREWEY, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1138. 1st Lt., Piney Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commis- sioned on 2/17/62.
POWERS, ENOCH, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1138.
POWERS, HARDEN, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#790.
POWERS, J. S.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 6/6/64, then NFR.
POWERS, JAMES: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 28. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 10/64. B. 4/26/1831 D. 4/26/1903, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F19.
POWERS, JOHN, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1140.
POWERS, JOHN, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1177.
POWERS, JOSEPH H., 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1138. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 22. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. Listed on PWR of Co. I2, 21st VA Cav.
POWERS, L.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Furloughed on 2/28/65.
POWERS, MAJOR, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1085.
POWERS, WILLIAM, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#777.
PRATHER, ELISHA F.: 1st Lt., Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 5/1/64 in Ashe Co. Deserted on 1/12/65 at Goldsboro, NC. Res. of Helton, Ashe Co.
PRATHER, HENDRIN M.: 38, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#955. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Age at Enl. was 46/4/-, 6′, light comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co.
PRATT, JAMES A.: 2nd Lt.: Co. D, 4th VSL. Commissioned 2nd Lt. of Inf. on 9/26/62. On August’s list of VSL Officers prepared on 1/27/63. This Co. became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville as 2nd Lt. Living in Pulaski Co. in 1910, age 61.
PRICE, ALEXANDER: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 46/6/20, 5’2″, fair comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
PRICE, ALFRED, 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1082. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves. Father of Linville Price. Brother of Nathaniel Price, captain of Ashe Co., NC Home Guard and member of Co. A, 9th NC Cav.
PRICE, DAVID, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1227. Co. I, 2nd WV Cavalry, Enl. on 4/30/63.
PRICE, DAVID, 41, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PRICE, GEORGE L., 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#296. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native of Chatham Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/8/62, age 30. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 8/64. B. 2/4/1832 D. 12/14/1911, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J32.
PRICE, HARRISON, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#255. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR.
PRICE, HIRAM: Hung in Jefferson for being a Unionist in late 1862.
PRICE, JESSE: Hung in Jefferson for being a Unionist in late 1862.
PRICE, JOHN, Jr., 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#63, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 30. WIA at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62, absent thru 10/63. Discharged on 2/2/64 for phthisis pulmonalis.
PRICE, JOHN WILLIAM: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. Transf. to Co. A, 9th North Carolina Cav. on 3/13/62. He died on 5/15/62 of disease. Res. of Ashe Co.
PRICE, JOHN: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1079. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Pres. until KIA at Malvern Hill, VA 7/1/62. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
PRICE, LEFTRIDGE, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1226.
PRICE, LINVILLE, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1075. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 21. Deserted on 7/30/62. Co. B, 4th VSL. He had previously Enl. in Co. A, 34th NC Inf. on 8/10/61 in Ashe Co., NC and Dstd on 7/30/62. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63. Res. of Whitetop: Grayson Co., Va. Served time at Castle Thunder Prison for activities with the Heroes of America–a pro-Union organization which operated in parts of the upper South particularly in NC, East Tenn. and SWVA.
PRICE, MOSES, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1226. Hung in Jefferson for being a Unionist in late 1862. Cut down before he died, revived. Later joined Co. I, 2nd WV Cavalry, Enl. on 11/1/63. Later served in Co. ?, 13th TN Cav. Resident of Wheeler, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
PRICE, NATHANIEL, 35, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#630. Sgt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/20/61, age 35, as a pvt. Appointed corp. by 12/31/61. Promoted to Sgt. 11/8/62. Admitted to hospital in Richmond, VA on 5/27/64, with a gunshot wound in the thigh, furloughed for 60 days 7/17/64, did not return, and was listed as AWOL from 10/12/64. Capt., Ashe Co. Home Guard. Previously served as Sgt. in Co. A, 9th NC State Troops (1st NC Cav.).
PRICE, SAMUEL, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#395.
PRICE, SOLOMON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#402. Hung in Jefferson for being a Unionist in late 1862.
PRICE, SOLOMON, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#339. Co. G, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 39. Deserted.
PRICE, THOMAS, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#399. Co. I, ___?, widow, Diadamy, mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township.
PRICE, TIMOTHY, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1226. Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 22.
PRICE, WILLIAM, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#402. Co. I, 2nd WV Cavalry. Enl. on 4/28/63.
PRICE, WILLIAM, 45 B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#255. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48/7/13, light comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
PRICE, WILLIAM W., Co. G, 13th TN Cavalry. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 18. Deserted.
PRICE, ZACHARIAH, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1226. Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 18.
PRICHET, JOSHUA: 41, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#165, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PRITCHETT, TILLEY, F., 23, Domestic Servant, B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PRIVETT, SAMPSON C., 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1151. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Enl. in Ashe Co., NC on 3/17/64. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H., VA on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, and then to Elmira, NY, where he died of chronic diarrhea on 1/1/65.
PROFITT, WILLIAM, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#76.
PRUITT, ESQUIRE, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#623.
PRUITT, HENDERSON, 44, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#248. Co. C, 4th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, served 10/4/64 to 6/14/66. Resident of Sparta. Age 51, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans Census.
PRUITT, JACOB, 17, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#253, Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63. Deserted and took amnesty oath at Charleston, WV on 2/6/65, 5’10”, blue eyes, brown hair, age 22. B. 1842 in Alleghany Co. Age 26, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 1910 in Alleghany Co. Buried in the Booker Taylor Cem.
PRUITT, JOEL, 27, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PRUITT, JOHN W., 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#248. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 24. Promoted to Sgt. on 4/19/62. WIA at some point. AWOL by 9/6/62, reduced to pvt. Returned to duty on 8/27/63. Deserted by 4/30/64. Took the oath at Charleston, WV on 2/6/65.
PRUITT, JOHN: 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#502, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 19. Died in hospital in Richmond, VA on 7/28/62 of typhoid fever.
PRUITT, JOHN: 2nd Lt., Cranberry Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 10/26/61.
PRUITT, MARTIN, 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PRUITT, SHADRACK B.: 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#253, Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. thru 6/30/63, then NFR.
PRUITT, THOMAS, 26, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Unit ?, mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans Census, but no unit given. Resident of Piney Fork township.
PRUITT, THOMAS: 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#248, Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enlisted on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63, then NFR. B. 1/13/1845 in Alleghany Co., NC, D. 1/18/1908 in Alleghany Co., NC, buried in the W. R. Pruitt Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
PRUITT, TOBIAS, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#248, Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. and Enl. on 4/2/63. Died on 10/13/64 at Winchester, Va. then age 20. Res. of Alleghany Co., NC. Brother of Thomas.
PRUITT, WASHINGTON, 24, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#253
PRUITT, WASHINGTON, 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PUCKETT, R. A.: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville.
PUGH, ALEX, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#153
PUGH, ALEXANDER, 23, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PUGH, DAVID, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#202
PUGH, DAVID, 47, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PUGH, J. M., 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#425
PUGH, JOHN, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#425
PUGH, JOHN A.: 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#153, Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Pres. on 6/30/63. Died of smallpox, no date listed. Buried in the Lynchburg Cem.
PUGH, JOHN L., 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#411, 1st Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Grayson Co., Res. of Alleghany Co. on 9/15/61, age 34. Promoted to 1st Sgt. Deserted on 7/20/62, reduced to ranks, returned to duty by 6/30/63. WIA in left hip and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-5/63. Hospitalized at David’s Island, NY Harbor on 7/17/63. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 9/16/63, returned to duty by 4/30/64. WIA in right arm at Spotsylvania C.H., VA on 5/12/64, returned to duty by 21/31/64. WIA by 2/28/65. Paroled at Farmville, VA on 4/11-21/65.
PUGH, JOHN Y., 43, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PUGH, LEE WESLEY: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. at Liberty Mills, VA on 3/23/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD, held there until released on the oath on 6/16/65. B. 1845. D. 10/5/1910, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K13.
PUGH, LEWELLYN, 40, B. VA, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#430. Age 51, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
PUGH, PELSEY, 19, laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#9
PUGH, SAMUEL J., 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#430
PUGH, WILLIAM, 25, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#205
PUGH, ZACHERY T., Co. D, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 10/1/64, age 18. Probably resident of Grayson Co. or Ashe Co., NC.
RAGAN, CHARLTON H.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Previously served as Sgt. in Co. A, 25th NC Inf. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 3/9/63. KIA at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63, while “gallantly commanding his company.”
RASH, JOSEPH, Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 1/15/64, age 27.
RASH, LINSEY R., Co. A, 3rd NC Mounted Infantry, served from 6/3/64 to ?. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township.
RAY, GEORGE W., 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#133. Co ?, 26th Pennsylvania Infantry, served from 3/31/64 to 9/25/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Old Fields Township.
RAY, GEORGE W.: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#129. Saddler, Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/27/61 age 33, as a private. Appointed saddler on 9/1/63. Deserted 3/20/64, surrendered to Federal troops, took oath and sent north.
RAY, GEORGE W.: Lt. Col./Col., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned Lt. Col. on 9/16/62. Promoted to Col. after Gentry’s resignation. Commanding Ashe County Militia (Home Guard) on 10/20/64.
RAY, GEORGE W.: 1st Lt., Jefferson Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 4/1/62.
RAY, GEORGE W.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 19. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. Deserted and took the oath at Washington, DC on 3/10/65, furnished transportation to Cincinnati, Ohio.
RAY, HAMILTON: 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#129. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from paralysis. Discharged. Age 41.
RAY, HARRISON C.: 2nd Lt., Old Fields Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62.
RAY, HENRY H.: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#23. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/27/61, age 24. Pres. thru 12/64. B. 4/27/1837 D. 9/19/1912, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S13.
RAY, HENRY: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1337. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 23. Pres. thru 8/3/63. KIA or died of wounds or disease, while in service, but no date, circumstance or place given.
RAY, HILTON H.: 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#140. 1st Lt., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe, where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 33, 3rd Lt. Promoted to 3rd Lt. by 6/30/63. Promoted to 1st Lt. on 9/30/63. Pres. thru 10/64. Deserted 2/24/65.
RAY, HIRAM, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#3.
RAY, JAMES J.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 27. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. Deserted and took the oath at Washington, DC on 3/10/65, furnished transportation to Cincinnati, Ohio. B. 9/16/1835 D. 12/1/1881, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N24.
RAY, JAMES M.: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#148. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 21. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64. Deserted and took the oath at Washington, DC on 3/10/65, furnished transportation to Cincinnati, Ohio.
RAY, JAMES: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/24/61, age 30. Taken POW at Williamsport, MD on 10/29/62, exchanged by 12/31/62. WIA in leg 5/12/64, furloughed from hospital for 60 days from 7/11/64, never returned to duty. Listed as AWOL by 9/30/64. B. 4/2/1842 D. 2/27/1876 (murdered), buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S04.
RAY, JESSE, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#42. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/25/61, age 18. Pres. thru 12/64.
RAY, JESSE, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#9.
RAY, JOHN A.: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#23. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 4/9/63, age 18. Pres. thru 12/64.
RAY, JOHN A.: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#148. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Previously served in Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, transf. back to Co. A, 9th NC Cav. on 6/6/63. Pres. thru 11/64. Deserted and took the oath at Washington, DC on 3/10/65, furnished transportation to Cincinnati, Ohio.
RAY, JOHN H.: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#129. 2nd Lt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Res. of Ashe Co. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 5/16/61, age 20. Resigned on 10/4/61. ReEnl. in Co. D, 5th NC Cav. Battn. Transf. back to this company on 6/6/63. Pres. thru 12/64.
RAY, JOHN M.: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1337. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Transferred from Co. A, 9th NC Cav. on 6/6/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Deserted in Clay Co., KY on 8/5/63, took the oath on 9/28/63, Co. E, 48th Kentucky Infantry, served from 9/21/63 to 12/15/64. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Old Fields Township.
RAY, JOHN W.: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#43. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 27. Detailed as a wagoner from 2/1-6/30/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
RAY, JORDAN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#140.
RAY, MARCUS, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#140.
RAY, PHAROAH J.: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#42. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 19. Transferred to Co. A, 9th NC Cav. on 6/6/63. AWOL by 10/31/63.
RAY, SAMUEL: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 17. Pres. until transferred to Co. A, 9th NC State Troops 7/31/61. Appointed blacksmith by 12/31/61, ranked as private in 1/62. Detailed as wagoner from 3/25/62-8/31/64. Pres. thru 12/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
RAY, THOMAS C.: 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#122. 2nd. Lt., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav. only, Native Res. of Ashe, where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 29. He died at Big Creek, Gap, TN on 2/22/63.
RAY, WASHINGTON: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1337. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from rheumatism. Age 19.
RAY, WELBORN, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#19. 2nd Lt., Jefferson Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 4/1/62.
RAY, WILEY: Johnson Co., TN Home Guard.
RAY, WILLIAM, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#148.
RAY, WILLIAM, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#696.
RAY, WILLIAM, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#23. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/24/61. Taken POW at some point in late 1862, exchanged at City Point, VA 11/18/62. Pres. thru 12/64. Taken POW in Watauga Co., NC on 4/18/65, sent to Louisville, KY, released on oath 6/16/65.
RAYNES, SAMUEL: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. Res. of Giles Co., Va.
REAVICE, WILLIAM: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/28/63 in Burke Co. On furlough 12/5/63.
RECTOR, WARREN, 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
REDMON, DANIEL, 30, Carpenter, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
REEDY, CALVIN, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#993.
REEDY, CALVIN N.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Pres. until WIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-3/63. Rtnd to duty by 2/29/64, pres. until paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA 4/9/65. Res. Helton Twp., Ashe Co., NC. Farmer and deacon at Big Helton Primitive Baptist Church.
REEDY, DAVID, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#992.
REEDY, GEORGE, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#651.
REEDY, JESSE: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 11/24/63. Pres. until went AWOL 12/1/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
REEDY, JOSEPH, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#983. Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on 9/25/61 at Meadow Bluff, WV. Listed as MIA at Hanover Junction, VA on 5/24/64.
REEDY, WILLIAM, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#399
REEVES, ALEXANDER, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1048.
REEVES, ANDREW, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1347.
REEVES, ANDREW McMILLAN, 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#714. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 22, as Pvt. Prom. to Sgt. 9/5/61, reduced back to ranks by 4/30/62. Pres. until WIA in right arm & Taken POW at Gettysburg 7/1-4/63. Hosp. in Gettysburg, PA until transferred to David’s Island, NY Harbor by 7/24/63. Paroled and transferred to City Point for exchange 8/28/63. Transferred to McRae’s Cavalry Battn., where elected 2nd Lt. Served there thru 2//5/64, then NFR. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 10/6/64. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 2/27/39. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 4/15/1920, buried in Senter Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Nathan’s Creek, Ashe Co., NC.
REEVES, CALVIN, 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#713, 2nd Lt., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 29. Resigned on or about 8/5/61.
REEVES, CHARLES, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#738. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Transferred from Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav. on 6/6/63, never reported, deserted after transfer was arranged. Later Enl. in Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 30. AWOL when transferred to Co. A, 9th NC Cav. on 6/6/63, never served there, later reenl. in this unit. B. 4/25/1832 D. 10/19/1898, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q38.
REEVES, CICERO, 14, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#281. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on ?. Pres. thru 12/64.
REEVES, ENOCH: Unit ?., Died in service per pension records.
REEVES, FELIX P., 20, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#281.
REEVES, GEORGE D., 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#713. Co. B, 4th VA Reserve Inf., Enl. on 4/16/64 at Independence. Pres. on 8/31/64. Age 34, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
REEVES, GEORGE WASHINGTON, 1st Lt.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC. Elected 1st Lt. 5/17/61. Taken POW 3/25/62 at New Bern, paroled 3/25/62. Defeated for reelection 4/21/1862. Post-war res. Ashe Co., NC. B. 4/25/12 in Grayson Co., VA D. 10/18/96, Ashe Co., NC.
REEVES, GILES, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1048. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 20. Died 3/9/63 at Big Creek Gap, TN.
REEVES, HAMILTON, 16, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#281.
REEVES, HARDIN, 43, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#443, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 49/1/13, 5’6″, dark comp., gray hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co. Age 50, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
REEVES, HORTON S.: 27, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#211, 2nd Lt., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 29. Defeated for reelection on 5/25/62. Age 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
REEVES, JAMES, 44, farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#115
REEVES, JESSE A., 45, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#281. 2nd Lt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 46. Elected 5/17/61, pres. until defeated for reelection 4/21/62. Res. Grayson Co., VA.
REEVES, JESSE F.: 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#56. Capt., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. at age 27. Elected Capt. on 5/27/61. Resigned on 9/15/61.
REEVES, JOHN C.: 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#713, 5th Sgt., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 27. Taken POW at Hatcher’s Run, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where held until released on oath on 6/17/65. WIA in some unrecorded battle.
REEVES, JOSHUA, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#443. Age 23, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
REEVES, MELVIN, 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#713
REEVES, PRESTON B.: 32, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#711, 1st Lt./Capt., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Resided in Alleghany Co. where he Enl. age 36. Elected 1st Lt. on 9/15/61. Died 5/31/62 of disease.
REEVES, WILEY W.: 12, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#235. Sgt., Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 10/1/64 in Ashe Co. In hospital at Goldsboro 1/25/65 with measles.
REEVES, WILLIAM B.: Age 23, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#259. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 24. Mustered in as Corp., reduced to pvt. 4/17/62. Pres. until paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA 4/9/65. Age 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
REEVES, WILLIAM: 18, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#281. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 20. Pres. until reported MIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Res. Grayson Co., VA.
REICH, CHARLES E. C.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 5/1/64. Deserted on or about 2/25/65, released on oath on 2/27/65.
REID, JACKSON: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#861. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 17. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transferred to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Rtnd to duty prior 11/1/62. Pres. until deserted 8/1/63. Res. Wilkes Co., NC.
REYNOLDS, ISOM, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#493
REYNOLDS, MARTIN: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Stokes on 12/13/64. Pres. thru 2/28/65.-
REYNOLDS, NATHANIEL A.: 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#538, 1st Lt., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. He was a Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 27, as a private. Elected 1st Lt. on 5/15/62. Resigned on 10/9/62 by reason of chronic ill health. Died in hospital at Staunton, VA on 12/21/62 of chronic diarrhea.
REYNOLDS, NATHANIEL: 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#493, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 19. WIA in hand at Seven Pines on 5/31/62, returned to duty. MWIA at Wilderness on 5/5/64, died of wounds at Staunton, VA on 6/20-1/64 of wounds.
REYNOLDS, THOMAS: Co. D, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 39.
REYNOLDS, WILLIAM: 26, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#139, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 29. Died in camp or hospital at Richmond, VA on 7/14/62 of disease.
REYNOLDS, WILSON, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#493, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 47/10/13, 6′, dark comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Wilkes Co.
RHEA, SAMUEL, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1369.
RHINEHARDT, JOHN W.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/15/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where he died on 4/20/65 of pneumonia.
RICHARDS, MATHIAS: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63.
RICHARDSON, ALEXANDER, 55, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, ALLEN M., 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#958. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 31. WIA in left arm near Mechanicsville, VA on 6/26/62. AWOL by 8/6/62, status changed to deserter by 8/31/63. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 4/2/63. On leave 6/30/63, then NFR.
RICHARDSON, ALVIN, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#75, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 27. Deserted on 6/8/62. Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, ANDREW, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#692.
RICHARDSON, ANDREW, 22, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, ANDREW, 29, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#666. Age 43, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, CALEB, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#287, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 19. Absent, WIA in 10/62. WIA – blinded in one eye at Chancellors- ville, VA on 5/2/63. Deserted on 6/12/63, took the oath on 12/30/64. Age 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, CALLOWAY, 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#530. Co. B, 1st TN Light Artillery, served 12/12/64 to 7/20/65, per 1890 Union Veterans Census of Alleghany County, NC. Resident of Piney Fork Township.
RICHARDSON, CANADA, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#959. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 30. Pres. until died before 4/30/62. No date, cause or place of death reported.
RICHARDSON, CANADA B.: 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#67 1st Lt., Cranberry Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 10/26/61. Age 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, CLAYBORN, 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#285. Co. B, 1st TN Light Artillery, served 12/12/64 to 7/20/65, per 1890 Union Veterans Census of Alleghany County, NC. Resident of Piney Fork Township. Age 53, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, DANIEL, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#671, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on . Bro. of David.
RICHARDSON, DAVID, 21, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#672, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on. Age 30, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, DRURY, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#301, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/19/65. Age at Enl. was 45/4/3, light comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
RICHARDSON, ELBERT, 18, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#831. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until he died at Carolina City of disease.
RICHARDSON, ELI, 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#287. Co. B, 1st TN Light Artillery, served 12/12/64 to 7/20/65, per 1890 Union Veterans Census of Alleghany County, NC. Resident of Piney Fork Township. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, ELI F., 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#530. Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Wake Co. on 5/27/61, age 19. Deserted on 6/12/63, took the oath on 12/30/64. Age 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, ELI#2, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#288
RICHARDSON, FIELDS, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#580. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from inguinal hernia. Age 26.
RICHARDSON, GEORGE W., 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#575. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 18. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, confined at Fort Delaware until transferred to Point Lookout, MD in 10/63. Paroled at Point Lookout, exchanged at City Point, VA on 3/6/64, returned to duty. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
RICHARDSON, ISHAM: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on
RICHARDSON, JAMES “Mean Jim”: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#751. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63. B. ca. 1835, farmer, res. of Ashe Co., NC. D. ca. 1870 in Ashe Co. or Watauga Co., NC.
RICHARDSON, JAMES, 22, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, JAMES, 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, JAMES G.: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#961. Sgt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 17, as a pvt. Promoted to Sgt. before 2/28/63. MWIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/64, died in Richmond on 6/1/63 of wounds.
RICHARDSON, JAMES, Sr.: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1232. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 23. WIA in left thigh near Richmond, VA on 6/28/62. Returned to duty prior on 3/1/63, Pres. until taken POW at Hatcher’s Run, VA on 4/1/65, confined at Point Lookout, MD until released on oath on 6/17/65.
RICHARDSON, JAMES: 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#420. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 30. Taken POW at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 8/5/62, deserted same day. Returned to duty by 10/31/63. AWOL from 9/64 – 1/65. Deserted to enemy, took the oath at Louisville, KY on 2/20/65.
RICHARDSON, JEHU, 12, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#831.
RICHARDSON, JOHN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#968.
RICHARDSON, JOHN R., 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#66, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. Died at Lynchburg, VA on 8/19/62 of typhoid fever.
RICHARDSON, JOHN: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#836. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 18. Pres. until WIA in left shoulder at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty prior to Gettysburg, where he was taken POW. Sent to Fort Delaware on 7/7/63, transferred to Point Lookout, MD on 10/15-8/63, exchanged at City Point, VA on 4/30/64. Absent with leave thru 10/64.
RICHARDSON, JOHN: 40, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#831. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 49, 5’9″, light comp., red hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
RICHARDSON, JOHN: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 20. KIA at New Bern on 3/14/62.
RICHARDSON, JOSEPH B.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 9/1/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 30, occupation farmer. Pres. until discharged for disability 1/15/62. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. at Camp Holmes on 7/25/64. Taken POW near Hatcher’s Run, VA on 4/1/65, held at Point Lookout until released on oath on 6/17/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
RICHARDSON, JOSEPH: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#491. Co. H, 52nd NC Inf., Enl. on 11/11/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 26. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD on 7/14/63, sent to Baltimore, MD and then to Point Lookout, MD on 8/20/63 where held until he died on 4/5/64 of chilbains & diarrhea. Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
RICHARDSON, JOSHUA, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#751. Corp., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19, as a private. Promoted to Corp. on 5/1/64. WIA in left arm at Ream’s Station, VA on 8/25/64, left arm amputated. Retired for disability on 12/28/64. B. 7//25/1842 D. 2/18/1926, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q28.
RICHARDSON, MARION, 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#160
RICHARDSON, MATHIAS, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#491.
RICHARDSON, MEREDITH, 21, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#530. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, NATHAN, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1327.
RICHARDSON, NATHAN, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1209.
RICHARDSON, RICHARD, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#962. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 29. Died at Goldsboro, NC on 3/10/62 of disease.
RICHARDSON, ROBERT, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#836. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 18. Pres. thru 2/63. At home sick in 7-8/63. Died at home, unknown date and cause.
RICHARDSON, SOLOMON, 16, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#831.
RICHARDSON, THOMAS, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#287. Age 31, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#287
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#969.
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#692.
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM A.: 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#167 Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native of Alleghany Co., Enl. on ?. AWOL on 11/20/61.
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM: 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#160, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 21. AWOL 11-12/62, absent sick 1-2/63, AWOL 7- 10/63, returned to duty by 12/31/63. Discharged on 1/23/65 for general disability. B. 3/15/1839 D. 8/13/1884, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q04.
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM: 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#968. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
RICHEY, M. W., 48, Miller, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
RIGGS, THOMAS: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He Enl. in Ashe Co. on 6/3/64, then NFR.
RIGSBY, WILLIAM, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1095.
RIMER, MIKEL, 35, B. Ireland, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1045.
ROARK, ABSALOM: 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#425. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. 7/28/63. Pres. on 8/31/63.
ROARK, ALEXANDER: 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#328. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 12/22/64, bounty due. Pres. 12/31/64,
ROARK, ALFRED, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#310.
ROARK, ALVIN, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#605. Co. H, 52nd NC Inf., Enl. on 11/11/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 25. Deserted on 11/25/62. Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
ROARK, ANDREW, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#539.
ROARK, CALVIN, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#541.
ROARK, CHARLES, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1352.
ROARK, CHARLES, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#701. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general debility. Age 37.
ROARK, CHARLES: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1297. Co. E, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on ?. Taken POW near Lexington, VA on 6/11/64, age 31 in 6/64, 5’8″, black hair, hazel eyes, farmer, from Ashe Co., NC. Held at prison in Wheeling, WV, until transferred to Camp Chase on 9/16/64, released on oath 5/15/65.
ROARK, DAVID, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#392. Co. H, 52nd NC Inf., Enl. on 11/11/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 27. Deserted on 11/25/62. Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
ROARK, EPHRAIM, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#374. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. Deserted in 3/62. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 3/31/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville on 7/18/63. Age 16, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census. Died of disease at Nashville while serving in Co. G, 13th Tenn. Cav. (Federal) on 3/24/64.
ROARK, HARVEY J., 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#328. Co. H, 52nd NC Inf., Enl. on 11/11/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 23. Died on 6/9/63 in Lynchburg, VA Hosp. of typhoid fever. Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
ROARK, ISAAC, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#494. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/21/63. AWOL on 8/31/63. Pres. on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64, with government horse. Age 23, farmer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census.
ROARK, JESSE, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#606. Co. I, 2nd West Virginia Infantry, served from 7/11/63 to 7/4/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Stagg’s Creek Township.
ROARK, JESSE, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#687. Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from a fracture of thigh with shortening. Age 36.
ROARK, JOHN, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#610.
ROARK, JOHN, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#605.
ROARK, JOHNSON, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#539. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/16/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville on 7/18/63. B. 8/10/1843 in Ashe Co. D. 11/17/1927 in Ashe Co. Buried in Cem. L05. Brother of Jonathan.
ROARK, JONATHAN, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#539. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/16/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville on 7/18/63.
ROARK, JOSHUA: May have served in Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL and later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/21/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville on 7/18/63. B. 1830 in Ashe Co. D. 1892 in Ashe Co. Buried in Cem. J43. Probably a res. of Johnson Co., Tenn. in 1860.
ROARK, MICAHEL: 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#427. Capt., North Fork Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62.
ROARK, NATHANIEL W.: Co. H, 52nd NC Inf., Enl. on 11/11/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 27. Deserted on 1/6/63. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/21/63. Pres. on 8/31/63 and 8/31/64. Indebted to the CSA one gun $40. On detached service on 10/31/64, on horse detail on 12/31/64. Literate. Res. of Ashe Co., NC. Moved to Unicoi Co., TN postwar, received pension there.
ROARK, SOLOMON, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1198. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on
ROARK, TIMOTHY, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#628. Co. I, 2nd WV Cavalry, Enl. on 8/28/63.
ROARK, WILBORN, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#611. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 12/1/64, bounty due. Pres. on 12/31/64.
ROARK, WILEY, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#328.
ROARK, WILLIAM, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#311. Co. A, 2nd NC Cav., Enl. on 9/27/64 in Wake Co. Pres. thru 9/30/64.
ROARK, WILLIAM, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#540.
ROARK, WILLIAM, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#686.
ROARK, WILLIAM, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#311.
ROARK, WILLIAM B.: 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#330. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/24/61, age 25. Pres. thru 12/64.
ROARK, WILLIAM: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on
ROARK, WILLIAM: Co. A, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only.
ROARK, WILLIAM: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
ROBBINS, HIRAM, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#546.
ROBBINS, JAMES, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#546.
ROBBINS, THOMAS, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#546. Corp., Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Watauga Co. on 9/14/61, age 20. Promoted to Corp. by 4/30/63. WIA in right hip at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. Died on 5/31/64, cause or place not recorded.
ROBBINS, WILLIAM R.: Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Watauga Co. on 9/14/61, age 22. WIA at Gaines’ Mill, VA on 6/27/62, returned to duty on 11/1/62. KIA at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62.
ROBERSON, JAMES H.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Pres. until WIA at Bristoe Station 10/14/63. Rtnd to duty prior to 1/1/64, pres. until MIA at Wilderness, VA 5/5/64.
ROBERSON, JOHN E.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
ROBERSON, JOHN W.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 2/27/62. Died of disease at Marion, VA on 3/1/63.
ROBERTS, AMBROSE J.: Capt., Galde Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 5/15/62.
ROBERTS, CLARK, 22, At Home B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ROBERTS, D. D., 23, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ROBERTS, EZRA H., 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#450. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on
ROBERTS, J. F., 36, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ROBERTS, JAMES, 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#646
ROBERTS, WILLIAM J.: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1224. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from catalepsy. Age 18.
ROBINSON, JOHN A.: Co. A, 6th NC Inf. B. 3/29/1847 D. 3/31/1923, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. S04.
ROBINSON, MICHAEL, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#498.
ROBINSON, WILLIAM C.: Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL and later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63.
ROLAND, JOHN M., Blacksmith, Co. E, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 26. Resident of Ashe Co.
ROLLINS, H. H., 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1370.
ROLLINS, JOHN C.: Co. F, 4th VA, Enl. on ?. Deserted in 1865, paroled at Clarksburg, WV on 5/23/65, age 19, painter, 5’5″, hazel eyes, light hair, fair comp.
ROLLINS, WILLIAM S.: Corp., Co. K, 64th VA Mounted Inf. Enl. on 9/11/62 at Jonesville. Sick at Holston Springs Hosp. 6/26/63. Pres. 6/30/64. Paroled 4/28/65 at Cumberland Gap as 1st Corp.. B. ca. 1839 in Ashe Co., NC.
ROONS, DANIEL, 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#341
ROONS, MARTIN, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#341
ROOP, JOHN M., 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#874. Co. A, 2nd NC Cav., Enl. on 9/27/64 in Wake Co., NC. Pres. thru 9/30/64. 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ROOP, JACOB C., 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#419, 2nd Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 27. Promoted to Sgt. by 3/1/62. Deserted on 6/8/62, reduced to ranks. Returned to duty by 12/12/63. Pres. thru 2/28/65 but sick most of the period. Pension application says he lost his right eye at Liberty Hill, VA on 4/15/64 and right leg was amputated from WIA at Rapidan River, VA on 5/1/64. Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ROOP, JOHN, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#308, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 25. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. AWOL on 2/20/64, returned to duty by 4/30/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ROOP, KING M., 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1163. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl.
ROOP, WILLIAM, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1165. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek.
ROSE, ALEXANDER: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 10/5/64 at Camp Holmes. Discharged on 12/1/64 for injuries received from a falling log, then age 20. Born in Hyde Co.
ROSE, BRYANT: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#776. Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. WIA at Gaines’ Mill on 6/3/64 in arm. Taken POW at Harrisonburg on 9/23/64, sent to Point Lookout on 10/20/64. Exchanged on 10/30/64.
ROSE, LEWIS, 49, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
ROSE, WYATT, Unit ?. Served from Jan. 1863 to 7/6/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Horse Creek Township.
ROSS, JOHN, 41, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#110
ROSS, JOHN: Captain, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Alleghany at age 43. Elected Captain on 9/15/61. Resigned on 3/9/63 because of his deteriorating health.
ROSS, L. W.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only.
ROSS, LEWIS: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Pres. on 2/28/65. B. 3/19/1820 D. 3/6/1911, buried in Alleghany Co. Cem. Z03.
ROSS, PORTER, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#819.
ROSS, REUBEN C.: Co. B, 4th VA Reserve Inf., Enl. on 4/16/64 at Independence. Pres. on 8/31/64
ROSS, WILLIAM N., 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#110, 2nd Lt.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. Promoted to Sgt by 3/1/62. WIA in face at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62. Returned to duty by 8/31/63. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 11/11/63. MWIA in right hip at Five Forks, VA on 4/2/65. Taken POW, hospitalized at Fort Monroe where he died of wounds and typhoid pneumonia on 5/5/65.
ROSS, WILLIAM: Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek. Died of disease.
ROSS, WYATT: 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#772. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on
ROTEN, ANDREW, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#527.
ROTEN, ASHLEY, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1339. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 24. Pres. until deserted 8/1/63. B. 1832 D. 1912. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Cem. V05.
ROTEN, CALVIN, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#527.
ROTEN, DAVID, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#443. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 32. KIA at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
ROTEN, DAVID, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#619.
ROTEN, JACOB, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#649. Moved to Custer Co., NE in 1880s.
ROTEN, JACOB, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#476. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 7/10/63. Brought horse to camp on 7/12/63. Deserted on 12/14/63. Taken POW 3/17/64 and held as a rebel deserter in Morristown, TN. Co. G, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/25/64, age 35. B. 1/27/1824 D. 8/20/1901, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J03.
ROTEN, JACOB: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#527. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 23. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Deserted 2/10/64.
ROTEN, JAMES, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#493.
ROTEN, JOHN, Farmer, 36, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#1. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from disease of breast and side. Age 38.
ROTEN, JOHN L.: 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#443. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 22. Died 11/27/62 near Big Creek Gap, TN.
ROTEN, JOHN W.: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1339. Pvt. Enl. 4/13/63 in Grayson Co., Va. Assigned from Camp Lee 4/28/63. Deserted 6/8/63 at Hamilton, N.C. Co. E, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/24/63, age 30. Discharged on 7/19/65.
ROTEN, JONATHAN: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 9/1/61 in Carteret Co., NC. Pres. until died in hosp. of disease 12/1/61.
ROTEN, JOSIAH G.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 19. Deserted in 7/63, returned to duty on 9/1/63. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/6-12/64, sent to Elmira, NY, exchanged at Venus Point on 11/15/64. Absent with leave thru 2/28/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
ROTEN, JOSIAH: Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 7/10/63. Brought horse to camp on 7/12/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. Age 16, 1860 Ashe Co. Census.
ROTEN, SIDNEY, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#496.
ROTEN, SOLOMON, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#524.
ROTEN, TOLBERT: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 5/29/61 in Wytheville. Sick 7/62. Taken POW at Piedmont on 6/5/64, sent to Camp Morton, where he died of inflamed lungs on 11/22/64, buried in the Greenlawn Cem., grave 1171.
ROTEN, WILLIAM SANDERS, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#527. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 7/10/63. Brought horse to camp on 7/12/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. B. 7/22/1838 in Ashe Co. D. 7/22/1925 in Ashe Co. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J15.
ROTEN, WILLIAM: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#492. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 22. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/1/63. Taken POW at Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, released on oath on 6/17/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
ROUSE, JOHN H., 25, B., VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1116.
ROWLAND, CALVIN: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Enl. in Co. A, 2nd NC Cav. on 9/27/64 in Wake Co. Pres. thru 9/30/64.
ROWLAND, JACOB: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 24. Taken POW 7/30/63 at Big Hill, KY, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Transferred to Fort Delaware on 2/29/64, released on taking the oath 6/19/65.
ROWLAND, WILLIAM M.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 22. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
ROYAL, FRANKLIN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 11/4/63. Deserted on 2/8/64.
ROYAL, JOHN O.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 34. Deserted “on top of Blue Ridge” on 6/20/63.
ROYAL, JOHN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 11/4/63. Deserted on 2/8/64.
ROYAL, THOMAS, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#247. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/3/61, age 21. Pres. thru 12/64.
ROYAL, WILLIAM M., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#678. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co., age 28. WIA during 7-10/62, place not recorded. WIA at Chancellorsville 5/1-4/63. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 10/28/63. Taken POW at Wilderness or Spottsylvania C.H. on 5/6-12/64, sent to Point Lookout, transferred to Elmira, NY, where he died od diarrhea on 3/19/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
ROYAL, WILLIAM: Co. D, 33rd NC Inf. B. 1812 D. 1896. Buried in Alleghany Co. (285)
ROYAL, WILSON, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#27, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on .
RUNELS, THOMAS, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#213.
RUSSELL, JOHN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#553.
RUSSELL, R. W., 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#760.
RUSSELL, RICHARD, 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#474
RUSSELL, WILLIS: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#553. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/25/61, age 33. Appointed blacksmith by 10/31/62. Deserted 8/25/63, took the oath 9/27/63 and sent to Philadelphia, PA.
RUTHERFORD, FIELDS, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#882. Living in Center District HH#49, 1870 Wyoming Co., WV Census.
RUTHERFORD, THOMAS: Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Mustered in as Pvt. Prom. to Corp. by 4/30/62. Pres. until deserted 8/10/62. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Artillery, VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63, then NFR. Age 21, farm laborer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census.
SAFERIGHT, R. ALFRED, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#208. Corp., Co. A, 22nd NC Inf., Enl. on ?. Paroled at Salisbury, NC on 5/12/65. Age 35, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SAFERIGHT, WILLIAM, 24, farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#42.
SAGE, JOHN, 16, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#726.
SAGE, JONATHAN, 38, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#726. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from a hernia. Age 42.
SAGE, STEPHEN W., 13, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#726. Grayson Co. Peneioneer.
SANDERS, ALEXANDER, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1090. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 4/20/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 16. Pres. until WIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-3/63. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD 7/14/63, Confined at Point Lookout, MD until Enl. in Co. A, 1st U.S. Volunteer Inf. B. Ashe Co., NC ca. 1847.
SANDERS, ALFRED, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#210.
SANDERS, ALFRED, 18, B. VA, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#60.
SANDERS, HENRY, 22, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#51, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on. Age 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SANDERS, PETER, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1090.
SANDERS, RICHARD, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#312. Age 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SANDERS, RILEY P.: 20, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#44, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 27. WIA in left hand near Petersburg on 7/22/64, one finger amputated. AWOL on 9/7/64, then NFR. Age 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SANDERS, V. G., 43, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#715.
SANDERS, WILLIAM, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#210, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 4/1/64. WIA in thigh near the Wilderness in 5/64. AWOL from 9/7/64. NFR.
SANDERS, WILLIAM, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1090.
SANDERS, WILLIAM, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#903.
SANDERS, WILLIAM: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 29. WIA in back and right shoulder and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, sent to Fort Delaware. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 8/1/63. Returned to duty by 12/31/63. Paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA on 4/9/65. B. 4/1/33 D. 5/9/93, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. G01.
SAPP, ALFRED, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#260.
SAPP, DAVID, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#253. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 7/10/63. Brought into camp on 7/12/63. Pres. thru 12/31/64. B. 3/8/24 in Ashe Co. D. 1/31/1907 in Ashe Co., NC, buried in the Sapp Family Cemtery, Ashe Co. Brother of Jessee.
SAPP, JAMES, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#454.
SAPP, JESSE, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#259. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 12/1/63. AWOL on 10/31/64. B. 11/2/1825 in Ashe Co. D. 4/21/1896 in Ashe Co., buried in the Sapp Family Cem. “From tradition, he ran a still for the [CSA] government during the War Between the States. Some soldiers from the Union Army came by and he was supposed to have killed two of them.” – Elizabeth Caulder, from A Few Steps Back with the Sapp Family.
SAPP, JOHN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#253.
SAUNDERS, PETER: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 20. Pres. until he deserted 1/18/64.
SAWYERS, BIRD, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1222.
SCOTT, HENRY H., 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#30. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from sore leg. Age 37.
SCOTT, JAMES A., 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#45. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native of Caswell Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/8/62. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
SCOTT, JOHN KENLEY: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. 2/1/63 in Salem. AWOL on 1/20/64. Died in Ohio, cause of death unknown.
SCOTT, LUTHER RICE, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#29. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Campbell Co., TN on 7/25/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 10/64. B. 1/26/1844 D. 7/1/1885, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. R07.
SCOTT, WILLIAM D., 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#316, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 22. Died at Alegour, VA on 9/23/62 of “camp fever.”.
SEHORN, CHARLES E.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native of Cabarrus Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. 7/8/62, age 31. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Taken POW in Clay Co., KY on 8/5/63, released on oath and bond on 8/28/63.
SENTER, DANIEL BOWERS: Co. I, 51st VA, Enl. on 7/30/62 in Grayson Co. Taken POW at Waynesboro on 3/2/65, sent to Fort Delaware on 3/12/65, released on 6/19/65, Res. of Ashe Co., NC, light comp., light hair, grey eyes, 5’10”.
SENTER, JAMES: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. May have later served in Co. D, 1st NC Junior Reserves, enl. there on 5/1/64 in Ashe Co., NC and was pres. until hosp. at Goldsboro, NC on 2/15/65 with measles.
SENTER, JESSE LEVI, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#857.
SENTER, JOHN M.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf., Enl. 9/1/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 45. Pres. until taken taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transfered to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Discharged for disability when exchanged. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic diarrhea. Age 48. B. 1815. D. 1886. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Father of Joseph C. who served in the 26th NC Inf.
SENTER, JOSEPH C., 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#857. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 20. Pres. until taken taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transfered to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Rtnd to duty prior to 9/1/62. AWOL from 11/62 thru 6/63. Rtnd to duty, Pres. until KIA at Bristoe Station, VA 10/14/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
SENTER, WILLIAM, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#857.
SENTER, WILLIAM N.: B. 11/7/1818 in Ashe Co., NC. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Age at Enl. was 46/6/16, 5’9´”, light comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. Also shown in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic ulcer of leg. Age 46.
SEVERT, ENOCH, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#189. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. AWOL on 9/1/62, returned on 2/2/63. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned on 1/16/64. WIA in left hand at Wilderness on 5/6/64. Returned to duty by 10/31/64. Surrendered at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. May have been WIA at Appomattox. Res. of Ashe Co. B. 5/1/1844 D. 11/6/1917, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P11.
SEVERT, FREDERICK, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#172. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. B. 7/14/1827 D. 12/4/1906, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N08.
SEVERT, GEORGE, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#102.
SEVERT, HENRY: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/23/61, age 31. Died at Camp Ashe, near Centerville, VA on 12/1/61 of thypoid fever. B. 3/8/1830. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P11.
SEVERT, JOHN, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#754. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from sore legs. Age 42.
SEVERT, JOHN: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#102. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. WIA in head at Gettysburg on 7/1-3/63, returned to duty by 9/1/63. Taken POW near Petersburg, VA on 6/22/64, sent to Point Lookout, until exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River on 3/16/65. Native Res. of Ashe Co. B. 5/10/1841 D. 4/4/1924, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P11.
SEVERT, SILAS, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#103. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. Absent WIA 7-10/62, place not reported. Deserted 5/19/63, returned to duty on 10/20/63, WIA at Liberty Mills, VA on 4/15/64, hospitalized at Danville on 5/18/64, had been WIA. Returned to duty by 12/31/64. Taken POW at Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, held until he took the oath of 6/29/65. Res. of Ashe Co. B. 2/2/1825 D. 8/22/1918, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. V08.
SEVERT, WILEY, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#185. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 21. WIA in face at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Died at Richmond on 3/2/63 of typhoid fever. Res. of Ashe Co.
SEXTON, ALEXANDER, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1178.
SEXTON, ANDREW JACKSON, 15 B. VA, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#307.
SEXTON, ARCHIBALD, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1178. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. F15.
SEXTON, CALVIN J.: 26 B. VA, Blacksmith, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#54, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/62, age 23. Pres. thru 5/3/63, then NFR.
SEXTON, DAVID, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1283. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma. Age 42.
SEXTON, DAVID, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#529. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma. Age 42. Age 47, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SEXTON, ELIJAH P., Co. K, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 11/1/64, age 18.
SEXTON, HIRAM, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1288.
SEXTON, HIRAM, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1284.
SEXTON, JOHN, 18 B VA, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#54.
SEXTON, JONATHAN, 16, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#307, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 18. Pres. thru 12/1/64.
SEXTON, JOSEPH, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#780. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 28. AWOL on 9/1/63, returned to duty by 4/30/64. Taken POW at Petersburg on 7/28-30/64, sent to Point Lookout, transf. to Elmira, NY on 8/8/64, died there on 1/15/65 of variola. Res. of Ashe Co.
SEXTON, MARION, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1288. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 21. AWOL on 11/1/62, returned to duty, deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty on 12/15/63, court- martialed and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment at hard-labor. Deserted on 12/16/64. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
SEXTON, REUBEN, Age 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1285. Claimed to have voted for Abe Lincoln in the 1860 election. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. WIA in shoulder and taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, hospitalized in New York City on 6/25/62. Sent to Fort Columbus on 8/14/62, transf. to Fort Delaware on 8/23/62, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River on 10/6/62. Absent and disabled with wounds, discharged on 1/17/64. Shown in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from paralysis of right arm from gunshot wound. Age 37. Shot and killed near his home on Little Helton Creek, Ashe Co., NC on 5/6/1885 by Floyd West. Buried in the family cemetery on Helton Creek.
SEXTON, THORNTON, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1288. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. AWOL 2/6/63, returned to duty by 9/30/63. MWIA near Turkey Hill, VA on 6/2/64, died on 6/5/64, place not reported.
SEXTON, WASHINGTON, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1178. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek.
SHADE, J.: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. in 1862, PWR only.
SHANNON, JAMES NEWTON: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. at Camp Holmes, near Raleigh on 917/64. Taken POW near Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout where held until released on oath on 6/19/65. Res. of Union Co.
SHARPE, JAMES W. B.: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He Enl. at camp on 5/10/64. Pres. thru 12/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA 4/9/65. Age 35, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SHARPE, JAMES WASHINGTON: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 9/1/63. Hospitalized at Petersburg on 6/23/64, had been WIA. Deserted by 8/28/64, returned to duty by 10/31/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/3/65, sent to Hart’s Island, NY Harbor, where he died on 6/28/65 of typhoid pneumonia.
SHATLEY, JOHN, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#929. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Age at Enl. was 49/6/20, 5’10”, light comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Wilkes Co.
SHATLEY, RILEY, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#929. Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 5/1/64 in Ashe Co. Furloughed 1/15/65 for 21 days.
SHAW, ALFRED G., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#304. Grayson Co., VA. Pensioneer.
SHAW, D. N.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
SHAW, DRURY: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 46, 5’10”, dark comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
SHAW, L. D., Co. C, 1st PA Artillery, served from 4/17/61 to 4/65. Resident of Sparta. Mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans Census.
SHAW, WILLIAM, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#335. Age 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SHEARS, A. B.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from “fracture extr. moleolsis.” Age 47.
SHEETS, ABRAHAM B.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 at Camp French, Petersburg, VA, age 32. Pres. until WIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Rtnd to duty by 4/30/64. “Straggled” on 5/6/64 taken POW near Spotsylvania C.H. Sent to Point Lookout, MD, held there until transfered to Cox’s Wharves, James River, VA 2/15/65 for exchange. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
SHEETS, ABSALOM: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 4/15/63 in Greene Co. Pres. thru 6/30/63. NFR. Prob. KIA at Gettysburg.
SHEETS, ADAM: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
SHEETS, ALFRED: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 4/15/63 in Greene Co. Pres. thru 6/30/63. NFR. B. 3/30/34 D. 1888. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Cem. Q11.
SHEETS, CALVIN, 33, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#808. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic tonsilitis. Age 37.
SHEETS, CALVIN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. Died on 2/3 or 15/62 of disease.
SHEETS, DANIEL: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 21. WIA on 9/1/62 at Ox Hill. AWOL by 11/1/62, returned to duty by 4/30/63. Discharged for disability from wounds on 5/10/63.
SHEETS, DAVID, 30, B. NC, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#43. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/15/63 in the field. Pres. until injured in train wreck near Weldon 5/63. Dstd. 9/20/63, rtnd to duty 10/12/64. Pres. until deserted to the enemy 1/28/65. Held at Washington, DC until released on oath 2/1/65. B. 4/5/29 D. 12/22/1908. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
SHEETS, EMANUEL, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#702.
SHEETS, HARVEY: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 22. AWOL for 4 months from 5/62-2/63, returned to duty by 4/30/63. Deserted on 8/27/63, returned to duty on 4/21/64, under arrest by 8/31/64, AWOL on 10/3/64. WIA in unspecified battle.
SHEETS, HENRY, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#702. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19.
SHEETS, J. B., 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1319.
SHEETS, JACOB B.: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#758. 2nd Lt., Peak Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commis- sioned on 3/19/62.
SHEETS, JAMES: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/15/63 in the field. Pres. until deserted 6/16/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
SHEETS, JESSE B., 3rd Sgt.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 35. MWIA during Seven Days Battles, hospitalized at Richmond on 6/27/62, died of wounds on 7/19/62.
SHEETS, JESSE: 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#702. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. B. 9/4/1818 D. 9/11/1902.
SHEETS, JORDAN, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#906. Capt., Peak Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62.
SHEETS, JOSEPH: Musician, Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 24. Prom. to Fifer before 8/31/61. Pres. until died at New Bern, NC of disease 3/18/62. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
SHEETS, L. M. D., 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#521. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
SHEETS, LEVI, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#702.
SHEETS, LINVILLE, Co. E, 15th MO Infantry. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Old Fields Township.
SHEETS, MARTIN, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1358. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
SHEETS, ROBERT, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#88.
SHEETS, SAMUEL L.: Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 4/15/62 at Reed’s Hill. WIA on 6/27/62. Deserted joined a cavalry company. “Recovered from desertion, court-martialed for being AWOL from 4/30- 9/14/63. Pres. on 2/29/64. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H., sent to Fort Delaware, and transfered to Elmira, NY on 8/3/64. Died on 3/1/65 of cogestion of the lungs.
SHEETS, TROY, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#243. Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Prom. to Corp. 4/17/62. Pres. until taken POW at Bristoe Station, VA 10/14/63, sent to Old Capitol Prison, transfered to Point Lookout 10/27/63. Exchanged at Cox’s Wharves, James River, VA 2/21/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
SHEETS, WILEY: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 25. KIA at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
SHEETS, YOUNG, B. 7/1828. Age 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#267.
SHEFFIELD, JOHN: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
SHEHAN, THOMAS WESLEY: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Rutherford Co., Enl. at Camp Holmes on 11/21/63. Taken POW at Appomattox River, VA on 4/3/65, confined at Hart’s Island, NY Harbor, until being released on oath on 6/20/65.
SHEPHERD, ABRAHAM L.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav. Native of Wilkes Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. 7/8/62 age 22. Deserted at Camp Church, Lee Co., VA on 10/18/62. Returned to duty, Pres. thru 11/64.
SHEPHERD, CALVIN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 12/4/61, age 22. Died of disease on 7/15/62.
SHEPHERD, DANIEL: Johnson Co., TN Home Guard.
SHEPHERD, DOCTOR F.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native of Wilkes Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. 7/8/62 age 33. Deserted at Big Creek Gap, TN on 2/19/63. Returned to duty, Pres. thru 11/64.
SHEPHERD, GARDNER, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#673. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. B/ 6/4/1824 D. 7/30/1880, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. E30.
SHEPHERD, GEORGE WASHINGTON, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1311. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. at Camp Vance on 3/19/64. Pres. until taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, held at Hart’s Island, NY Harbor, until released on oath on 6/17/65. B. 9/15/1845 D. 11/22/1933, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q14.
SHEPHERD, GIDEON, 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#679, Co. F, 29th VA Inf., Transf. from 21st NC prob. in 1863. Pres. 4/64. WIA in 1864, shot in head and right thigh, furloughed 60 days from Richmond Hospital on 7/1/64. Pres. 12/64. Paroled at Lynchburg 4/15/65. B. ca. 1842 in Ashe Co., NC, living in Grayson Co. in 1910.
SHEPHERD, ISAAC, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1311. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from injury of left arm and ankle. Age 22.
SHEPHERD, JOHN, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#87.
SHEPHERD, JOHN F., 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1311. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 43. AWOL by 8/1/62, returned to duty by 4/30/64. Absent sick from 7/4/64 thru 10/31/64. Discharged on 1/6/65 for being overage.
SHEPHERD, JOHN W.: Age 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#260, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 30. Discharged on 6/10/62 for secondary syphillis. Later served in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from necrosis of tibia.
SHEPHERD, JOHN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. Died in hospital in Richmond on 7/21/62 of typhoid fever. Res. of Ashe Co.
SHEPHERD, JORDAN A.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native of Wilkes Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. 7/8/62 age 27. Deserted at Big Creek Gap, TN on 2/20/63. Returned to duty, Pres. thru 11/64.
SHEPHERD, NEWTON, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1311.
SHEPHERD, WELBORN, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#890.
SHERWOOD, ISAAC F.: 4th Corp./1st Sgt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 22. Promoted to 1st Sgt. on before 3/1/62. MWIA in arm and or both hips at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, taken POW, hospitalized at Portsmouth Grove, Rhode Island where he died on 7/4/62. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
SHERWOOD, J. F.: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
SHOEMAKER, BURRELL, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#930.
SHOEMAKER, CALVIN, 30, Carpenter, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#74. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 32, occupation cabinetmaker. WIA in hand, three fingers amputated. AWOL from 8/1/62 thru 10/31/64. Age 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Grayson Co. Pensioneer.
SHOEMAKER, JAMES: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63.
SHOEMAKER, LAFAYETTE: Co. K, 42nd NC Inf. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P02.
SHORES, C. E.: May have served in Co. D, 4th VSL. Listed on PWR of Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav.
SHORT, JOHN W.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. on 5/15/61. Died at Richmond, VA on or about 9/10/62 of camp fever.
SHOUN, JAMES W.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 10/10/64. Pres. thru 11/64. Deserted and took the oath at Washington, DC on 3/10/65, furnished transportation to Cincinnati, Ohio.
SHUE, ELI, 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SHULER, JOHN: Co. F, 4th VA Inf., Enl. 3/20/62. Died of disease on 6/14/62 at Staunton.
SHUMATE, JOHN H.: Co. G, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. 5/15/62 at Camp Jackson. Dead by 1/10/63 when William Kyle, attorney filed claim. B. 1838 in VA.
SIKES, JOHN: Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general debility. Age 40.
SIMMONS, ELIAS, 43, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#649, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48/3/-, 5’10”, light comp., dark hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. Age 54, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SIMMONS, JOHN: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 9/25/62 in Iredell Co., age 27. WIA at Chancellorsville 5/1-4/63. Deserted 5/19/63, returned to duty on 9/1/63. WIA in right shoulder and taken POW at Spottsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, transf. to Elmira, NY on 3/1/65, released on taking the oath on 6/19/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
SIMMONS, W. D.: Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on.
SINCLAIR, FELIX, Unit ?. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township.
SLUDER, CHRISTEAN: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#360. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 2/27/63.
SLUDER, DAVID, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#403.
SLUDER, DAVID, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#428.
SLUDER, FELIX, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#397.
SLUDER, WILLIAM, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#360.
SMITH, A. M., 41, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SMITH, ANDREW B., 15, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#838. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 8/23/61 in Wake Co., NC, age 16. Pres. until discharged for being under age 8/20/62.
SMITH, ASBERRY, 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SMITH, CHARLES, 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SMITH, DAVID, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#799.
SMITH, DREWRY: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. on 8/2/62 in Independence. AWOL on 9/26/64.
SMITH, ELIJAH F.: 1st Sgt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Prom. to Corp. 4/17/62. Pres. until WIA at Gettysburg 7/1/63, rtnd to duty prior to 1/1/64. Prom. to 1st Sgt. Pres. until taken POW near Petersburg, VA 10/27/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until transf. to James River for exchange 2/21/65. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. C41.
SMITH, FRANCIS MARION: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 25. Deserted 10/17-9/61, apprehended, confined at Richmond on 10/21/61, remained thru 10/62. Survived the war.
SMITH, FRANKLIN, 18, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#838.
SMITH, HARRISON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1088. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 23. Died on 11/15/62 of disease.
SMITH, HUGH, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1091. 2nd Sgt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 5/22/61, age 34, as Sgt. Reduced to pvt. by 10/31/62, when sent to hospital at Winchester, VA. He died od disease 3/24-25/63.
SMITH, J. J., 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#269.
SMITH, JACKSON, 24, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#55.
SMITH, JAMES G., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#797. Capt., Jefferson Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Volunteered for regular service. Later served in Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 3/5/62. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-4/63, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where held until exchanged at Coxes Wharf, James River, VA on 2/15/65. Furloughed from Richmond Hospital on 2/20/65 for 40 days. B. 1836 D. 11/16/1872, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K16.
SMITH, JAMES MALLORY: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. on 8/2/62 in Independence. Absent on horse detail on undated muster roll. B. 10/19/37 D. 1/23/1913 in Carroll Co.
SMITH, JEREMIAH, Co. F, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 26. Discharged on 5/25/65. Resident of Ashe Co. in 1901.
SMITH, JOHN B.: Co. C, 1st NC Inf.
SMITH, JOHN L., Captain, Co. A, 9th NC Cav. Resided in Alleghany Co. Enl. on 6/13/61, age 27, as corporal. Appointed 3rd Lt. on 10/8/61, promoted to 1st Lt. on 3/1/62. WIA in right arm near Culpepper C.H., VA. 9/13/63. Promoted to Captain on 10/17/63. WIA in left arm at Chamberlain Run, VA on 3/31/65, taken POW while in Petersburg, VA Hospital on 4/3/65. Date released not recorded. Age 37, Physician, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SMITH, MARION, 24, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#302.
SMITH, MARION, 28, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#56.
SMITH, MARION, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#457.
SMITH, N. E., 35, Teacher, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#269.
SMITH, W. D. L. T., 27, Physician, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#605.
SMITH, WILLIAM A., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#503.
SMITH, WILLIAM W.: 13, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#838. Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 1/8/64, age 16. Farmer, born in Grayson Co., height 5’10”, grey eyes, brown hair, buried in the Confederate Memorial Cem. in Higginsville, Missouri.
SMITHDEAL, WILLIAM: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1359. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 34. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-5/63, sent to Fort Delaware and moved to Point Lookout, MD by 10/18/63. Exchanged at Cox’s Wharf, James River, VA on 2/14/65.
SNIDER, ANDREW: Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 1/19/63. Probably a resident of Pottertown, where census takers were afraid to go. Later served in Co. E, 13th Tenn. Cav. (Federal). Living in Watauga Valley, Carter Co., Tenn. in 1901.
SNIDER, JESSE, 30, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#365.
SNIDER, JONATHAN, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#366.
SNIDER, LANDON C.: Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 1/15/63. Probably a resident of Pottertown, where census takers were afraid to go. Later served in Co. F, 13th Tenn. Cav. (Federal). Living at Shouns’ Crossroads, Johnson Co., TN in 1901.
SNIDER, LANDON: Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Dstd on 2/27/63. Probably a resident of Pottertown, where census takers were afraid to go. Later served in Co. I, 13th Tenn. Cav. (Federal). Living at Wheeler, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
SNOW, FROST, 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#446.
SNOW, HUGHIE, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#446.
SNYDER, ANDREW, Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 19.
SNYDER, JAMES: Co. D, 3rd VSL, Enl. on 1/1/63 in Ashe Co. NC. “Proved to be a deserter and sent to his regiment.” Probably a resident of Pottertown, where census takers and sheriffs were afraid to go.
SNYDER, JESSE, Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 34.
SNYDER, LANDON C., Co. I, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 9/22/63 to 9/5/65. WIA in hand and neck, taken POW and served time in Richmond, VA prison. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Clifton Township. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 22. Resident of Wheeler, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
SOUTH, SAMUEL: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/2-3/63.
SOUTHERTON, R.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic arthritic rheumatism. Age 46.
SPALDING, JOHN, 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#155.
SPALDING, JOHN: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from injury to left leg, shortening. Age 38.
SPANGLER, A.: 1st Lt., Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. Dropped on 5/26/62.
SPARKS, CALTON: 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#630, 2nd Lt., Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on . Age 17, laborer, 1860 Alleghany Co., NC Census.
SPARKS, EMANUEL: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/29/65. Age at Enl. was 47/11/8, 5’11”, light comp., dark hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Wilkes Co.
SPARKS, REUBEN, 41, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#630.
SPEAKS, ISAIAH, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1067. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 32. Deserted on 6/5/63, returned to duty by 1/21/64. WIA at Jones’ Farm, VA on 9/30/64, absent with wounds thru 2/28/65. B. 4/20/1830 D. 1/26/1903, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P05.
SPEARS, JESSE: 4th Sgt., Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
SPEARS, JESSE: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Beaufort Co., NC, Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/4/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, where held until released on oath on 6/20/65.
SPEARS, JOHN M.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63.
SPEARS, WILLIAM, 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#191.
SPEARS, WILLIAM NELSON: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Previously served in Co. E, 2nd NC Junior Reserves. Transfered to this company on 10/11/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, where held until released on oath on 6/20/65.
SPENCE, HENRY B.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SPENCE, J. W.: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville.
SPENCE, JAMES F.: Co. F, 4th VA, Enl. on 2/20/64. Pres. thru 4/64. Postwar roster indicates he died as a POW at Point Lookout, MD and is buried there.
SPENCER, GOODMAN: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Pension Record only.
SPINDLE, JAMES M.: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 3/10/62 at Culpeper C.H., transf. from Co. D, 4th VA Cav. on 2/1/63. Detailed to collect horses and government property on 2/1/63.
SPIVY, JESSE, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#504.
SPURLIN, D. N., 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#390.
SPURLIN, DANIEL, 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#515. Age 47, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SPURLIN, ELI: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/62, age 20. Absent sick from 10/62. Survived the war. Age 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SPURLIN, WILLIAM, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#438.
SPURLIN, WILLIAM, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#500, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 33. Pres. thru 10/64. WIA in some unknown battle.
STAMPER, CREED C., 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#474, Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. Later served in Co. H, 1st NC Cav., conscripted before 4/30/64, assgined to company 9/29/64. Pres. thru 12/31/64. Age 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
STAMPER, H. L., 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#262.
STAMPER, HARRISON, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#474. 2nd Lt., Cranberry Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 10/26/61.
STAMPER, HARVEY, 22, Famrer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#284, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 23. WIA at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62. Hospitalized in Richmond on 7/24/62 with a gunshot wound and erysipelas. Died in hospital on 8/9/62 of hand gangrene.
STAMPER, HARVEY G., 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#283,.
STAMPER, HENRY, 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#293.
STAMPER, HIRAM T.: 1st Sgt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 35 as a corp. Discharged by mistake on 12/8/62. Ordered to rejoin the regiment in 3/27/63. Promoted to 1st Sgt. on 3/27/63. Taken POW on the North Anna River on 5/24/64, sent to Point Lookout, held there until exchanged at Venus Point, Savannah River, GA on 11/15/64.
STAMPER, HUGH, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#234.
STAMPER, IRA RENNICK: B. 8/1842. Age 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#859. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until taken taken POW at New Bern, NC 3/14/62, confined at Fort Columbus, NY harbor until transfered to Aiken’s Landing, VA 8/5/62 for exchange. Rtnd to duty prior to 11/1/62. Pres. until MWIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-3/63. Retired to Invalid Corps. 11/63. Died of effects of wounds according to military records. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Died in 1877 according to family members.
STAMPER, JOHN: 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#283, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Wake Co. on 5/27/61, age 23. WIA in 10/62, place not reported. KIA at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63.
STAMPER, JOHN: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until WIA in right shoulder at Gettysburg, PA. Furloughed 60 days 8/3/63. Never returned, listed as deserter after 60 day furlough ended. Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
STAMPER, JONATHAN, 32, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#480, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Wake Co. on 5/27/61, age 34. Discharged on 6/10/62, overage. Age 43, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
STAMPER, JOSEPH, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#888.
STAMPER, JOSHUA, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#888. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 35. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 8/15/62. Deserted on 8/15/62. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
STAMPER, LEANDER A., 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#254, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 20. KIA at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62.
STAMPER, LINVILLE, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#283, Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/3/63. Pres. on 6/30/63, then NFR.
STAMPER, MADISON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1030. Musician, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Grayson Co., VA, Res. of Alleghany Co., NC where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 23. Promoted to Fifer on 3/1/62. AWOL 11/62-2/63. Enl. in Co. D, 23rd VA Inf. Battn., while AWOL. Enl. on 11/26/62 at the Narrows of New River. On leave in 2/63. Returned to duty with the 37th NC by 6/30/63. WIA in ankle and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/63, hospitalized at David’s Island, NY Harbor. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 9/16/63, returned to duty by 4/30/64. Deserted, took the oath at Louisville, KY on 2/20/65.
STAMPER, MERIDITH D.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Pres. until transfered to C.S. Navy 4/1/64.
STAMPER, NATHANIEL: 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#225, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 30. Deserted at Gordonsville, VA on 5/9/62.
STAMPER, OWEN, 17, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#293.
STAMPER, PRESTON, 27, Bricklayer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#283.
STAMPER, R. P., 45, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#254, 2nd Lt./1st Lt., Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Promoted to 1st Lt. on 12/12/64. Deserted on 2/2/65. Age at Enl. was 49/0/28, 5’8″, dark comp. and hair, blue eyes, born in Alleghany Co. Age 54, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
STAMPER, SOLOMON S., 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#474. Capt., Cranberry Dist., 96th NC Militia, commissioned on 10/26/61. Age 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
STAMPER, W. J., 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
STAMPER, WILLIAM H.: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#822. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Grayson Co., VA, Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. WIA at Hanover C.H., VA on 5/27/62. Died at Richmond, VA on 10/13/62, cause not recorded.
STANLEY, JOHN, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#561. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from convulsions. Age 49.
STANSBERRY, DAVID N.: 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#509. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 45.
STANSBERRY, JOHN H., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1189. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 3?. Taken POW at Irvine, KY on 7/31/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Transfered to Fort Delaware on 2/29/64, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, VA on or about 9/30/64.
STARLING, ABRAHAM, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1172.
STARLING, ANDREW: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on ?. Died at Camp Morton on 2/11/65 per PWR.
STEDMAN, ENOCH, 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
STEGALL, JOHN B.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Previously served in Co. E, transfered to Co. F by 6/30/62. Transfered back to Co. E on 7/1/62.
STEPHENS, JOHN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 36. Died on 5/10/62 of disease.
STEPHENS, THOMAS H., 24, Farm Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#632.
STEPHENSON, JAMES, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#541.
STIDHAM, BARTLETT, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1038.
STIDHAM, HARVEY, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1042.
STIDHAM, LEANDER, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#106.
STIDHAM, LEWIS: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until WIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Rtnd to duty prior to 1/1/64. Taken POW on Weldon RR near Petersburg 8/23/64. Sent to Point Lookout, MD until transfered to Venus Point, Savannah River, GA for exchange 11/15/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
STIDHAM, SAMUEL: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 27. Pres. until died 12/61 of disease at unspecified place. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
STIDHAM, WILLIAM: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 25. Taken POW at Wilderness, VA on 5/6/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD. Moved to Elmira, NY where he died on 1/19/65 of pneumonia.
STIKE, JAMES, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#588.
STIKE, JOSEPH, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#791. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
STIKELEATHER, WILLIAM H., B., 1833. Age 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#774. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. Also served in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis. Age 40.
STINSON, D. C., 37, B. VA, Tailor, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#575.
STOUT, ABRAHAM, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#351. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 2/12/64 at Orange C.H., VA. Pres. until taken POW near Petersburg, VA 10/27/64. Sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until released on oath 6/19/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
STOUT, DAVID, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#351.
STOUT, JONATHAN: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
STOUT, WILLIAM S.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from rheumatism and neuralgia. Age 27.
STOW, ISAAC, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1068.
STRINGER, A. B.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
STRINGER, CALVIN: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 23. Pres. until taken POW 5/25/64 at Hanover Junction, VA. Sent to Point Lookout, MD, then transfered to Elmira, NY on 7/30/64. Held there until being released on oath 2/13/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
STRINGER, MISSOURI B.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Iredell Co., age 25. WIA in right hip at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62, disabled. Listed as a deserter, however. Res. of Ashe Co. B. 8/18/1838 D. 1/11/1924, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N07.
STRINGER, W.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
STRUNKS, ABSALOM: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 34. Taken POW, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River on 9/7/62. Returned to duty by 12/31/62. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Died in hospital in Richmond on 6/4/63 of pyaemia.
STUART, ANDREW JACKSON, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#737. 1st Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 22. WIA in both legs on 3/14/62 at New Bern. “Killed one Yankee after he was shot.” Reduced to ranks by 10/31/62. Discharged for disability from wounds on 12/6/62. Later served 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from anchylosis of right elbow from ball in action at Newbern.
STUART, ELIJAH, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#768. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. Died in hospital at Staunton, VA on 9/16/62 of diphtheria. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
STUART, JACKSON, 40, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1118. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from defective vision and heart disease. Age 44.
STUART, NATHANIEL, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1117.
STUART, SHADRACK, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1118.
STUART, SHADRACK: Co. C2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on ?. Taken POW at Moorefield, WV on 8/7/64, age 18 in 8/64, farmer from Ashe Co., NC, 5’11”, blue eyes, dark hair. Died of remittent fever at Camp Chase on 9/23/64, buried in grave 268. Age 16, 1860 Ashe County Census.
STUART, WASHINGTON, 36, B., VA. 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1117.
STUART, WILLIAM A., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#737. 1st Lt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 26, where he was a native Res. farmer. Elected 3rd Lt. on 8/27/61. WIA in the elbow at New Bern on 5/27/62, returned to duty by 5/27/62, when he was taken POW at Hanover C.H. Sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, transf. to Johnson’s Island on 6/21/62. Promoted to 2nd Lt. on 7/18/62 while a POW. Paroled at Vicksburg on 9/20/62, declared exchanged on 11/10/62. WIA in arm and both legs on 12/13/62 at Fredericksburg. Returned to duty by 3/1/63. Promoted to 1st Lt. on 3/9/63. Resigned for ill health on 4/22/63, accepted on 5/2/63. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B46.
STUART, WILLIAM A.: Sgt., Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. as Sgt. on ?. Promoted to 2nd Lt. on ?. Taken POW at Moorefield, WV on 8/7/64, age 28 in 8/64, farmer from Ashe Co., NC, 6’2″, grey eyes, dark hair. Sent to Camp Chase and transf. to Point Lookout for exchange on 3/18/65. Buried in Ashe Co., NC, however, no dates on his grave maker.
STURGES, AB: Co. C, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from secondary syphilis. Age 47.
STURGILL, BYRAM, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1132.
STURGILL, FRANCIS MARION: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. B. 12/10/1848 D. 12/13/1937, buried in the Zion Hill Cem., Sturgill’s, Ashe Co., NC.
STURGILL, GEORGE: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/8/61, age 20. Pres. thru 12/64. Age 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
STURGILL, JAMES: 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#156, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Liberty Mills, VA on 12/25/63. Taken POW at Wilderness or Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/6-12/64, sent to Point Lookout. Moved to Elmira, NY on 8/8/64, held there until he died on 3/19/65 of pneumonia.
STURGILL, JAMES: 44, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#169, Co. F, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/22/64 at Statesville, NC. Age at Enl. was 48/1/16, 5’9″, fair comp., dark hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co. Age 54, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
STURGILL, JAMES: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/8/61, age 23. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/3-4/63, confined until exchanged 2/65. At Camp Lee, VA, near Richmond, VA on 2/23/65. Age 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
STURGILL, JOHN, 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#171, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 19. Died at home in summer of 1862, cause not recorded.
STURGILL, JONATHAN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#337.
STURGILL, JOSEPH K., 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#167. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native, Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 24. Deserted on 8/5/62. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. Returned to duty by 10/31/63. MWIA, died in Richmond, VA hospital of wounds on 10/27/64.
STURGILL, JOSHUA, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1146. Co. F, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/22/64 at Statesville, NC. Age at Enl. was 47/7/13, 5’9″, fair comp., light hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. B. 12/9/1816 D. 8/30/1894, buried in the Zion Hill Cem., Sturgill’s, Ashe Co., NC.
STURGILL, LEVI B., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#821. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 24. AWOL 11/62-2/63. Absent sick 7-10/63, returned to duty by 12/31/63. Taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, transfered to Elmira, NY on 8/8/64, held there until released on taking the oath on 6/23/65.
STURGILL, NOAH, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#894.
STURGILL, ROBERT H., 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#337. 3rd Corp., Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Enl. on 11/8/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. on 12/31/62. Later served as Corp. in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. Corporal, Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 3/31/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. Taken POW at Moorefield, WV on 8/7/64, age 19, farmer 5’7″, grey eyes, light hair. Held at Camp Chase,from 8/12/64 until transf. to Point Lookout on 3/18/65 for exchnge. Resumed fighting and surrendered at Taylorsville, TN on 5/1/65. Took oath at Nashville 5/20/65. After war, spent 19 years on railroad construction work in WV, KY and OH. Moved to Chattanooga, TN to work for manufacturing Co. U.S. Deputy Marshall for 6 years. Living in Chattanooga in 1920. Age 19 – 1860 Ashe County Census. B. in Lee Co., VA.
STURGILL, TOBIAS, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#897.
STURGILL, WILLIAM: 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#171, Corp., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. Promoted to Corporal on 12/22/63. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD, held there until he took the oath on 6/19/65.
STURGILL, WILLIAM: 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1132. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 23. Died in hospital at Staunton, V! on 12/26/62 of chronic diarrhea.
STUTMAN, ENOCH, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#611.
SULLEN, AMBROSE: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1066. Co. A: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until died on his way home on 5/20/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
SULLEN, JOSEPH: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 49. Pres. until discharged for disability 10/5/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
SULLIVAN, HARDEN: Age 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#960. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Davidson Co., Res. of Ashe Co. here he enslited on 8/10/61, age 32. Died on 8/1/62.
SULLIVAN, JOHN, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#559.
SULLIVAN, JORDAN G., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1137. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek. B. 6/24/1836 D. 5/6/1907, Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B09.
SULLIVAN, LEWIS, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1137. Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek. B. 12/15/1835 D. 7/23/1921, buried in Grayson Co. Cem. X02.
SULLIVAN, MARTIN, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1137.
SULLIVAN, SHADRACK, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1137.
SUTHERLAND, ALEXANDER, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#348.
SUTHERLAND, ANDREW, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#348. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 2/27/62. Pres. thru 12/64.
SUTHERLAND, DANIEL, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#348.
SUTHERLAND, HARRISON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#348.
SUTHERLAND, JOSEPH, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#348. Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. in camp on 8/14/64. Died in hospital at Weldon, NC 3/19/65 of febris typhoidis.”.
SUTHERLAND, REUBEN, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#330.
SUTHERLAND, THOMAS, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#349.
SWAIN, ABEL W.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 21. MWIA at Gaines’ Mills, VA on 6/27/61. Place and date of death not recorded. Born in Forsythe Co., Res. of Ashe Co., when he Enl.
SWEENEY, PRESTON: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 23. KIA at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63.
SWIFT, RICHARD: Co. E2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/20/63. Absent on detail for fresh horses 8/31/63. Taken POW in Greene Co., TN on 10/1/63. Held at Camp Chase thru 1/14/64, sent to Rock Island, IL. Died on 4/29/64 of dysentery, buried in grave 1100. Records say he was a Res. of Ashe Co.
SWIHAM, JORDAN, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#663.
SWINDLE, ELI, 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#84, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on . Age 33, Artist, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
SWITZER, BEVERLY P., 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#144. Saddler, Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/3/61, age 31. Pres. until transf. to Co. D, 5th Battn., NC Cav. on 6/6/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 10/64.
SWOFFORD, JAMES, Co. C, 13th TN Cav. Resident of Grassy Creek, NC in 1901.
TAFFER, WILSON S.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/62, age 24. MWIA at Gaines Mills, VA on 6/27/62. Died at Richmond of wounds on 7/1/62.
TAPSCOTT, W.: Possibly served in Co. D, 4th VSL. Later found in Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav.
TATE, CHARLES C.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
TAYLOR, ALEXANDER: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Wayne Co. on 4/10/62, age 38. Deserted on 8/2/63, returned to duty on 1/15/63. Taken POW at Hanover Junctin, VA on 5/24/64, held at Point Lookout, MD. Exchanged on 3/16/65 at Boulware’s Wharf, James River, VA.
TAYLOR, ANDREW: 1st Lt., Peak Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62.
TAYLOR, CALLOWAY, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#554. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until KIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
TAYLOR, CALVIN W., 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1203. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 29. Taken POW at some point, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 9/7/62. AWOL on 10/1/62, returned to duty by 4/30/63. WIA in abdomen at Chancellorsville on 5/3/64, returned to duty by 2/29/64, detailed for light duty. KIA at some point. His brother John was with him and reported that his brothers last words were “I am so hungry–Wouldn’t it be awful to die so hungry.” Res. of Ashe Co.
TAYLOR, CLEVELAND, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#195. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 10/9/62 in Camp French, Petersburg, VA. Pres. until WIA right leg at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Absent with wounds thru 2/29/64, when status was changed to AWOL. DFR 6/30/64. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
TAYLOR, DAVID: 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#562. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Deserted, released on taking the oath 2/6/64 in East TN. B. 3/27/1848 D. 10/21/1920, buried in Alleghany Co. Z12.
TAYLOR, FRANKLIN, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#882.
TAYLOR, GEORGE, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#105. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Iredell Co. AWOL on 6/20/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. Pres. thru 2/28/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
TAYLOR, GEORGE: Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from tuberculois. Age 42.
TAYLOR, HARRISON, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#667. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 9/25/62 in Ashe Co., age 24. Died of Camp Gregg on 3/1-18/63 of disease. Res. of Ashe Co.
TAYLOR, HENRY, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#105. 3rd Sgt.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/29/65. Age at Enl. was 48/10/12, 5’8″, light comp. and hair, brown hair, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
TAYLOR, HENRY: A24, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#435. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on.
TAYLOR, I. ANDREW, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#937. Age 41, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TAYLOR, J. P.: Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63, then 5’10”, grey eyes, dark hair, b. ca. 1845.
TAYLOR, J. R., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#976. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 22. Pres. until MWIA at Rawl’s MIlls, VA 11/2/62. Date of death not recorded. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
TAYLOR, J. W.: Co. C, 8th VA Cav., PWR. Buried in the Elmwood Cem., Shepherdstown, Jefferson Co., WV.
TAYLOR, JACOB, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#679. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 9/25/62 in Ashe Co. Deserted in 1/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
TAYLOR, JAMES, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#882.
TAYLOR, JAMES, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#763.
TAYLOR, JOHN, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#669.
TAYLOR, JOHN, 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TAYLOR, JOHN P.: 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#252. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63. Taken POW at Moorefield, WV on 8/7/63, age 19 in 8/64. Res. of Ashe Co., 5’10”, grey eyes, dark hair. Sent to Camp Chase, transfered to Point Lookout for exchange on 3/18/65. B. 12/9/46 in Ashe Co. D. 6/22/1942 in Ashe Co.
TAYLOR, JOHN: Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co., age 27. Promoted to Corp. on 11/2/62. WIA in head in Fredericksburg on 12/13/63. Returned to duty by 2/28/63. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
TAYLOR, JONATHAN, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1293.
TAYLOR, JOSEPH, 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TAYLOR, MARSHAL, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#667. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 3/11/64 at Liberty Mills. Taken POW at Spottsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, transf. to Elmira, NY on 8/8/64, where he died on 8/29/64 of pneumonia.
TAYLOR, S., 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#25252.
TAYLOR, SAMUEL: Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on ?. Treated at U.S. Gen. Hospital at Lexington, KY for remittant fever, 12/28/64, age 16, NFR. Probably from Alleghany Co., NC.
TAYLOR, TOBIAS, 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TAYLOR, TOBIAS, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#571. Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 3/31/62 at Independence. Deserted on 5/1/62. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Discharged on 11/22/64 by civil authority.
TAYLOR, WESLEY, 16, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#252. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 18. Promoted to Corporal by 9/30/62. Hospitalized at Winchester on 10/1/62, reason unreported. Died there, date not recorded.
TAYLOR, WILEY, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#860. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 32. Deserted on 11/18/62, returned to duty on 3/27/63. Taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/2-5/63, held at Fort Delaware, transfered to Point Lookout, MD on 10/18/63. Exchanged at Boulware’s Wharf, James River, VA on 2/20/65.
TAYLOR, WILLIAM, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#882.
TAYLOR, WILLIAM, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#763.
TAYLOR, WILLIAM H., Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 7/28/61 in Wake Co., NC. Pres. until WIA at Gettysburg 7/1/63. Rtnd to duty prior to 12/31/63. Prom. to Corp. before 10/31/64. Pres. thru 2/28/65. Res. Alleghany Co., NC.
TAYLOR, WILLIAM H.: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#690. Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
TAYLOR, WILLIAM: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#579. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 20. Pres. until KIA 3/14/62 at New Bern, NC. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
TEAGUE, AMBROSE, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#113.
TEAGUE, DAVID, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#116.
TEAGUE, ELIJAH, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#117.
TEAGUE, GEORGE WASHINGTON: 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#51. Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. Promoted to Corporal by 4/30/62. Died at Richmond on 6/8/62 of disease. Native of Ashe Co.
TEAGUE, HENRY, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#117.
TEAGUE, MOSES: 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#51. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Also shown in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general infirmity. Age 49.
TEAGUE, WILLIAM, 43, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#118. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Also shown in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from curvature of the spine. Age 46.
TELDY, S.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from fistula and infirm shoulders. Age 49.
TESTERMAN, BARTON, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#815.
TESTERMAN, CALVIN, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1281. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. no 5/1/62 in Ashe Co. age 18. Deserted on 5/19/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63, court-martialed, sentenced to prison. Returned to duty by 12/1/64. Taken POW at Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, where held until released on oath on 6/20/65. Claimed to have been WIA at Camp Gregg on 9/1/63. Res. of Ashe Co.
TESTERMAN, FRANCIS, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#815.
TESTERMAN, HUGH, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1281. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
TESTERMAN, JACKSON, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#793.
TESTERMAN, JACOB, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1281.
TESTERMAN, JAMES, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1126.
TESTERMAN, JAMES J., 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1124. Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, VA, age 24. Promoted to Corporal on 10/1/63. Pres. until he deserted to the enemy on 3/3/65. Took oath at Washington on 3/7/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
TESTERMAN, JAMES: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from heart disease. Age 37.
TESTERMAN, JOHNSON, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1281. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co. Died in hospital at Danville on 7/1/62 of typhoid fever. Res. of Ashe Co.
TESTERMAN, STEPHEN, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1275.
TESTERMAN, T. M.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until KIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
THOMAS, EDD: Unit ?. B. 7/6/1842 D. 1/21/1936, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J45.
THOMAS, WILEY, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#340. Johnson Co., TN Home Guard. Res. of Ashe Co., NC.
THOMAS, WILLIAM L.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 28. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Deserted to the enemy by 8/31/64.
THOMPSON, ALFRED, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#65.
THOMPSON, ALVIN, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1173.
THOMPSON, C., 21, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#68.
THOMPSON, CALVIN: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 33. Deserted on 7/28/62, returned to duty on 3/27/63, deserted again on 6/17/63.
THOMPSON, DAVID, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#843.
THOMPSON, DAVID, 40, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#307.
THOMPSON, I. H., 39, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#401.
THOMPSON, ISHAM, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1010. Co. D, 1st NC Jr. Reserve Battn., Enl. 10/1/64 in Ashe Co. In Goldsboro Hosp. #4 1/10/65, in Greensboro Hospital on 1/12/65, furloughed. Res. of Helton, NC. Buried in the Pleasant Home Baptist Church Cem., Grassy Creek, NC. B. 3/13/1847 D. 2/26/1940.
THOMPSON, JAMES, 33 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1144.
THOMPSON, SAMUEL, 47, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
THOMPSON, SANDERS: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 31. Deserted on 7/30/62. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Deserted 6/6/63. Returned to duty with Co. A, 34th NC Inf. by 4/30/64. WIA in left thight at North Anna River on 5/23/64. AWOL by 8/31/64, dropped from the rolls as a deserter by 10/31/64. Probably from Alleghany Co., NC.
THOMPSON, W.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from scrofula and necrosis. Age 20.
THOMPSON, WESLEY, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1134.
THOMPSON, WESLEY, 29, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#251.
THOMPSON, WILBORN, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1010.
THOMPSON, WILBORN: Unit ?. B. 9/19/1824 D. 9/25/1875, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B07.
THOMPSON, WILLIAM D., 43, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#681. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 4/1/63. Died at Fort Harrison.
TILLEY, JAMES M., 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#975. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 29. WIA in left elbow at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Discharged for disability. Later served in the 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis. Age 33.
TILLEY, JAMES: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 32. WIA at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62. AWOL 7-8/63. Detached service on 9/63-8/64. Retired to Invalid Corps on 10/26/64 for disability. Age 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TILLEY, JOHN CALVIN: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1039. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 24. WIA in head at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62. Returned to duty prior to Gettysburg where he was WIA and taken POW, hospitalized at David’s Island. Exchanged at City Point, VA on 9/8/63, returned to duty by 4/30/64. Absent, WIA on 6/30/64 muster. AWOL, with “foot off” from 9/64-2/65.
TILLEY, JOSEPH: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 26. MIA on 6/23/64, returned to duty by 8/31/64, court martialed for desertion, sentenced to forfeit all pay before 8/15/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until released on oath on 6/20/65.
TILLEY, LOWERY: 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1073. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 49/8/9, 5’8″, light comp., light hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
TILLEY, MARION: 12, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1078. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from infirmity of knee joint. Age 18.
TILLEY, MARTIN, 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1078.
TILLEY, S.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from phthisis. Age 18.
TINSLEY, SAMUEL P.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR.
TIPPETT, W. D.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. on 10/1/64, then NFR.
TITTER, JOHN, 22, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TODD, JOSEPH WARREN: Capt., Co. D, 9th NC Cav. WIA at some point in the war. B. 9/3/1834 in Watauga Co., NC. D. 1/28/1909, Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P06.
TOLIVER, ALEXANDER H., 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#506, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 22. WIA at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62. WIA 5/3/63 at Chancellorsville, absent thru 9/7/64, when declared AWOL. NFR. Age 31, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TOLIVER, ALLEN, 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#15.
TOLIVER, ANDREW, 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#708. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on.
TOLIVER, BOYDEN, 16, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#39. Age 25, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TOLIVER, CALLOWAY J., 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#506, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 27. KIA at Shepherdstown, VA on 9/20/62.
TOLIVER, CALVIN J.: 25, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#506, Sgt., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 29. AWOL in 7/62. Absent WIA in 10/62, returned to duty and promoted to corp. on 7/1/63. Promoted to Sgt. before 10/31/64. Taken POW in 4/65, sent to Hart’s Island, NY Harbor on 4/11/65, held there until released on oath on 6/19/65.
TOLIVER, CLARK, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#506.
TOLIVER, CREED, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#506, Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 9/20/64, then NFR. Later served in Co. G, 1st NC Cav., assigned on 9/29/64. Pres. thru 12/31/64.
TOLIVER, DRURY SENTER, 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#182, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 22. Deserted in 6/62. Later served in Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Shown as discharged on 6/29/63 or 11/12/63 near Holston River, no reason given. Living in Chandlerville, Johnson Co., KY in 1912. B. 1841 in Ashe Co. Brother of Jackson Finley and Wiley G. Toliver.
TOLIVER, ELI, 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#83, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 1/29/65. Age at Enl. was 46, 5’6″, light comp. and hair, grey eyes, farmer, born in Grayson Co. Age 48, Domestic Servant, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TOLIVER, FRANKLIN, 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#123.
TOLIVER, GRANVILLE H., Sgt.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 21. Absent WIA in 10/62. Promoted to Sgt. on 12/2/62. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63.
TOLIVER, JACKSON FINELY: 29, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#168. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63, then NFR. B. 1832 in Ashe Co., NC. D. 1899 in Morehead, KY.
TOLIVER, JACOB, 28, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#519, Musician: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 30. Promoted to Drummer on 3/1/62. Deserted on 5/2/62, reduced to ranks. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 12/5/63 in Burke Co. Returned to duty on 1/9/64. Taken POW at Wilderness on 5/6/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, then to Elmira, NY by 7/23/64. Exchanged at Venus Point, Savannah River, GA on 11/15/64. AWOL on 1/28/65. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TOLIVER, JACOB W.: 23, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#438. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. Discharged 6/25/1863. Buried in the John Higgins Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
TOLIVER, JESSE, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#548. Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. B. 4/21/1831. Age 40, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 8/15/1900, buried in the William Moxley Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
TOLIVER, JOHN F., 12, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#708. Co. B, 4th VSL. He later served in Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 4/2/63. B. ca. 1838 in Ashe Co., NC.
TOLIVER, JOHN M., 27, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#504. 1st Corp., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 27. Died at home in Alleghany Co. of disease on 7/25/62.
TOLIVER, JOHN M., 38, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TOLIVER, MELVIN B., 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#506, Corp.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 25. AWOL 7/62, returned to duty. Promoted to Corp. before 10/31/64. Taken POW at Hatcher’s Run, VA on 4/2/65, confined at Point Lookout, MD, until released on 6/20/65. WIA in some unspecified battle. Age 37, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TOLIVER, REID, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#39.
TOLIVER, SOLOMON, 19, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#708.
TOLIVER, WILEY G.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63 and on clothing roll dated 8/64. B. ca. 1834 in Ashe Co.
TOLIVER, WILLIAM, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#39.
TOMLIN, T. W.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. on ?. Paroled at Statesville, NC on 5/27/65.
TOMLINSON, HIRAM, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#94. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 28. WIA in side at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62, returned to duty by 1/1/63. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Listed as a deserter on 8/4/63. Returned to duty on 2/9/64. Taken POW at Wilderness or Spottsylvania C.H., sent to Point Lookout, released on Enl. in Co. I, 1st U.S. Volunteer Inf. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co.
TOMLINSON, WILLIAM, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#500.
TOMPKINS, ALFRED, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#673, Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 12/5/63 in Burke Co.
TOMPKINS, ROBERT: Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek.
TOMPKINS, THOMAS, 37, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#454.
TREADWAY, ANDREW, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#526. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
TREADWAY, HENRY, 17, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#108. Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
TREADWAY, HENRY, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#290.
TREADWAY, JOHN, 45, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#108. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of VA, Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 9/15/61, age 47. Discharged on 7/20/62, no reason given, probably because he was overage.
TREADWAY, MANSON, 21, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#108.
TREADWAY, ROBIN, 15, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#111.
TREADWAY, WASHINGTON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#526.
TREADWAY, WILLIAM W., 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#290. Sgt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Pres. until taken POW at New Bern 3/14/62. Rtnd to duty prior to 7/1/62. Pres. until WIA in right leg at Gettysburg, PA 7/1/63. Prom. to Sgt. by 2/29/64. Reported in Hops. from 1-6/64 Detailed as a nurse, on furlough through 12/31/64. AWOL on 2/28/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
TRIBETT, WILLIAM, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#12.
TRIPLETT, TOLBERT: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 3/7/62. Pres. thru 12/64. Taken POW 4/3/65 at Amelia C.H., VA, sent to Point Lookout, where he was held until taking the oath on 6/21/65.
TRIVETT, ISAIAH: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 25. The 8/31/63 muster notes he deserted at Big Creek Gap, TN on 7/14/63.
TRIVETT, JESSE, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#31.
TRIVETT, JOHN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#32.
TRIVETT, LEWIS, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#618.
TRIVETT, MORGAN, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#32. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 18. The 8/31/63 muster notes he deserted at Big Creek Gap, TN on 7/14/63.
TRIVETT, SQUIRE, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1362.
TRIVETT, THOMAS, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#34. Corp., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Ashe Co., age 32. WIA in hand at Fredericksburg on 12/13/62. Returned to duty by 8/31/63. Promoted to Corporal on 10/1/63. Reduced to ranks by 4/30/64. KIA by stray shot on 6/24/64, place not recorded.
TRIVETT, WILLIAM H., 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#38. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 22. Taken POW at Big Creek Gap, TN on 2/10/63, exchanged. Arrested in Clinton, TN for unspecified reason, returned to duty. Pres. thru 8/3/63. The 8/31/63 muster roll says “captured in Kentucky”, however, no Federal record of the event.
TRUETT, J. H.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Pension record only.
TRUITT, ROBERT, 22, Domestic Servant, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
TUCKER, DAVID, 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#257.
TUCKER, J. H., 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#982.
TUCKER, JAMES, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#257.
TUCKER, JOHN R.: 25, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#675. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Enl. in Ashe Co. on 2/15/64. Died 5/12/64, cause and place not reported, however, probably KIA at Spotsylvania C.H., VA.
TUCKER, JOHN W.: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1162. Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 2/15/64, age 22. AWOL on 9/14/64, returned to duty by 12/31/64. Taken POW near Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where held until released on oath on 6/20/65. Pension say he was WIA in left thigh at Wilderness, VA in 5/64.
TUCKER, JOHN: 2nd Lt., Piney Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62.
TUCKER, PEYTON, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#917.
TUCKER, WILLIAM P.: 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#504. 2nd Lt., Cranberry Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62.
TUNE, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#770. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from tinea and copitis. Age 28.
TURNER, HUGH C., 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1036. Corp., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 3/5/62, as a private. Taken POW near Williamsport, MD 9/19/62, paroled 10/4/62. Promoted to Corp. on 11/1/63. Slightly WIA at Bristoe Station 10/63. Pres. thru 12/64.
TURNER, ISRAEL, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1084.
TURNER, JAMES, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#285.
TURNER, JAMES H., 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#275. Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until WIA and taken POW at Gettysburg 7/1-6/63. Hosp. at Gettysburg, until transf. to David’s Island, NY Harbor. Transfered to City Point, VA for exchange 9/16/63. Prom. to Capt. by 9/30/64. Pres. until MWIA at Petersburg 2/12/65, shot in spine, taken POW in Hosp. at Petersburg, VA 4/3/65, died 5/25/65 of wounds. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
TURNER, JOHN, 44, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#535.
TURNER, LARKIN, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#535.
TURNER, NICHOLAS G., 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1354. 2nd Lt., Jefferson Dist., 97th NC Militia. Volun- teered for regular service. Later served as 1st Sgt., Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 2/24/62, as a pvt. Promoted to 1st Sgt. by 8/31/63. Pres. thru 12/64.
TUTOR, RICHARD, 30, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#198.
TUTTLE, WILLIAM H.: Co. D, 37th VA Cav. Battn. Enl. on 8/9/62 in Independence. AWOL on 8/1/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
TYSON, GEORGE W.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Died at Elmira, NY on 3/6/65, NFR.
UPCHURCH, JOHN F., 12, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#651. Co. D, 53rd Indiana Infantry, served from 4/5/65 to 6/10/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Alleghany County Union Veterans Census. Resident of Prather’s Creek Township.
UPCHURCH, WESLEY, 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#651.
VanHOY, PRESTON, 38, B. VA, Teacher, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#148. Age 50, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
VANNOY, A. J., 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1321. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from dyspepsia. Age 42.
VANNOY, HEDRY, 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
VANNOY, JAMES HUMPHREY, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#271. 5th Sgt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 8/5/62. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63, taken POW, sent to Washington, DC, paroled sent to City Point for exchanged, returned to duty. WIA in chest at Bethesda Church, VA on 5/31/64, returned to duty. Promoted to Sgt. on 11/1/64. Taken POW at Petersburg on 4/2/65, sent to Point Lookout, where held until released on oath on 6/21/65. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co. B. 5/8/1837 D. 5/3/1916, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. T46.
VANNOY, JAMES R.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav. Native of Wilkes Co., Enl. in Lee Co., VA on 10/1/62, age 20. Deserted at Camp Church, Lee Co. on 10/18/62.
VANNOY, JESSE F., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#56. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 27. Taken POW at Irvine, KY 7/31/63, sent to Camp Chase, OH. Transfered to Fort Delaware on 3/14/64, where he died 6/9/64 of chronic dairrhea.
VANNOY, JOHN A., 16, B. VA, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#148.
VANNOY, JOHN M., 46, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
VANNOY, LEWIS W., 13, B. VA, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#148. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native of Wilkes Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/8/62, aged 22. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
VANNOY, NEAL C.: Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav., Native of Wilkes Co., Enl. in Ashe Co. on 7/8/62, aged 22. Died at Big Creek Gap, TN 12/4/62.
VANNOY, WILLIAM H., 18, B. VA, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#148.
VANNOY, WILLIAM O.: Co. B, 65th NC Cav/Co. E, 15th Texas Inf. Enl. in Rutherford Co., NC on 1/1/64, while AWOL from Co. E, 15th Texas Inf. Pres. thru 11/64. B. 7/16/1840 D. 4/7/1923, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. N16.
VANOVER, HENRY, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#629.
VANOVER, JOHN: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 18. Pres. until taken POW at Gettysburg, PA 7/3/63, sent to Fort Delaware, where he died 10/14/63. No cause given. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
VANOVER, RICHARD, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#350. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/3/63. AWOL by 7/18/63. Brother of William.
VANOVER, RICHARD, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#407.
VANOVER, WILLIAM P., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#324. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/3/63. Absent due to cut foot on 8/31/63.
VANOVER, WILLIAM: 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#350. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 5/3/63. Pres. 8/31/63, then NFR.
VANZANT, LEANDER, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#495. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 31. Died on 3/12/63, place and cause not reported.
VANZANT, STARLING: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Ashe Co., age 23. MWIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63. Died on 5/19-20/63 in Richmond. Res. of Ashe Co.
VAUGHAN, ELLIS LEFF: Colonel, 1st NC Inf. B. 3/20/1839 D. 10/10/1889. Attorney postwar. Buried in Alleghany Co., NC (252).
VAUGHN, E. T., 31, Retired Merchant B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
VIERS, AMOS L.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Res. of Ashe Co., enslited at Guinea Station, VA on 5/22/62, age 20. WIA at some point. AWOL by 9/1/62, status changed to deserter by 8/31/63.
VIERS, WILLIAM MARTIN.: 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#859. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 11/19/61, age 18. Pres. thru 4/62. WIA at some point. AWOL by 9/1/62, status changed to deserter by 8/31/63.
WADDELL, ALSTON, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#970. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 8/15/62, age 30. Discharged on 11/1/62 after providing a substitute. B. 3/14/1832 D. 1/31/1923, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q14.
WADDELL, CALVIN: Co. E2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 6/21/63. Pres. on 6/30/63 and 8/31/63. WIA at Blue Springs, Tn in 10/63. Res. of Smyth Co. when served, but was native of Wilkes Co., and previously lived in Grayson Co.
WADDELL, HOUSTON (Hughstrall): B. 1/6/1838 in Ashe Co. Age 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#225, Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 23. Deserted on 7/26/62. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/20/63. Elected 2nd Lt. in 4/63. Arrested and sent to former command on 12/27/63. Returned in Co. K, 37th NC Inf. to duty by 6/30/63, deserted again on 7/4/63. Returned to duty by 12/31/63. Promoted to Sgt. on 2/1/64. Taken POW near Gravel Hill, VA on 7/28-30/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, transfered to Elmira, NY on 8/8/64, held there until released on oath on 6/16/65. Age 32, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. D. 11/20/1881 in Alleghany Co., NC. Buried at Scottsville, NC.
WADDELL, LANSOM H.: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on ?. Sweeney’s Co., Swann’s Battn., VA Cav., Enl. on 11/1/64 in Wyoming Co., WV. Pres. on 11/1/64. Deserted and took oath on 1/23/65, 5’7″, grey eyes, light hair.
WADDELL, WILLIAM, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#817. 1st Sgt., Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. B. 1/7/1832 D. 11/5/1912, buried in the Waddell Family Cem., Little Helton, Ashe Co., NC.
WADE, ASA, 12, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#753.
WADE, CARTER, 40, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#753. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 45/2/9, 6’1″, fair comp., light hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. Also shown in Co. C, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from gravel. Age 45.
WADE, S. L.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
WAGG, ALFRED W., 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1356. Pvt./Corp./Sgt., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 17. Prom. to Corp. by 11/30/64, to Sgt. by 2/28/65. In Richmond Hosp. with gun shot wound 2/27/65, rtnd to duty 3/4/65. Pres. until taken POW at Hatcher’s Run, VA 4/2/65. Sent to Point Lookout, MD until released on oath 6/21/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
WAGG, SAMUEL P., Sgt./Capt.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., age 21. Prom. to 1st Sgt. 7/21/61, elected Capt. 4/21/62. KIA at Gettysburg 7/3/63, “shot through with grape [shot] and died within a few feet of the enemy’s works”. Res. Grassy Creek, Ashe Co.
WAGGONER, ADAM, 36, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WAGGONER, ANDREW, 20, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#300.
WAGGONER, CALVIN, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#482.
WAGGONER, DANIEL, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#318, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 9/12/63. Taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64, confined at Point Lookout until exchanged at Varina, Virgina on 9/22/64. Died at home of disease on 10/17/64.
WAGGONER, HENRY R., 24, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#394, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 26. Taken POW at Seven Pines on or about 5/31/62, sent to Fort Delaware, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River, VA on 8/5/62. Returned to duty, absent WIA in 10/62, date and place unknown. Promoted to Sgt. on 5/1/63. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/3/63. Hospitialized at Petersburg, VA on 6/23/64, WIA. Reduced to ranks before 9/1/64. Reported absent thru 10/64.
WAGGONER, HENRY: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#745. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 19. Died on 10/25/62 of diesease.
WAGGONER, ISOM, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#315. Age 43, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WAGGONER, JAMES: 1st Lt., Union Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/14/62. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 11/4/63. Deserted on 2/8/64. Pension application says WIA in jaw.
WAGGONER, JOHN H.: 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#749. Bugler, Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 27. Hospitalized in Richmond on 6/27/62 for WIA in ankle. AWOL by 8/6/62, reduced from Bugler position by 3/1/63. Returned to duty on 4/17/63, dropped from the rolls before 9/1/63 for desertion. B. 7/19/1834 D. 2/19/1904, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q12.
WAGGONER, JOHN H.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co. and Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/17/62. Taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD until released on Enl. in Co. F, 1st U.S. Volunteers.
WAGGONER, LANDRETH: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on.
WAGGONER, MARTIN, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#296, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 29. MWIA by spent ball near Mechanicsville, VA on 6/26/62. Died at Martinsburg, VA on 9/27/62.
WAGGONER, SAMUEL: Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 33. Prom. to Corp. 4/17/62. MWIA at Gettysburg, PA 7/1-3/63. No date of death or other data given. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
WAGGONER, WILLIAM, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#745.
WAGGONER, WILLIAM, 27, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WALKER, AMOS: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
WALKER, H. Y., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#979. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until died of wounds in Richmond Hosp. 9/6/64. Place MWIA not noted. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
WALKER, J. J.: Co. I, 1st NC Inf.
WALKER, JOEL, 24, Mechanic, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#17, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 25. WIA in thight at Frayser’s Farm, VA on 6/20/62. Absent with wounds and sickness thru 10/62, then NFR.
WALKER, PEYTON, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#91.
WALKER, RUSSELL F.: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on ?. Deserted and took oath 3/64, 5’9″, blue eyes, light hair.
WALKER, WILLIAM A.: B. in Caldwell Co., 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#91. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 26. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor, exchanged at Aiken’s Landing, James River on 8/5/62. WIA and taken POW at Ox Hill, VA on 9/1/62, hospitalized at Frederick, MD, paroled at City Point, VA on 12/18/62. AWOL 7-8/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. Taken POW at Spottsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, transf. to Elmira, NY on 8/10/64. Exchanged at Venus Point, Savannah River, GA on 11/15/64. Absent with leave through 2/28/65. Res. of Ashe Co.
WALKER, WILLIAM: Co. D, 50th VA Inf., Enl. 6/4/61 at Forks of Wilson Creek. WIA at Chancellors- ville. Died of disease.
WALLACE, FRANCIS, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#553.
WALLACE, REUBEN, 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#783. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from tuberculois. Age 38.
WALLS, JOHN M., 21, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#302. Grayson Co. Pensioneer.
WALLS, WASHINGTON, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1145. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
WALLS, WILLIAM M.: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. 10/1/62 at ?. Died at Red Sulphur Springs from fever 6/22/63, age 24, 5’8´”, black eyes. Born in Wilkes Co.
WALTERS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#114. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 18. WIA in left thigh on 6/27-30/62 at Gaines Mill. Returned to duty by 2/29/64. Sent to Hospital on 4/27/64 for disability from wounds. Native Res. of Ashe Co.
WALTERS, BOWER, 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#232.
WALTERS, GEORGE W.: 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#188. 2nd Lt., Jefferson Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commis- sioned on 4/1/62.
WALTERS, JACOB, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#268.
WALTERS, JACOB: 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#231. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
WALTERS, JOHN O., 32, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#233. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/15/62 in Ashe Co., age 36. Died on 12/22-4/62 of disease. Res. of Ashe Co.
WALTON, PHILLIP MARSH: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/27/62 in Ashe Co., NC, age 17. Pres. until taken POW at _____________, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where held until exchanged at Cox’s Wharf 2/15/65. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
WARD, JOHN: 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#680. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co., age 25. MWIA and taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62. Date and place of death not recorded. Res. of Ashe Co.
WARD, JOHN: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
WARD, LORENZO DOW: 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#691. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co., age 31. WIA in neck at 2nd Manassas on 8/29/62. Absent with leave through 1/1/63. WIA at Chancellorsville on 5/1-4/63, returned to duty on 11/8/63. WIA at Spotsylvania C.H. on 5/12/64, taken POW, sent to Old Capitol Prison, transf. to Elmira, NY on 7/23/64, where he died on 5/10/65 of chronic diarrhea. Res. of Ashe Co.
WARD, RUFUS F.: Co. L, 58th NC Inf., Enl. on. Grayson Co. Pensioneer.
WARD, W.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from stiff hand. Age 39.
WARD, WILLIAM: Co. L, 58th NC Inf. Enl. on.
WARDEN, A. J., 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#424. Age 38, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WARDEN, WILLIAM, 38, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#3. Age 50, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WARREN, ALFRED J.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/17/63. WIA in hand at Wilderness in 5/64. Pres. thru 10/64.
WARREN, WILLIAM, 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#712, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Native of Halifax Co., VA, Enl. in Alleghany Co., NC, 5/27/61, age 38. Absent WIA in 10/62, retuned to duty. Discharged on 7/12/64, overage.
WATERS, JOHN, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#785.
WATSON, NELSON, 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#90.
WATSON, WILLIAM, 30, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#531, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 32. Discharged on 6/13/62 for being overage, then giving his age as 36. ReEnl. in the company on 11/20/63. Taken POW at Wilderness on 5/6/64, confined at Point Lookout, MD, until transf. to Elmira, NY on 8/10/64. Released on oath on 6/27/65.
WAUGH, N. H., 36, B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1332.
WAUGH, S. C., 43, B. TN., 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1375.
WAVERLY, M. M.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC. NFR.
WAYMAN, JOHN W., 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#796. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
WAYMAN, SAMUEL, 32, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#722. Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC. Prom. to Corp. by 8/31/62. Pres. until WIA in left shoulder and right knee, 7/1/63 at Gettysburg, in hosp. at Richmond 7/16/63, rtnd to duty prior to 1/1/64. Pres. until in Charlottesville Hosp. 5/10/64 with gunshot wound above left eye, place and date WIA not noted, probably at the Wilderness. Rtnd to duty 5/11/64, pres. thru 6/30/64, then NFR.
WAYMAN, WILLIAM J., 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#642. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 8/19/63 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. until died of unspecified cause 9/13/64.
WEATHERFORD, WILLIAM: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from injury to knee joint.
WEAVER, ANDREW JACKSON: 17, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#183, Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 19. Pres. thru 2/28/65. Pension records say he was WIA in chest, date not reported. Age 27, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WEAVER, ASA, 37, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#528. Co. D, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from chronic nephritis.
WEAVER, BLAKE, 39, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#837.
WEAVER, ELI, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1328. 2nd Lt., Horse Creek Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Later served in Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. On furlough 12/5/63. Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Rutherford Co. on 1/1/64. Pres. thru 10/64. B. 1841 D. 1923, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. B30.
WEAVER, ELIHU, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#779.
WEAVER, ELIHU, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#664.
WEAVER, ELIHU: 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#664. Corp., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 18. Promoted to Corp. on 5/1/63. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Taken POW near Philadelphia, TN on 10/20/63, sent to Rock Island, IL, here held until 2/25/65 when transfered to Point Lookout, MD for exchange. B. 5/26/1844 D. 1/26/1913, buried in the Ashley-Weaver Cem., Ashe Co., NC.
WEAVER, FELIX C.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. 6/30/63. Taken POW at Piedmont, WV on 6/5/64. Died at Camp Morton 10/14/64, died there of an inflamation of the lungs, buried in the Greenlawn Cem., Indianpolis, IN in grave 1144. B. ca. 1845 at Piney Creek, Alleghany Co., NC. Brother of William Johnson Weaver.
WEAVER, GEORGE, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1328.
WEAVER, GIDEON, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#246. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. B. 6/14/1820 D. 1/25/1882, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. J12.
WEAVER, HARRISON, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#779.
WEAVER, HIRAM, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#664.
WEAVER, JAMES: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age 55, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WEAVER, JASON, 35, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#713. Co. C, 63rd VA Inf., Enl. at Saltville 9/1/63, deserted at Marietta 7/2/64, taken POW 7/3/64, Nashville, TN, then to Louisville, KY 7/15/64, transfered to Camp Douglas, IL 7/17/64, took oath at Glade Spring, VA. Deacon Big Helton & Maple Springs Primitive Baptist Churches postwar. Born Ashe Co., NC 1825, D. 1892, Nella, Ashe Co., NC, buried Weaver Family Cem. at Fees Ridge, Rugby, Grayson Co., VA.
WEAVER, JOHN KESTERSON: 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#534. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 20. Taken POW at Big Hill, KY on 7/30/63, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. On 2/29/64 transfered to Fort Delaware, held there until 8/5/64 when he died of thypoid fever.
WEAVER, JOHN: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#779. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 19. MWIA and taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62. Date and place of death not recorded. Res. of Ashe Co..
WEAVER, JOHN: 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1187. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 2/12/64 in Ashe Co. Pres. until taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H., VA 5/12/64. Sent to Point Lookout, MD where he died 5/20/64. Probably MWIA. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
WEAVER, MITCHELL, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#246.
WEAVER, NATHAN, 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#226. Exempt from Military Service, civil official, justice of the peace and postmaster. Age 52, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WEAVER, NOAH, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#889. 1st Lt., Chestnut Hill Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commis- sioned on 5/3/62. Died of smallpox sometime in 1862.
WEAVER, W.: 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from general debility. Age 20.
WEAVER, WILLIAM, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1357. Age 51, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WEAVER, WILLIAM G., 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#183. Age 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WEAVER, WILLIAM H.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 21. Died in a hospital at Lynchburg, VA on 6/2/63.
WEAVER, WILLIAM H.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 4/12/62 in Lenoir Co., age 18. KIA at 2nd Manassas on 8/29/62. Res. of Ashe Co.
WEAVER, WILLIAM JOHNSON: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Pres. on 6/30/63 and 10/31/64 musters. Treated for bronchitis 3/17/65 at hosp. in Gordonsville, VA. B. 1841 in Alleghany Co., NC. D. 12/12/1940 in Twin Falls, ID.
WEISS, MATHIAS, 36, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#825. Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn., Enl. on 11/10/63 in Ashe Co. Pres. on 12/5/63. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR. LAter served in Co. A, 2nd NC Cav., enl. on 6/27/64 in Wake Co., NC. Pres. thru 9/30/64.
WELCH, FLOYD, 15, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1212.
WELCH, GEORGE W.: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on 6/24/61 at Independence. Taken POW at Winchester on 9/19/64, sent to Point Lookout. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 3/15/65.
WELCH, PORTER B.: 32, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1121. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 22. Died in hospital in Richmond on 6/27/62 of dysentery. Res. of Ashe Co.
WELCH, WILLIAM, 42, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1171. Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
WELLS, LEONARD, 19, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#251.
WELLS, MARMADUKE, 17, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#251.
WELSH, WILLIAM E.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co., age 27. MWIA and taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, date and place of death not recorded. Res. of Ashe Co.
WELSH, WILLIAM: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
WEST, GEORGE K., 42, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#848. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 46/2/7, 5’5″, dark comp., dark hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co.
WEST, GEORGE: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Paroled at Appomattox C.H., VA on 4/9/65.
WEST, JAMES L.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only.
WEST, JOHN: Ashe Co., Home Guard, listed in Isaac Wilson’s Notebook.
WHITAKER, ALLEN, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#397, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 19. Died in hospital at Staunton, VA on or about 12/11/62 of chronic diarrhea.
WHITAKER, FRANKLIN, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#397.
WHITAKER, THEOPHILUS, 24, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#397, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 26. Died at Dumfries, VA of chonic diarrhea on 11/25/61.
WHITAKER, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, 33, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#398. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 23. WIA in hip near Mechanicsville, VA on 6/26/62. WIA in thigh at 2nd Manassas on 8/28-30/62. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD on 7/14/63, confined at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, DC, until transfered to Point Lookout, MD on 8/23/62. Died at Point Lookout on 1/24/64. Age 42, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WHITAKER, WILLIS: 2nd Lt., Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on ?. Previously served as 2nd Lt. of Co. A, 1st Texas Inf. Transf. to this company on 3/9/63. WIA in right arm and taken POW at Gettysburg on 7/3/63. Right arm amputated. Hospitalized at Baltimore, MD about 10/15/63. Sent to Fort McHenry on 4/10/64. Transf. to Fort Delaware on 6/15/64. Paroled at Varina, VA on 9/14/64. Ex- changed on 9/22/64. Retired to the Invalid Corps on 1/6/65.
WHITE, CHARLES T.: Co. F, 4th VA, PWR only.
WHITE, JOHN: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Pension record only.
WHITE, SAMUEL, 53, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WHITEHEAD, DANIEL, 39, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#464. Age 49, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM, 13, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#464.
WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#338. Age 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WHITFIELD, J. R.: Co. I, 1st NC Inf.
WHITFIELD, R. C.: Co. I, 1st NC Inf.
WHITT, SAMUEL, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#180, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 46/1/22, 6’2″, dark comp., hair and eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. Also shown in 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from great deformity of chest. Age 47.
WICKS, JOHN W.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
WIGGINS, THOMAS MEDICUS: 3rd Lt., Co. B, 37th NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Appointed 3rd Lt. on 3/6/64, age 21. WIA in right thigh at Spotsylvania C.H., VA on 5/12/64, returned to duty by 9/30/64. Acting Commander of Co. B, from 9/64-2/65. WIA near Jones’ Farm, VA on 9/30/64, returned to duty before 11/1/64. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
WILBAR, I. R.: Co. C, McRae’s NC Cav. Battn. Enl. on ? in ?. Reported on bounty roll dated 7/1/64, then NFR.
WILBORN, W., 30, B. VA, Mechanic, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#715.
WILCOXEN, ALVIN: Age 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#24. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 23. Taken POW at Wilson’s Gap, TN on 6/22/63, exchanged. The 8/31/63 muster notes he deserted at Big Creek Gap, TN on 7/24/63.
WILCOXEN, ISAIAH: 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#24. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 18. The 8/31/63 muster notes he deserted at Big Creek Gap, TN on 7/24/63.
WILCOXSON, MARTIN, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#25.
WILCOXSON, WILLIAM, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#24.
WILCOXSON, WILLIAM, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#24.
WILCOXSON, WILLIAM K.: Age 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1380. 2nd Lt., Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native of Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62 on 28. Appointed Sgt. 7/8/62, elected 2nd Lt. on 5/8/63. Taken POW at Big Hill, KY 7/30/63, sent to Johnson’s Island, OH where held until transfered to City Point, VA for exchange on 2/24/65.
WILES, ELBERT J., B. 6/22/1842. Age 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#919. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 19. WIA at Fredericksburg, VA on 12/13/62. AWOL by 6/1/63, returned to duty by 10/31/63. Pres. as a hospital guard for most of the period thru 1/65. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65. D. 5/19/90, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. K15.
WILES, JAMES, 31, farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#11, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 33. Died in hospital at Danville, VA on 10/26/62 of chronic diarrhea.
WILES, JOHN G.: 30, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#313. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 28, as a corp. Reduced to ranks on 7/6/61. WIA in back at Harper’s Ferry, WV in 1864, returned to duty. Deserted on 2/25/65. relased on taking the oath at Washington, DC on 2/27/65.
WILKINSON, JAMES L., 28, B. VA, Miner, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#715. 3rd Corp., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 28, as a pvt. Promoted to Corporal on 7/6/61, reduced to ranks on 8/26/61. Discharged on 9/14/61, reason not reported.
WILLEY, ALLEN: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 18. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63.
WILLEY, AMBROSE, 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLEY, ANDREW: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 3/15/61, age 21. Deserted on 3/30/65, took the oath in Washington, DC on unrecorded date. Age 28, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLEY, HEZEKIAH, 50, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLEY, LEVI S., 21, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#695. Corp., Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 23, as a private. Absent with wounds in 9/62, probably WIA at 2nd Manassas. Promoted to Corp. on 7/1/63. Died in Richmond Hosp. on 10/15/64 of acute dysentery.
WILLEY, MARTIN, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#497. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/1/64. Deserted on 3/8/65. Age 25, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLEY, SAMUEL, 24, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLEY, SAMUEL, 40, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#497.
WILLEY, THOMAS, 24, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLIAMS, ALBERT C.: 1st Sgt., Co. H, 64th VA Mounted Inf. Enl. on 8/18/62 in Wise Co., age 36. Promoted to 1st Sgt. 12/3/63. Absent sick 2/28/63, 4/30/63, 6/30/63 and 9/1/63. Reduced to Pvt. 8/31/63. B. ca. 1828 in Ashe Co., NC. On postwar roster of Co. A, which indicates he served 4 years and a Res. of Lee Co.
WILLIAMS, ASWELL, 35, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#444. Age 45, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Applied for pension in Grayson Co., disapproved, “not in service.”
WILLIAMS, BAKER, 45, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#577. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 49/6/9, 5’7″, dark comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer born in Ashe Co.
WILLIAMS, CULLEN: 45, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#21. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 49/3/28, 5’5″, dark comp. and hair, brown eyes, farmer, born in Ashe Co. Age 50, MINER, B. ENGLAND, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLIAMS, DAVID CROCKETT: 22, B. VA, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#964. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 23. AWOL by 7/1/62, returned on 4/17/63. AWOL from 6/18/63 thru 10/64, returned to duty before 4/1/65. Taken POW on 4/1/65 at Hatcher’s Run, VA, sent to Point Lookout, MD where held until released on oath on 6/21/65. Pension claims he was WIA in hip at Chancellorsville on 5/2/63. B. 11/2/1837 D. 3/26/1931, buried in Alleghany Co. Cem. Z03.
WILLIAMS, FELIX J., 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#193. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Iredell Co. on 8/15/62, age 18. KIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/63.
WILLIAMS, FIELDING: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 18. WIA at some point. MWIA, taken POW and paroled at Warrenton, VA on 9/29/62. Died in hospital at Warrenton on 10/30/62 of wounds.
WILLIAMS, FREELAND, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#963.
WILLIAMS, H. B., 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#427.
WILLIAMS, HENRY J.: 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#193. Capt., Piney Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia, commissioned on 10/26/61. Age 48, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLIAMS, IRA: 96th NC Militia. Examined on 10/22/64, suffering from hemorrhoids, age 28.
WILLIAMS, JAMES, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#963.
WILLIAMS, JESSE P., 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#427, 1st Corp./Sgt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Alleghany Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 19. Promoted to Corporal by 3/1/62, resucted to ranks by 5/1/62. Promoted to Sgt. by 10/31/63. Died on 12/22/63, cause and place not reported.
WILLIAMS, JOHN, 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1031.
WILLIAMS, JOHN B.: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 22. Taken POW at Falling Waters, MD on 7/14/63, held at Point Lookout, MD. Died there on 8/15/64, no cause listed.
WILLIAMS, JOHN: 3rd Lt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Guilford Co., Res. of Ashe Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co., age 36, on 9/15/61. Resigned on 4/14/62, reason not reported.
WILLIAMS, KILLIS F., (Riley F.,): Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Born in Ashe Co., Res. of Alleghany Co., Enl. in Lenoir Co. on ?, age 18. ReEnl. on 4/17/62 as a substitute. Under arrest at Lynchburg, VA on 10/31/62, returned to duty by 12/31/62. MWIA and taken POW at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1-4/63, sent to David’s Island, NY Harbor, where he died of wounds on 8/19/63.
WILLIAMS, LARKIN, 22 B. TN, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#444.
WILLIAMS, MARTIN, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#196.
WILLIAMS, MELVIN C.: 2nd Lt., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 21. Promoted to 1st Sgt. before 3/1/62. Elected 2nd Lt. on 4/16/62. Resigned on 7/25/62, reason not reported. Later served as a pvt, Enl. on 5/1/64 at Liberty Mills, VA. Paroled at Farmville, VA on 4/11-21/65.
WILLIAMS, MELVIN E.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 3/15/64. WIA in right hand at or near the Wilderness on 5/3/64, hospitalized. Furloughed for 60 days on 5/14/64. AWOL by 8/1/64. Paroled at Salisbury, NC on 5/27/65.
WILLIAMS, OFFEY G.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 3/15/64. WIA in right hand at or near the Wilderness on 5/3/64, hospitalized. Furloughed for 60 days on 5/14/64. AWOL by 8/1/64. Discharged on 12/1/64.
WILLIAMS, PRESTON, 22, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLIAMS, RANSOM: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Cleveland Co. on 2/1/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
WILLIAMS, S. B.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 3/15/64. Taken POW at Wilderness, VA on 5/5/64, sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, DC, then transfered to Fort Delaware on 6/17/64. Died there on 12/25/64 of an inflamation of the brain.
WILLIAMS, TROY, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#963.
WILLIAMS, W. B., 53, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILLIAMS, WASHINGTON A.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Iredell Co., Enl. at Camp Vance on 3/15/64, age 32. WIA in left knee and taken POW at the Wilderness, VA on 5/6/64, sent to various Union hospitals, confined at the Old Capitol Prison, until transfered to Elmira, NY on 7/25/64. Transfered to Venus Point, Savannah River, GA on 11/15/64. Discharged on 12/1/64.
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#577.
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM: 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#193. Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Washington Co., Enl. at Liberty Mills, VA on 5/26/64. Taken POW at Petersburg, VA on 4/2/65, sen to Point Lookout, MD where he was held until released on oath on 6/30/65.
WILLIE, KIES, 41, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#556.
WILLIE, LEVI, 18, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#568.
WILLIS, H.: Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65.
WILSON, ALEXANDER, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#352.
WILSON, ANDREW, Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 1/15/64, age 18. Resident of Sutherland, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
WILSON, DAVID, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#359. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL and later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. Bro. of William Wilson.
WILSON, ISAAC, Lt. Co. E, 37th NC Inf., enl. on 9/18/1861. Resigned on 12/14/1861. Later served on recruiting duty in Ashe Co., NC.. B. 12/16/1822. Age 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#357. KIA (Bushwhacked) on 7/16/1864. Buried in the Isaac Wilson Cem., Ashe Co., NC.
WILSON, ISAAC: Co. E, 37th NC Inf. B. 12/16/1822 D. 6/17/1864, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. L17.
WILSON, JAMES, 38, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1127.
WILSON, JOHN P., 34, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILSON, JOSEPH: Co. K, 51st VA, Enl. on ?. WIA in arm on 9/25/61, given medical discharge on 10/10/61. Arm amputated above the elbow.
WILSON, MARTIN, 35, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WILSON, STEPHEN N.: 25, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#265, Capt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native of Allegh- any Co., Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 45. Resigned on 8/4/62, due to the state of his health. Later served as Captain: Co. B, 5th NC Senior Reserves. 1st. Lt./Captain, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Promoted to Captain on 12/19/64, Pres. on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48/2/13, 5’9″, fair comp., light hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Alleghany Co.
WILSON, WILLIAM H., 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#359. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL, Enl. on 12/10/62 in Washington Co. Deserted 3/2/63. Later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. Co. I, 13th TN Cavalry, served from 63 to 9/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of North Fork Township. Enlisted on 9/22/64, age 18. Resident of Wheeler, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
WINDLE, D. S., 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1377.
WINEBARGER, MARCUS, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#71.
WINGLER, W. P., 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#616.
WITHERSPOON, SIDNEY F. (L.): 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1080. 1st Lt., Chestnut Hill Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 2/17/62. Volunteered for regular service. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. May have also served in Co. C, 1st NC Inf.
WOLF, ALLEN, 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#510.
WOLF, COLUMBUS, 15, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#214.
WOLF, ELI, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#600, Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 23. Absent sick from 7/62, NFR.
WOLF, F. L., 45, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#598, Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48/10/-, 5’7″, light comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Grayson Co.
WOLF, HENRY A.: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 11/20/62. Paroled at Appomattox C.H. on 4/9/65.
WOLF, ISOM, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#598. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Enl. on ?. Died in hopsital at Gordonsville, VA on 8/27/62 of typhoid fever.
WOLF, JACOB: Co. D, 4th VSL. This company became Co. I, 37th Battn. Va. Cav., and Enl. on 4/1/63 at Wytheville. B. ca. 1815.
WOLF, LAWRENCE, 18, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#214.
WOLF, MONTRAVILLE, 24, B. VA, Mechanic, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#714.
WOLF, WILLIAM, 18, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#598.
WOLFE, GLENN, 47, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WOOD, ABSALOM: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 in Ashe Co., age 25. MWIA at Gaines Mills, VA on 6/27/62. Died in hospital on 7/2/62 at Richmond. Res. of Ashe Co.
WOOD, HENRY, 26, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#699.
WOOD, NATHANIEL, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1011.
WOOD, RUFUS, 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#662.
WOOD, WARRICK W.: Bugler: Co. A, 9th NC Cav. He was a Res. of Ashe Co. and Enl. there on 6/8/61, age 18. Pres. thru 12/64, when he transfered to the regimental band.
WOOD, WILLIAM, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#685.
WOODIE, FRANCIS MARION: Corp., Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 32. Pres. until discharged for disability 4/4/62. Res. Ashe Co., NC. Buried in Ashe Co. Cem. P17.
WOODIE, MICHAEL M., Corp.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 19. Prom. to Corp. before being KIA 3/14/62 at New Bern, NC. Res. Ashe Co., NC.
WOODIE, TALTON: Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes on 10/1/63. Pres. thru 11/14/64.
WOODIE, WILSON: 2nd Lt., Cranberry Dist., 97th NC Militia. Commissioned on 3/19/62. Volunteered for regular service.
WOODRUFF, AARON, 42, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#627, 2nd Corp., Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/19/65. Age at Enl. was 46/8/10, 5’9″, dark comp., hair and eyes, farmer, born in Yadkin Co. Age 52, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WOODRUFF, DANIEL D., 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#60. Corporal, Co. H, 3rd NC Mounted Infantry, served from 1/25/65 to 8/8/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Pine Swamp Township.
WOODRUFF, JACKSON, 55, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WOODRUFF, MOSES, 36, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#624. Age 46, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WOODRUFF, ROBERT, 22, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#629, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 5/3/62 in Alleghany Co., NC. WIA on 7/2/64. Age 33, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census. Buried in the William Woodruff Cem., Cherry Lane, Alleghany Co., NC.
WOODRUFF, VINCENT, 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#618.
WOODRUFF, WILBORN A., 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#627.
WOODY, BRYANT, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#901.
WOODY, BRYANT, 23, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1300. 2nd Lt./1st Lt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 24, as a private. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 5/20/62. Promoted to 1st Lt. on 8/30/62. Died at Winchester, VA on 11/18/62. WIA in some unknown battle.
WOODY, CALVIN, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1309.
WOODY, CALVIN, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#920. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 28. Deserted on 9/15/62, returned to duty on 11/7/63. Deserted again on 1/4/64, hospitalized at Washington, DC on 2/1/64 with frozen toes of both feet. Held at Old Capitol Prison until released on oath on 5/5/64.
WOODY, GEORGE W., 31, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#935. 2nd Corp./2nd Lt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 33, as corporal. Appointed 2nd Lt. on 9/1/62. Pres. until WIA in head at Gettysburg, PA on 7/1/63. Returned to duty 10/12/63. WIA in right foot at Wilderness on 5/5/64. Retired to Invalid Corps on 11/15/64. B. 10/25/1828 D. 6/5/1892, buried in Ashe Co. Cem. Q46.
WOODY, HENRY B., 33, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#936. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Vance on 3/19/64. Taken POW at Hanover Junction, VA on 5/24/64. Hospitalized at Point Lookout, MD on 5/30/64 with gastro enteritis. Died ther on 6/21/64.
WOODY, J. C.: Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR. Probably a res. of Ashe Co., NC, several possibilities on the 1860 Ashe County Census.
WOODY, JACKSON, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1310.
WOODY, JAMES, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#943. 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from atrophy of left leg. Age 38.
WOODY, JAMES: 2nd Sgt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 21. MWIA at Frayser’s Farm, VA on 6/30/62, date and place of death not recorded.
WOODY, LARKIN, 13, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#944.
WOODY, LOGGINS, 25, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1302. Co. A, 34th NC Inf. Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 8/10/61, age 26. WIA at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/1-4/63. AWOL on 8/19/63. Returned to duty and died in a Richmond, VA hospital of disease on 11/18/63.
WOODY, NELSON C.: Capt., Co. A, 34th NC Inf., Native Res. of Ashe Co. where he Enl. Appointed 1st Lt. on 8/10/61, age 29. Pres. until he was hospitalized, WIA in jaw. Resigned on 1/6/63, he had lost more than 1/3 of of his lower face. Resignation accepted on 1/29/63. Died on 6/9/63. B. 7/18/1830 D. 6/29/1864 according to his tombstone in Ashe Co. Cem. Q46.
WOODY, SIMEON, 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1037.
WOODY, TALTON, 20, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1301.
WOODY, WILSON, 34, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#923.
WOOTEN, WILEY, 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#97.
WORLEY, SAMUEL, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#530.
WRIGHT, JAMES, 22, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1323.
WRIGHT, THOMAS C.: Sgt. Major, Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. at Liberty Mills, VA on 10/22/63. Promoted to Sgt. Major on 10/22/63, transf. to F&S
WYATT, ALEXANDER, 16, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1236.
WYATT, ALEXANDER, 42, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#522. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. Deserted on 1/29/65. Age at Enl. was 46/8/11, 5’8″, dark comp. and hair, blue eyes, born in Wilkes Co.
WYATT, ALFRED: Co. B, 65th NC Cav. Enl. in Lenoir Co. on 10/2/64. Pres. thru 11/64.
WYATT, ANDREW, 27, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#743.
WYATT, CALVIN, 29, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#292, Doughton’s Co., Enl. in Alleghany Co. on 6/6/61, serving 1 month 22 days. Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 30. Taken POW at Jericho Mills, VA on 5/23/62. Confined at Point Lookout, MD until exchanged on 3/18/65. Age 39, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WYATT, COLTON: 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#142. Co. D, 5th Battn. NC Cav./Co. B, 65th NC Cav., Native Res. of Ashe Co., where he Enl. on 7/8/62, aged 20. Pres. thru 8/3/63. Pres. thru 11/64.
WYATT, ELI, 52, Farmer B. VA, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WYATT, HARRY, 37, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#105.
WYATT, J. R.: Co. A, 26th NC Inf. Enl. 9/1/61 in Wake Co., NC. Pres. until taken POW 3/14/62, exchanged 3/25/62. Pres. thru 7/1/62, then NFR.
WYATT, JAMES H.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Enl. at Camp Holmes, on 1/29/64. Taken POW at Wilderness, VA on 5/6/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD. Exchanged at Varina, VA on 9/22/64. Died at home in 10/64.
WYATT, JOHN REED, 20, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#151, 2nd Lt., Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/2/63. Elected 2nd Lt. on 4/2/63. Promoted to 1st Lt. on 7/15/64, Taken POW at Fisher’s Hill on 9/22/64. Released from Fort Delaware on 6/17/65, 5’9″, light hair. Postwar Sheriff of Alleghany Co., NC. B. 5/5/1842 D. 1/4/1890 in Alleghany Co.
WYATT, JOHN: 30, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1280. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 5/1/62 at Gordonsville, age 31. Taken POW at Hanover C.H. on 5/27/62, sent to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. Exchanged at Aiken’s Landing on 7/12/62. Died in hospital at Charlottesville on 11/10/62 of pneumonia. Res. of Ashe Co.
WYATT, JONATHAN, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#151, Co. I, 61st NC Inf., Enl. on 8/6/64. WIA at Fort Harrison. Buried in the Eli-Evander Wyatt Cem., Alleghany Co., NC.
WYATT, MATHIAS: Co. F, 22d NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 5/27/61, age 21. KIA at Seven Pines, VA on 5/31/62.
WYATT, MILES, 29, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WYATT, NELSON, 28, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#945.
WYATT, REED: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 20. Pres. until prom. to Lt. in cavalry unit, unspecfied date. Age 30, At Home, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
WYATT, RILEY, 14, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#428. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 3/1/64 in Ashe Co., NC. Pres. thru 6/30/64.
WYATT, ROBERT M.: Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Res. of Alleghany Co., NC, where he Enl. on ?. Disarched on 12/4/61, no reason given.
WYATT, WALLACE, 18, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#292.
WYATT, WILES, 19, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#428.
WYATT, WILLIAM, 24, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1237.
WYATT, WILLIAM W., 16, Laborer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH##151, Corp., Co. K, 37th NC Inf. Native Res. of Alleghany Co., where he Enl. on 9/15/61, age 18. Promoted to Corporal by 4/30/62, reduced to ranks by 11/1/62, promoted to corp. again on 2/1/63. Died on 4/17/63 of disease, place not recorded.
YATES, CALVIN, 14, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#84.
YATES, ELI C., 40, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1018. Co. B, 5th NC Sr. Reserves, Enl. 7/13/64 at Flint Hill, Ashe Co., NC. AWOL on 2/28/65. Age at Enl. was 48, 5’7″, dark comp. and hair, blue eyes, farmer, born in Wilkes Co.
YATES, JAMES C., 17, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#84. Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Enl. on 8/27/61 in Ashe Co. Died at Richmond on 7/11 or 7/26/62 of disease. Born in Wilkes Co., Res. of Ashe Co.
YATES, JESSE S., Co. H, 3rd NC Mounted Infantry, served from 12/27/64 to 8/8/65. Mentioned on the 1890 Ashe County Union Veterans Census, resident of Pine Swamp Township.
YATES, JOHN, 19, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#89. Co. B, 4th VSL. Co. I2, 21st Va. Cav. PWR.
YATES, LAFAYETTE: Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. 5/17/61 in Ashe Co., NC, age 21. Pres. until WIA at Bristoe Station, VA 10/14/63. Rtnd to duty prior to 4/30/64, taken POW at Spotsylvania C.H., VA 5/19/64. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, transfered to Fort Delaware 6/15/64, held there until released on oath 6/19/65. Res. Wilkes Co., NC.
YATES, SQUIRE S.: 36, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#86. Co. A, 26th NC Inf., Enl. ?. Pres. thru 12/31/62 then NFR.
YORK, JAMES: Co. C, 45th VA, Enl. on 4/26/62 at the Narrows. D. at Pearisburg on 6/15/62.
YOUNCE, CALVIN, 21, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#634. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL, and later as Sgt.: Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. Taken POW and paroled at Wytheville 7/18/63. Age 21, farm laborer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census. Brother of William H.
YOUNCE, JACOB, Sergeant, Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 19. Resident of Parish, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
YOUNCE, JOHN, 15, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1295.
YOUNCE, JOHN, 41, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1344.
YOUNCE, PHILIP, 35, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#531.
YOUNCE, SOLOMON, 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#1344. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL. Co. K, 21st VA Cav. Enl. on 4/10/63. Pres. on 8/31/63, then NFR. Co. I, 13th TN Cav. Enlisted on 9/22/63, age 22. Resident of Parish, Ashe Co., NC in 1901.
YOUNCE, WILLIAM H., 18, 1860 Ashe County Census HH#634. Co. B, Jackson’s Battn. Light Art., VSL according to his memoir, and later served in Co. K, 21st Va. Cav., Enl. on 3/31/63. Pres. on 8/31/63. Age 18, farm laborer, 1860 Ashe Co., NC Census. He was a deserter from Co. L, 58th NC Inf. and Enl. in the VSL to avoid the death warrant issued for twice deserting the 58th NC. Later Dstd to the enemy after the battle of Wytheville on 7/18/63. In 1901 he wrote a short monograph entitled The Adventures of a Conscript, detailing his Unionist sentiments and efforts to subvert the Confederate Army.
YOUNG, J. L., 26, Farmer, 1860 Alleghany County Census HH#145.
YOUNG, J. W., 30, Farmer, 1870 Alleghany County Census.
YOUNG, JOHN: Co. B, 97th NC Militia. Received medical examination on 10/20/64, diagnosed as suffering from asthma. Age 43.
YOUNG, JOSEPH L.: 2nd Lt., Piney Creek Dist., 96th NC Militia. Commissioned on 10/26/61. Died during the war.
YOUNTS, E. F.: Co. H, 60th NC Inf./C.S. Navy.
YOUNTS, JOHN W. H.: Co. A, 37th NC Inf., Native Res. of Ashe where he Enl. on 8/27/61, age 17. D. in 5/62 of unspecified disease.