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Special Circular, Abingdon Male Academy 1896-1897

Founded, 1803 by Mr. Wm. King
B. R. Smith, A.B., C. E., Principal

Calendar 1896-97

First Quarter, opens on Monday, September 7th, 1896
Second Quarter, opens on Monday November 9th, 1896
Christmas Holiday from December 23rd to January 4th, 1897
Third Quarter, opens on Monday January 25th, 1897
Fourth Quarter, opens on Monday, April 5th 1897
Fall Term, 1897, opens first Monday in September.

Abingdon Male Academy

Abingdon Male Academy, as its name indicates, its located at Abingdon, Va. The town is situated in the mountains of Southwestern Virginia and noted for the culture and refinement of its people.

This school gives a thorough preparation to boys and young men who are preparing to attend a college of university. One of its primary aims is, however, to give a practical business education to the young man who finds it impossible to pursue a complete college course.

The methods of instruction are those which have been tested and proven to the most beneficial.

In mathematics, the student will begin in arithmetic and will be taught to analyze the easy problems by a complete written analysis, then step by step he will be led up to the more difficult. He can pursue the entire course of mathematics in the Academy, including Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Calculus, differential and integral, and surveying.

Surveying will be taught in its most practical use, viz: Measuring land, computing area, restoring lost corners, platting and dividing land. After beginning the study of Greek and Latin, the pupil will be required to continue them the entire time he remains in the Academy, unless his parents or guardian should desire some study substituted for them.

All the natural sciences are taught in the most practical and useful manner, viz: Philosophy and Chemistry are made intensely practical by performing experiments, Botany by analyzing the flowers in the region around Abingdon, and Geology by collecting and classifying a large cabinet. Book-keeping is taught in its most practical use. The Principal has attended the Rochester Business University, Rochester, N.Y., and in addition to this, has had the experience that comes from actual practice and seven years teaching. Many of his pupils are holding good positions in Mississippi and Tennessee. Each pupil is required to have as many as three studies– one in mathematics to train the mind to think, one in the sciences to train the mind to observe, and one in language or literature to train the mind to express thought.

We recognized the fact that many young men have only a limited time to attend school and also that their means are limited and for the benefit of them, we have put our tuition and board at nominal cost and will give them to privilege of selecting a course of study commensurate with their means. At all times we are perfectly willing and free to advise with our students as to their best interest and advantage in school.


In Debate.

The older pupils who are capable of such work are required to join a debating section which meets once a week for the purpose of discussing some debatable question. The entire program does not consist along of this exercise. Some declaim speeches, write biographies, make reports on current news, and study the rules by which a deliberative assembly conducts business. Self- confidence, originality, accourage expression, are some of the results of these weekly meetings.

In Public Speaking

At the end of each quarter, the pupils will give a public exercise very similar to the weekly exercise had in the section, in order that they may learn what it is to appear before an audience.

Reading Good Literature

All who desire will be organized into a reading club, which meets weekly, for the purpose of discussing the best writings of some of the best English and American authors.

Educative Influence

The influence thrown about the student while in school here is the purest and best. He is encouraged to read the best of books, to join the debating section and reading club, to attend every Sunday, the Sunday School and church of his choice. The very spirit of the entire school is all towards culture, development, improvement, refinement, an acquaintance with the plan and work of the school will readily convince you that it affords ample means for the broadest culture.

In Letter Writing

The Students will be taught all the different kinds of Business Correspondence, making out bills invoices, checks, drafts and notes, and will be given a complete outline of letter writing.

Text Books

Those used in the Academy are the same as those used in the leading colleges and universities of the country. However, we are not a slave to any text book, as we study subjects not books. A reading room will be furnished with good books of reference, which will be accessible to all regular students during school hours. We will urge our students to spend as much time as possible in the reading rom, for the time spent profitably here cannot be overestimated as “reading maketh a full man.”


The school year is divided into four quarters of ten weeks each. Tuition is payable in advance as follows:

Primary (ten weeks) $7.50
Intermediate 10.00
Advanced 12.50
Board with the Principal at the Academy building per month in advance 10.00
Board in private families 10.00
Laundry per week .25

Primary grade will include the fourth reader grade entire as it is taught in the graded schools.

The Intermediate includes the public school curriculum.

The Advanced or Academic begins with the study of Latin or Algebra. Any two studies in one grade paces the pupil in that grade.

Opening Exercises

The School is opened each morning with devotional exercises consisting of Bible reading and prayer. These exercises are followed by talks made by the Principal on leading topics- educational and moral.

Pastors of the different churches and distinguished visitors will be invited to attend these exercises from time to time. Parents are cordially invited to attend these exercises at any time, and not only these, but they will be urged to go to the recitation rooms and see for themselves the kind of work done.


Hon. J. C. Kyle, Washington, D.C.
Hon. R. H. Taylor, Sardis, Miss.
Hon. J. B. Booth, Sardis, Miss
Hon. V. H. Baird, Glasgow, Ky
S. T. Purcell, M.D., Glasgow, Ky
C. E. Carden, M.D., Glasgow, Ky
Rev. W. W. Mitchell, Lexington, Miss.
Rev. J. B. Hutton, Lexington, Miss
Rev. G. B. Butler, Durant, Miss
C. E. Cunningham, D. D., Yazoo City, Miss.
J. K. Pace, D. D., Hazelhurst, Miss
Col. Joel G. Hamilton, Durant, Miss
R. N. Roark (Dean Ped), Lexington, Ky.
Prof. L. A. Ostine, Ph.B., Creighton, Neb
Prof. E. E. Keach, Santa Ana, Cal.
Rev. S. G. Miller, Little Rock, Ark
Prof. J. S. Dickey, A. M., Asheville, N.C.
W. M. Mayfield, Durant, Miss
Prof. R. H. Hester, Oxford, Miss
Baxter Wilson, Lexington, Miss
G. C. Phillips, M.D., Lexington, Miss
Lexington Normal College, Lexington, Miss
R. H. Baker, Lexington, Miss
Capt. F. S. Robertson, Abingdon, Va.
Hon. Daniel Trigg, Abingdon, Va.
Judge, F. B. Hutton, Abingdon, Va
George E. Penn, Esq., Abingdon, Va.
Capt. H. Fugate, Abingdon