American Legion, PULASKI COUNTY POST NO. 7 — 1924
Pulaski, Virginia
American Legion, 1924
During the month of June in the year 1919 certain Pulaski veterans of the World War were approached by other veterans of the State of Virginia on the question of perpetuating our past experiences and further serving our country by the organization of the American Legion in our county and State. The matter was discussed by several comrades and a decision reached to call a meeting of a few ex-service men, who, it was thought, would be especially interested. A time and place were set for this meeting. and while there had been no great amount of interest displayed, it looked discouraging when only half enough men to apply for a charter were present. It was evident that there was lacking among the greater majority, any desire to perpetuate the events that had so recently been experienced by them. They had not yet learned to separate the silver from the dross. Not to be daunted, the half dozen that were there signed their names to a paper applying for a charter for a local Post of the American Legion. Pulaski being the county seat and centrally located, Pulaski County Post was chosen as being the most satisfactory and representative name for a Post whose jurisdiction would in all probability comprise the entire county. They then went out on the streets and found six more men who were not afraid to sign their names on the dotted line, and completed the application.
These charter members of Pulaski County Post began their activities by co-operating with other citizens of the town in arranging a Fourth of July celebration. On the day of this celebration new members were signed up, officers elected and a permanent organization effected. The officers elected for that and the ensuing years were:
1919-J. C. Harman, commander; J. G. Bosang, adjutant.
1920-R. E. P. Ham, commander; H. T. Hiltzheimer, adjutant.
1921-W. J. Alfriend, commander; J. G. Bosang, adjutant.
1922-E. E. Thompson, commander; C. E. Dyer, adjutant.
1923-T. C. Painter, commander; H. J. Harris, adjutant.
1924-T. C. Painter, commander; T. G. Vaughon, J. B. Gilmer and A. G. Miller, adjutant.
Comrade Vaughon’s business took him away from town and Comrade Gilmer, who was elected as his successor, was forced to resign on account of sickness in his family and he was replaced by Comrade Miller.
The trials and tribulations of Pulaski County Post have doubtlessly been synonymous to those of most all others. There have been times when spirits were at such a low ebb that further efforts seemed useless. However, there are those who by laboring unceasingly, have proved faithful to their trust and put their Post on a firm foundation which shall endure through the coming years.
It has been the policy of the members to make their Post an organization to help others rather than one to be helped. No drive for funds has ever been made and the public has never been given cause to hide their pocketbooks from the American Legion in Pulaski. And yet, this Post has never failed to respond to any good cause or turned down any worthy call from Department Headquarters. Poppy sales have been held every Memorial Day and the funds used to decorate the graves of departed comrades. Since its organization, this Post has once a year visited the grave of every deceased comrade in the county and placed thereon a wreath as a silent tribute of a never-dying comradeship and a flag of the country for which they fought.
This Post was cited by the Department of Virginia for their meritorious service in the membership drive for 1924 and in addition thereto was awarded a cash prize of twenty-five dollars for having the largest percentage of 1923 memberships renewed by January 1, 1924. It has contributed two delegates to National Conventions, one Department ViceCommander, one Department Chaplain and one District Committeeman.
During the years of 1922, 1923 and 1924 the members have enjoyed a club room which they have furnished from time to time with comforts and amusements that are a source of pride and which bespeak of the unselfish interest manifested by some of the members who have made these things possible. This has stimulated a desire for greater and better things and a building fond has been started which now amounts to $2,200.00. This money was all earned by the earnest work of Legionaires, who in July, 1923, and June, 1924, put on an American Legion Carnival, which proved a great success. On both these occasions the town authorities gave the Legion every consideration and local talent outside the Legion responded in a most gratifying manner by helping in the shows and concessions. These carnivals not only helped the Post financially, but the call for assistance aroused latent spirits of many members, bound them all in a closer union and proved to themselves and to the public that Pulaski County Post No. 7 possesses the will and determination to put across any undertaking for the good of the American Legion.